Thursday, May 31, 2012

Staying IN The Fold

How ~EASY~ it is to be lured away from the safety of ~The Fold~… A Food FOR Thought for The Digestion of God’s Written Word OF Warning…
(John 10:7)…Jesus Said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the ~Door~ of the sheep” … (9).. “I am The door, BY Me *IF* any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
Notice Jesus did not say, I Will Hold them and not let them go out of the door! NO! He said, “they shall go in and out and find pasture.” BUT He Also Said:
(John 10:27).. “My ~sheep~ hear My ~Voice~ and *I* Know them AND they ~~Follow~~ ME:” & (28) Jesus Said: “I will give them ~Eternal life~; they shall never perish, neither shall ~~Any man~ pluck them out of My Hand.”
Notice again, that Jesus did not say that they, the sheep could not stray, take themselves out of the fold out of His Hand, BUT He Said, “No man can ~~Take~~ them out of My Hand.” You Know? This tells us that we have a Certain walk to make, an exact Step To Follow, we can’t be slipping and sliding in and out of men’s traditions, the ways of the ~World led by Satan~, dibbling in this custom, dabbling in that fad, and find our way back into the *Fold*…
We have been put on this earth, out in the pasture, to live for a time, we are to Follow Christ through IT, not follow the world, thus we can find our way back into the fold by listening TO His Voice… Not the call of the wild in the world.. BECAUSE, Jesus Also Said:
(John 10:2).. “He that entereth in By The Door IS The Shepherd of the sheep” (Jesus).. (3).. “To Him (Jesus), The Porter, (God The Father) openeth; AND the sheep ~Hear His Voice: AND HE Calleth His Own sheep BY Name, and He Leadeth them out…” (4b)… “AND the sheep ~~FOLLOW~~ Him (Jesus); FOR they Know His Voice”… (5).. “AND A stranger they ~Will NOT~ follow, (BUT Will DO WHAT?) But ~Will *Flee* from him: for they know not the voice of strangers…”
How many old & young folks, children ~~KNOW~~ all about the traditions of men, the occults, the vampire tales, ghost seekers, tattoo parlors, accept and cling to the newly arrived on the scene games, transgender’s gotta do its, gotta be ~Different~, out of the closet and free to marry homosexual people that are following the path of destruction, and are by their ~~OWN~~ Choice not of the fold? Yet people cling to this way of life as acceptable, even in many Churches. Folks teach their children to be accepting of all these things BECAUSE Jesus accepted it as okay. (Walk NOT IN the ~Vanity~ of our own thought of mind?)
Just about anyone you ask knows of these things, and some even freely take part in them because they see no harm in a little ~innocent~ fun, living this life here on earth to the fullest measure that *IT* has to offer… AND, *IF* you ask them what The Bible Instruction on all these things *IS*, they will answer, “I don’t know.” “The Bible IS way to complicated for me to read and understand, so I just live by what I Think IS Right and I ~Believe~ That Jesus Will accept that.”
IS That what Jesus said? “My sheep know the ways of the world, make their own rules to live by, walk to the beat of their own drums, down their own path and they are still My sheep, AND I will accept and follow their way when they go in and out of the fold?” GO BACK AND READ VERSE FOUR OF JOHN, CHAPTER 10, AS JESUS SAID: “AND When He (Jesus) ~putteth forth~ (Sends) His Own sheep, He (Jesus) goeth (WHERE?) ~~Before~~ them, AND ~~The sheep~~ **FOLLOW** Him, for they ~Know~ His Voice.” IT doesn’t say that they can or do follow their own way OR that they can or do get involved in the ways of a lost and dying world BUT, IT Does Clearly State that His sheep ~~FOLLOW~~ Him!
Now *IF* you can’t read the “Instruction” OF His Written Words in The Bible and understand and ~~Follow~~ them, then DO you ~Know~ His Voice? But you know all about the world, what the latest fad of clothing or undressed condition that folks call fashion, hideously painted hair coloring, face paints, bings and rings, sexual inciting positions and appearances, BUT to read the Biblical Instruction given to us to follow IS TOO Much to swallow… THEN, where do you stand? God gave The Examples of How HE Dealt with HIS OWN People The Israelites for a lesson to us today, who are in fact the Gentiles, translated ones, the spiritual Israelites.. And HE IS THE SAME GOD TODAY THAT HE WAS YESTERDAY, so why do we assume to think that we can get by with mixing with the world and God likes IT Because we Believe HE Does???? Paul warned:
(Galatians 4:17) .. This I say therefore, AND Testify IN The Lord, that ye henceforth walk NOT AS other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of ~Their Mind~.
(Jeremiah 23:1)…God warned then: “Woe be unto ~the pastors~ that scatter and destroy ~The sheep~ OF MY Pasture!” Saith THE LORD.
(Jeremiah 50: 6) …MY people hath been a lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, .. They have forgotten their resting place…
Most people today, even those who claim the ~Blessed Name~ of God’s OWN Dear Son, Jesus Christ, as Christians, have forgotten their resting place, and are like dogs chasing their tails through the world of Satan, taking part in and embracing, even bringing into the Church Services where THE Bible ONLY Should be taught, in Bible Schools, the world shines far above the Written Word of God, WHY? IT IS That IT IS Going BY THE BOOK That God had Written, but folks are ignoring IT….
(Leviticus 20:22) … God Commanded then and that Command stands today: “Ye shall therefore ~~Keep~~ *ALL* my statutes, and judgments, and ~DO Them~ that the land whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out… (23).. AND ye ~~SHALL NOT~~ walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: For they committed ~~ALL~~ these things and therefore *I* (THE LORD) Abhorred them…
Folks who are trying so hard to please all the peoples of the nation, stand tall, and proud in IT’S praises, might do well to read this again… IT IS NOT The flag waving that makes us free… IT IS God’s Own Son that gave us freedom to live IN God’s own Kingdom In Heaven, that we must carry within our heart, not one nation on this earth, in the world of Satan…
(Revelations 3: 15-16)… *I* THE LORD God ~~KNOW~~ thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm… SO Then, because thou art *Lukewarm* and neither cold nor hot, I Will ~Spue~ thee out of MY Mouth…
When we straddle the fence, try to please the world, not make waves, walk on egg shells so to speak and not take an adamant stand for Christ, but hem haw and maybe this is okay if that is what you like then surely God will accept IT, this lifestyle, this custom… as long as your heart is in the right place… What? *IF* a persons heart IS IN The Right place, then they ~~WILL~~ follow the teachings of The Father, through HIS Son Jesus Christ, and stand firmly on the Written Word…. That IS Fact, JUST AS Sure AS Jesus Said: “My sheep ~~HEAR~~ My Voice, and *I* Know them and they ~~FOLLOW~~ Me….” Not the ways of the world.. Cut and dried, black and white, hot and cold… NOT LUKEWARM, NO GRAY AREA, OR MUSHY Religion, that lures folks into a false sense of security, in the games, plays, and ways of Satan’s lost and dying world which offers an eternity in the fiery pit of eternal destruction with the Sent himself..

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