Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HOW Important IS Dress Codes?

I was sorta shocked last night to run across a man speaking as a Christian, against a popular merchant, … This company makes and sells clothing for all people, but it seems they are in hot water about making a padded bikini swimsuit top for 7/8 year old girls… He was saying that this company should be sued for marketing such clothing, because it is putting our children out there, advertising them to pedophiles, predators, and the evil of this world…
Well, I live with my head under a rock most of the time, because enough immoral and degrading stuff has passed before my eyes on the TV and in real life contacts with people and yes some of them Church going, religion defined ~good folk~..
But this kinda made my chin do a bounce of’n the floor… This man was saying that many of the children in his Church were proudly wearing these clothes made by this company, and that he wanted to pull them over and tell them that they should not support this company, by buying their product…. Well, here my chin went bouncing again..
I have preached in every way that I know against parents allowing their children to dress provocatively and even encouraging it, because they themselves follow the trends of flashing their fleshly bodies to the world, whether the world wants to see it or not….. IT has always been *Just plain ugly* to me even as a young person, to wear a garment that bares the shoulders, and that was the daring attire when I was young… BUT I am really offended when a young mother or teenager or even some older women walk into a Church service, with half of their boobs spilling out over the top of their spaghetti strap tops, their underarms grinning when thy raise their hands, and the skirts so short that their thong under wear doesn’t hide nothing when they raise their arms… Their backs bare almost to the waist, and then they want to heat the congregation that wore clothes in the Worship Before The LORD, to death, by turning the heaters on so that they can be comfortable in the nearly nude state….. ALL Sarcasm I know BUT!
Then who monitors the schools promotions of undress.. As in ~~Cheerleaders~~ flipping and showing where their underpants should be. . Parents proudly put their children out there in these fields, or in beauty pageants, 5 year olds dressed up like pretty woman hookers, being taught to walk provocatively, hips popping… faces, painted… like Jezebel…
It really saddens my heart to see this sort of behavior in the examples that the adults set for the youth, and then dress their tiny 4/5 year old children in clothes that are bare, and provocative… The point that I am making IS: We can’t blame any ~ONE~ maker of these duds, cause a lot of these strings that are sold as clothing, comes from other companies, cheep companies, and then there is the ~Home Alterations~ , *IF* IT Ain’t bare enough or don’t show enough flesh then mama, daughter, dad , or son WILL take a pair of scissors to it and modify *IT*….
IF, I sew, or make a garment to sell and no one buys IT, well, I ain’t gonna keep mass producing *IT*… Cause IT IS A *BUYERS* Market, ain’t IT?… I mean, Let’s Face *BARE* Facts here, *IF* folks did not buy the abominable dozen eggs and other traditional items, that are supposed to represent the Memorial of Christ Resurrection, or His Birth, but only ties it up with the false teachings of pagan cultures and sacrifices to false gods, and I’m talking Christians here too, then there would be ~~NO Market~ for false teachings, would there?
But IT IS The ~Christian Book Companies~ THAT carry and promote this product, and IT IS The followers of Christ that buy ~Them~ & tote them into the Church Services, that are supposed to be set aside FOR Truthful Unadulterated Worship of our LORD…
Well, I know that I ain’t very popular with many folk and will probably be less now, BUT, I gotta stand on ~THE~ *Bible Principles*, that I have written about before so many times, ~Messages~ that God has given me to warn folks of the dangers that they are putting their beloved children in by, dressing them up to look like little hookers, and gangsters, painting their faces, tattooing their little bodies, with stick on tattoo’s teaching them to walk provocatively, in the ways of an *Immoral* world that Satan ~NOW Rules~~ because they think IT IS Cute… BUT Folks, IT ain’t cute to see a child lead away from the moral protection that God gave us in HIS Book of ALL Instruction, and parade them before the world as you would a worm on a hook before a hungry catfish, and then break out in tears, blaming the merchants, predators, and any and every one except the… ~~ONE~~ that God gave this precious child to; TO train up in HIS Way, TO care for this child in a manner that IS Pleasing to God….. Harsh Words I know. BUT, Folks had better wake up, cause this world ain’t gonna get no morally better, we just have to be stayed up in Gods Will and Way by HIS Written Word and IN The Love of Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit… IN Order to withstand and overcome the things that are to come….. AND IF WE, don’t teach our children *TRUTH*, MORALS; & HONESTY, what on earth have they to stand on?
(I Timothy 2:8-10)… I will therefore that men pray ~Everywhere~ lifting up holy hands, without ~Wrath & Doubting~ In like manner ALSO, (meaning too this includes the women to lift their hands in prayer, BUT, dress also in a manner that befit’s the Christian walk)…. “That women adorn themselves IN Modest Apparel,” (modest ain’t bare or nearly none, but covering the body, because we still walk this earth in the sin of the flesh of Adam & Eve and so they proved ~~Ashamed~~ of their nakedness, & God made them coats of animal hides, before HE sent them out to live in the world, (Gen. 3:21) so as long as the flesh covers us and we live in this world, we should cover our bodies up) …~With Shamefacedness, AND Sobriety.. (sincerely, serious, not the silly chattering’s of Jezebel)… *NOT* with broidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array: *BUT* That which becometh a woman ~~Professing~ godliness with good works……
How many women do you see sporting tattoo’s of the world of paganism, of the dead, faces painted red, hair dyed a different color every week, the most clothing on their bodies is the baubles and bangles of Jezebel, or the shiny hip boots of fashion, and dressing their children like wise, strolling into the services in God‘s House…? AND THE SAD Thing, the leaders are ~~SHUSH~~ don’t say anything we may run them off; and then they won’t have the Christian influence in their lives….
Well, bro, IF we don’t teach them according to: AS IT IS Written, I got news for you, they still don’t have the *True Christian* Influence in their lives, but the ways of a lost and dying world…. And we are sitting there on our dead tails smiling in agreement, and going right along with-- Be-li-al….
(II Corinthians 6:15).. What ~Concord~ (peaceful co-existence) hath Christ *WITH* Be-li-al?
(I Thessalonians 4:1)… we beseech and exhort you BY: The Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us, “how ye ~Ought~ to walk and TO Please God”, SO ye abound more & more..
(I Thessalonians 5:14)…NOW, we ~~Exhort~~ *you* brethren, ~~WARN~~ them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward ~~ALL~~ men…
(SO *IF* we sit and smile and don’t warn, then those who are not walking according TO: AS IT IS Written, are NOT Receiving of us ~~Godly Instruction~~ NOR are we supporting the weak, for we should be exhorting them to grow in God’s Will and Way, not leaving them to walk about in the lost and dying world….IN Ignorance…
(Proverbs 28:9)…*he that turneth ~away~ his *ear* from hearing ~~The Law~~ Even his *Prayer* IS an abomination…
(Revelation 2:20) A few things that God has against the Church, ~Because~ thou sufferest~ (ALLOW) that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to preach…
Wouldn’t this be the same as allowing the influence of one who dresses like, or undresses, And acts, like the world, to come into the meetings as a Christian and teach the children that enter to learn God’s Will and Way? IF, we don’t tell them, show them, read IT faithfully to them, to stay in the Truth’s of God’s Word, then we bear their guilt also, and our hands are just as dirty as theirs….
(Titus 2:12)… teaching us that, ~denying *ungodliness* & *worldly lust*, we should live soberly, righteously, & godly ~~IN~~ *This Present World* (not trotting along in the ways of IT but living apart from IT while passing through IT..)
*IF* while walking along the road, you saw a nest of nettles, a bunch of briers, or a mound of fire ants, would you stop and roll in them because it might look good… and some briers and nettles have beautiful flowers and fruits, and fire ants can build interesting mounds, BUT you can tell that there IS danger there and avoid IT… IT IS The Very Same *Principle* that works here, we are walking through a world that has many stubbles and stumbling blocks, that seem to have pleasant and alluring things to offer, BUT *IF* we are learned, and warned, of them in God’s Book OF ALL Instruction, to stay away from them, then *IF* we choose to ignore those warnings we may find that we are in a bad way in the end… AND IF we see someone stepping over into this nest of disobedient sin, and knowing better, we fail to warn them, then their blood IS on our hands…..
(Ezekiel 3:18-19)….When I (THE LORD) say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him *NOT Warning*… ~~NOR Speakest TO *WARN* the wicked ~~FROM~~ his way, TO Save his life, the same shall die, *BUT* his blood will I (The LORD) require at thine hand…. BUT *IF* thou warn the wicked and he turn *NOT* from his ways he shall die, *BUT* thou hast delivered thy soul….
SO IF we warn, exhort, teach, the truth of God’s Word, speaking out even if IT IS Not popular in the world and the wicked (simply disobedient, whether unlearned or not)… and they learn and obey the Way of God, then we have saved them from their lost walk, and washed our hands,, but if we don’t warn them then their sin is also upon our hands and we will pay the cost of A disobedient walk also..
You might not think that the way you dress is in disobedience to God’s Way, but read IT, how you train you child IS Also… THE Influence that you allow in their lives… in your homes and IN God’s House of Worship… BE Consciously AWARE of stumbling that small one and ~~Forbidding them to come to Jesus by leading them into the world~~……..
NO! I am not condoning any merchants ware, but I Am warning parents of: Where Responsibility for a child’s safety BEGINS! AND IT Ain’t with a protest march, or a law suit, IT IS With:
(Proverbs 22:6)..Train up a child *IN* the WAY he should go… &
(Ephesians 6:4)… fathers provoke *NOT * your children to wrath, (This means moms too) but bring them up in the ~~Nurture~~ & ~~Admonition~~ OF THE LORD, NOT THE World of Satan… (Nurture means: encouraging IN & Admonition means: mild but earnest rebuke, teaching emphatically…)
Remember what we think is ~Cute~ the LORD may frown on, (Read HIS INSTURECTION TO Learn) and a pedophile or predator, may see as us offering our child to them.. IS That the ~Impression~~ that you want to give of that precious child that the LORD entrusted to you hand to raise up and train IN HIS WILL & WAY?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Reading "The Word"

Words are simply letters grouped together to form a meaningful sound/word a ~unit~ of language… words can consist of THE single letter digit as in: “A”, to a range of many letters that are placed together to form: “Possibility”, and even longer words… BUT!
The thing that makes the ~Difference~ IS HOW and WHY we use these letters…. For instance when typing, the visual part of my mind sees a simple three letter word such as ~THE~ and my fingers put those three letters down in order to form that word… somewhere between here and there something happens and the three letters become: ~HTE~ … Well, now I could blame IT and often do on this computer, `OR` my disobedient fingers, BUT, my ~~Site~~ I never question because IT IS Right….
Many times we are like that in our belief’s… *OUR* ~OWN~ SITE IS RIGHT, regardless of WHAT IS WRITTEN…. IN our vanity, we cannot accept that we could miss read or misunderstand a verse, or THAT we may be simply blinded by ~the scales~ of the ways of the world that cover the site of our fleshly eyes, thus clouding the spiritual vision that IS Right before our faces….. AT Least this IS How IT Has been for me, as I have tried to read, study, and learn, on ~MY~ OWN.. THE BOOK of ALL Instruction that God the Father, had penned down, by the ~prophets~ of old, and the ~apostles~ of Jesus Christ HIS Son….
Lessons of: (John 12:36 - 40) Were the eyes blinded ~Because~ Jesus was leading them or ~Because~ they did ~NOT~ believe, in spite of the things that Jesus did? Read IT and see..
(I John 2: 7-11) … Many say that ~THE Old Laws are gone because Jesus Made a New Law… BUT Read IT: Jesus said: “I write no new commandment”… As John Wrote.. He that walketh in darkness knoweth ~not~ where he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes… BUT IF we ~ABIDE~ in the true “Light” there IS NO occasion of stumbling in us.. (The OLD IS New and the NEW IS Old, in other words)…
OH, I know that you are thinking now, just as I have and do think, “That The Holy Spirit, Does Not and Will Not lead us into a wrong understanding, of The Written Word”! & This IS Very True, there IS Always A ~BUT~ Present… though.
First, do we sufficiently and in complete *Obedience* humble ourselves to be led by the Holy Ghost? OR another ~spirit~? Do we get ahead of ourselves and try to be so efficient within our own way that we jump ahead of the Spirit of Guidance and read on our own terms… Maybe we pride ourselves as speed readers… I used to… BUT, I soon learned that when we are dealing with something as ~Important~ AS our *Eternal life*, we gotta slow down, and accept what the Father IS Showing us, Through HIS Son, Jesus Christ, and by the Guidance of THE Holy Ghost. BUT WE can’t stop there!
We must then be humbly ~ willing~ To apply this learning… AS IT IS Written IN:
(Proverbs 2: 1-15)… “MY son, *IF* thou wilt ~~RECEIVE~~ *MY WORDS*, & Hide (Carry) *MY Commandments* with thee… SO That thou ~~Incline~~ (listen to; pay attention to) ~Wisdom~, AND *APPLY* (render the use of) thine heart to ~Understanding~ … THEN shalt thou ~~Understand~ *the fear of THE LORD*, &&& ~FIND~ Knowledge * OF GOD*… (Something to really pay attention TO: Consider: & Apply) IS Written Here) … something that I missed many times… The belief that *IF* we are saved, God Will preserve ~~US~~ and not let us fall from the path, of righteousness) and this belief IS partly true, BUT here we fail to read ~~THE Truth~~ Correctly and thus from within our fleshly heart a failing belief… because we teach that God ~~WILL~~ hold ~US~ even against our own will, and not let us go astray from HIS Path…. AND YES, God, WHO *IS* Most powerful, could do just that…. BUT, as the Scriptures prove, God loves us and wants our obedience to HIM to our choice to willingly do so, HE gives US A Choice, and THAT IS our position, TO Choose, Life or death)….J J J Then reference these verses!
(Deuteronomy 30:11-20) Read IT ALL IN THE Bible, IT IS Very Important TO ~Life~.. (v.15).. *I* (THE LORD)… have set before thee this day, “Life & Good; AND “death & evil” definitely a choice… for ~US~ to make.. A Commandment given… FOR ~US~ To obey, AND then verse (17)… shows a turning away from so *IF* we can be drawn away from or turn from something, then we must have been ~IN~; or ~OF~; or at least in contact with *IT*… (v.17)…*IF* thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, (As in rejection of) BUT! Shall be drawn away from, (As having been IN or Of), & worship ~other gods~ and serve them… well read the rest in the Bible… Please to see what happens.. *IF* we do the three simple steps of: acknowledge, believe, confess, But the Bible tells us we must go further, we gotta ~Apply~ …
And Jesus reiterated this very same choice in The New Testament… As Well as did Paul:
(John 5:14).. Jesus said: “Behold, thou art made whole: sin ~NO More~ lest a worse thing come upon thee… & (V’s 28-29).. Those in the graves shall hear His voice and come forth: they that ~have done *Good*~ unto The resurrection OF Life~ & they that have done ~evil (disobedient) unto a resurrection of damnation….
(I Timothy 6: 11-14)… Paul warned: “flee these things, follow after ~Righteousness~, fight The Good Fight… that thou keep This Commandment Without ~Spot~ unrebukeable…(Meaning: unquestionable)
As (Proverbs 2.8) reads… HE (THE LORD) keepeth the paths of ~Judgment~ & AND & Preserveth ~THE WAY~ OF HIS Saints…(The Path in which HIS saints Must walk). Just as in (Prov. 2: 7) .. HE (THE LORD).. Layeth up ~*Sound Wisdom*~ FOR ~~The Righteous~~…(In layman‘s terms: THE LORD Provides ~ALL Instruction for us, and HE Preserves *IT* TO Keep IT Right, IT IS up to us to accept IT, search IT, and discern IT, & live IT protecting the reputation of IT by the walk of our life IF WE Call ourselves Christian.) . (THIS IS: *THE WAY* of the saints or the ~Way~ that God protects for, the saints to walk, to prove themselves, the choice that they made..)J J
Then ( Proverbs 2: 10 -12) .. *WHEN* … wisdom entereth into ~thine~ heart, and *Knowledge* IS ~pleasant~ unto they soul, … {How many do you see reject ~ The Knowledge of God, (meaning: come to know HIS Nature through the Written Pages, ~NOT~ even beginning to assume to think that we could attain even a small portion of HIS OWN Knowledge;)… BUT That the ~Knowledge~ that HE gives us in & through HIS Written Word, to}::: ~Deliver~~ us from the way of the evil man… that speaketh froward (meaning: perverse or contrary) things…TO Prove right and wrong, what pleases God and What doesn’t. (HOW Many reject this knowledge ~~Because~~ *IT* Isn’t pleasant to their souls, their fleshly beings? NOT Nearly as pleasing as the ways of pleasure that heathen customs and men‘s fabled tales have to offer)..
Whoops HERE IS THE Clicker…
(Proverbs 2:13)… (still speaking of the evil man, who speaks froward things)… “Who, leave the paths of uprightness, TO walk in the ways of darkness::: (If we haven’t been somewhere then we can’t leave).. Who ~~Rejoice~~ to do evil… (What IS *EVIL*… L morally bad, L sinful, ~Disobedient~!L !L !)
God Preserveth THE Way of the Saints… and that Way IS: Twofold…. Meaning:: ONE WAY With TWO PARTS: one part IS; and IS The Most Important… AND THAT IS: THE WAY, The Narrow Gate: That leadeth unto ~life~ .. (Matthew 7: 14) & (John 14:6).. Jesus SAID: “ I am ~The Way~, The Truth, AND ~The Life~, NO man cometh unto the ~Father~, BUT By Me…. &&& Jesus IS THE *WORD*… Jesus brought THE Message of the Kingdom OF God, and Preached IT TO ALL men… AND Jesus Told: John TO Write TO The Churches: warning of their actions, of choice, which IS the second part of the two-fold part of The ONE WAY… obedience in maintaining our walk in the WAY of choice… Which IS THE Second Part, we must maintain an obedient walk… Jesus Will Teach, & Lead, but He like His Father will not make us do… Like the old saying: “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” … Well, Jesus and the Father have the POWER to make us drink, but They give us that choice, God, leads, God gave us instruction to verify and prove, BUT God does not force us to drink of the ~Living Water~…
(Revelation Chapters 1 - 3)…(2:3).. Remember, from whence thou art fallen, and repent… (so *IF* we ain’t never been there then we have nothing to remember, and repent of our falling do we) … do The first works… or else I Will come quickly and remove thy candlestick out of IT’S place…
(2:20) you have suffered or allowed that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce *MY* servants…and *I* gave her space to repent but she did not…(2:23) *I* (The LORD) Will kill her children, (all those that follow her) AND *I* WILL give unto every one of you, ~~According~~ TO *your works*…..
AND yet we won’t even reprimand a person, as to their lack of clothing, the appearance of the world that they bring into our services, much less put the false teachings that they bring in out… BUT we sit and smile and wait for the LORD to teach them, like we have nothing to do but just sit and smile at everything… BUT The Bible warns as Jesus Told John TO WRITE:
The first offense IS, the Church ~~ALLOWED~~ suffered a false teacher to come in and seduce or take away God’s servants, and lead them to commit fornication, religious fornication with things sacrificed unto false idols…. (Like colored eggs, and lighted trees, and fabled traditions of mankind) Plain and Painfully True to those who want to hang onto the world… We have a duty to protect THE impressions of , conclusions that people come to about the Churches, and Christians, OR Else!
(Rev. 3: 2-3)… Jesus Instructed: “BE Watchful &AND& Strengthen the things which remain, Remember how thou hast received and heard, & hold fast, AND Repent…(v.5)… he that overcometh, I will ~Not~ blot out his name out of the *Book of Life* But will confess his name before My Father… ~~(Notice IT IS NOT Written, he that accepts, joins in, goes along with--- BUT--- he that *Overcometh, holds fast what was received and heard, “OF Truth, not fables” and holds fast to: and repents “Of any offensive occasions)
(II Peter 2:1-2).. Peter Wrote:… Beware OF: false teachers among you, bringing in damnable heresies, ~~Denying~ the Lord that bought them, & ~Many~ shall follow their ~Pernicious~ ways.. BY whom ~~THE Truth~~ shall be evil spoken OF!…. (How many folks are talking about Christians today for their double standards, straddling the fence of Satan’s World, mixing it in with the teachings of the Holy Written Word? How many are teaching ~IT~ the ways of the pagan cultures in Churches, and taking part in their celebrations, trying to be Friends with the world, OH, not everything, just the pretty stuff? They don‘t run their children through the ~Literal flaming fires and sacrifice them to false gods, BUT! They run them through the practices and offerings given to these false gods and goddesses, thus sealing their ~~spiritual death~~) Which IS Worse?
(Matthew 7: 21) Not, everyone that sayth unto Me, “Lord, Lord” shall enter into the ~Kingdom of Heaven~ BUT he that ~~DOETH~~ THE *WILL* OF My Father….
We MUST BE Very Careful in our reading, not skipping over a word, that makes a world of difference in the meaning of a verse of scripture, and not taking one verse as the whole Truth, but searching the Scripture’s, Pleural, for God had them all penned down… AND The changing of one little word or letter can change the whole meaning of the verse… AS IN:
A popular Bible changed (John 1:1) To read: and the Word was *a* God, just adding that little one letter word, made the whole book a lie and leads to confusion of which Satan IS the father of… Because IT Set Jesus Apart from the Father and makes Him to appear as a contrasting false god… AS IT Reads in the Old King James, the Word was God… IS true, IF you take the time to read, all the other scriptures that apply TO: God, accept in humble obedience the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and don’t take off into the opposite direction which some religions do and claim that The Word IS: God the Father, which also is not true… BUT, rightly ~~Discern~~ the scriptures, you will understand: The Unity of: The Three Individual Persons, that Operate AS ONE, IN THE *UNIT* OF God…
Most times the written word refers to God as the Father, and Jesus refers to His Father, & His God, BUT In the Beginning OF, and throughout the scriptures, The Title OF THE ONE TRUE God, is referred to in some places as, The Unit, or Union of Three Persons, as in “Let *US* make”…..
AND the title god, is used to identify many false gods also, so we must read, study, and learn, to show ourselves: *approved*..
(II Timothy 2:15)… Study, to shew thyself ~Approved~ unto God, a workman that needeth ~NOT~ be ashamed, rightly dividing the *word of Truth*…
(V. 16) warns us to:… shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase into more ungodliness … Like the tales of men’s way of thinking when you hear someone say, “Well, *I*, think, this way or that, or *I* see nothing wrong with bringing a little fun into the Church if IT Helps Teach”, beware at the start, unless they can proclaim and you can verify, THIS IS; AS IT IS Written…
From the Writings of the Bible, *IF* we read with eyes led by the Holy Spirit, discern with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can come to know the Persons of the Unit of God in their Individual Beings and Better understand how our actions show and prove our walk as one with them… AND Learn to ~Prove The spirits~ so that we can know by what spirit we are being led.
Many people claim righteousness and walk apart for God, but there IS NO Righteousness except in God: THE Father, The WORD Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and THE Holy Ghost… The Three That ARE ONE! (I John 5:7)… AND Some people, who have rewritten the Bible under the guise of better, more understandable reading, have taken this ONE verse out of the Bible… Think we are not living in dangerous days? WE gotta Hold Fast to THE *Right*… NOW!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Where ARE Your Children?

*Train* up a child… *IN* ~THE WAY~ he ~~Should~~ go: & when he IS old, he will not depart from *IT*…. (Proverbs 22:6) … Some folks say that this means that a child will leave the way that he has been taught, but will return when he is older…. Maybe this would be the way for some…. BUT… This IS NOT *AS IT IS Written* .. It reads when he IS old he will ~NOT~ depart from IT, {not that when he is older he will return to it}…
So many parents, and I stand on the front row with my hand held high as guilty, raise their children in the world, by the standards set by the world led by Satan… What looks good, everyone says IS good, we just accept and go on, especially when we are young and have doubts about how to raise a child ~~Right~~… Keep them safe, teach them the right things, let them be happy and lead joyful lives, by ~~Making~~ IT BIG IN Society….AND many parents don‘t want to control their children’s minds, but want to let them explore things on their own hoping that a little `Guinness` will emerge… *Dangerous*…
“BE ALL that YOU CAN BE”… But most times that *ALL* includes self destruction…
“LOOK”, at the child stars… their attitudes, their drug abuse habits, they chased ~Either~ their own dream or the dreams of their parents that pushed them to seek: Fame, Fortune, THE Better things of this life, with NO foundation or sure footing for: Their spiritually eternal life….
There are parents that take tiny children and dress them up like adults and parade them on stages for:: “Beauties Sake”… This IS the ~~Broad~~ path to destruction…
First you take something of value away from your child in this… Their ~Own~ identity.. By making them to be something artificial.. You are teaching them that they have to maintain a beautiful façade to get by in this life… replacing sincerity with false hopes, disappointment, pain, hurt, ~IF~ they don’t *WIN*, a ~~Competition~~ that IS NOT Biblically Sanctioned, and sending them into, hate, anger, selfishness, and jealousy, of the one that did win…you are, teaching them to be hypocrites, of this world, maybe unthinkingly,… as Jesus said:
(Matthew 23:27)..ye are like whitened sepulchres, (graves)..which ~~APPEAR~~ Beautiful~~ Outward, but within are full of dead men’s bones….. When you should be training them IN THE Way that leads unto **LIFE**
(Romans 10:15)… HOW beautiful are the feet of them that ~~Preach~~ The Gospel of Peace…
WE teach them to kneel and say a prayer at bedtime, a cute memorized prayer from a book for children… We teach them to be good or Santa Claus will not come and bring them gifts. We work hard at teaching them all the popular fun things of the world, the fads, trends, and today the art of working the cell phones, ipods, & video games to keep them entertained, give them something to do to occupy their time… but we are setting them upon a crumbling foundation,
instead of doing ~~THE TWO~~ *MOST* Important things that a parent could ever do, & That IS First, prove ourselves, responsibly, obedient, to God’s Will and Way, and *Teaching our children TO BE Responsibly Obedient to God also…. *IF* we first read and learn of the way that we should walk in this world, from God’s Book OF ALL Instruction, Turn away from the ways of the world and the traditions of men, then we would be better parents, teachers, servants in God’s Kingdom….
But we as parents fall so very short when after we have given them a written prayer, then we place into their tiny hands, a game of destruction… A- BB gun, paint gun, we teach them to ~~Kill~~ their enemy in so many ways… We tell our young girls to abstain from sex until marriage, but then we dress them up like ~~Hookers~~ because that is the modern day trends and fashions… We allow them to watch the, filth of this world on the TV’s, idolize movie stars, seeking to dress, act like, and talk like them… In other words we teach them all, boys and girls, from the cradle up, *Double Standards*…
INSTEAD of, manning up, to coin a modern phrase, AND giving them a sound footing of Protection IN God’s Written Word…
Teaching them to talk with the Father in the Name of and Through Jesus Christ HIS Son, opening the link of verbal communication with our Maker & theirs, that NO Person on this earth, can break….. Giving them a walk that they can feel safe and actually be safe IN, Protection, that IS Unmovable, by any predator… WHY? Because we don’t ~~Keep~~ first ourselves, away from the thorns and snares of the world led by Satan, by letting them alone, and secondly we don’t keep our children away from them, we just mumbling, tell them be careful, don’t get *too* involved in this, it isn’t a good thing… OR you should put on more clothes, that doesn’t look nice, followed with, “Well, it’s your body if you want to show IT”. Guidance?
Then even IF we paid attention to the Bible’s teaching against tattoo’s, what do we do to discourage our children from breaking Bible principle? Paint their faces and generously buy and give them stick on tattoo’s, excusing our OWN actions, with, “this is just a game… they know it ain’t real” … Maybe, BUT! How often in the world of *IT Ain’t Real*, does one get too involved and ~~OD~~ join in deadly games, for ~~FUN~~…??? “Russian Roulette IS an Ain’t Real Game, BUT IT IS Deadly FOR ONE Ain’t IT? AND IF That one is your child, then IT Becomes ~~REAL~~ fast!
Mom, Dad, Sunday School Teacher, Church Leader, ~~HOW~~ MANY~~ Games do you play with the little children, compared to the sincere teaching of God’s Written Word, the teachings of obedience, respect, understanding ~TRUE~ right from ~worldly~ wrong, setting good moral examples for them to follow??? What IS The ratio? Have you paid attention TO: How many times have you sloughed off needed discipline of your child, onto a fable, a fairy tale, compared to how many times have you said, “God our Father in Heaven, WHO created you and gave you to us to care for, IS watching, and HE Does not approve of this action, according to the *Book OF Instruction* That HE gave us to follow, AND HE Loves you, and I Love you, so you should, we must, learn to respect HIS Commands and leave that completely alone”, can you count them even on ~One finger~?
OR do you speak as so many do, I don’t want to influence ~~MY~~ child to believe what I believe, I want him/her to find their own belief, because so many times children resent their parents for making them learn to be Christians….. SO our disciplinary answer IS: well do what you think IS right, cause God Loves you and wants *YOU* to be happy… Another double standard… A failed parent, a vain self-centered teaching that has brought about many of the conditions of today’s youth……
(Proverbs 22:5)… “Thorns & Snares, are in the way of the froward: (Unrestrained, undisciplined in behavior): he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them.” (Who goes about sprinkling Thorns into the things that are good to make folks become entangled in the Snares of :: Satan?… The false prophet, the antichrist, and yes they are here and very active now… They ain’t gonna come here tomorrow, for they are present now and have been for years…. AND *IF* these thorns and snares are ~~IN THE WAY~~ of the forward… They lie in wait, as an unsuspecting steal trap in the path of an animal, baited with something tasty, to draw the: “Froward .. <meaning: stubborn, disobedient> Person”… to IT… && who IS stubborn and disobedient today, only those who are unsaved?? OR, those who claim to know Christ, but refuse to follow His Way, because they are set and toooo busy blazing their ~~OWN~~ trails through this life… dragging their children in tow in the aftermath of their own sin…. Claiming that Jesus has covered this sin already so IF we commit it then we are still saved, and our sin IS Hidden in the blood of Christ….. *IF* this IS Truth, then why is there so many warnings about turning away from, coming out of it, having nothing to do with IT, being ~transformed, meaning, changed into something else, not continuing on the same track,~ by the renewing of our minds, into a new creature and ---Not being ~~Conformed~~ means: to comply or to be in agreement with something that already is fixed~~ to this world… ~~AS this world IS Already destined to destruction, and IF we run around in it taking part in it‘s ways that lead to death, then where will we be, on that day? …(Romans 12:1-2)
(Proverbs 22:15)…. “Foolishness IS bound ~IN~ the heart of a child; but the ~Rod~ of Correction, will drive IT Far from him”…. Many folks take this to mean to beat a child with a rod, and this sounds cruel and we turn from *IT’S* True Message and meaning… BUT< *THE ROD* OF Correction IS: THE Same AS *THE SWROD* IS ~~THE Written Word OF God, THE BIBLE….
(Hebrews 4:12)…. “FOR The Word OF God IS: Quick, & Powerful, & Sharper than any two edged sword, dividing asunder the soul and the spirit, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart…
(Ephesians 6: 17) Take on the helmet of Salvation, AND THE ~Sword~ Of The spirit, Which ~~IS~~ the Word of God….
(Ephesians 4) Ye, fathers provoke ~~NOT~~ your children to wrath: BUT *Bring them up* in the nurture and admonition of the Lord….
(Ephesians 6:1) .. Children *OBEY* your parents IN the Lord, for this *IS* Right…
You know, I heard a news commentator talking about, the discipline in Japan… The difference in the attitudes of the children and young adults as well as the older folk, in the aftermath of this latest earthquake, in comparison to the aftermath of Katrina here… And according to the news reels that I have seen, there ~IS NO~ looting, no one complaining, shouting in anger somebody needs to give, give, give to us, do for us, cause we lost everything we had…. BUT they are helping each other.. They are making do with what they have, and ~~Working~~ to dig themselves out and rebuild… children also….
Could the difference possibly BE: Training? They have been taught respect, respect for their elders, for their country, for the land.. They possess honor.. Of their parents. They are obedient to their parents… and elders… Oh, there may be some that have taken on ~~The Western cultural behavior~~ of rebellion, gang like attitudes, but the ratio compared to this country is remarkably obvious….
YES, we are living in ~~Times~~ hard to deal with, and we are just as busy as little beavers, running around, searching for that Sweet release, having a good time in the world, seeking all that ~IT~ has to offer in ~~Entertainment~~ making Satan smile all the way to the bank, totin the money that we spend on foolishness that he so cunningly placed on sale for us to take pleasure in, teaching our children to ~~HAVE FUN~~, rather than leading them TO BE Obedient TO God’s Will and Way, giving the proper fear and respect TO God, and to their elders… FOR THIS MEANS: their eternal life…...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unadulterated Gospel?

My husband has a saying that really makes a lot of sense *IF* you use your brain to stop and ~~THINK~~… IT goes: “Even a blind hog can root around under and oak tree and pick up an acorn now and then”…
But of intelligent mankind, I really wonder sometimes what *IT* would take to get their attention… TO open their eyes to the atrocities that they take part in as fun….
Many sales magazines and advertisements, don’t beat around the bush about the reason’s for their seasonal sales pitch… BUT advertise their merchandise as *IT* IS* … “Spring Celebration” “Spring Extravaganza”, they show in the pages colorful chicks, rabbits, eggs, then the crosses, and lilies… And pour out the title: “Easter” amongst it all.. SOOOOoooo… IT would take a blind hog to miss the message that, “Spring” *IS* Spring” “Easter *IS* A Big part of this celebration, and mankind has tried to mix in the: “Blessed Memorial of our Savior’s Resurrection”, into this BC celebration….which has nothing to do with: THE Passover.. WHY?
*IT* Happened many years ago and *IT* Still happens today… Because, many of The ones that ~~Know~~ choose to ignore, because of popularity, folks might not look up to them as ~~GOOD~ leader’s IF they let it be know that they really are aware that the celebrations that they promote ARE INDEED Pagan, the numbers, may fall off in the meetings, and the traditions, that mankind has set before them may fail, and many today lack the tenacity to, step out and preach the ~~Unadulterated Gospel~~ for fear of rattling society’s cage, unsettling the `Jones` in their Traditions, making the Church look bad, by disallowing the traditions that IT has carried on for centuries….….
BUT: ARE & WERE, those traditions pleasing to God from the very start…. OH, they were put into place by the then ~Church~ leaders, and declared good, because IT opened the door for the heathen to enter into the congregations and become a part of Christianity…AND that word ~~Part~~ IS correct, because in the same act the then leaders, by attempting to make the heathen be ~~Partly~ Right, they made Christianity to be partly ~~Wrong~~ BY Adapting the customs, and traditions, that had existed among the heathen for years prior to Christ ~Earthly Life & Death~~ . Thus false teachers emerged in great numbers…. BUT! IS IT According TO: *AS IT IS Written*??? . LOOK AT History L -L
Secular History tells us:: The very Name ~~Easter~~ does not come from the Bible… BUT instead it’s roots are from the ancient pre-Christian Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, Biblically Known as: Astarte or Ashtoreth…The ~Council of Nicaea~ IN the Year .. 325 AD…agreed that ~ALL~~ the Churches should celebrate “Easter” …..
Up until this time, many believers had commemorated the death of Jesus, as Jesus and The Apostles had instructed, with the ~~Passover~~ .. (Luke 22:19-20) & (I Corinthians 11:23-26)..
These two Scriptures, show Jesus instructing the ~disciples~ and Paul reiterating this instruction and carrying *IT* out, during: The early days of The Christian Church…
But the Roman Empire empowered the: Catholic Church to enforce *IT’S* preference for Easter, and those who chose to continue to observe IT as Jesus did, and His followers like Paul, and Peter had to go underground…. This seemed to make a good marriage between…Church & State, BUT True Christianity was suffered in persecution….
The Bible in fact states AS God said IN:… (Jeremiah 10:2 & 3)… “Learn *NOT* The ~~Ways of the heathen~~ ~FOR~ the *Customs* of the people ~ARE~ Vain!
HIS Written Word gives us ~~Explicit *Instruction* regarding worshiping HIM with practices adopted from pagan idolatry….
(Deuteronomy 12:30-32)… “*DO NOT* Inquire after other nations as to how they served their gods… every abomination to the LORD, which HE hateth, have they done unto their gods…
(I Kings 11: 5) tells us of ~~The Wise King Solomon and how he fell from God’s Favor because: He went after the goddess of the Zidonians, namely *Ashtoreth* the same goddess which the Easter celebration IS named for…
OH, many try to proclaim that Easter IS derived from Paschal or Passover, BUT History does not tie the two together….Man did when he tried to make a NEW Religion to appease the worldly heathen nations and bring them into the Church…
So what on earth are we thinking today, that Because Jesus, made ~The Ultimate Sacrifice~ for us we can now be free to bring these cultural customs of abominations into HIS House of Worship Services, and IT IS GOOD???//
The Historian, Socrates Scholasticus, by his writings attributes the observance of ~~Easter~~ by the Church, TO the perpetuation of ~~IT’S~~ customs…. Stating that *Neither* Jesus nor the Apostles joined in the ~~Keeping OF~ or ~The Celebration~~ of any of these festivals…
(Acts 15:13-21) A meeting of some of the followers of Christ referenced the writing of a letter a letter to the: Gentiles who were ~~Newly~~ turned to God to remind them: *TO Abstain from pollutions of idols*…. (SO If Paul preached against the things that the pagan people did warning them to turn away from them, instead of embracing them together with their worship of God, HOW does man today think that IT IS Good?)
(Acts 19 23-41) Discusses the Greek ~Fertility ~ goddess~ Diana is spoken of as “The goddess, the great image that fell from Jupiter, that the city of Ephesus worshipped and men who worked for her, building her temple would suffer because ~~She~~ was displeased with them… Paul preached against this kind of worship…
The Encyclopedia, refers to: Diana as the, fertility goddess, the moon, goddess, and the huntress goddess, OR the Triple goddess, the lunar virgin, mother of creatures and the goddess of nature, childbirth…. Along with two other goddesses, she is referred to as a trinity goddess, along with, Egeria, the water nymph, and Virbius, the woodland god….
The Celtic goddess Ostara paints eggs and white rabbits are sacred to her, and yet these symbols have been incorporated into the Christian celebration, named by man Easter, by in the excuse to remember and reflect on the Resurrection of Christ… Her day is celebrated in late March where in April or May the goddess Flora of flowering plants IS celebrated with dancing flowers, drinking, and merriment….
The Bible does not reflect that Jesus celebrated any of the events carried on in the world around Him, ~Except~~ the ONE ordered by His Father… *Passover** Another failure of the Church leaders to step forward and Stand Surefooted in God’s Will and Way, while at the same time condemning the Government for taking the Bible out of IT’S School of learning…. BECAUSE>
Where the schools teach: mythology, of gods & goddess to our children, the Churches do not refute these teachings but rather embrace them…. In their celebrations, making the teachings of false gods and goddesses acceptable and alluring to young folk, giving them ***NO*** defense against the lures of the Devil…
IF the Bible IS NOT Taught IN Church, Why complain that IT IS NOT Taught IN School???
(Acts 12:1-12) certainly doesn’t prove Easter to be **A Christian** memorial Because the followers of Jesus were not celebrating with colored eggs and pagan practices of men’s traditions, they were, however, in the days of unleavened bread which is *after* Passover, so this word cannot ever refer to THE Passover, BUT they were gathered in the ~~House of Mary~~ offering up prayers to the Father on behalf of Peter…… Read IT carefully and see what happened… Think about IT… Do you suppose that IF they had been gathered in Mary’s House boiling, and coloring eggs, making chocolate bunnies, and celebrating a pagan event, that the LORD would have answered their prayers and set Peter free to come to them… Could IT Be that because we don’t have respect for our Father today, but we put the world of traditions, and pagan cultures first in our thoughts, hearts, and minds, forgetting WHO IS IN Control, of all things, that we have such bad things happen in our fleshly lives? IT IS Easy to teach that God wants us to be happy and what ever we do that makes us happy is Good, BUT we need to check out the ~~Truth~~ of IT…..
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand THAT God THE Father, & His Son Jesus Christ Who are never changing, Always Exact IN Their Way, banned these things IN The Old Testament Days, DID NOT participate in them in the early days of THE Church. SO! Why would they change to appease a Cardinal Ruler and the heathen nations and abide in the contaminating of the True Gospel with pagan rituals offered up to false gods and goddesses?
So many people that call themselves Christians, followers of Christ, will delve into the customs of paganism, reference the mythical gods and goddesses, with out even flinching a nerve of regret that they are breaking a Commandment OF God, Because they say IT Isn’t ONE of the TEN…. Well folks there are MORE Than Ten Commandments, BUT Then folks say all that IS gone away because IT IS Law and we live in the freedom of the spirit… BUT God’s LAW IS Obedience TO HIS Written Word through THE Holy Spirit, and it is sad to say that the spirit of evil IS free to do as it pleases for a short while before IT IS Destroyed, cast into the abyss of eternal flames, the lake of fire…AND All those that received his mark and worshipped ~~The beast~~….(Revelation 19:20-21) It may be fun and pretty now, but it won’t be fun then, when Jesus says, “I never knew you, you workers of iniquity” … Think about what, how, and why you do the things you do… Prove them and yourself by the Written Word… Follow the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and repent…. Then abstain from the ways of the world that IS Displeasing to God…

Saturday, March 19, 2011

GOD The Same Yesterday, Today, & Forever

(Mark 12: 10...have ye not read the ~~Scripture’s~~? …. (24).. “do ye not therefore *ERR* because ye know not the scripture’s, & The Power of God” …. (29) the First of ~~ALL~ the Commandments IS: The Lord our God IS One Lord, & thou shalt *LOVE* the Lord, thy God with ~~ALL~~ thy heart, soul, mind, & strength THIS IS THE : 1st Commandment… & The 2nd IS like, namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself….
(Deuteronomy 6:24)… THE LORD, Commanded us ~~TO DO~~ *ALL* These Statutes: TO ~~Fear~~ the LORD our God, for our good always, the HE might preserve us alive….
Paul ~~KNEW~~ God THE Father… and proclaimed HIM and Jesus Christ HIS Son, in his writings…. (Writings that help us today come to know the exacting’s of God).
(I Corinthians 8:6)…. “There IS But ONE God, THE Father, of WHOM are ALL Things, and we in HIM,,, & One Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom Are ~ALL~ things, and we IN Him… Howbeit, there IS NOT in every man that **knowledge**….” And Paul goes on to explain how a person who ~~Knows~~ can cause an unsuspecting and unlearned person to stumble and fall, because of their actions…
Then there IS The Holy Ghost, Spirit, Comforter, which leads us into all things making Intercession in our prayers when we don’t know what to say… (Romans 8: 26-27) & Jesus sits at the ~~Right Hand of THE Father and ALSO Makes Intercession for us.. (Romans 8:34)
But there IS AN ALL Important BOOK that we must not leave out of our lives, Because in it we find… many things important to our lives here on earth in the flesh and things vere beneficial to our Spiritual and eternal lives…..
There IS A Great Importance in reading THE BIBLE and paying attention to THE Recorded History IT provides, The Written Guidance of IT’S Holy Author, BECAUSE: As Paul said:
(Romans 8: 1- 4)… there is now therefore *NO* condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, ~~~who walk not after the flesh~~ but after the Spirit… *For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death*… (Whereas a written law has no life in IT, only Christ has life and The Law IN Him IS life)… thus He did not do away with the law, but came to fulfill IT….
(3)… For… what the *LAW* could NOT DO, in that IT was weak through the flesh, *God, ~~Sending~~ HIS OWN Son, IN the likeness of sinful flesh, & for sin, …~~Condemned sin in the flesh:~~ That the ~~*Righteousness*~~ OF the Law might be ~~~ Fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after,,,,*THE Spirit*….. (13)… FOR **IF** you live after the flesh, ye shall ~~DIE~~: BUT: **IF** ye through THE Spirit, Do *Mortify* the deeds of the body, ye shall live… (14)… For as many as are ~~Led~~ BY THE…*Spirit of God*, they are the sons OF God….
(Notice *IT* Does not read that the Spirit Mortifies you, BUT IF ~~you~~ through the Spirit DO… this … The Spirit makes ~~Intercession~~ for us, BUT we still gotta make that conscious choice for that IS THE Choice that God gave us from the beginning and that Choice Stands until the Books which contain our ~~Works~ IS Read before the Great Throne and our judgment rendered….
(Deuteronomy 30: 11-19).. “For *This Commandment** which I (THE LORD) Command thee this day, IS NOT Hidden from you, neither IS IT far off…. BUT The ~~Word~~ IS very neigh unto thee… “I have set before thee this day…~Life & Good and Death & Evil… *Life & Death* and *Blessing & Cursing* therefore ~~CHOOSE~~ *Life**..
So God gave us a choice then and HE Gives us a choice now….
(Romans 10: 11) “For ~~THE Scripture~~ saith… “Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed…(13) whosoever shall call upon the Name OF The LORD shall be saved… SO we have an action, we have a choice, we have a duty to read the verses and prove ourselves as well as the spirit that we follow… BECAUSE
(There IS A Warning Also About ~~THE Spirit~~… Because we can be led by other spirits and follow the wrong path unawares ****IF**** there IS that *IF* that so many don‘t pay attention to!)
(I John 4:1)… “Believe ~NOT~ every *spirit*, BUT, try the spirits whether they are of God:” So IF we say: (I John 1:8) we have ~~no~~ sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth IS NOT in us…. (So IF we profess that Jesus Lives within us and will not let us sin, then do we make Him to be a sinner because we fall, and we will and we do)….. Else there would not be the warning that Jesus gave to THE Churches IN:
(Revelation 2:5)… *Remember** therefore from whence thou are fallen, *AND**Repent**, and ~~DO~~ the first works, OR ELSE, I (Jesus) WILL Come Quickly and ~~WILL~~ remove thy candlestick our of HIS Place, Except thou *Repent***….
So *IF* we have a NEED TO Remember, and Must Repent, the we must have fallen somewhere along the way, and how will we know IT *IF* we have not searched the
~Scriptures~ to find out, to help us remember as THE LORD Said?? Sure the Spirit convicts our conscious, but we as mere humans have a ~~NEED~~ to learn where we failed so as not to repeat the mistake… GO Knew this when HE Instructed the Israelites:
(Deuteronomy 6: 1-26)… “these are THE Words that I command thee this day…teach them diligently unto your children, bind them for a sign upon thine hand, write them upon the posts of thy house, and on the gates, ~~Beware~~ Lest thou forget… THE LORD…”
Then Paul Reminds US:
(II Corinthians 13:5)… *Examine* yourselves, whether ye be in ~~Faith~~: ~~Prove~~ your own selves… *Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ IS IN you, except ye be reprobates…. (So ***IF*** we are to prove ourselves, then that gives us a command to obey, a walk to prove and how on earth can we prove ~~ourselves~ without A Guide? That IS Precisely What The LORD God Almighty Gave us HIS Written Word THE Bible For and HAS Had IT Preserved throughout the years that we may search IT’S Pages
TO: Refute false teachings, TO: Expose, the evil spirit that would lead us astray by worldly ways, Because IF IT Ain’t Written already, THEN we don’t need IT IN our lives to bring us to ~~Confusion~~ with the wiles of Satan the Devil…. Which we can Identify, by searching out our purposed actions in the Scriptures AS Jesus said:..
(Mark 12: 24).. “do ye not therefore *ERR* because ye know not the scripture’s, & The Power of God”…
(Deuteronomy 28:58).. “*IF*.. Thou wilt ~~NOT~~ Observe to do ~~ALL~~ the words of *THIS LAW* that ARE ~~Written ~~ IN ~~THIS BOOK~~ that thou mayest… *Fear* THIS Glorious & Fearful NAME: *THE LORD THY GOD*, then the LORD WILL make thy plagues and the plagues of thy seed, even long and continuous…
Yes we, can see the miracles that God performs, and sadly many proclaim some of these miracles to be the blessings of a seasonal event, rather than a blessing from God, they credit a false fable…denying THE LORD God and not fearing HIS Name… But within our own lives, in each day God gives continual miracles, that can be seen, recognized as HIS Blessings *IF* we look through learned eyes, that are guided BY the Holy Spirit through the reading of God’s Holy Book of Instruction…… Paul Warned:
(Romans 12:2)… ~BE NOT Conformed~~ to this world: BUT BE ye ~~Transformed~~ by the renewing of your mind, that ye may *Prove* what IS *THAT* Good, and Acceptable, AND Perfect…*WILL OF God*…. (Paul, who certainly was called by, and knew Jesus, did not say, Jesus or the Holy Spirit was going to transform us, but he explained how we were to transform ~~Ourselves~~ by the renewing of our minds.. By coming into obedient subjection to God’s Will and Way, and How do we mere finite folk come to ~~Know~~ God’s Will and Way? (NOT HIS Way of doing things because that IS NOT For man to ever learn, BUT HIS Way the HE Expects us to follow through humble obedience to HIS Will….) J J J
By chasing after our tails in men’s traditions, ways of the world, pagan customs, which IF we do not read the Bible we cannot claim to identify, which IS Why so many accept these things as good, WHEN **IF** they would wise up and search the ~~Holy Written Scriptures~~ they would not be ignorant, nor err in their ways of ~not knowing~ because they would be able to **SEE**, as IT IS Written That God does Not approve of these ways….
(Isaiah 29: 12-13)….::THE BOOK IS delivered TO him that ~~IS NOT~ learned, saying Read This… wherefore The LORD Saith, “forasmuch as this people draw near ME with their mouth, & with their lips do honor ME, but have removed their heart far from ME and their fear toward ME IS Taught by ~~The precept (WAYS) of men~~… (24) they that erred in spirit, shall come to understanding, they that murmured shall ~~Learn~~ Doctrine….
(II Corinthians 13:5)… Paul Said:: in warning.. “Examine yourselves, whether ye be *IN* the ~~Faith~~, *Prove* your own selves, how that Jesus Christ IS in you, except ye be reprobates?
(I Thessalonians 5:21)… Prove ~~ALL~~ Things; hold fast that which ~~IS GOOD~~…
(Exodus 20:20) Moses said: “Fear NOT: For God IS Come to ~~Prove~~ you, that HIS fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not…
SO IT IS Very important that we: Read, Study, & Learn, God’s Written Word, because IT Keeps our minds ~~Refreshed~~ In HIS Will and Way.
(Romans 6: 15-16).. What then shall we sin, because we are not under the ~Law~ , but under grace? GOD Forbid… Know ye ~~NOT~~ That to *whom* ~~YE~~ Yield (give) yourselves servants to ~~Obey~~ *his* servants ye are, TO ~~Whom~~ ye obey…. (Oh, here IS that Original ~~Choice~~ That God gives TO us)… Whether of ~~Sin unto death~~ OR OF: ~~Obedience unto Righteousness~~ …. SOOOOOooo… that sorta puts the ball of *Choice* in our court… and ~Eternal LIFE~ IS NOT A Game that Jesus Christ plays, OR that THE Father takes lightly, The cross was a serious matter, so why do we toss it around so carelessly in the world?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Selective Readers, Often MISS: *IF*

We must first ~~Learn~~ TO: read thoroughly; pay attention to; believe; and apply by becoming obedient to: God’s Commandments & Statutes: *AS IT IS WRITTEN*….. Before IT IS TOO LATE……. TOOOO many have fallen to the teaching’s that: Once saved Always, saved eliminating choice, OR that we can do no wrong Because we carry Christ within us… eliminating the work of faith, in following the way that God the Father said, and Jesus Christ, God’s Son Confirmed, that we must walk. Narrow path ~versus~ broad way… Choice… even today…. Even saved, even in Christ, because IF Christ IS IN US then our works will reflect HIM There…. And IT IS Those Same works THAT Will Keep us there: AS Jesus said:
(Matthew 7: 16- 29)… by their fruits ye shall know them… fruit is produced on a tree, and what we produce is what we are known by, do our hands and feet run to false teachings, or pagan traditions, or does our work reflect only our walk in the world…??
There is one tiny two letter word that IS Written, BUT IS SO Neglected…by those who call themselves followers of Christ, those that claim Christ lives within them….leading them, BUT Christ, Jesus, THE Son of God our Heavenly Father, never disobeyed His Father, nor turned His back on the Faithful Writings of the old prophets, nor the *Ten Commandments* Written by the very finger of His Father……(Deuteronomy 9:10)
(II Chronicles 7:12-22) … in part.. The *LORD* appeared to Solomon, saying, “I have heard thy prayer” … (So yes, the LORD heard this prayer)… & “I (The LORD) have chosen ~This~ place to Myself, as a House of sacrifice,” && “**IF** I (THE LORD) shut up heaven that there be no rain.. Or send pestilence among *MY* people::: **IF,** *MY* people, which are called ~~by~~ *MY* NAME*, shall humble themselves, and **pray**, & seek *MY* Face, and turn from their wicked ways, ~~THEN~~ I, (THE LORD) WILL Hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land……
``ODD``: that this is the very verse that many display on their lawns as a prayer for God to heal this nation….. BUT THE Thing IS: they won’t turn from their own evil ways.. The evil way, being disobedient to God’s Will & Way… They insist that “WE can and we are gonna put God where *WE* want HIM and then everything will be good because God so loved the world that HE Sent HIS Son Jesus to pay our sin debt…., BUT, the difference, *IS*! Jesus came in obedience to HIS Father’s WILL, He Never took ~~IT~~ upon Himself to do His *OWN* Will, but He DID, the WILL OF His Father, AND ours…
(Matthew 26:39) (Matthew 7:21) (John 5:30)
SO ~~IF~~ The Very Son of God, The First IN ALL Things, proved obedient only to His Father, what makes, us, the people who are called BY *HIS** NAME, think that we can change the rules because we are above the law, Because Christ Lives in us….? We love to preach oh, the lost folks are the ones that need to become obedient to God’s Will and Way, Because Christ Lives in us and won’t let us do anything wrong, so we are free to walk where we want, we are saved by the ~Righteousness~ of Christ…. And IN His Grace we are found in the Grace of His Father and ours… Well, this IS True but there again IS THAT: **IF**….. That sooooo many ignore… WE Do have a work to do, that proves our faith and that work IS and Will Be counted for or against us in the end , and that work applies to all those who call themselves saved, & to those who are agnostic….. IT IS Called choice, and **IF** we live by choice and make the wrong choice of ourselves, we are in trouble… SOOOO we gotta read the Bible carefully to learn the ~~Right~~ Choice to make WHEN The Father draws us to the Son and the Son leads us to the Father and to recognize and obey the Guidance of the Holy Spirit…..
FOR ***IF*** Christ lives in us then the laws and statutes that God the Father sent down by HIS Faithful Obedient prophets, and that God the Father Wrote WITH HIS Own Finger, certainly live in us tooooooo…. AND we walk IN Them… TRUE? SOOOOoooo…
Where IS IT Written that Jesus said: “Put the Name of God on Caesars’ money, render your allegiance to the flags of the nations, lifting them up in the ~~Place~~ set aside for Worshiping, Giving of Thanks, learning OF, and Remembering our Father, WHO Art IN Heaven, HIS Kingdom AND HIS Ensign, HIS Son AND our Intercessor, Lord & King, Jesus Christ, or to make the pagan celebration of *The Season of Spring* a part of the ~~Blessed Memorial of The Sacrifice that He made for us, and the Resurrection, & The ~~Ascension~~ that He proved ``FOR us`` OR TO make the celebration of ~~The Winter Solstice~~ a part of the remembrance of *Jesus fleshly birth*, when Jesus, IN Obedience to His Father came and was born on this earth and took on the fleshly sin of man….. FOR Jesus said:
(Matthew 7:20-24).. “By their fruits they shall be known”… (Their works?, what IS brought forth from them? As in:) (19) every tree that bringeth ~~NOT~~ forth ~~Good Fruit~~ IS hewn down, & cast into the fire… (IF we are teaching and leading God’s little chidren astray, even though it may seem good and fun, then the fire awaits us.. )… FOR “Many shall say to Me, (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and cast out devils, and in Thy Name done many wonderful ~~Works~~?” “Yet I, (Jesus) will profess unto them, depart from Me, ye that ~~Work Iniquity~~… Iniquity being injustice or sin, sin being disobedience, and disobedience being not following the Ways of our LORD……
(Revelation 14:12 -13)… Here is the patience of the ~saints~…their works *DO Follow* them.
(Revelation 20: 12).. And They were judged, ~~Every man~~ (Not those who were lost only) BUT *Every Man* was judged… ~According TO their *Works*….
(John 18:36) .. Jesus said: “My Kingdom IS Not of this world”… (So why in the world would we the people who call ourselves Christians as followers of Christ, try so hard to make the things of this world be a part of our worship, of our walk in God’s Kingdom, *IF* we truly walk IN God’s Kingdom?)
(Revelation 21: 24-27) .. AND the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the ~~Light~~ of *IT* & there shall in ~~NO Wise~ enter into IT, anything that defileth, working abomination, OR maketh a lie, BUT Those that are ~~Written In The Lamb’s Book of Life~~>…
(Sooo since THE LORD HAS HAD Written throughout the Bible, that the ways of the heathen are an abomination to HIM, and that HIS people should not take part in their ways, Why do we think that we are delivered in today’s modern time to bring their practices into the services set aside to Worship, Praise, and Give Thanks to God our Father in Jesus Name and *IT’S* gonna be a ~~Good Thing~~?
Have we grown content in our deceit and let Satan the serpent draw us to believe as he led Adam & Eve, that in this day you shall surely not die, but shall be like gods: so since Jesus gave His life for us we can make our OWN Way, put God’s Title on IT or IN IT, because we are like gods and tomorrow we are gonna get ourselves right, oil our lamps, bring ourselves into proper obedience? (Gen. 3:1-5)…
(I Peter 2:24) (Jesus)…Who in His Own Self bare our sins ~IN~ His Own Body ` upon the tree, (WHY?) ~That we being dead to sins, ~~Should LIVE~~ unto *Righteousness*: By Whose Stripes Ye Were Healed…. (Sad, because we will gladly claim those stripes that healed us, BUT Turn our heads and ~~Choose~~ to ignore the… *Live unto Righteousness* part…
I find so many have selective reading skills, blotting out the parts that they don’t want to adhere to, and seeing only that which will make them feel good about the things that they do… Taking away ~~The Need~ To feel repentant shame of their disobedience, while at the same time praying for God TO: Heal this nation, bring rain, sun, make the crops grow, bless the people, heal the sick, profit the poor…. Give, Give, Give unto us, BUT WE Choose ~~NOT~~ To give unto God our Loyalty, our Praise, or Thanks, or *Devotion* in ~~ALL~~ things… Choosing TO Ignore the ~~MANY~~ *IF’S* that are written IN God’s Holy Book of ALL Instruction.
(Luke 9:23) .. Jesus Said: “**IF** ~any~ man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up ~~his~~ cross and follow Me….
(Matthew 19:21)… Jesus Said: .. “*IF*, thou wilt be ~perfect~, .. Come ~~Follow~~ Me….
*IF*, always implies choice, a condition or qualification, of more than one way, and God THE Father set before us ~~TWO~~ Ways, giving us a choice, ~~From~~ Genesis TO Revelation we have that choice, Jesus did not take away the law, but came to fulfill *IT*, and ~~ALL~~ things Will Not Be fulfilled until ~~ALL~~ IS Done… Jesus said on the Cross, Father “IT IS Done”, the way of Salvation Was Accomplished, but we still have to make the ~~Choice TO: Accept *IT*, & TO Live *IT*… IN order to KEEP *IT*…
(Matthew 5:18) Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the ~~law~~ Till ~~ALL be fulfilled…
Well ~~ALL~~ is not fulfilled as long as we live in the flesh on this earth…. Only when God’s People live IN: New Jerusalem will ~~ALL~~ be fulfilled, when faith ends in sight, when “IT IS ALL DONE: (Revelation 21: 1-27) ..(6)… “IT IS Done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end… he that ~~Overcometh~~ shall inherit all things…. And since we have not yet seen this day, ALL has not been fulfilled…. &
(Philippians 2:12)… “Work out your own ~~Salvation~~ with *Fear & Trembling*….” AS IN The Respectful *Fear* That we are TO show before The Great Throne of God, AS IN our being ~~Obedient~~ To HIS Will and Way, not as working in our own ways to attain our own salvation…. Thus by our Works we are NOT Saved… BUT By our ~~Works~~ we do prove our Faith, loyalty, trust, and hope in the LORD….
(James 2: 18-28)… Show me, thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith ~by~ my works…. As the body without the spirit IS Dead SO ..Faith without works IS Dead…
(Psalm 91:1-16)… Read IT ALL IN The KJV Bible and take heed: “Sing aloud unto God, our Strength: thou calledst in trouble, & I delivered thee; I answered thee; there shall be *NO* strange god before thee,, but MY people would not hearken unto MY Voice,…the haters of God ~~Should~~ have submitted themselves unto HIM….
(Matthew 25: 1-13).. “The Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, five stay prepared with their eyes open and set on the prize, and five dilly dally around calling themselves the bride, but not keeping prepared their lamps, supplied with the oils of Holy Instruction, staying prayed up and stayed up in: *The Whole Amour of God, THE Shield of Faith, THE Helmet OF Salvation, and The Sword of THE Spirit, WHICH **IS** The Word of God…. (Ephesians 6: 11-18) …
Don’t let the ~~Day~~ catch you out playing cat and mouse in the world of Satan, trying to please the people with court jesters, games of destruction, pagan customs and cultures, celebrations of the seasons, the abominations of this world led by Satan the Devil and trying to make them righteous by adding them to the Blessed Memorials of our Lord Jesus Christ….
*IF* Someone associated the birth of your child, with a ritual of darkness, would that make you happy? *IF* someone took the death of your child and turned it into a ritual celebration of sacrifice to the gods who burn children alive in torture and torment, would you smile upon them with joy? Think about HOW, WHY, & WHAT you do in Remembering The Son Jesus and the Sacrifice that He made in obedience to HIS Fathers Will and THE Sacrifice that the Father MADE IN Sending HIS Son TO make this sacrifice, as you remember, learn, read, of these things… REMEMBER THE *IF’S* AS IT IS WRITTEN & THINK!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Does IT Take TO FEEL Shame?

What does *IT* take to make one ~~FEEL~ shame in this modern day and time? Repentant? Thankful? Humbly Obedient ~~TO~~ THE ONE TRUE GOD?
There is one Bible verse and subject that I have never heard a preacher present, to a congregation… Not that someone hasn’t, for maybe I am at fault for missing *IT*… BUT I’ve attended many services, even VBS and seen & heard, many things that would be in direct contrast, contrary, to this scripture of instruction carried on in God’s House OF Worship….
Jesus threw the money changes, out saying; “Make *NOT* My Father’s House a house of merchandise” (John 2: 13-16)
Do we respect the places where people are assembled today to: Worship the LORD? Do we the people show respect, and honor to THE ONE TRUE God, In that place that we are called to come together to: Preach, Pray, Praise, The Father & His Son, Jesus Christ? OR, do we tote in all sorts of ~~merchandise~~ of the world, to be displayed, sold, (Sold by promotion of their customs).. installed in the services, above, over, and instead of, The True Gospel of: THE Kingdom of God and the Gospel of HIS Son Jesus Christ, AS IT IS Written of Truth in THE Bible, God‘s Holy Book of ~ALL~ Instruction?
So many times I have watched the little children, under the instruction of the adult leaders, march the flag of this nation into the front door, down the isle, to the Alter before the LORD, and the congregation stand and pledge their, ~~Allegiance~~ to: A piece of cloth, a banner, an ensign, that represents, a nation of this world, AND to ~~THE~~ Republic for which ~~IT~~ stands. This saddened my heart and when I spoke out against this action in God’s House of Worship, I was met with anger from the leaders, …leaders who call themselves after God‘s Son, . Because, I stood up for the ~~TRUE ENSIGN~~ of God’s Kingdom… *AS IT IS Written*….
(John 18:36)… Jesus SAID: “My Kingdom ~IS NOT~ of this world”….
(Luke 4:3-13)… Jesus SAID: Get thee behind Me Satan, FOR IT IS Written, thou shalt WORSHIP THE LORD, thy God and HIM Only shalt thou serve“.. This after Satan had offered Him, (Jesus), (HOW MANY?) *ALL* ~The kingdoms~ OF The ~World~… And again Jesus SAID: “Thou shalt *NOT* Tempt THE LORD Thy God”…. &&&
(Luke 4:16-19),.. Jesus entered into the synagogue… ON THE *Sabbath Day*, (TO Do what, praise the nations, carry in their flags, sing happy birthday to all who were celebrating their fleshly days of birth, when IT WAS GOD that Brought them into this world to prove themselves?) OR … To preach the ~~Acceptable Year of THE LORD~~ The Gospel TO: The poor, broken hearted, deliverance to captives, set at liberty them that are bruised… & ~READ~~ The writings of the *Old Testament* prophet “Isaiah”…… Things Beneficial to our eternal life and not the frivolities of this fleshly life…..
And IT Was pointed out to me that they march and pledge to the flag that represents: ~Religion~ TOO, ALSO? That in itself is conflict, because I can’t for the life of me see how our ~~Loyalty~~ can be doled out amongst many different factions. That to me IS like saying, you are loyal to: Buda, on one hand, and loyal to Mohammad, on the other, and somewhere in the rear, Jesus is on our plate of doled out loyalties tooooo…
AND, when you really look at IT Truthfully, there are many ~~Religions~~ SO A Religious Flag only represents a belief, any belief, SOOOO I can not grasp this either… Because a Satanist or and Atheist IS A part of a religious group… a group which believes in their own teachings….. SOOOOOooo….
This really puzzled me that a people who called themselves… Christian …. After the Blessed Name of God’s Son, would not rather lift up God’s OWN Ensign, IN HIS House of Worship, than the flag of the nation, or a religion… AND I thought, IF, we can’t lift up: *Exclusively* God’s Only Begotten Son AS THE Ensign of God THE Father’s Kingdom, IN The House of Worship, set aside for: “Christians” to gather into, for the purpose of worshiping the LORD, WELL, Where on earth can or should we lift up the NAME OF Christ?….
We gladly fight, walk about with banners in protest, to keep the Blessed Name of God’s Only Begotten Son in the worlds seasonal celebrations and holidays, on Caesars money and declare freedom of Christianity, BUT, when IT IS Time TO Exercise that ~~Freedom~~ we turn back to our own vomit, to our loyalty of a heathen generation, led by the ~adversary~ of Christ…
We protest and cast blame on the government for taking the Bible and Prayer out of it’s learning system, the “Ten Commandments” out of ~IT’S~ buildings of law…. AND yet we gladly take them out of God’s House’s of Worship and replace them with the teachings of man’s traditions, pagan cultures, national pride, and anything that looks good and provides ~~FUN~~ for all… Where IS the shame? Where IS The humble repentance?
Jesus said: (Mark 12: 14-17)… “Whose IS this image and superscription?” (Washington, Lincoln, or Caesar?) The ~Inscription~ ? Most ~Inscriptions~ on Caesars coins, pointed to the ruler ship of the kings, linage, and some even pointed to false gods… SOOOO …**NOTE** That Jesus never said: “Add My Father’s Name TO these coins and all will be well in the nation, BUT! Jesus Said: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s & *TO God*, the things that ARE God’s”…. &&&
(John 4:24)… Jesus SAID: “God IS A Spirit, and they that ~Worship~ HIM Must ~Worship~ HIM (God) IN Spirit & Truth”…
Where IS THE Truth in the mixed fables taught to the little children in: Santa’s ~Miracles~ OF Christmas trees, the colored eggs that the Easter bunny brings, and that in taking part in these things we are honoring Jesus, by pretending that we are looking for Him in a pagan celebration, the spooks and goblins that scare them at Halloween, teaching them that ~This Nation, and IT’S soldiers and wars IS What makes and keeps us free?…. How Well DO you, who teach them, *KNOW* Jesus? The Jesus that you teach them ~~Loves them,~~ but the Jesus that you show them can do nothing and IS nothing in the way you present Him to them, because all these other things IS What you teach them to LOOK TO…. Taking their eyes off of THE Savior, their Maker, their Redeemer, even in the celebrating of their earthly births in God’s House’s of Worship… AND Yet IT IS These things that we get all puffed up and angry over and would fight tooth and nail to preserve, while dismissing ~The~ Teaching of *The Gospel of God’s Kingdom* & THE *Gospel of God’s Son* Jesus Christ, by lifting up THE *ENSIGN* of God’s Kingdom ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY IN God’s House’s OF Worship…. Sad, Shame, Shame, Shame….
No wonder we have a generation of folks that think nothing of: tattooing our bodies; walking into God’s House half naked, displaying our flesh all over the place, advertising our ~~sexy~~ appearance in a world, that has lost all its, morals… coming out of the “homosexual” closets and expecting to be accepted any and everywhere, and by all people, cause they can’t help IT… Toting books of beauty merchandise to sell in the pews during the services, or fun game magazines, or our game phones to play with during the TIME Set Aside for WHAT? Respect? Honor? Loyalty? Obedience? IN Service, teaching, learning, praising, praying, and giving of *Thanks* TO God, our Creator, our Eternity, our life, our ALL,
Now I’ve heard many preachers protest the use of the scriptures where Jesus cast out the money changers, to prove keeping God’s House Pure, AS incorrect, because they say, IT was Written because of the selling of animals to sacrifice for Passover, and carries no more meaning than that, so we need not worry, because Jesus died that we be made free of this… He IS our once and for ~ALL~ time sacrifice… AND That Part, IS True… BUT we still have an obedient, humble, clean, walk to prove… IF Jesus returned today and walked into the building where folks are gathered to have services, dedicated to HIS Father, what do you suppose He would throw out?
Think about IT, Consider IT in your deepest conscious, can you truthfully ~Proclaim~ loyalty to: Jesus, and HIS Father, in your actions carried on IN God’s House of Worship? IS everything, that you do and say exclusive to lifting up the *Ensign* of God’s Kingdom? Do you feel the slightest twinge of shame at, dishonoring the Ensign of God’s Kingdom, by parading the ensign of a nation into God’s House of Worship? IF you don’t, and you declare that you ~~ KNOW~~ Jesus, and use His Name, claiming to be a ~~Christian~~, then it is really a sad shame, because, Jesus did not give His life a ransom sacrifice to sit upon an earthy throne as a King, or Leader of a group of sheep that do not listen to His Voice, of a nation, one of many that belong ~~TO~: Satan the Devil..
(John 10:27)… Jesus SAID: “My sheep, hear My Voice, and I Know Them, &&& they ~~Follow~~ Me….. (They don’t go skipping off into the world, calling IT right, BUT they **Follow** Jesus….
(Luke 1:32-33) He shall be great, and shall be called the: Son of THE Highest: & The LORD God shall give unto Him the Throne of His father David… AND of His Kingdom there shall be ~~NO END~~… Well David’s kingdom was divided, under his son Solomon, why? Because of ~~Disobedience~ To God’s Instructions… IT was an earthly kingdom with a spiritual fore shadow of God’s Kingdom TO Come…. AS Jesus said…
(Luke 11:20)… “BUT *IF* I, (Jesus), with the ~Finger~ of God cast out devils, no doubt *The Kingdom OF God* **IS** come upon you…. SOOooo… Here Jesus was raised up as the: ENSIGN OF God’s Present, & Eternally standing Kingdom… not a kingdom or nation of this world in which Satan the adversary has been given rule for a short time, for Jesus SAID:
(John 12:31-32)… NOW!… IS the Judgment of the world: Now shall the prince of this world be cast out… AND *I, (Jesus)*, *IF* I Be lifted up from the earth, Will draw ~all~ men unto Me….. Do you lift Him up?…. Or do you put Him down and lift up the flag of a nation, or the custom of a pagan celebration, even in remembering of this ~~Time~~ When He was lifted up on the Cross and was ~Resurrected by the Father~~ TO Sit on the Heavenly Throne of God’s Kingdom at His Father’s Right Hand…. TO rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords….
Does Jesus have *Power* over this nation? YES! Does He rule over this nation, or did God the Father give ALL the kingdoms of the earth over unto Satan the Devil?
(Revelations 13: 6-8)… AND power was given unto him over ~~ALL~~ kindred’s, tongues, and *nations*…..all them that dwell upon the earth… AND God’s Kingdom IS Not of this world, so.
Jesus proving Himself, IS Now risen and sits at the right hand of the Father IN His Kingdom… THE Same Kingdom which we are to ~~LOOK~~ to, flee TO: Declare the Good News of, to others, and Certainly TO: Lift up the *Ensign* That Represents THIS Kingdom as the sheep…. Of This Kingdom
(Isaiah 11:10)… IN THAT Day, there shall BE: A Root of Jesse, which shall Stand.. For an Ensign of the people, ~~TO IT~~ shall the Gentiles seek: & *His* rest shall be glorious…
This should sorta show us THAT The Ensign/ Flag/Banner of God’s Kingdom, IS NOT A Piece of cloth, Because a piece of fabric is not a *HE*…

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Unknown; Spirits OF Evil

The Unknown; The Shadow Knows; titles like these are attention getters, way much more so than a heading that contains: Bible…. Why? IS IT the fleshly human nature to seek something that no one else knows, something new, something that has not been revealed before… wherefore arises spirit seekers, even simple matters like keeping up with or one up better than the Jones? IT flows back to competition and that competition started in the Garden of Eden when Satan lifted his head up and decided he wanted to rise above the Creator to sit above the throne of God and be all in all…. BUT God Always HAS Been, & Always WILL BE… (Isaiah 14: 11-16) (Ezekiel 28: 13-19)
Evil spirits; demons;
( Luke 4: 31-35).. Jesus, came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath days… they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, Saying, “Let us alone;
SO IF the devil, demons, evil spirits can enter into the Religious meeting held in the Synagogue, they can roam about anywhere here on this earth, seeking to devour, destroy, possess who ever they can entice with beauty or with fear, or with ignorance….& Believe you, me there are many that tote Satan right on into the religious meetings, or services in the guise of pagan or men’s traditional customs. Thus Peter’s warning to us!
(I Peter 5:8) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour….
(Luke 11:24) … Jesus said: “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out….
Can an evil spirit, demon walk about unseen in a hospital, seeking to enter a living body to possess it for his own, thus sealing it over to his master, Satan the Devil? Certainly!
AND The pitiful thing IS; folks that go out seeking the soul/spirit of their loved ones to talk or visit with them in some way, are unsuspecting prey to the possession of an evil spirit, in their ignorance, disbelief, or simply their failure to seek God’s Holy Written Book of ~~ALL~~ Instruction for HIS Guidance, HIS Protection, HIS Way that keeps us from this evilness…
For an evil spirit that has possessed a human, certainly knows them and all their folks, and can use this to lure one into possession by the desire to bring back their loved one, who ~IF~ THE Book of ALL Instruction IS Consulted instead of a demon possessed medium, would realize that God does not leave even the worst criminal here in the spirit, to roam the earth, neither does HE leave any of our loved ones, BUT, when our spirit leaves this fleshly body IT IS Immediately returned back to God who gave IT in the beginning…. The God who placed that spirit into that fleshly body will not leave it to float about freely after the body is dead……
Proof? Read: (Ecclesiastes 12: 1)… REMEMBER now thy *CREATOR*…(6&7).. When the silver cord be loosed or the golden bowl be broken, (Life has left this body)… Then the dust, (this flesh as from dust you came and to dust you shall return)… the dust shall return to the earth as it was:… & the ~~spirit~~ shall return unto God who gave IT…… Read:
(Genesis 2:7) & (Genesis 3:19) Adam was made from the dust of the ground, & so are we, and God told him that since he was made from the dust he would return to the dust…
The Instruction that God gave us to live by and the Recorded History of mankind IS really very simple to understand and live by, we make IT complicated by rejecting the Teaching that God gives us and trying to seek something ~~Different~~ new~~ something that which we think we can control and put a handle on, which IS the same act that Satan pulled on Adam and Eve as they fell prey to…. AND this gets us into all kinds of trouble…. The evil spirit, demon, knew Jesus and Paul.
(Acts 19:15)… the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” speaking to the Jew, (exorcists who was going to cast out demons) and the man which was possessed of the evil spirit jumped on them and a beat them up.. (verses 13 & 16)
The Bible clearly condemns the use of witchcraft, seeking familiar spirits, observing times, and enchantments… And yet many people even Church going folk that claim Christianity, use these things as entertainment, as a misguided work thinking that they may help a spirit, or help God do HIS Work… BUT God has said in no mistakable manner, “Leave IT Alone”…..
(II Chronicles 33:6).. Manasseh, son of King Hezekiah, was one of many example’s of not heeding The warning of God… He caused children to pass through the fire, observed times, used enchantments, witchcraft, dealt with familiar spirits, wizards, wrought ~~Much evil~~ in the sight of God to provoke HIM TO Anger….. (v. 9) he lead the people to err and to do worse than the heathen, soooo IF God forbade this then, do you think HE Allows IT today? Yet we teach IT to our children every day in the daily reading of our horoscopes, watching Harry Potter, Merlin, and many movies that draw minds to think in a manner of opposition to God… the latest being the new vampire series of movies that are luring in the fleshly good looks of the actors and actresses…showing strong love in the flesh… We claim it only entertainment, but where IS your heart, thoughts, and mind, that IS supposed to be completely and Wholly on the LORD? How much time do we spend all caught up in watching, discussing, advertising these things?
(Luke 8: 26-33)… Jesus met a certain man which had been possessed of devils for a long time, he lived in the tombs and wore no cloths, and when he saw Jesus he fell down before Him and cried, “What have I to do with Thee, Jesus, thou Son of God MOST HIGH?
The demons, evil spirits, the Devil Satan, the serpent, knows Jesus and recognizes Him to be The Son of God, many people who call themselves Christians, don’t…. AND Yet God gave us ~~Power~~ over the demons and Satan, *IF* we learn of *IT*, Apply *IT*, we can use *IT*, and we ~Absolutely~ MUST study God’s Written Word in order to ~~Learn~~ of the ways that God has provided for us to defend ourselves against being drawn in and overpowered by the unseen spirits of evil, which can and do manifest themselves in many ways…
Strange how you can warn someone of these dangers and they will fling their head away in unbelief, or if there is any sign of belief it is that you are crazy or fanatical about the Bible… BUT that same person will gladly join in a search for the walking spirits of the dead, shining lights in the dark and biding the spirits to speak to them,,,, Maybe it is really more sad than strange…. Because IT IS Going by the Book…..
(II Peter 3:3 & 17)… Knowing this ~first~.. That there shall come ~~scoffers~~ walking after their ~~own~~ lust….. BUT … seeing that ye know these things before, *Beware* lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness….
Once saved always saved? Why would Peter warn us to Beware of falling and being led away with the error of the wicked…..
Satan paints a pretty picture of many things that look righteous, but in reality is meant to come between and put a wedge between you, and your salvation in Christ…. Remember Christ WILL hold us Only *IF* we are willing to stay, BUT *IF* like the young man Jesus loved, we chose to turn back, Christ will not hold us….
(Mark 10: 21)… Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, “one thing thou lackest: go thy way and sell what thou hast, give it to the poor, take up thy cross and follow Me.” the young man walked away grieved…. IT IS the same with our ways of following the things that the world has to offer, we must follow Christ and not a lost and dying world led by Satan….Giving up or sacrificing our pretended or make believe fantasies of things of the unknown… and seeking ~ONLY~ the Will and Way of our Father in Heaven through HIS Son Jesus Christ…
what have we to do with thee , thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art ; the Holy One of God.” And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

THE Bible IS IT Necessary?: Studying TO Learn, OR Learning TO Study?

THE Bible IS IT Necessary?: Studying TO Learn, OR Learning TO Study?: "Do you send your children to school TO: “Learn To Study, OR Study To Learn”?.. Did you learn to study so that you learn the things benefici..."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Studying TO Learn, OR Learning TO Study?

Do you send your children to school TO: “Learn To Study, OR Study To Learn”?.. Did you learn to study so that you learn the things beneficial to life?…. Well, this same rule applies in Sunday Schools, Bible Schools, and Bible Studies…..
There are many people, and religious organizations that try to set records for the number of times they have read the Bible from front to back… Sorta making it a ~competition~, turning it into a ~fun game~, their excuse; “If we can get people to read the Bible in this manner then they will enjoy reading IT, they’ll have read all the Written Word and they will learn.” You can read the Bible in a year by just reading a few verses a day and not wasting any of your time that you enjoy spending in the world….. We know you are rushed to make a living in this life and all the available things that IT Offers….. SSSOOOoo.. This makes IT easy to be a Christian and get everything else done….
You Know what this attitude really does?…. IT separates us from Christ, and being separated from Christ separates us from the Father, and makes us to be aimless readers of a Book that brings us no learning only the personal satisfaction and bragging rights that: “WE have read THE Bible from front to back”…..
Many folks will tell you they enjoy reading and spend ~thus~ number of hours reading, Romance or Danger novels, this is a favorite pass time just before dropping off to sleep… But they read those few Bible verses in the morning as they have their morning coffee, just before rushing out the door to their work or play… Maybe they got tooo rushed on a couple of mornings and skipped a couple of verses… here they are…
(Deuteronomy 4:10).. THE LORD said unto me, (Moses), “Gather ME the people together, & I Will Make them hear MY Words, That they may *Learn* to fear ME ~~ALL~~ the days that they shall live upon the earth, &&& That they may ~~teach~~ their children.”…
(II Timothy 2: 15).. *STUDY*, to shew thyself ~~Approved~~ unto God, ~A workman~ that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the ~~Word OF Truth~~..
(II Peter 1:10)…Brethren, give *Diligence* to make ~your~ calling and election *Sure*: FOR *IF* ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
(Hebrews 4:11) Let ~US~ labor (work) therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief….
In these verses the word +Study+ has the same meaning As TO:: to hasten, make haste to exert one's self, endeavour, give diligence, labor, work …
(Psalm 119:73)… Thy Hands have made & fashioned me: Give me understanding, that I may *Learn* thy Commandments…...
(Isaiah 1:17)… Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow…
(Jeremiah 10:2)… THUS Saith THE LORD: “Learn ~~NOT~~ the way of the heathen, & be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.”
Have you ever stopped and thought about what you are teaching your children? You take them to Church, teach them to stand up and say I love Jesus, or Jesus Loves me, BUT the rest of the time you are inundating them with harmful video games, movies, practices of: The heathen; the occult; sexual fantasies, the cultures and ways of the nations of a lost and dying world, calling *IT* Fun, a good time, and feeding to your precious children the ~~Poison~~ of destruction… When *IF* you had taken the time to: “Learn TO Study” & “Study TO Learn” then you would see the harm the danger that you are putting them in, instead of going right along with them in actuality against Bible principles… Even worse, the children aren’t taught, so they are set up as leaders in the Houses of Worship, and they go out even further into the world with their imaginative doctrines, and today what do we have?… LOOK Around, Wake Up, Pay Attention…… The LORD God Almighty Father Said
(Deuteronomy 18:9)… “When thou art come into the land, which THE LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt ~~NOT~~ learn to do after:: THE: *Abominations* of those nations….
A whole bunch of folks musta skipped over this verse, OR determined that it applied only to Moses, today we make our own rules…. Because Jesus died for us, so we don’t have to follow God’s Commandments or laws…. Because folks claim that this nation IS God’s Nation, BUT look at the mess that IS Going on in it… please…. Does this look like A Kingdom that God THE Father would Approve OF? That HE, WHO Sent HIS Only Begotten Son to pay the sin debt, so that men sin no more, or so that they are free to sin as they please….. Jesus Said:
(Matthew 11:29)… “Take ~My~ yoke upon you, & *Learn* OF Me, For I am meek and lowly in heart: & ye shall find rest unto your soul.”….. Notice He did not say, learn the ways of the world to follow after them, to do as you please, BUT He, The Son of God said: “Take My yoke upon you, *learn* of Me”!!!!! Paul said:
(Hebrews 13: 18- 21)… Pray for us:.. Now the God of ~~Peace~~ that brought again from ~~The dead~~ our *Lord Jesus*, that ~Great Shepherd~ of the sheep, through ~The Blood OF the Everlasting Covenant~, make you perfect in every good work to do **HIS Will**, working IN you that which IS Well Pleasing IN HIS Sight, ~~Through~~ Jesus Christ, TO Whom be glory for ever and ever. AMEN….
(Proverbs 22:6)… Train up a child in the ~~WAY~~ he should go: & when he is old, he will not depart from IT…..
Many people interpret this to mean that they will stray but that they will return to it when they are older…. I take IT AS IT IS Written……We should train our children to walk the right path from birth to the grave, not train them in the foolishness of the world, teach them that God will forgive them, turn them loose when they reach the age of accountability with nothing to stand on but the ways of the world, and all will be well….
Instead of teaching our children from the cradle to walk and talk with the LORD, recognize HIM AS their Creator, As the ONE That gives discipline when we disobey, teach them that the very gift of their lives come from God The Father, through Jesus Christ HIS Son, they are being taught that Santa Claus is watching them, so they gotta be good, or the Easter bunny is gonna bring them colored eggs to hid and hunt…. The ~miracles~ are because of a season in which tese two fabricated characters are present… OOOHHH, ~ALL~ this seems good, harmless, joyful fun, but IT IS very destructive to eternal life, and quite possibly to their peace of mind in this fleshly life…..
Because when they reach the age of understanding and realize that all this has really been a lie, then they begin to doubt what IS real, and we have a mass of confused teenagers desperately searching for something sound to ~~Believe IN~~…
BUT, NOW, since this has proved to be a false teaching, even though IT brought them fun and they will carry on the games of fun, their belief in what little they have been taught about Jesus IS Rattled and they turn away from the Bible because They can’t see truth there either…
IT becomes easier to believe IN What IS Seen…. Guns that kill, fighting, the occult, tattoo’s, bulking up, & looking bad, destructive music that filters into their brains and prevents them from thinking of anything other, than what the content of the music produces, which IS mostly destruction… the alcoholic beverages that present the party life and the drugs that take away all the confusion and leave them without any feelings….
Instead of teaching our little ones, FROM THE Written WORD, *LOVE* love our neighbors, LOVE God, Above ~~ALL~~… we teach them “thou shalt not kill”, BUT Then we buy them BB guns before they are even old enough to hold them and let them shoot God’s creatures, with wild abandon, just for the thrill of killing something…. BUT When they are older and shoot up the school with no concern for ~~LIFE~~, we wonder WHY?
Had we taught them the value of the life of God’s tiny creatures as a child, bought them a bag of bird food, or kitty or dog chow, and taught them to show love and to care for ALL God’s Creation as IT IS Written, this might have been a different finish to their lives, because their fleshly life is over now.
OOOHHHH, I forgot the ~~ALL~~ Important *Attitude*, we can’t raise a bunch of sissies, that can’t kill for the thrill of IT, we gotta make them tough, strong, so that they won’t let nobody run over them or their country…. IS THIS WHAT JESUS TAUGHT?
How many times have a watched a parent reach over and pop a child on the head or shoulder, just for play in the Church, just to make them tough… Then spank them for crying… LOVE?
(Ephesians 6:4).. “Ye, fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, BUT bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD” ….
Some denominations, don’t allow women to Speak in the Services because IT IS Written IN:
(I Timothy 2:11)… Let the woman learn in silence with ~~ALL~~ subjection… SOOOooo…
This frees the women to sit and look at magazines, not paying attention to the speaker, because IT Does not concern them anyway… they’ve cooked the meal and fed the children, BUT They Haven’t Read the Word, Because they can’t deliver IT IN Church….. Did we miss that in the reading through of the Bible?
“LET The woman *LEARN* IN silence with ~~ALL~~ subjection”… I sorta take that to mean that many women, and there are ample plenty, who rather gossip than to listen, NEED to take heed of the message given IN Silence, and in this way they should **learn**… This does not free them from learning… BUT Encourages & Exhorts Them TO LEARN… and then there IS This warning: Ever sit in on a ladies Church meeting?
(I Timothy 5:13)….(This is speaking of the younger widows, but holds true for any female that spends here time)… they, wandering from house to house, not only idle, but tattlers busy bodies, speaking things that they ought not… (This is a pattern formed from playing pitty pat in the Church with your children, rather than taking the time to teach your children to pay attention to the service… teaching them that THAT IS Why they are here, not to play games, read books, visit with friends, during the worship service….. DO we not realize that this in fact IS Preventing the children from coming to Christ, by filling their heads with all the garbage of the world, instead of helping them to:
(Matthew 11:29)… “Take ~My~ yoke upon you, & *Learn* OF Me, For I am meek and lowly in heart: & ye shall find rest unto your soul.”…..
(Mark 10:14)…When Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, “Suffer the little children to” COME UNTO Me, & Forbid them NOT, for such IS The Kingdom of God..
NOW, if Jesus was displeased because the disciples pushed the children away, don’t you think the He IS Also displeased that we the people who call ~~Ourselves~~ followers after His Name, Christians, place so much garbage of the flesh and teachings of the world before our children to learn, instead of teaching them, AS IT IS Written, to come unto Him, *Learn* OF Him, and He will give us rest…. IT IS Necessary TO Study TO Learn, MORE Than reading, writing, ritmetic, or how to be sexually active with nor regard to God’s Command…. Feeling good about ones self ain’t worth dying for IS IT?