Monday, March 28, 2011

Reading "The Word"

Words are simply letters grouped together to form a meaningful sound/word a ~unit~ of language… words can consist of THE single letter digit as in: “A”, to a range of many letters that are placed together to form: “Possibility”, and even longer words… BUT!
The thing that makes the ~Difference~ IS HOW and WHY we use these letters…. For instance when typing, the visual part of my mind sees a simple three letter word such as ~THE~ and my fingers put those three letters down in order to form that word… somewhere between here and there something happens and the three letters become: ~HTE~ … Well, now I could blame IT and often do on this computer, `OR` my disobedient fingers, BUT, my ~~Site~~ I never question because IT IS Right….
Many times we are like that in our belief’s… *OUR* ~OWN~ SITE IS RIGHT, regardless of WHAT IS WRITTEN…. IN our vanity, we cannot accept that we could miss read or misunderstand a verse, or THAT we may be simply blinded by ~the scales~ of the ways of the world that cover the site of our fleshly eyes, thus clouding the spiritual vision that IS Right before our faces….. AT Least this IS How IT Has been for me, as I have tried to read, study, and learn, on ~MY~ OWN.. THE BOOK of ALL Instruction that God the Father, had penned down, by the ~prophets~ of old, and the ~apostles~ of Jesus Christ HIS Son….
Lessons of: (John 12:36 - 40) Were the eyes blinded ~Because~ Jesus was leading them or ~Because~ they did ~NOT~ believe, in spite of the things that Jesus did? Read IT and see..
(I John 2: 7-11) … Many say that ~THE Old Laws are gone because Jesus Made a New Law… BUT Read IT: Jesus said: “I write no new commandment”… As John Wrote.. He that walketh in darkness knoweth ~not~ where he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes… BUT IF we ~ABIDE~ in the true “Light” there IS NO occasion of stumbling in us.. (The OLD IS New and the NEW IS Old, in other words)…
OH, I know that you are thinking now, just as I have and do think, “That The Holy Spirit, Does Not and Will Not lead us into a wrong understanding, of The Written Word”! & This IS Very True, there IS Always A ~BUT~ Present… though.
First, do we sufficiently and in complete *Obedience* humble ourselves to be led by the Holy Ghost? OR another ~spirit~? Do we get ahead of ourselves and try to be so efficient within our own way that we jump ahead of the Spirit of Guidance and read on our own terms… Maybe we pride ourselves as speed readers… I used to… BUT, I soon learned that when we are dealing with something as ~Important~ AS our *Eternal life*, we gotta slow down, and accept what the Father IS Showing us, Through HIS Son, Jesus Christ, and by the Guidance of THE Holy Ghost. BUT WE can’t stop there!
We must then be humbly ~ willing~ To apply this learning… AS IT IS Written IN:
(Proverbs 2: 1-15)… “MY son, *IF* thou wilt ~~RECEIVE~~ *MY WORDS*, & Hide (Carry) *MY Commandments* with thee… SO That thou ~~Incline~~ (listen to; pay attention to) ~Wisdom~, AND *APPLY* (render the use of) thine heart to ~Understanding~ … THEN shalt thou ~~Understand~ *the fear of THE LORD*, &&& ~FIND~ Knowledge * OF GOD*… (Something to really pay attention TO: Consider: & Apply) IS Written Here) … something that I missed many times… The belief that *IF* we are saved, God Will preserve ~~US~~ and not let us fall from the path, of righteousness) and this belief IS partly true, BUT here we fail to read ~~THE Truth~~ Correctly and thus from within our fleshly heart a failing belief… because we teach that God ~~WILL~~ hold ~US~ even against our own will, and not let us go astray from HIS Path…. AND YES, God, WHO *IS* Most powerful, could do just that…. BUT, as the Scriptures prove, God loves us and wants our obedience to HIM to our choice to willingly do so, HE gives US A Choice, and THAT IS our position, TO Choose, Life or death)….J J J Then reference these verses!
(Deuteronomy 30:11-20) Read IT ALL IN THE Bible, IT IS Very Important TO ~Life~.. (v.15).. *I* (THE LORD)… have set before thee this day, “Life & Good; AND “death & evil” definitely a choice… for ~US~ to make.. A Commandment given… FOR ~US~ To obey, AND then verse (17)… shows a turning away from so *IF* we can be drawn away from or turn from something, then we must have been ~IN~; or ~OF~; or at least in contact with *IT*… (v.17)…*IF* thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, (As in rejection of) BUT! Shall be drawn away from, (As having been IN or Of), & worship ~other gods~ and serve them… well read the rest in the Bible… Please to see what happens.. *IF* we do the three simple steps of: acknowledge, believe, confess, But the Bible tells us we must go further, we gotta ~Apply~ …
And Jesus reiterated this very same choice in The New Testament… As Well as did Paul:
(John 5:14).. Jesus said: “Behold, thou art made whole: sin ~NO More~ lest a worse thing come upon thee… & (V’s 28-29).. Those in the graves shall hear His voice and come forth: they that ~have done *Good*~ unto The resurrection OF Life~ & they that have done ~evil (disobedient) unto a resurrection of damnation….
(I Timothy 6: 11-14)… Paul warned: “flee these things, follow after ~Righteousness~, fight The Good Fight… that thou keep This Commandment Without ~Spot~ unrebukeable…(Meaning: unquestionable)
As (Proverbs 2.8) reads… HE (THE LORD) keepeth the paths of ~Judgment~ & AND & Preserveth ~THE WAY~ OF HIS Saints…(The Path in which HIS saints Must walk). Just as in (Prov. 2: 7) .. HE (THE LORD).. Layeth up ~*Sound Wisdom*~ FOR ~~The Righteous~~…(In layman‘s terms: THE LORD Provides ~ALL Instruction for us, and HE Preserves *IT* TO Keep IT Right, IT IS up to us to accept IT, search IT, and discern IT, & live IT protecting the reputation of IT by the walk of our life IF WE Call ourselves Christian.) . (THIS IS: *THE WAY* of the saints or the ~Way~ that God protects for, the saints to walk, to prove themselves, the choice that they made..)J J
Then ( Proverbs 2: 10 -12) .. *WHEN* … wisdom entereth into ~thine~ heart, and *Knowledge* IS ~pleasant~ unto they soul, … {How many do you see reject ~ The Knowledge of God, (meaning: come to know HIS Nature through the Written Pages, ~NOT~ even beginning to assume to think that we could attain even a small portion of HIS OWN Knowledge;)… BUT That the ~Knowledge~ that HE gives us in & through HIS Written Word, to}::: ~Deliver~~ us from the way of the evil man… that speaketh froward (meaning: perverse or contrary) things…TO Prove right and wrong, what pleases God and What doesn’t. (HOW Many reject this knowledge ~~Because~~ *IT* Isn’t pleasant to their souls, their fleshly beings? NOT Nearly as pleasing as the ways of pleasure that heathen customs and men‘s fabled tales have to offer)..
Whoops HERE IS THE Clicker…
(Proverbs 2:13)… (still speaking of the evil man, who speaks froward things)… “Who, leave the paths of uprightness, TO walk in the ways of darkness::: (If we haven’t been somewhere then we can’t leave).. Who ~~Rejoice~~ to do evil… (What IS *EVIL*… L morally bad, L sinful, ~Disobedient~!L !L !)
God Preserveth THE Way of the Saints… and that Way IS: Twofold…. Meaning:: ONE WAY With TWO PARTS: one part IS; and IS The Most Important… AND THAT IS: THE WAY, The Narrow Gate: That leadeth unto ~life~ .. (Matthew 7: 14) & (John 14:6).. Jesus SAID: “ I am ~The Way~, The Truth, AND ~The Life~, NO man cometh unto the ~Father~, BUT By Me…. &&& Jesus IS THE *WORD*… Jesus brought THE Message of the Kingdom OF God, and Preached IT TO ALL men… AND Jesus Told: John TO Write TO The Churches: warning of their actions, of choice, which IS the second part of the two-fold part of The ONE WAY… obedience in maintaining our walk in the WAY of choice… Which IS THE Second Part, we must maintain an obedient walk… Jesus Will Teach, & Lead, but He like His Father will not make us do… Like the old saying: “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” … Well, Jesus and the Father have the POWER to make us drink, but They give us that choice, God, leads, God gave us instruction to verify and prove, BUT God does not force us to drink of the ~Living Water~…
(Revelation Chapters 1 - 3)…(2:3).. Remember, from whence thou art fallen, and repent… (so *IF* we ain’t never been there then we have nothing to remember, and repent of our falling do we) … do The first works… or else I Will come quickly and remove thy candlestick out of IT’S place…
(2:20) you have suffered or allowed that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce *MY* servants…and *I* gave her space to repent but she did not…(2:23) *I* (The LORD) Will kill her children, (all those that follow her) AND *I* WILL give unto every one of you, ~~According~~ TO *your works*…..
AND yet we won’t even reprimand a person, as to their lack of clothing, the appearance of the world that they bring into our services, much less put the false teachings that they bring in out… BUT we sit and smile and wait for the LORD to teach them, like we have nothing to do but just sit and smile at everything… BUT The Bible warns as Jesus Told John TO WRITE:
The first offense IS, the Church ~~ALLOWED~~ suffered a false teacher to come in and seduce or take away God’s servants, and lead them to commit fornication, religious fornication with things sacrificed unto false idols…. (Like colored eggs, and lighted trees, and fabled traditions of mankind) Plain and Painfully True to those who want to hang onto the world… We have a duty to protect THE impressions of , conclusions that people come to about the Churches, and Christians, OR Else!
(Rev. 3: 2-3)… Jesus Instructed: “BE Watchful &AND& Strengthen the things which remain, Remember how thou hast received and heard, & hold fast, AND Repent…(v.5)… he that overcometh, I will ~Not~ blot out his name out of the *Book of Life* But will confess his name before My Father… ~~(Notice IT IS NOT Written, he that accepts, joins in, goes along with--- BUT--- he that *Overcometh, holds fast what was received and heard, “OF Truth, not fables” and holds fast to: and repents “Of any offensive occasions)
(II Peter 2:1-2).. Peter Wrote:… Beware OF: false teachers among you, bringing in damnable heresies, ~~Denying~ the Lord that bought them, & ~Many~ shall follow their ~Pernicious~ ways.. BY whom ~~THE Truth~~ shall be evil spoken OF!…. (How many folks are talking about Christians today for their double standards, straddling the fence of Satan’s World, mixing it in with the teachings of the Holy Written Word? How many are teaching ~IT~ the ways of the pagan cultures in Churches, and taking part in their celebrations, trying to be Friends with the world, OH, not everything, just the pretty stuff? They don‘t run their children through the ~Literal flaming fires and sacrifice them to false gods, BUT! They run them through the practices and offerings given to these false gods and goddesses, thus sealing their ~~spiritual death~~) Which IS Worse?
(Matthew 7: 21) Not, everyone that sayth unto Me, “Lord, Lord” shall enter into the ~Kingdom of Heaven~ BUT he that ~~DOETH~~ THE *WILL* OF My Father….
We MUST BE Very Careful in our reading, not skipping over a word, that makes a world of difference in the meaning of a verse of scripture, and not taking one verse as the whole Truth, but searching the Scripture’s, Pleural, for God had them all penned down… AND The changing of one little word or letter can change the whole meaning of the verse… AS IN:
A popular Bible changed (John 1:1) To read: and the Word was *a* God, just adding that little one letter word, made the whole book a lie and leads to confusion of which Satan IS the father of… Because IT Set Jesus Apart from the Father and makes Him to appear as a contrasting false god… AS IT Reads in the Old King James, the Word was God… IS true, IF you take the time to read, all the other scriptures that apply TO: God, accept in humble obedience the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and don’t take off into the opposite direction which some religions do and claim that The Word IS: God the Father, which also is not true… BUT, rightly ~~Discern~~ the scriptures, you will understand: The Unity of: The Three Individual Persons, that Operate AS ONE, IN THE *UNIT* OF God…
Most times the written word refers to God as the Father, and Jesus refers to His Father, & His God, BUT In the Beginning OF, and throughout the scriptures, The Title OF THE ONE TRUE God, is referred to in some places as, The Unit, or Union of Three Persons, as in “Let *US* make”…..
AND the title god, is used to identify many false gods also, so we must read, study, and learn, to show ourselves: *approved*..
(II Timothy 2:15)… Study, to shew thyself ~Approved~ unto God, a workman that needeth ~NOT~ be ashamed, rightly dividing the *word of Truth*…
(V. 16) warns us to:… shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase into more ungodliness … Like the tales of men’s way of thinking when you hear someone say, “Well, *I*, think, this way or that, or *I* see nothing wrong with bringing a little fun into the Church if IT Helps Teach”, beware at the start, unless they can proclaim and you can verify, THIS IS; AS IT IS Written…
From the Writings of the Bible, *IF* we read with eyes led by the Holy Spirit, discern with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can come to know the Persons of the Unit of God in their Individual Beings and Better understand how our actions show and prove our walk as one with them… AND Learn to ~Prove The spirits~ so that we can know by what spirit we are being led.
Many people claim righteousness and walk apart for God, but there IS NO Righteousness except in God: THE Father, The WORD Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and THE Holy Ghost… The Three That ARE ONE! (I John 5:7)… AND Some people, who have rewritten the Bible under the guise of better, more understandable reading, have taken this ONE verse out of the Bible… Think we are not living in dangerous days? WE gotta Hold Fast to THE *Right*… NOW!

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