Thursday, October 25, 2012

What's Wrong With This Nation?

Seldom, almost never, do I write or even share “Political” views or messages, BUT, this urging thought came to me the other morning as I was washing dishes the ~Old Fashioned, Out Dated Way~, and *IT* seemed worth sharing…
I suppose the thought came about as I was cleaning the old black iron fry pan which I have used almost every day of my adult life, my mother before me, and my grandmother before her used the same pan… How much further back IT goes has faded with time…
I started to think of the waste, ~OF the people~ in this country.. Many folks wouldn’t even have a pan like this because it is heavy, black, and well worn… Most folks like bright shiny new, color schemed matched sets… Here I must raise my hand as one, but the LORD saw fit to keep me in a financial position, where I could not afford this, so I’ve had to use the “Make Do with what you got way of life”,  which my grandmother taught me… Thank YOU, Father God IN Jesus Name.
Also, my grandmother raised me, teaching me to make do, and to utilize what I had.. NOT toss it away and sit back and cry and holler, Uncle Sam, ain’t taking care of me, cause he ain‘t giving me what everybody else has… She, however taught us well, not to stand with our noses looking over the fence in the neighbors yard, and lust to have the greener, clean pastures that they had, BUT, rather to hike up our pants legs, roll up our sleeves and git to work cleaning up our own mess, our own little area that THE LORD saw fit to provide us with…
In fact, as a child there were pictures of “Uncle Sam”, all over the place, that amazed me to see this tall, bearded, man attired in red, white, and blue strips, top hat and all, pointing his finger at me, in the picture.. Saying, “Uncle Sam Needs You”! Well, naturally as a child, I always wondered why did he need me… BUT, mama said, he needs you to be an asset to this nation… to work, grow, and help others to do the same, and he needs soldiers to fight for freedom here…
HOW many folks today have that same attitude?  NOT TOO Many.
WHY? Because they didn’t wash their old iron pots, and reuse them , but tossed them out, into the streets with the rest of the trash, which folks think they are toooo gooood to pick up, ran out and bought new ones on credit, and now can’t pay for them….
Mostly *IT IS* ~ALL ABOUT *ME*, attitudes, *I* Deserve more than you Because, *I* am oppressed, I got *IT* worse than you… Have you ever heard two chronic `youngsters`, comparing their physical hurts and aliments? One tries to top the other with aches and pains, so as to be the one with more problems that needs to be fixed…. Well that is what I hear in the “Political Debates”… What I see is two candidates that promise to do better than the other, but which one do you trust? Which one *IS* for a fact, “Truthful and Honest”, like Abe? Listen closely and mostly what you hear is the scraping of sashaying feet, in an attempt to avoid actually telling a lie, while attempting to appease the other, and the nation,  with an acceptable although non- consequential answer…
Most folks are offended, *IF* they DO pick up a piece of trash of the street, and don’t receive a standing ovation and a medal of honor…. WAY TOO Many folks won’t take a job *IF* IT doesn’t pay well enough to afford them a steak on the table every night, a Fancy car in the drive way, so many factory jobs are sent into other countries… AT WHAT COST? Think about this one long and hard… How many settlers, can you imagine would have even thought about paying the cost of shipping goods, to another country, paying foreigners to make the merchandise, and buying it back.. To sell here… who is this fleecing?
Everywhere you look folks are standing around with their hands out asking “The Government”,  for a handout, bailout, help-out, or “Honor” ME Fund of some sort….
Where IT IS True, that much of the land has been allowed to be sold to foreign countries, and the true Americans have little left to farm for themselves, their neighbors, or this nation.. AND  much if the land IS farmed by the use of non citizens,  which folks protest about,  but then they don't and won't do the workd themselves...  We still gotta remember, TO Make ~THE BEST~ of what God Has Given us… IS That what we, the people are doing? OR are we floundering because we are so caught up in the ways of the world, still asking for Funds to honor this and that, Funds here and there, raising the debt higher and higher, wanting someone else to do the work for us, but give us the income,   instead of, telling the CEO’S vacations are cancelled until you actually earn them by bringing to the table a work that keeps the companies out of the hole… Doctors, stop fleecing America by overcharging, and unnecessary testing of patients, Because Medicare pays well… Drug Companies.. Either, stop asking for funds, don‘t make the drugs,  or come down on the prices…..Gas prices? Look carefully at the ~Profits~ of the gas companies, versus the prices of gas and ~The reasons for raising it.. People ALL OF You, STOP! Wasting, throwing away,  utilize what you have to the fullest.... Do NOT Use each other! Want, Want, WANT? “I WANT”, ain’t never hurt anyone, *IF* you really think about *IT*… Mama, used to say, “your wants won’t hurt you”, and *IT* made me soooo mad, but I went out into the woods where we lived, looked at the little animals, scurrying about, and realized how simple, yet profoundly ~True~ that statement really was…. AS I got older and read THE Bible, I really learned why, “my wants, won’t hurt me”…. Simply Put.. God, provides for our ~NEEDS~ NOT our ~Greed’s~, just as HE provides for the little animals, cares for the birds, and the flowers of the fields…. (Matthew 6:19-34)
Where we don’t need to be “Hoarders” of wealth, or goods”, we need to realize, ~What God has provided~ for us, “Spiritually, as well as physically, and do not toss *IT* out as old, of no more use, obsolete.. BUT rather, Make ~GOOD~ use of *IT*… Be content in what ever state THE LORD has seen fit to place us IN, AND, Always give prayerful, heartfelt Thanks and Praise TO our Maker, our Father IN Heaven, by The Holy Ghost, IN The Blessed Name of God’s OWN Son, Jesus Christ…. Stop, ~Greedily~ seeking wealth,  and seek  God's Will for us in HIS Way.  Only then can we be worry free…. Relax and watch the Biblical Prophesies unfolding right before the blinded eyes of the ones who chase their tails in a lost and dying world… BUT, we must continue TO stand firm on The Written Documents, and continue to sound the warning messages that Christ taught as He walked this earth, sharing “THE GOSPEL OF, God’s Kingdom, with all, so  that every soul has the opportunity to have their eyes opened through the Truth of God’s Word….
Our calling is not to plead for the Republican Party, or The Democratic Party, BUT To share God’s Kingdom Message to ~ALL~ Nations…. Can we actually BASE our ~Faith, Hope, and Trust~ IN The LORD God Almighty, through HIS Son Jesus Christ? OR are we a people that can speak pretty words, just as the candidates can, but by our actions make liars of ourselves?
IF more folks would step out as Daniel and The Hebrew children did, and then stand firm in The Teachings, BY Example and Word, of Jesus Life here in the flesh what do you suppose would happen here in this nation as well as others… What did King, Darius decree unto ~ALL~ the peoples, nations, and languages, as a result of Daniels Standing ON Strong Faith in THE LORD… “That IN ~Every ~ Dominion of my kingdom, men tremble and fear before THE God of Daniel: FOR HE IS THE LIVING GOD, and Steadfast ~Forever~, and HIS *KINGDOM* that which shall not be destroyed, and HIS DOMINION shall be even unto the end.” (Daniel 6:25-26)..
Most folks are quick to yell ~The Government~ Needs TO DO Something, BUT remember “Old Uncle Sam”, and ask ourselves, what do we the people ~NEED~ to do?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Two Year Old Child, OR A Forty Day Old Babe

How old was Jesus when the Wise men came to see him? Many people claim that He was a two year old child, and if you have a modern translation of the Bible God’s Written Word, you may be one…For in the account of His birth in Matthew and Luke, simple words have been changed to indicate that, which teaches to confusion.. The word used in verse (1 of Matt. 2) as *IT* reads in OKJV --
When”. Some of the modern translations including The ~New King James~ have changed it to “after”… When Saying , “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.. when, whether being used as a noun, verb or adverb means an unspecified time period as …during the event…at the time of… but! after” locks it into the past.. IS, is 3rd person singular present OF: to be which it could read “Where to be he born” which would not be proper “English”, but also doesn’t lock it into a past event … However IT IS more proper than changing *IS* to *Has been*… AND the wise men said, “we have seen” which is already done they, done did, saw *IT* His star, and now they have come to inquire… How badly man can rearrange the meaning of God’s Written Word with the simple insertion, omission, OR changing of ONE simple word… Consider the scriptures and the message that God’s Written Word brings forth about the “Blessed Event
”. (Matthew 2:1a-2- KJV).. Reads: “Now ~~WHEN
~~ Jesus was born in Bethlehem… saying, where ~IS~ He that IS born King of the Jews? For we ~Have seen~ His star in The East…” (Matthew 2:1a-2 ~NKJV~) Reads: “Now ~~AFTER
~~ Jesus ~ was born in Bethlehem of Judea, behold wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, where is He who ~~Has Been~~ born…” IT IS NO Wonder, that so many folks get confused about: The Biblical Account OF The Birth of Jesus….OR any of The Blessed Scriptures.. IS IT simply ignorance, IS IT Intentional, or IS IT the subtle urgings of the same old serpent that lurked in the garden, that led mankind to change these words, to insert his own thoughts into God’s Written Word, thus changing the “Account” as The ~Newer~ more ~Modern~ Bibles are being printed… Most look harmless in the changing of the words, just making *IT* easier for some folks to understand… Really? Understand? OR Change History as IS mans habit… Listen to mankind’s account of some of the things that actually happened in your lifetime, things that you heard or saw as *IT* unfurled before your eyes… Now mankind IS actually rewriting many events to hold their own thoughts of ~What, Where, Why, or How ~ these things came to be… It may make for an interesting document to entertain some, BUT to others IT IS Making a lie out of History… AND So IT IS with the New Modernized Bibles… For Instance: The ~First~ argument that comes forth IS: “Well, ~ALL~ Bibles are Translations, written by men, even the Original King James… BUT IT WAS translated by men who lived closer to the days of the original accounts.. And *IF* you read and study IT carefully, with the “Prayerful” Guidance of The Holy Ghost, there ARE NO conflicts in *ITS* messages… Whereas the very changing of ~ONE~ Single word sets up a domino effect that makes for much confusion and contradiction..
Another caution here to be ware of, IS The Popular Pastime of: reading The Bible from front to back, to accomplish the feat of: “Reading The Bible Through.” First that should not be ~The Goal~… To accomplish something to brag about, BUT, The goal, should and must be to ~~Learn~~ of The Wisdom That God The Father has provided in IT’S Pages for mankind to grow in, learn, follow, and use as a ~Sword~ to execute the enemy of ignorance in this life….
For example… The reading in the NKJV of: (Matthew 2:4) contradicts that which is written in verse 1.. For IT shows King Herod asked the chief priest and scribes, where the Christ ~Was To Be Born~.. Not where He Was Born as IS Indicated in the 1st verse… The OKJV does not create a contradiction…
As a child I read everything I could get my hands on.. I read many books, but today all I remember from them IS that I enjoyed reading them, and yes I read the Bible through from cover to cover, BUT all I remembered is that “Eve ate the apple”… Which is not As IT IS Written… But a popular teaching of confusion which mankind offers to little children.. Herein sets the stage for many ~False Teachings~ to emerge…
Many folks adamantly believe, that Jesus was two years old, when ~The Three Kings~ came to see Him… Do you believe this? Why???… And by the way, again it takes more than a glance of reading to obtain the full meaning and understanding of Biblical Accounts… For instance King David Wrote:
(Psalm 72: 10) .. ~The kings
~ (pleural kings) of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the ~kings~ of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts… This IS a writing of a prayer of David for his son, Solomon, who by the way fell to the false teachings of the nations which he surrounded himself with.. IT IS Also, prophesy of The Coming of Jesus the Savior… AND Matthew refers to them as wise men, and mostly Wise men are learned men, sincere studiers.. According TO The Psalms, there were more than ~Three~, and even Matthew describes them as *THE* not the three… The reasons that have been given so far are:
1. Jesus was called a child
when they, *THE* Wise Men, came and they saw Him in a house not a manger… This IS their ~Proof positive~ fact…. Read then: First we gotta accept the prophesy and the obedience of the Israelites, those like Mary and Joseph who followed the Law of Moses, to a “T”, That God Gave him (Moses) to pen down.
According to: (Luke 2:1-6) which tells us that Joseph and Mary although from Judea, now lived in Galilee, in the city of Nazareth… {that prophesy be fulfilled} (Matthew 2:23) He shall be called a Nazarene… AND while they were there Mary , the days were accomplished…
Some use the word young child
to confirm that Jesus was no longer a babe…But! READ:(Luke 2:5) Mary being great with *child*… refers to an unborn babe as a child . & (Matt. 1:23) “a virgin shall be with child”.. SO there goes that profound fact out the window…. This is written similar in the NKJV but reads: who was with child… still meaning and unborn babe… Now the clincher that really shows that Jesus was not two years old, but most likely a New Born Babe is found in (Luke2:22-39)…especially (v’s. 22 & 39) when the days of her purification …according to the law of Moses…were accomplished, they brought Him to Jerusalem… to the Temple…bringing Mary’s cleansing sacrifice.. according to: (Leviticus 12:1-8)….she could not come into the Sanctuary until the 30 days of purification were accomplished…but when the 40 days are done she must bring a sacrifice unto the priest…
And! Immediately after all things were done according to the law, they returned to: Galilee: unto their own city Nazareth! (v.39 of Luke 2) & (Matt. 2:23)
BUT, we must understand that unless the people are ~Taught~ in truth, what is learned IS nothing more than false vanity… AND, Unless folks really care and want to seek *TRUTH*, they are content with what ever sounds good to their itching ears…
(II Timothy 4:3-5).. For the time ~Will come~ when they will ~Not~ endure *Sound Doctrine*; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears ~from THE Truth~, and shall be turned unto ~Fables~.. (Tales, Santa Claus, Lighted Trees, Tales of Made up miracles that only happen at this time of year, Easter Rabbits, hallowed spooks, and such… found in false doctrines and teachings.) BUT, *Watch* thou IN ~ALL~ Things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make ~FULL PROOF~ Of thy Ministry…. Prove what you teach, HOW? AS IT IS Written IN The Biblical Scriptures
This IS the days that we are living in, and so many are being led to ~The beauty, and fun, and passion of the seasonal celebrations, getting caught up in the flurry of tales of false teachings, that are claimed to be just for fun, but did Jesus teach us that these last days would be *FUN*?
Read, by subject, Study, by subject, compare some scriptures learn to understand ALL OF the Blessed Account of The Birth of God’s Own Son on this earth… IT Will help us have a better understanding of why the pagan customs that have entered into the ~Memorial Event~ of Christ Birth is an offense…

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Responsible Accountability

Accountability. Many folks seek and follow the religion that lifts the burden of accountability off their shoulders… Making the `freedom` of faith to be portrayed as a lack of responsibility… Expressing NO explanations of their actions TO: ~No One~ FOR: ~Nothing~… Claiming a Jesus only belief, Because *IN* Christ IS Freedom….. This IS the message that many “Preachers” present the congregations.. WHY? Because *IT* IS an ~Easy Religion~ No worries, anything goes so we don’t have to Stop, Think, Examine, and “Prove” our faith, by our walk, but rather we can relax in the ways of the world and just let Jesus do IT ALL For us… Where IT IS True that we are free in Christ, a close reading OF the scriptures really prove, what that “Freedom” IS. Read of Daniel and The Hebrew children, for examples of living freely in Christ, while walking yet in bondage… They were not free to change their God, or HIS Teachings into their way, but they were free TO Stand on HIS Word, and walk in HIS Way, even though they were imprisoned in another nation… Much like the small handful of true Christians today…. Consider at this point, Jesus Words Written down for us, “many are called, BUT few are chosen” … (Matthew 22:14) .. And Paul explained In, (I Corinthians 1:17-31) ending with the Important Message, “he that glorieth, let him ~Glory In THE LORD~”….
The easiest opinion taught, for a vain person to swallow IS: A ‘Man’ Formed Freedom IN Christ Jesus.
First IT IS Taught That mankind cannot ~Please~ God THE Father… No man in History, IT IS Purported, has ever pleased God… What did Paul teach about ~Pleasing God~?
(Hebrews 11: 5-6).. “BY Faith”, Enoch, was translated, that he should not see death; and was not found, ~Because~ God had translated him: FOR ~Before~ his translation, he (Enoch) had ~This Testimony~, that he *Pleased God
*… BUT ~Without *Faith*~ , *IT IS* Impossible to Please HIM (God): For he that cometh TO: God ~MUST~ *Believe* That HE (GOD) *IS*. AND That HE (God) *IS* A Rewarder of them that ~Diligently Seek~ HIM… Strange how so many folks will teach their precious little children, to ~Please~ the mythical character, Santa Claus or they won’t get any presents… While choosing to, Never give a hint of The Real Need in this life of preparing for the hereafter, by ~Pleasing~ THE LORD God Almighty, THE ONE WHO Truly holds their little lives in HIS Hands…. Mainly because this is the way they have been taught, by clergy that mingles the world into the Biblical teachings that they present, making IT Okay to do as we please, and just let Jesus fix it… That’s His Job…
Pick up THE KJV Bible and read the whole Chapter 11 of Hebrews, for a better explanation of “Pleasing GOD
through our Faith IN HIM” as well as proving our faith by our actions….. ALSO how our actions can be and ARE “Displeasing God”. (Numbers 11:1).. When the ~people~ complained, *IT* ~Displeased~ THE LORD: AND THE LORD heard *IT*; and HIS anger was kindled….
Let us also ~Remember~ Jesus Christ IS the same yesterday, to day, and for ever…(Hebrews 13:8) AND SO IS WIRH THE Father… (John 14:9) (John 6:44) and many more show that we cannot have a belief in Jesus Christ, without THE Father, and visa versa… And to attempt this feat places us in the category of being “antichrist”. (I John 2:22)
The statement that we, the people, “Cannot Please God
”, leaves a big gap in our responsibility of surrender in faith to THE MAKER, and places us in a ~free to walk in the flesh state of mind~… Because we have gladly accepted that Jesus Will BE Responsible for our actions, no matter what we do… Namely leaving a whole wide path of sins that mankind can, and does, feel free to walk in because they are not accountable for their ~OWN~ actions. Making THE conscious thought OF *Repentance*, void in our lives… BUT, John The Baptist, Jesus Christ, and others came preaching and teaching, what? “Repentance”! An act of , feeling regret at the ways of ~our~ sins, nothing less than accounting our actions…. Right? Read (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; & Mark 6:12) Jesus sent the disciples out with the ~Instructions~ to preach repentance, but *IF* the people would not receive them or hear them, they should shake the dust off of their heels as a testimony against these people…. AND, *IF* we must repent of our sin and believe, then we must be accountably responsible for our actions. AND we must depend on our *Advocate* (Jesus Christ AS our Lawyer) with THE Father to argue our case of repentance with THE Father… AS Jesus does not just automatically place His Righteousness in us, BUT we are rather TO Seek His Righteousness TO follow His Path that He Set Before us….. (John 10: 27) Jesus Said, “My sheep hear My Voice, and I Know Them, AND ~they~ follow Me.” Also read (John 12:26; Mark 10:21) & (I Peter 2:21).. Tells us even after Jesus had Ascended that we are TO Follow Jesus Steps… not ours, not make a new way or a new path, neither set back and expect Jesus TO live our life here for us, but `we` have a work, commissioned by Jesus To Do…. Again Paul wrote to the Galatians,
(Galatians 1:10) .. For do I (Paul) now persuade men, OR God? OR Do I (Paul) seek to please men? FOR *IF* I (Paul) yet pleased men, I (Paul) should ~Not~ Be the servant of Christ…
Paul obviously realized that he must walk through and live this life here as ~PLEASING
~ The Father God, or else he would not be a servant (Follower) of Christ….. (Hebrews 13:16).. But to do ~Good~ and TO ~Communicate~ forget NOT: FOR WITH SUCH ‘sacrifices’ God IS Well Pleased
… (I Kings 3: 10) And the speech ~pleased
~ THE LORD that Solomon had asked this thing… (11) AND, God said unto him, (King Solomon), ~Because~ thou hast asked this thing and not asked for thyself…. Read the whole account in The KJV Bible… (Colossians 3:20).. Children, ~OBEY~ your parents in all things: for this is ~Well *Pleasing
* unto THE LORD~~…. (Mark 1:11) .. There came a ~Voice~ from heaven, saying, “Thou art MY Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased… Yes The Father was pleased
with HIS Son…. (I Corinthians 10:5)… But with many of them God was not well pleased: FOR they were overthrown in the wilderness….
Wonder why there are so many problems in this world today *IF* man cannot please or displease God, but strives to live through the ~righteousness of Jesus Christ~, doing as we please under the belief that The Righteousness OF Jesus, will hide our sins, or that what we do or do not do has no bearing, whatsoever on pleasing God? Sounds like American politics, morals, and lifestyles doesn’t it? Remember also that Jesus took on man’s sin, bore the cross, and accomplished all, enduring but ~despising~ the shame…(Hebrews 12:2) (Hebrews 6:6) do we want to crucify Christ anew each day that we choose to rebel against sound teaching and depend on Christ to wash us clean even in our arrogance?
I Corinthians 10:5 kinda sums up the whole of the subject of this belief of freedom in Christ… Especially if you go back and read Exodus and Leviticus and see the ~Commands~ which God gave HIS People then, and how many of them *Disobeyed* them… NOT Just the 10 Commandments, BUT ~ALL~ of God’s Commands… IT IS The same today as IT Was then… *IF* God Commands *IT* then mankind MUST OBEY *IT*… AND yes it is easier to obey *IF* we are willing minded, to ~Follow~ Jesus Christ… and accept the walk that He leads us through…in fact this IS The Only Way.. True Also. “The righteousness” of man IS nothing more than filthy rags… man without Jesus, without the walk that Jesus laid for us…
Read all that Isaiah wrote, the rest of the story so to speak…
(Isaiah 64:4-6) For since ~The Beginning of the world~, men have not heard, nor perceived by ear, neither hath eye seen, O God, Beside THEE, what HE hath prepared for him that ~Waiteth~ for HIM… Thou meetest him that ~Rejoiceth and worketh *Righteousness*~, those that ~Remember~ THEE in THY Ways: Behold, THOU, (The LORD God) art wroth; FOR we have ~~Sinned~~: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved… BUT we are as an unclean thing….
Every time God IS displeased with mankind IT IS Because man has moved out on his own to make his own ~religion~, “Disobeyed”, to believe his own way, make his own righteousness, and in this sense YES, the righteousness of man IS AS Filthy Rags… BUT God has given mankind a ~BOOK~ of Instruction, and a Spirit of Guidance in the path that God intends that man should walk…to work out our own salvation (Philippians 2:12).. To reject IT, change IT, ignore IT, is mankind’s, downfall…
(Romans 3:22).. Even the *Righteousness of God*, which *IS* By ~Faith~ OF Jesus Christ unto ~ALL~ and upon all them that ~Believe~: for there IS No Difference…
Another misnomer of freedom in Christ IS: “IN Christ ~ALL~ our sins are hidden,” and God The Father can’t see them, because Jesus Christ hides them from HIM.
This teaching tends to cast a dark shadow of doubt upon the Lord, Jesus Christ, because IT portrays Him as being like mankind still, deceitful and underhanded… as though He is going to attempt to ~Hide~ anything from His Father and ours? Read on….
Jesus, Himself spoke this warning to men as He walked this earth among them..
(Luke 12:2-3)… “For there IS ~nothing~ covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be ~Known~…. therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness, shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets, shall be proclaimed upon the housetops…”
(Colossians 3:1-2).. Paul wrote… *IF*, ye them be ~risen~ *With* Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the ~right hand~ of God… Set your affection on things above, ~NOT~ on things on the earth… For ye are dead, and your life IS hid ~~WITH
~~ Christ in God…. This is a ~Scripture~ that is misquoted many times in the ~ALL your sins are hidden in Christ~, teaching… For IT reads *With* Christ *IN* God.. So Jesus is not attempting to hid anything from His Father and ours… But HAS/DID/DOES overcome our sins for us to the Father as, He (Jesus) IS “The Propitiation; (to appease, to win a victory over) ~FOR~ our sins: AND ~NOT~ ours ~Only~, BUT also for the sins of the whole world…. (I John 2:2)
Also AS John (The Apostle which walked ~With~ Jesus) Wrote: (I John 2:1) To: my little children, these things I (John) write unto you, (the people) ~That ye sin NOT~… (In other words be in control of yourselves and sin not.) AND *IF* any man sin, (man being imperfect, and prone to failing, not as some folks teach that we ~CANNOT~ sin because Jesus Will NOT LET US. Because we do and we will as long as we live in these fleshly bodies!) BUT John tells us, “we have an “Advocate” ~WITH~ THE Father, (and that Advocate IS,) Jesus Christ The Righteous:;;; AND (v.3) .. “Hereby we do ~Know~ that we Know Him, *IF*… we keep His Commandments…” Notice carefully, John DID NOT Write, Jesus Will keep us righteous, but he warns us to “KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS”. John also warns us, that we sin not…. And on in Chapter 3 John warns tells us, he that doeth righteousness *IS* righteous, even ~AS~ He (Jesus Christ) *IS* Righteous……
Not that He makes us keep His Commandments, NOT that He Will Not let us break His Commandments, BUT THAT HE, expects HIS children to be consciously obedient to: HIS Commandments… Which reflects a responsibility of “Accountability” by each individual on this earth… AND That Accountability IS TO: God THE Father, Through Jesus Christ The Son, our Redeemer…..

Monday, October 8, 2012

OF Zombie's And Halloween "Fun"

“Zombie day” at school… Parents, have you really thought about the eternal repercussions of a celebration a taking part in such un-Godly affairs can bring upon your child and your whole family? You should, and seriously.
First, the school system does not allow visible prayer to be held in it… This does not stop a child from praying to God the Father in Jesus Name in silent thought even as they walk down the halls… they first must be taught to.. But it makes a statement as to where the system is headed…Second, the LORD’S Holy Book, The Bible is not allowed in the school system,, BUT! All the books of the occult and demonic powers are… and obviously the dress and actions of the occult is sanctioned… Even in the mascot name of the sports team.. Blue Devils… giving tribute to whom?This doesn’t stop you and your child from reading God’s Word the Bible and seeking HIS Protection through a wholesome knowledge of the Truth’s Of God’s Written Word… But do you??? Do you take the time to arm your child and yourself with the kind of protection that will keep them from demonic possessions?… Have you thought about what kind of example you set for your child, by taking part in the parade of horror mask that is sold in the markets this time of year? … Do you even, though given still the free choice, promote by your actions a walk with God, or a walk with the world? Do you teach your child from God’s Written Word that this is of the devil, OR, do you also think like so many of the world that this is just a joking matter, only a fun thing to do, “boo, I scared you”?…
OR even worse are you so indifferent to THE True Biblical Teachings, even though calling yourself a “Christian”, that you feel free to indulge in any matter of actions and vainly think that God IS Pleased with *IT*? IS your involvement and embracing of such heinous activities a result of not wanting to be ~Different~ but just go along with the crowd, don’t make waves or make anyone angry or to dislike you because you ~Stand~ on Bible Principles, instead of flowing with the lost and dying world of Satan the devil? AND *IF* this IS your reasoning, HOW on earth can you instruct your children, NOT to be influenced by others to take drugs, or follow the wrong crowds into a life of crime, and danger?
Well, Here IS A GOOD TIME TO, Take a look at your own life style, interest, reasons, FOR, IT IS Written, that IT Isn’t God‘s Will that HIS people should take part in these things and IT Certainly isn‘t following the examples that Jesus set for us to follow IN God‘s Way! Protection of God, Will only be given by an obedient walk in HIS Will and Way… IF you choose to follow the world led by Satan and the demons, subjecting your families to the spiritual evils that lurk behind the grotesque mask of Halloween and the bloody occults of Satanic followers through the games of the dead, keeping up with “Hollywood Movies” of these things, keeping them in your life, eventually moves them into your heart, then God will, According to HIS Written Word, turn you over to the very thing that you serve… Think about it! A Zombie is: a mythical mindless creature of the undead…. What are those that worship a Zombie by dressing up and acting like one? Teachers; leaders; especially Christians, do you? Do you dress in the seasonal attire of the dead, promote the things that are taught by the actions, or do you stand firmly on God’s Written Word, teaching that this day represents evil in it’s dress, rather than fun? There are many who will declare, “there is nothing wrong with it if we just do it for fun”, what do you suppose Eve and Adam’s excuse was?(Titus 1:16.).. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny HIM, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate….
II Timothy 3:8.… so do these resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith….
(Romans 1:28)...even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind…. &
(I Samuel 16:14).… the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him… Does evil come from God? Yes!
(Isaiah 45:7).…(1) Thus saith, The LORD: “I form the light, I create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I The LORD do ALL These things…… Are we free to do what we want and call it fun if it means taking part in evil looking actions or effects? NO!
(Deuteronomy 30:15)... See, I (The LORD) have set before thee this day, life and good, and death and evil;…. Can we as teachers promote the gruesome mask of Halloween and be blameless for our examples that we set before the children? NO!
(Isaiah 5:20)...Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness… Is it the duty of parents and teachers to lead the children in the right path?
(Amos 5:14)...Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken…. (15) .. Hate the evil, and love the good…
Folks to even make fun of evil is putting yourselves in a bad situation, to take part in it, teach it to the children, making it seem harmless, is putting yourself and the children in the position of tasting the wrath of God….. God put *BOTH* good and evil before us FOR what reason? That we may, and must prove, ourselves by making *A Choice* to do either good and stick by IT to live, or follow evil and die… IT IS ~ALL~ up to you which path you choose to walk.. As Jesus taught….
(Matthew 7:13).. “Enter ye in ~AT~ the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and ~~MANY~~ there be which go in thereat: (22).. ~MANY~ will say to ME (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in THY NAME? and in THY NAME have cast out devils? AND IN THEY NAME done many wonderful works? And then will, I (Jesus) profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from Me, ye that work iniquity… Therefore whosoever ~Heareth~ these sayings of Mine, AND doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock…”
So just sitting in the Church or teaching, preaching, leading the music in the Church, hearing God’s Commands TO *Leave *IT* ALL Alone*, isn’t enough, we gotta live as Jesus said, as God demands and depart from the wicked, evil paths….of darkness…..keep our lives clean, walk in the light of God’s path, not be found dabbling in the ~occult~ in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

Friday, September 7, 2012

To Judge OR NOT To Judge

“Judge NOT that you be not judged…” ( Matthew 7:1) So many times I hear this scripture quoted, and mostly by those that are being offered scripture to, for correction of a problem in their life…. WHY? Folks will use THE BIBLE to defend and protect their ways, BUT to Correct their ways, IT IS Harshly Rejected… Jesus goes on to say, in (Matthew 7:2) .. “FOR With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: AND with what measure ye mete, IT Shall be measured to you again…”
This is a profound statement not to be taken lightly.. Neither IS Any verse in God’s Written Word to be taken lightly, for God Gave *IT* to be Written for our ~life’s sake~, and *IF* we are wise we will not throw *IT* away…
1st *IF* scripture IS Given for ~Exhortation~ IN Christ, then IT IS NOT we that are judging, for we are not the judge or jury, only God the Father IS, and HE through Jesus, and we deliver the message of the Gospel as THE Holy Ghost Guides… Amen?
2nd When you are giving this scripture to someone that IS caring and sharing “The Scriptures of Correction” with you as a defense, then you are setting in a set of judgment yourself, because you assume that the person, giving you the Bible Scripture is judging you, when they really are not… The burden of ~proof~ has been placed upon your shoulders and denied… Sorta like the “ball” is in your court and you are missing the goal miserably…
SO Again *IF* folks really read and faithfully study “THE BIBLE”, pay humble attention to the words that Jesus Christ, The Son of God The Father, spoke while on this earth among men that they may ~~Learn~~ to follow, in honest obedience, bow with repentant hearts to The Higher Power, then *IT* would be clear that we are to ~USE Good Judgment~ to discern what *IS* Right and what *IS* Wrong, and follow the “Path of Righteousness” which leads to eternal life in God’s Kingdom… THAT IS A God Given Choice!
*IF*, we would ~Judge~ ourselves BY the BOOK That THE LORD God had penned down and preserved for us to use as a reminder of the things that we should or should not do, HIS Written Commandments, ~Looking Faithfully~ and sincerely unto the *Examples* that God’s OWN Son gave before mankind ~Everywhere~ TO Follow, Then we would have “No Worries” about others *Judging* us, our actions, our dress, our speech, our mannerisms, our interest… Would we?
IT IS When we, ourselves, are being convicted by THE Holy Ghost, and yet still rejecting this urging to repent and clean up own actions, repent of our own worldly ways, that we lash out at someone who maybe IS Sent Even BY The Spirit, to help us by sharing The Wisdom OF God’s Written Word in Verse…
Because *IF* we have nothing to hide then we can be totally open, pleasing receptive of God’s Written Verses of Scripture… Read further as “Luke” Penned down more of Jesus Words to us. For us To Follow…
(Luke 6:37-38a)… Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn Not, and ye shall not be condemned: ~Forgive,~ and ye shall BE forgiven: Give, and *IT* shall be given unto you, *Good Measure*, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over…
IS Jesus really telling us DO NOT JUDGE? OR to judge but, Use Good Judgment? Turn our heads the other way when we see our brother or sister in trouble follow the pernicious ways of the world led by Satan… OR IS Jesus warning us about what measure we are to USE TO Judge Fairly? This gets thick so hold on to the reins tightly…
*IF*, we look at someone who is walking about with tattoo’s all over their bodies, are we to look at them and say, “Oh, how pretty, IT IS good IF you like IT then just do as you please.” OR are we to exhort them in and according TO: *AS IT IS Written* to ~Correct~ in God’s Word set forth for HIS people to follow… What did Jesus tell His followers to do?
(John 12:47) “*IF* ~ANY~ man hear My Words, AND Believe NOT, I will judge him ~not~: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world…
Here Jesus IS speaking to the people, of His present time and coming. FOR He came preaching the Gospel of His Father’s Kingdom, the first time, BUT when He returns He Will Come TO end, all things that are not pleasing unto God, to Judge, to destroy the evil of adversary.
(Matthew 18:11) .. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.”
(Matthew 9:35) Jesus went about ~ALL~ the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching, “THE Gospel OF THE Kingdom”, and healing sickness disease among the people…
SO *IF* we are given ~Scriptures~ of instruction and we reject the saving messages of Christ, then where does that leave us walking? Repenting & Preparing for the end that shall come?
(Matthew 24:14)… Again Jesus Said: “This “Gospel of The Kingdom” shall be preached IN ~ALL~ the world for a witness unto ~ALL~ Nations; AND THEN, shall the end come.”
(Mark 1:15).. Jesus Said, “THE ~TIME~ IS Fulfilled, AND, “THE Kingdom IS AT Hand”: repent ye, and believe the Gospel
… AND Again Jesus gave His followers sound instruction TO: “Go ye therefore, and ~TEACH~ ALL Nations, baptizing them in the NAME of THE Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: (Matt. 18:19-20)
(Acts 17:31).. BECAUSE, HE, (God THE Father) hath ~Appointed~ A Day, in which HE Will Judge the world in *Righteousness* BY that man (Jesus) whom HE Hath ordained; whereof HE Hath ordained; whereof HE Hath Given assurance unto ~ALL~ men, in that HE hath Raised Him from The dead. AND (v.30) warns that God Will no longer “wink” at or make excuse for man’s ignorance of HIM, Because HE has provided ~ALL~ that mankind needs to learn, of and to walk in HIS Will and Way, and no longer be reprobates….
(I Corinthians 6:2-3) Paul states: “Do ye not ~know~ that the saints shall judge the world? And *IF* ~The World~ shall be judged by you, are ye ~unworthy~ to judge the smallest matters?
Know ye ~NOT~ that we shall judge angels? (messengers) How much more the things that ~Pertain~ to this life? FOR *IF* we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged… BUT when we are judged we are chastened OF THE Lord, that we should NOT be condemned with the world.”
We must judge the messengers, Because, *IF* we don’t prove the messages we hear against God’s Written Word, we will be misled by the false prophets and teachers, the antichrist that Christ warned would be present in these last days…..
SOOOoooo…. We 1st, have a duty, a calling, a command, to read, study, and learn, come out of our old sinful ~ignorance~ of God’s Will and Way, that we should walk according to HIS Commands…. Come out of the world of sin, set for destruction in the second coming of Christ Jesus.
2nd, we have a Command TO: carry The Gospel message TO ~ALL~ peoples from ~ALL~ nations ~ALL~ over the world…. AS IT IS Written…. Sharing God’s Message in LOVE!
3rd, Yes we have a duty, and Yes, we must Judge right from wrong using ONLY God’s Written Word of Instruction, not our own opinions or man kinds rule of thumb as to what IS Good and What IS Evil…
WE must sincerely search the Bible and thus follow, AS IT IS Written, letting The Holy Ghost Testify and lead us in and though this life… AND AS Jesus said:
(John 7:24)… *Judge* NOT according to appearance, BUT *Judge* Righteous Judgment!
Many things that even the Churches accept into It’s doors, appear to be good, and alright to take part in, the way people dress, the games and event’s they involve the children in, the ways of men’s traditions and worldly ways, ~APPEAR~ as good, BUT A careful study of God’s Book of all instruction into The Righteousness of Jesus Christ HIS Son, teaches us otherwise… and IT IS God’s Word that we must judge with, follow, and live by.
(John 8:16).. Again Jesus Said: “AND yet *IF* I (Jesus ) ~Judge~, My Judgment *IS* True: For I am not alone, BUT I and THE Father that sent Me.”
(Matthew 12:36)… “But I say unto you, That ~Every Idle Word~, that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof IN The ~Day of Judgment~…
(Mark 6:11)… AND ~Whosoever~ Shall NOT Receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake OFF the dust under your feet for a testimony against them, Verily I (Jesus) say unto you, IT Shall Be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the ~Day of Judgment~, that for that city….
Sadly there are many, maybe even some that will take the time to read all of this, that have not read enough in the Bible to really get the impact of what Jesus IS Saying here, because they’ve heard of Sodom & Gomorrah, but know nothing of their sins… their worldly ways, that they deemed alright…. BUT Was Not Pleasing unto God… So much of which IS prevalent in society today, accepted and tolerated by Christians, because people have ~their rights~… BUT, *IF* that ~Right~ IS Not Bible Based, SET Free through Christ, IN God’s Will and Way, ACCORDING TO HIS Commandments, AS IT IS Written, then IT IS Their right TO: Choose evil and death in destruction….. Just Sharing! (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Government, OF What Kingdom

I hear and see everywhere, Republic Belief, Democratic Belief, Islamic faith, African Heritage, Jewish Nature, Christianity. Then I hear: “We ~The People~ in order to form a more ~Perfect~ Union, establish ~Justice~, and so on… BUT, IT IS NOT we the people that should make the rules in ~Order to establish~ because the rules have already been set in place IT IS According TO The perfect union of God The Father, Christ HIS Son, and The Holy Ghost, which we the people WILL According to Jesus Words, be a part of operating as one…, ~We the people~ must follow them, *IF* we would live in a peaceful environment, insuring domestic tranquility… AND promote the general Welfare, insuring the “Blessings OF Liberty”…. AS IT IS Written…
(John 17:21)… “That they ~ALL~ may be *one*, AS THOU, Father, art in Me (Jesus), and I in THEE, That they ~ALSO~ may be *one* in us: THAT The world may believe that THOU has ~sent Me~…”
(I Corinthians 8:6).. BUT TO ~us~ there is but *one* God, THE Father, Of whom are ~ALL~ things, and we in HIM, and *one* Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom are ~ALL~ things and we in Him… (How many gods are recognized, worshiped, and made allowances for in this country?)
(I Corinthians 10:17)… For ~we~ being many ~ARE~ *one* bread, and *one* body: for we are ~ALL~ partakers of THAT ONE BREAD.
(I Corinthians 12:13)… For BY *ONE* Spirit are we ~ALL~ baptized into *one* body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been ~ALL~ made to drink into *ONE* Spirit….
NOW! In order to call this A Christian Nation, established in Christianity, IT Must BE under God’s Rule Exclusively, not mixed with every religions belief of all the nations and pagan cultures of the world, and IF and When a person enters this nation to live they should be prepared to vacate their old way of life and accept and establish themselves in the way of Christianity, that IS “Liberty IN Christ”… AS IT IS Written: AS Jesus Said:
(Mark 2:21)… “NO man also seweth a piece of ~new cloth~ on an ~old garment~: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent (TEAR) IS made worse.”….
Now, set back and look at the *TEAR* that has formed in this country, with the *NEW* customs that have entered into it and been joyfully accepted as good, by even the people that call themselves Christian, in order to appease and please ~WHO~? Satan the devil? Even the pastors are preaching acceptance, when Paul warned:
(II Corinthians 5:17).. “Therefore *IF* ~ANY MAN~ be in Christ, he IS A new creature: old things are passed away, behold, ~ALL~ things are become new.
Not mixed, as the toes of the statue which was weakened by the mixing in of clay with iron, which weakens the nation and they will not cleave one to another.. (Daniel 2:41-44)…
Just like a Church body that establishes ITS Own customs by attempting to infiltrate the Written Word of God with the pagan customs of mankind, will eventually fail and fall… so will any nation that is standing on mixed principles…. One law for each race of people, as IT IS here, the country is weakened and no two peoples are clinging to each other but all nationalities are at odds with each other….
When Jesus gave *The Command* to go forth and carry the Gospel Message unto ~ALL~ nations, He never said it is best to accept their customs, that way peace will remain here, BUT He Said, “~TEACHING~ them TO observe ~~ALL~~ things whatsoever I Have *Commanded* you: and lo, I am with you always unto the end of the world….(Matt. 28:18-20)
There IS and indication of , *IF*, you do these things I am with you, also verified in other scriptures of The Written Word, *IF*, not I will depart from you….
(Matthew 7:23) …And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
*IF* we go to Germany, England, Africa, or any other country, we live according to ~The Laws OF That Country~, we do not go into that nation and demand *OUR RIGHTS* to live life our way, do we? Neither does that nation make exception for us does IT? Just Saying Something TO, Think About….
IT would be wise to be found looking up as *IT* IS Also Written: AS Jesus Said:
(Luke 21:28) … And when these things begin
to come to pass , then look up , and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh .

Friday, August 10, 2012

Judged! Where Do We Stand?

You know, man IS called upon to “Choose” daily. What political party do you stand with? What restaurant do you choose to patronize? What religious belief do you ~Choose~ to follow? AS IT IS the choice of a person, man or woman in this life for all things, we must be careful in choosing the way that we walk through it… and God The Father *DID* give us that right and the duty ~To Choose~ the pathway that we walk through this life, and it still stands today… (Matthew 7:13-15).. Read these verse and take note: Jesus does not say I’ll drag you into the right path does He? But warns us to make that entry of choice ourselves…
(Deuteronomy 30:15) .. See, I (THE LORD) have set before thee this say, life and good, and death and evil…
When Adam and Eve made the choice to partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil this was set into motion…. We are no longer living in the garden in paradise like conditions, but we are living in a world bound and set for destruction, and the “ball” of choice as to who we follow is in our side of the court… Whether we will follow the `antichrist` to the eternal pit of fire, or the Son of God, Jesus Christ to life in God’s Kingdom….AND The *KEY* Word IS Follow!
IT IS beneficial to folks, especially this day, to take stock of where they stand… Spiritually…
AS Jesus Said, and *IT IS Written*…
(John 5:29)… “All shall hear His voice.” “And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of ~life~; And they that have done evil unto the resurrection of ~damnation~…”
Many folks look upon evil
as “Crime”, drunkenness, killing, dealing in drugs, ect.. BUT “Evil” IS: “Disobedience” The laws, commandments, statutes, that THE LORD God had penned down, some reject today, because they are taught to believe that they have Jesus and He will make what they do right… BUT, That is a misnomer… *IF* we clam to follow Jesus and deny His messages that His Father had penned down by the disciples who walked with Him as He taught men here on this earth, then we have rejected all, and claimed our walk with the antichrist…. Because, God gave us A *Written* Word, The Bible, and true men have changed IT by re-writing it to suit their beliefs… BUT, don’t you think that God ~KNEW~ this would be? SO, God sends The Comforter, The Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost TO: “Guide us into ~ALL~ Truth.” (John 16:13) Read all of chapter 16 for your benefit….
(John 14:23).. Jesus Said, “*IF* a man ~LOVE~ Me, he ~Will~ keep My Words…AND My Father Will Love him, and *WE* (Both Father and Son) Will come unto him and make *OUR* abode with him.”
This is a strong message for those that claim, “I’ve got Jesus, and I don’t ~Need~ nothing else, Not the Bible, not anything because Jesus IS The Father…” Well, please read The Written Word again IF you have ever read IT before and maybe misunderstood IT, Pray: TO THE Father for THE Holy Ghost to guide you into all things, IN The Name of The Son Jesus Christ, please.
(John 14: 26) The Comforter, which IS THE Holy Ghost, whom The Father Will Send IN My (Jesus Christ) NAME, He shall teach you ~ALL~ things, and Bring ~ALL~ things to your remembrance
, whatsoever I (Jesus Christ ) have said unto you… SOOOooo… *IF* you ~READ *IT*, Pray The Repentant Prayer in the proper manner, of humble obedience to The Father, in Jesus Name, then The Comforter WILL Lead…. BUT, honey you gotta make the concentrated effort… IT don’t come with a frivolous all about ME and world attitude… Sure God, can and will sometimes bring you to your knees in punishment, but your attitude here makes all the difference.. Did you bounce back all on your own… as many people give testimony to, did the doctors perform a miracle? DID a soldiers bullet keep you safe from harm? Was IT the decision of The Government that made you a sinner or a believer, because ~they~ took The Bible out of School? Think About IT Seriously! It IS Strange how some folks ~Will~ quote this Bible Verse for their own defense..(Matthew 7:1) Judge not, lest ye be judged... BUT, Will Quickly Appoint themselves, judge, jury, and executor against others... AND In the same breath disclaim The Bible….
*IF* we ~Claim~ to have Jesus, and yet we reject the “Scriptural Accounts of His Teachings” here on this earth, where do we stand?
(John 12:26).. Jesus Said, “*IF* any man ~Serve ME~, let him ~Follow~ Me; and where I am there shall My servant be..”
Notice He does not say, I will follow My servant wherever he goes,,,, Does He?
The *Scriptures* are given and useful in proving the spirit that leads us, as the Spirit verifies and proves the truthfulness of THE *Scriptures*.. Sorta like we can’t have one without the other, and neither without Jesus, SOOOoooo… IT ALL Goes hand in hand according to God The Father’s Plan… Not man’s!
IT IS Written throughout the Bible and Jesus testified to The Biblical Writings of old, so IF Jesus used The “Scriptures” in His teachings then the “Scriptures” must have value, rather than to adorn a book shelf….
We ~MUST~ Be careful what *spirit* we follow, what spouting mouth we listen to, what ~Doctrine~ we take to follow and believe in… Because John the disciple that walked with Jesus warned us…. AS IT IS Written…
(I John 4:1).. Beloved, Believe NOT every spirit, BUT try the spirits whether they are of God: ~BECAUSE~ many false prophets are gone out into the world…
How can we best identify a false prophet, a false teacher? John wrote to us a warning message of how we should search out, “The false prophets.”
(I John 4: 5-6).. They ARE OF The World: therefore *Speak* they of ~The world~, and the world heareth them… We are of God: he that *Knoweth* God heareth us; he that IS NOT OF God heareth NOT us… Hereby ~Know~ we *The Spirit OF Truth, and the spirit of error…
So while we are attending, “A Church” that IS All About, celebrating the traditions of mankind, embracing the things of the world, rather than learning The Gospel That Jesus Taught, we are wasting precious time and taking lives, to be handed over to the anitchrist…. IT IS Time TO Get Serious About God!
(John 16:13) howbeit when He, *The Spirit* of ~Truth~, IS Come, He ~Will guide you into ~ALL Truth:
(II John 1:9).. Whosoever ~transgresseth~, AND ~Abideth NOT IN THE Doctrine OF Christ~, hath NOT God… He that ~Abideth IN The Doctrine of Christ, he hath *BOTH* The Father and The Son.
(II Timothy 3:16)..*ALL Scripture* IS Given ~BY~ Inspiration OF God, and IS profitable FOR Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in ~Righteousness~!
SOOOOoooo… ~we~ the people who claim ~TO BE~ followers of Jesus Christ, The Word, The Son of God have a duty not only to ourselves, but to ~all~ others to walk the walk, and talk the talk, as Jesus set forth the examples for us to follow and as Timothy reiterated… AND be constantly aware of the false prophets and the antichrist that so many carry around in their back pockets, and claim that they have Jesus and His blessings and that IS ALL They Need…. For in *TRUTH* All that they have IS a pocket full of ~antichrist~ sitting happily on their shoulders, letting them think that they are carrying Jesus with them every where they go and into every thing that they do that is of this world, and *IT* IS Good, because Jesus IS With them… This IS sad that so many have been brain-washed into this belief by the pastors that stand behind the pulpits and preach to them that, AS Long as they bring Jesus into the service all IS Well.. BUT *IF* these poor misled folks would only read and accept God’s Written Word they would realize that ~WE~ can lead Jesus NOWHERE, BUT we, mere lumps of clay folk, MUST *Follow* Jesus where He leads us…. Modern society, pagan dipped in tradition of men, preachers, have led so many astray by the false doctrine of “Self Power” greatness of ones spirit that all we need to do IS claim Jesus and He will humbly follow us… The “Antichrist” has stepped in ~quietly~ stealthily, and has taken over many, many followers today to lead them right into the judgment of and with the adversary, *AS IT IS Written* SO *IT* Will Be.
(II Timothy 4: 2-4).. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove , rebuke , exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3... For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4.. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
(I Thessalonians 5:21) … *PROVE ~~ALL~~ Things; hold fast that which IS Good.
Notice IT did not read hold fast that which seems good, which man says IS good, which the world offers to be enjoyed… and mixed into the True Biblical Teachings of Christ… BUT That WHICH *IS* Good… and we can identify this by a simple ~self-examination~… We readily do self examinations for our fleshly health because the medical doctors say we should, why will we not do a self exam for Jesus… By the word that The Father had penned down for us to read, learn, use, as a guide to follow IN Truth that which is right…. Isn’t our ~Spiritual Health~ MOST Important?
(II Corinthians 13:5).. Paul Wrote: Examine ~yourselves~, whether ye BE In The Faith; ~Prove~ your own selves… KNOW ye your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Give yourself a test, by examining the “Scriptures”, to prove whether IT IS Jesus Christ, The Son of God that IS Leading you, or The antichrist that you carry where ever you choose to go… BECAUSE IT IS A Matter of “life and death”… ~Eternally~!
I would be remiss *IF* I did not refer TO: Jesus Words IN: (Matthew 7:21).. “Not ~everyone~ that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into The Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the ~Will~ of My Father which IS IN Heaven.”

Saturday, August 4, 2012


There IS a “TIME” to every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
(I Corinthians 11:31)… FOR *IF* we would ~Judge~ ourselves, we should not be judged…
But that is not always the case IS IT?… We all, too often, get caught up in the moment, and do things, or take part in things that *IF* we stopped for a brief moment even, and just asked ourselves, “What Would our Heavenly Father think of this and my taking part in it?” then we might not step out into the fires of disobedient destruction, lose our witness, heap flames of wrath upon our heads or the heads of loved ones…. MOST Especially *IF* we kept ourselves familiar with HIS Written Word that HE Lovingly provided for us to read, learn, discern, and follow for a guideline into God’s Will for us, as HIS children…
AND SO with this thought in mind, let us look at what THE BIBLE tells us about “Judging!”
First, Jesus Christ, THE Son of God SAID, as He walked this earth among men:
(Luke 12: 56).. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? (57)… Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?
Sounds to me like Jesus IS Telling us TO Judge, even down to ourselves, what IS ~Right~ and What IS ~Wrong~… Which IS Something that many folks don’t like being told, “Wipe your own nose before you wipe mine.”.. A pretty mean statement to cast toward another, especially *IF* you claim Christianity, which should reveal a humble obedient spirit within a person… RIGHT?
BUT THEN, *IF* IT IS A True Christian, that IS giving an ~Honest~ Witness as to what IS Written for us to follow, then they would simply, point out that, “According TO AS IT IS Written,” this is not pleasing unto God The Father… AND since we are all humans and living in the sin of the flesh, we all have a need to re-visit the “BOOK OF ALL Instruction”, being careful to pass the Scripture location to each other for verification…
(Matthew 7:1- 8)… FOR AGAIN, AS Jesus SAID, “Judge not, that ye be not judged . 2 For with what judgment ye judge , ye shall be judged : and with what measure ye mete , it shall be measured to you again . 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold , a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. 7 Ask , and it shall be given you; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
With the blindness of sin before our own eyes, what we say to correct others is stated from man kinds concoction of words, and most always ends up being a misnomer or downright misleading one from God’s Intended Direction or Instruction, Which HE had penned down by the prophets and apostles for us to follow even today. For again Jesus Warned IN His speaking..
(Luke 19:22) …And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down , and reaping that I did not sow:
(John 7:24)… Judge not according to the appearance, but judge “righteous” judgment.
AND we can ~be pretty much assured~, that *IF*, Jesus said *IT*, Then *IT* *IS* Righteous, and we can, should, and must use IT AS A guide line with which to Make Sound Judgment as to what IS Right and Wrong…. Because AS IT IS Written we are TO ~~Choose~~ which way we will walk, and the very act of choosing IS IN Fact, making a judgment call, is it not?
(John 12:48)… AGAIN, Jesus Warned, “He that rejected Me, and receiveth ~Not~ My Words, hath ONE that judgeth him:” (Read Carefully Please)… “*The Word* that I (Jesus) have ~Spoken~, The *Same* shall ~Judge~ him in the last day.”
This IS A Very strong statement, both for the one who is giving the corrective witness and the one in need of receiving the ~Word of Correction~…. So instead of warning someone, saying “don’t judge me, unless you’ve walked in my shoes”, maybe we should listen to Paul.. Since we all walk in the shoes of this sinful flesh as long as we walk the face of this earth… and these shoes fit all feet in that *IF* we commit a sin, *Any Sin*, *IT* IS Given to order of sin, as ~Disobedience~ unto God’s Word, HIS Will and Way, and so any and ~ALL~ sins are the same. There IS NO, “My sin is not as great as your sin,” Because ~~ALL~~ sin is disobedient…
(I Corinthians 4:3) … But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, OR of man’s Judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self….
IT IS Not that we are judging to condemn someone else to hell fire and brimstone, IF we tell someone that what they are doing IS Wrong, BECAUSE, Only God sits in this Seat OF Judgment…. BUT IT IS TO us the righteous judgment that Jesus set forth for us to use, in order to help someone find the “Narrow Way” upon which we should ALL Walk… that leads to life…
(I Corinthians 6: 2).. “Do ye ~NOT Know~ that the saints ~~Judge~~ the world? AND *IF* the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?” AND! (3).. “Know ye ~Not~ that we shall judge angels?” (messengers of the Gospel) “How Much MORE things that pertain to this life?” (Think About *IT*! *IF* we don’t ~~Judge~~ the words that the preachers are saying, proving whether they are true and just according to as IT IS Written IN God’s Book The Bible, where do we stand? LOST to a “Doctrine of False Teaching”??)
(I Corinthians 6:5)… AS Paul Continued TO WARN, Saying, “I speak to your ~~Shame~~. IS IT SO, that there IS NOT A Wise man among you? NO, NOT ONE that shall be ~Able~ to judge between his brethren? (IF we don’t know enough about God’s Written Word TO Judge whether a, Preacher, Deacon, Sunday School Teacher, Even a Song Leader IS bringing forth the Truth of God’s Written Word from their mouth before our children, then IT Truly is to our shame, that we have put more emphasis on having fun times and games, and parties than spending our time seriously learning what our Heavenly Father would have us to learn in order to make and informed judgment as to the ~Truth of The Gospel~ that we hear… Thus removing THE Mote of this world, from our own eye, so that we can help others to clear their eyes in order to see the “Path of Righteousness.”
(I Corinthians 11:31)… “FOR *IF* we would ~~Judge~~ ourselves, we should not be judged…
For the example that we set before others would indeed be of righteousness, instead of worldly pleasures, and the sinful natures of Satan the serpent…. Our manner of dress, how ~WELL~ we keep our bodies, covered, before mankind.. The display of actions, words, thoughts reveald to others through visible intentions….. Think About *IT*!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Day OF Remembrance

Think about *IT*, deeply, for a moment and just ~pretend~ that someone IS throwing a party, in ~your name~ so *IT* must be exclusively for “you,” right? IT IS proclaimed all over to be a “Day” to remember the special day, that God THE Father saw fit that you should be born on this earth… SOOOOoooo…, IS IT unreasonable for you to expect that, Since *IT* IS in your Name, well then *IT* should be only in “your” honor … shouldn‘t IT?
Even MORE proof that this day should be ~Exclusively~ dedicated to the memorial of “your” birth, IS The fact that the invitations are calling for all peoples to assemble themselves in, your “Fathers House” for this event….
The day arrives, and You enter into The House Set aside by mankind, on ~the day~ set aside by mankind, for Worship of Your Father and what do You HEAR & SEE? The music, of all things of the world, some of it is aimed at giving the message of your birth, ALL Sorts of decorations, lighted trees, candles, flowers of the season, gifts under the tree and a person in a red suit trimmed with white fur, passing out gifts to everyone in the building… so you look for the sincerity of thought, for ~all heads~ to be bowed in the “Thanksgiving” that you expect to be given unto your Father for this day, as you wait for ~~Your Name~~ to be called to receive, The “Gift”, that all these people should have come to present to You, Since IT Was Supposed TO BE A Party IN Memory OF The Day OF “Your Birth” …. Sadly, this gift never appears but the party goes on with eating, drinking, and being merry, while you watch over the frenzied affair. Imagine, thoughtfully now, How would you feel *IF* This really were Your Party carried out in honor of everyone and everything ~Except~ “you?”
NOW, Jesus Christ The Blessed Son of God With His Seeing Eyes of Truth sees all as well as Does The Father, The heart, the mind, and the thoughts of it…. HE Knows the “TRUE” reasons of the seasons, and He Knows the manmade, excuses, customs, traditions carried out, and the words that are spouted out of the mouths of many proclaiming that He IS The Reason for The Season, BUT, actions speak louder than words and the witness to the world that is portrayed IS, commercialism, pagan customs, fairy tale lies, mystic, sorceries, drunken bashes, the frenzy of a society that has in fact embraced the, antichrist and followed the broad and spacious path in the tongue of, A “Religious Belief” in a mock honor of Christ … AS God The Father Who foresaw and *Knows ALL*, gave instruction through HIS Blessed Son Jesus as He walked this earth among men, said:
(Matthew 15:8) .. “This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; BUT their heart IS far from Me..”
(Mark 7:6).. Jesus answered and said unto them, “Well, hath Esaias (Isaiah) prophesied of ~you hypocrites~, *AS IT IS Written*, this people honoreth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” AS Isaiah Wrote, Inspired BY THE LORD, God JEHOVAH
(Isaiah 29:13)… Wherefore THE LORD Said, “Forasmuch as this people draw near ME with their mouth, and with their lips do honour ME, BUT, have removed their heart far from ME, and their fear toward ME IS ~Taught~ by the precept of men… (The word Precept means; instructions that rule moral behavior, and the ways of the world and man kinds precepts have well been proven to lead down the path of destruction as Biblical History shows. In the past as well as today people begin to think that God ~WILL DO~ nothing to them for their disobedient ways because they are not struck down immediately, BUT God‘s Word WILL Stand and HIS Promise WILL BE Fulfilled, AND Those who prove disobedient WILL Reap their reward just as Adam and Eve with all that followed through the past recordings have.)
(II Chronicles 36:16).. But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused HIS prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was ~no remedy~.
(Galatians 6:7).. Be ~NOT Deceived~; God IS NOT Mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap…
(II Corinthians 6: 15-16)…What concord hath Christ with Belial? OR What part hath he that believeth with an infidel? AND What ~agreement~ hath the temple of God with the temple of God with idols?
There are many that will defend the celebrations of the world as okay with God because it is claimed verbally to be about HIS Son Jesus Christ, even though IT IS Filled with customs that distract ones attention away from the Gospel… BUT, anything that takes away from The Truth, draws ones eyes away from THE Kingdom of God IS OF Belial… NO Matter how colorful and joyful the occasion may seem, this brings another question to mind, “Does God approve of mixing The Memory of HIS Son’s Birth with pagan customs, any more than the HE Does of our being unevenly yoked with infidels? There again *IS SEEN* the honor with the mouth, but the heart is far removed….
Many folks will balk at this message and declare that IT WAS Meant for The Israelites, God’s children of old… Yes IT Was, Read the OLD Testament and see how many times God’s children of old were punished for *Disobedience*, and so IT IS meant for God’s children today… those who call themselves after HIS Son, Christians, as Jesus confirmed….
The whole of Isaiah 29 gives warning to those who, “turn things upside down” (16) and the ~scorner~ that makes a man an offender for a word, and turn aside the “just” for a thing of naught..(20-21)… this implies the separating the goats from the sheep… as the learned man will not read with understanding, because the “Book” is sealed to him and the unlearned man will not read IT because he is unlearned, and the fear of THE LORD will be taught by the precept of men… (11)… LOOK Around the world, this country, what precepts are most visible, that OF a Godly nation or a nation devoid of morals, self-centered, anything goes, lack of True Biblical Teaching in the Principals of God‘s Commands? Can we Truthfully say that the Churches are failing miserably in this mess, Because, they fail TO Stand Wholly ON THE TRUTH? Man can really mess up a scripture of verse by adding things of the world to IT and that IS just what has transpired down through the years, since The Ascension…. People have sought a new way, a new word.. How many “NEW” Bible Translations are in use today that have changed the Original Transcripts? Making IT Alright for mankind to do things that God has said Do Not Do, Leave IT Alone?
Men have written many books, lacing customs of the world into the pages with a little sprinkling of the Gospel to make IT more interesting to men, in the guise of carrying the Gospel to the world and bringing the lost to Christ… BUT This IS Just As Jesus Said, It IS lip service only and IT IS Devoid of A Visible Faithful Walk which confirms the honest, humble, and obedient attitudes that must be seen before mankind as a witness of God’s Infallibility, thus it brings the lost into an even more pitiful state of false hope, sending morals and precepts to the ways of the world….
While so many folks that call themselves after The Blessed Name OF Christ, are running about calling for society to ~PUT~ Christ, back into Christmas… there ARE several questions that we must stop and ask, seeking the answers *ONLY* through humble prayer and a sincere search into God’s Written Word OF Guidance, instead of seeking the opinions of others through the reflections of man kinds customs…
The First and Most Important ONE IS: Can mere man the clay, put Christ, The Potter, ~Anywhere~, when He specifically SAID: “Follow ME!”
Another IS: Was Christ the Messiah, The Blessed Son of God, ever *IN* the pagan rituals that were conjured up by people anxious to combine the True Accounts of Christ with pagan beliefs in order to bring many ~Numbers~ into their religion?… Appeasing, making concessions, compromising THE True Worship, with the customs of the world, for gain…. AND These customs are what “Christmas” IS All About today, and this IS What the ~Religions~ are fighting for, BECAUSE, *IF* True followers of Christ want to remember the day of His Birth on this earth, it is simply a matter of reflecting *IT*, as *IT* IS Written IN The Bible, from the podium of God’s Houses of Worship ALL Over the earth…. There IS NO ~Necessary Commercialism~! NO trees that need to be called after His Blessed Name! NOT even a season that need be called after Jesus, before a lost and dying world, BECAUSE, Jesus IS OVER ALL Seasons.. BUT as IT IS Written, ONLY The Gospel of His Father’s Kingdom, and the Accounts of His Actions, need be preached to those who are in need of hearing *TRUTH*. AS Jesus ~Commissioned~ in:
(Matthew 28: 19-20).. “Go ye therefore and ~teach~ *ALL* nations… Teaching them *TO Observe* ~ALL~ things what so ever I Have commanded you…
Now think about this! Did Jesus ever say go forth, cut down the trees and decorate them, place gifts under them and give them out to everyone to spread joy and cheer of the season, in which you inject a jolly fellow named Santa, in My Place and then, eat, drink, and be merry IN MY NAME?
Where IS IT Written that Jesus ever stumbled out of a drunken party to puke up the overstuffed drinks that He consumed… OR Snuck off into the corner to make out with the husband/wife of another… Gathered around a decorated tree and sang joyful songs of worldly celebrations?
Did Jesus encourage that trees be cut and decorated to memorialize His birth?
Reference to the trees was used in the bringing forth of fruit and IF IT Did not produce good fruit it was to be cut down, and burned, not lifted up and decorated as a memorial…. (Jeremiah 10:) .. “Learn ~NOT~ the way of the heathen…. Wasn’t IT Commanded By The Father, in The Old Testament that men were not to cut trees down to look upon them as gods…. Gaze upon them as wonderful? Read also (Isaiah 17-18)
And what about the gifts? The money market of gotta do it because everyone else is doing it, follow the world’s way of celebrating….
The “Gift” that we should be bringing to Him in ~ALL~ Seasons IS our loyal obedience, TO The Words That He taught while on this earth… As He walked among men…. And the Season when His Birth IS Remembered should be every season and Thoughtfully Remembered As A Special Time to Give Prayerful Thanks TO our Father in Heaven for The Blessings That HE Sent to all of us through this Blessed Birth, and offering these Prayers up in THE Blessed Name, Jesus….
A “TIME OF Teaching” Over Again The Gospel of His Birth, His Life, AND His Father’s Kingdom… After ALL we can never learn TOO much of The gospel, but we sure can fall short of our learning and remembering through a lack of continuing faithfully in the Written Word, thus opening the door for the adversary to slip through and lead us away into the world of false practices of fake religions…..
The “Christmas IN July” sales promotions are pretty much proof to anyone who looks that the season IS ~ALL About~ money, commercialism, paganism… and not as the excuse goes to celebrate Christ Birth…
God gave us days, time, and places to have joyful occasions and give each other gifts, join together in eating food, and fellowship, WHY must we choose a time to mix false teachings of worldly fables into the Biblically Accounted Message OF Jesus Birth…?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The "Fourth OF July"

(Matthew 4:23).. “Jesus”, went about Galilee, *Teaching* ~IN their Synagogues~, and
*Preaching*… (WHAT? Patriotism? Lifting up the ~flags~ of Galilee or even Jerusalem, the place where God allowed King Solomon to build The Temple OF God?? Honoring ~~ALL~~ the fallen soldiers which had fought the battles, even the wars which were fought by King David, the man after God’s OWN Heart? NOPE! NOT ANY OF THE ABOVE!),,, (BUT!!) *THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, (THE KINGDOM OF GOD, Not the gospel OF any earthly kingdom!) and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people…
Then Matthew reiterated this statement again IN:
(Matthew 9:35)… Jesus went about ~~ALL~~ the cities and villages, ~Teaching and Preaching~ *THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM*, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people….
AND Then Paul picked up and carried on the same message…even referring TO: “The Things which ~Concern~ the Lord Jesus”, AS IT IS Written IN:
(Acts 28:31)… ~Preaching~ *THE KINGDOM OF GOD*, and ~Teaching~ those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with ~ALL~ confidence, no man forbidding him….
I find IT SO Sad that in many Meeting Houses this past Sunday where the people that claim to be followers of Christ, Believers of His Word, Preachers and Teachers as He (Jesus Christ The Son of God) commissioned us to be, gathered folks in to the places where people gather to, worship, praise the LORD and learn of HIS Will for us to follow, to justify and honor a nation, a flag, an army of men, ~WAR~ a day set aside by the government to appease the worldly people in a play of the fleshly emotions, in the ~Name~ of “Freedom”, rather than a ~Spiritual~ uplifting IN/OF THE LORD where our *FREEDOM* Really Lies.
BECAUSE, no where can I find *IT* Written, that Jesus Walked this earth, honoring anything or anyone, Except His Father which ~IS~ In Heaven… AND
Since Jesus Christ *IS* the Son OF God, and THE Standard of God’s Kingdom, What else should be honored IN: God’s Houses OF Worship? AGAIN: *AS IT IS Written*…
(Isaiah 49:22) .. THUS Saith THE LORD GOD, “Behold, I Will Lift up MINE Hand to the Gentiles, and Set up MY Standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders…”
(Isaiah 59:19).. So shall ~they~ *fear* The NAME OF THE LORD from the west, and HIS Glory from the rising of the sun.. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, … THE Spirit OF THE LORD~~ SHALL~~ Lift up A Standard against him…
This from the very ~prophet~ which Jesus read and taught from during His life here on the earth among men… (Luke 4:16-17)… So *IF* Isaiah (Esaias) ~Wrote~ *IT*, AND Jesus Spoke *IT* The Surely God The Father IS IN AGREEMENT With *IT*, Don’t you ~think~?
So many folks are placing on their lawns signs with (II Chronicles 7:14) listed on it and instructions TO ~Pray~ for this nation…
What should be emphasized, “AS IT IS Written Even Here”, IS, *OBEDIENCE* “IF MY people, which ARE Called BY MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, then Will *I* Hear from heaven, and WILL Forgive their sin and heal their nation.. AND THAT *OBEDIENCE* MUST BE TO GOD!
NOW, think about some of the words in this verse of scripture… which people are using to ~promote~ prayer for God to Save this nation…. “ people, Called BY MY NAME”, Christians folks who are supposed to be followers of Christ… Yet Christ said, “NO, man can serve ~~TWO~~ masters… (Matthew wrote *IT* IN: 6:22) & (Luke accounted *IT* IN: 16:13)
Folks try to claim that mammon is only applying to money… and yes money can be your master if you are obsessed with it, BUT SO CAN The Patriotism of a Nation, lifted up IN THE *Pride OF Destruction*!
How many times can you find *IT* Written by The prophets and apostles, warnings OF: *PRIDE*…? *IT*, Goeth before destruction: (Proverbs 18:18) & (Proverbs 29:23).. A man’s ~PRIDE~ shall bring him low, BUT honour shall uphold ~~the humble in spirit~~…
AND Here again IS THE WORD ~~Humble~~ humble in spirit meaning ~Respectful~, obedient, and IT IS Written in many scriptures that God’s people are to be *Humble in Spirit*… NOT Prideful…. BUT THE BIGGEST WORD Carrying The Greatest Impact Contained here IS: *IF*, *IF* MY people, The People of God who are followers of HIS Dear Son, who carry The Name of Jesus, Christ… and then *SHALL* comes right up there TOO! Followed BY: *SEEK*, *MY FACE*, as IN seek My (God’s) approval, MY (God’s) Attention in a Good Way, Pay fearful respect ONLY TO: THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, INSTEAD OF the nation in which they live or the soldiers, or the flag (standard) made of cloth, or the sparklers, and poppers, the drinking, eating, and partying in the ways of the world….. THEN WILL I (THE LORD) heal their nation.. NOT Obama, NOT Romney, NOT even, George Washington, BUT THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!…
Also read the warnings that God gave TO ~Moses~: about following the ways of other nations and rejecting THE Statutes of God, thus committing ~Spiritual Adultery~….. IN: (Leviticus 26: 1- 46)….. “I Will break your ~~Pride~~”…
AND What DID John, who walked with Christ write?
(I John 2:16)… FOR ~~ALL~~ that *IS IN * the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, *THE PRIDE OF LIFE*, IS NOT of the Father, BUT *IS* Of The world….
*IT* WAS Written, *IT* HAS BEEN Prophesied, *IT* IS God’s Word, AND *IT* Will BE DONE on earth as *IT* IS IN Heaven… Who on earth will listen and obey the warning of the sounding ~Trumpet~, the sound of the Shofar Horn, calling for God’s people TO “Awake from their slumbers,” and REALIZE, THAT *God’s Word IS Truth*…
(Micah 4:1)… But IN The ~Last Days~ *IT* Shall come to pass, that the mountain of the House of THE LORD, shall be established in the top of the mountains, and *IT* Shall be exalted above the hills; AND ~people~ shall flow into *IT*… Are you gonna be one of these people, flowing into IT OR are you gonna be so busy waving the flag of the world in one hand and sparkler of man’s traditional celebration in the other that you will miss *IT*….?
There are many, many Scriptures of warning and instruction of God’s Will for us today, written, *IF* one will BE Concerned enough to take the time to read them…

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What Country IS The Land OF The Free?

Have you ever considered the ~MANY LESSONS~ that God had Written for HIS people to read and learn how to live a closer walk with HIS Son, Jesus..
Read the account of:
(Exodus 14:31) “The Red Sea Crossing”, And Israel (God’s people) ~SAW~ that *Great Work* that THE LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared THE LORD, and HIS servant Moses… (BUT a few months later all this was forgotten and)..
(Exodus 16:2-3).. The whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness: AND said unto them, “Would TO God, we had died by the Hand of THE LORD, in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and we did eat to the full; FOR ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill the whole assembly with hunger.”
And then the account in: (Exodus 32: 1-8)…
Having lived in Egypt, they had, had ample to eat, BUT they had been drawn to the rituals of the Egyptians, in their worship of their false gods also.. To the point of returning to this action when Moses did not come back ~AS~ they ~Expected~ that he should…. This Greatly angered THE LORD God Almighty…
WELL, So IT IS Today, with the people that call themselves followers of Christ Jesus The Son of God…. Those who are all wrapped up in, *This Nation*, and the only land of the free… The freedom that one has by being born in this great nation, or that adopts to come into this nation to live…
There are so many post on the computer sites, that people embrace and pass around that teach and promote, praying, “To the Soldiers” for your freedom, praying to the flag for your freedom, *IF we don’t get the right president we will starve to death, or die because we can’t get proper medical attention, like a doctor can save us alive…. Yes, some medications can help us, BUT! Where does our *FREEDOM*, our *Health*, our *Food*, really come from, and *WHAT* ~Kingdom~ are we to seek, to look to *FIRST* AND ALL THESE Things WILL BE added unto us? AS Jesus Christ SAID!:
(Matthew 6:31-34)… “Therefore take NO! thought, saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? OR wherewithal, what shall we be clothed? For after ~ALL~ these things do the Gentiles seek, (AND There are still Gentiles Today who have not converted and prayed the repentant prayer of a sinner for forgiveness to God THE Father in Jesus Name… WHY?) FOR your Heavenly Father ~Knoweth that ye have need of these things… BUT! Seek ye ~First~ The Kingdom OF God, AND HIS Righteousness; AND these things will be added unto you.. Take therefore, NO thought of tomorrow:….
INSTEAD OF Always Praying To THE LORD God, in Jesus Name to ~~Save~~ this ~~GREAT NATION~~, Jesus Said, we should pray: “THY Kingdom Come, THY Will BE Done, in earth as IT IS IN Heaven.” (Matthew 6: 10)
Where did the folks that call themselves ~Followers of Christ~ git so confused as to think that This IS nation IS God’s Kingdom? When they begin to get involved in the rituals that this nation condones. When they begin to follow the ways of the world, INSTEAD of God’s Instructions… JUST AS DID The Israelites of the Time of Moses…. IT’S About time that folks, began TO ~LOOK UP~, pray to the Father in repentance and Remember where we came from and where we are going….. Stop lifting up the earthly kingdom, nation that we live in, or it’s people, it’s leaders warriors, horses, it’s weapons, for *Freedom* for *Safety*, FOR *Life*, Stop looking for a new way…
(Psalm 20:7).. ~SOME~ *Trust in chariots, and some trust in horses: BUT, we will ~~Remember~~ THE NAME OF THE LORD, our God…
(Isaiah 31:1)….Woe to them that go down to Egypt, (OR America, OR Any nation of the world) for help; AND Stay on horses, and Trust in chariots, ~~BECAUSE~~ they are many; ; AND IN Horsemen, they are very strong; BUT they ~LOOK NOT~~ unto THE Holy One OF Israel, neither seek THE LORD!
The ONLY WAY IS God’s WAY! AND Only IN God’s Way are we free, For HE IS THE ONLY Physician through HIS Son Jesus Christ that can bring us back from the ashes of the dead… OR save us alive from the oppressor, OR provide food, water, clothing, ALL Things are BY HIM AND FOR HIM… BUT THEN;
How can one serve THE LORD God, *IF* they don’t ~~Know~~ HIS Son Jesus? (The Holy One OF Israel) AND, How can one be a follower of: Jesus *IF*, they do not ~Know~ THE LORD, God His Father? When we lift up any thing other than God’s Name in prayer, praise, or honor, we show a lost and dying world that we ARE still walking as a Gentile in a state of unbelief… AND MAYBE, for those that attend services on Sunday they, like the Israelites show a fearful respect of God The Father and HIS Son, Jesus Christ, BUT when they walk out the door they forget all about that fear and embrace the world… AND THEN Some Church Services are SO filled with the ways of the world that the fear of God IS never reflected within their doors……

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Creation: BY God OR Man Power

Considering, the intelligent position of mankind, in claiming that “God” A Higher Power than any does not exist, lets look at some other ways OF mans ~Power~ to rule himself instead of bowing down to ONE CREATOR Of ALL Things…..
First, what power does man have to exist in this world? History proves that man can make a mess out of anything that he puts his hand to…. AND yet, *IF* one listens to the modern “Historical Documentations” Presented by, highly learned experts on the subjects that are being presented, one hears very many comments like, “I Believe that he meant this, rather than what is written.” OR “The writer of this particular passage *Might* have meant *IT* to be this way rather than, ~AS IT IS Written~…” Very often in a film of History, you will hear the “Interpreter of History”, make these ~Personal thought of their ~OWN~ mind corrections~ TO the written accounts of mans History, whether IT IS Histories of War, of the movement of men across the continents, the discovery and founding OF America…. There are many ~Experts~, educated folk that Think that they ~KNOW~ More of what happened in the past than the ones that were actually there and documented the events……
AND SO IT IS With THE Divinely Inspired Writings of THE BIBLE, The Written Word of God, Penned down by the Prophets of Old and those who walked beside The Son OF God, as He walked this earth among men ~Preaching & Teaching~ *THE Gospel OF God’s Kingdom*, AS Well AS giving verbal Instruction to men as to what manner of life one must live in order to attain ~EITHER~ A Home in Heaven with God the Father, and Himself, Jesus Christ The Son of God, OR an eternal life in the pit of fire with the adversary Satan the dragon Devil…..(Rev.19:20)
NOW there are those that attempt to destroy this Written Word in many ways. One by rewriting the Bible and changing scripture to suit themselves, one flaw that God installed BY HIS POWER: HE has blinded their eyes to the sight of HIS Truth, so they make mistakes in their re-writing. This spake Jesus THE Son OF God as He walked among men, teaching…
(John 12:35)… “Yet a little while, IS The ~Light~ with you.. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: FOR he that walketh in ~darkness~ knoweth ~NOT~ whither he goeth.” & (v.40).. HE (God) hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should NOT see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I, (Jesus Christ The Son) should heal them…”
These things were given TO Isaiah the prophet, (Isaiah 6:10), repeated by Jesus when He walked this earth, and penned down in account By John who walked with Jesus as an Apostle…. Chance? Fact? OR Fantasy of Dream? PROVE IT For yourself BY Studying The Entire Bible, not just one verse… Which IS The downfall of many who find a verse that IS Written, of which they find what IT States to their be to their dislike, so they change the ONE Verse, to make IT read what they ~Believe~ in their blindness… AS WAS Done in some Newer Bibles IN: (John 1:1)… The KJV reads: “In THE Beginning ~WAS~ The Word, and The Word ~WAS~ With God, and The Word ~WAS~ God…” Some newer Bibles have added the tiny one letter word. [A] to the last line making IT TO Read… The Word ~WAS~ [A] God… But did not change the beginning Writings of Moses, which shows: THE Word of God To be The Angel That Bears HIS (God The Father’s Voice,) The Voice or Messenger, OF God. The Cloud by Day and The Fire By night that led The children of God out of Egypt… They believe that there is a Father and a Son, but can’t comprehend that THE Two can operate AS ONE, thus they attempt to make Two Gods out of ONE…. NOT That Jesus IS God The Father Because He IS NOT, BUT He Does His Fathers Will and Work Carrying out ALL Things that The Father Sends Forth, Making Him Jesus TO BE A Great Part of God… AS Jesus Testified TO IN (Luke 22: 42)..When Jesus Said; “Not My Will BUT THINE Be Done.” This Same Angel, Voice of God, Messenger, came to earth lived among men brought the teachings of God’s Kingdom, leading those who were of humble heart, and obedient mind out of the bonds of Satan, that ties them to a lost and dying world, set for destruction… THE Same Messenger THAT Gave John The Testimony OF Revelation on the Isle of Patmos…. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords….
(Exodus 13:21).. AND The LORD went before them by day ~~in~~ a ~pillar of a cloud~, to lead them the way; and by night a pillar of fire to give them light; to go night and day… NOT That this Cloud was God The Father Bodily as IT READS: “THE LORD,” which IS God The Father, BUT as it reads The Father THE LORD went before then, *IN* as The Cloud bears the same Spirit that The Father Sends, TO ~GIVE~ as THE LORD THE ONE Which ~~Gave~~ them the: Light and the Fire just AS THE LORD God ~~SENT HIS Only Begotten Son, thus THE LORD Went Before them…Explained in (Exodus 40:38).. FOR “The Cloud” OF: THE LORD ~WAS~ upon the Tabernacle.. throughout ~ALL~ their journey’s…OR The Son of God WAS With Them throughout ALL their journey’s. In other words this “Cloud”, that was sent or given BY THE LORD God THE Father, would come to be born on this earth as God’s OWN Son, Jesus Christ as IS Written and affirmed BY: Paul IN:
(I Corinthians 10: 1-4).. “I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that ~ALL~ our fathers were ~Under~ *The Cloud*, and ~ALL~ passed through the sea,… AND Did ~ALL~ drink the same spiritual: FOR they drank of that *Spiritual Rock*, that ~~Followed~~ them: and That Rock was Christ.” AND Again John Wrote what he saw of: The Son of man IN:
(Revelations 10:1).. AND I Saw another ~Mighty Angel~ come down from heaven, *Clothed with A Cloud*: AND a *Rainbow* was upon His Head, and His Face was as IT were The Sun, and His Feet as *Pillars of Fire*: AND Again John Describes:
(Revelation 1: 13-16) … In the midst of the seven candlesticks, One, like unto the *Son of man*.. His Head and His Hairs were like wool (the wool of a ~Sheep~), as white as Snow; His eyes were as a ~Flame of Fire~… His ~Feet~ like unto ~Fine Brass~.. His ~Voice~ AS Many Waters.. AND He had in His Right Hand seven stars and out of His Mouth went a Sharp Two-Edged Sword: … (The Word of God gives us two ways to Walk: Haughtily and Self-Centered Contrary to God’s Way, OR Humbly Obedient unto HIS Way.) Thus IT IS A Two Edged Sword that Cuts asunder those who will not obey God dividing them from ~The Faithful Followers of Christ:~ AND This Brings us right back to: mans attitude of their way or no way…. Mans ~Belief~ IN his OWN power to control, his OWN desire to be his own god… Just like the power that he has bowed to that desired to greater than or equal to our Creator, to set his throne above the stars, which will lead to his down fall, and ~ALL~ those who follow him…and his way… (Isaiah 14:9-24) .. AS Moses march out of Egypt IS repeated in this day modern time, by the followers of: “The Cloud by Day and The Fire by Night”, Jesus Christ, THE Angel (Messenger) OF THE LORD God THE Father, today are being led through the wilderness of this world led by Satan the Serpent Dragon, to “THE” New world, New Jerusalem, God’s Kingdom, and *IF* we are true followers of Christ, God’s Kingdom exist within us, in our thoughts, heart, and minds, but *IF* we walk with one foot in the world, God’s Kingdom is not in our thoughts and we tend to slip into the category of: *SELF*, centered, self-ruling, changing to fit modern society, then before we know IT we tend to go along with the worldly teaching, that ~Because we can’t see God~ with our human eye, Maybe HE Ain’t Real, and Maybe this teaching of ~manmade~ history and scientific ideas IS right.. The Big Bang Theory.. After all: ~Seeing IS Believing~… BUT! STOP! THINK! LISTEN! To that small still voice that IS Warning of *The Trap* of temptation that Satan has set for mankind… ASK yourself ONE Question, What DO I ~SEE~ of The Big Bang? Was I there when *IT* happened? Can I really ~KNOW~ of these things? Then one would be wise to Repeat: *AS IT IS WRITTEN*, *AS Jesus Said*: “Get thee hence Satan: FOR IT IS Written, Thou shalt worship THE LORD thy God, AND HIM ONLY Shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:10) and Luke’s Written Words ARE; “Get the behind me Satan.” (Luke 4:8) Also (Luke 4: 4).. “IT IS Written, That man Shall Not live by ~Bread~ Alone, BUT BY *EVERY WORD OF GOD*.”… Be warned, listen to the Holy Spirit, tugging at your heart, *IF* it be that your heart is not already hardened by the adversary, and come out of the confliction, out of the way of temptation and into the Cover of THE Cloud, Jesus Christ, God’s Only Begotten Son, Listen TO The “Messenger” THE “Voice” THE “Angel” OF God The Father, awake and seek That Righteous Path NOW…
A Wise old teacher that I had in school, once told me: “It’s better to aim for the stars and hit the fence post, that to aim for the fence post and hit the ground…. With that in mind along with ALL The Scriptural Teachings of The Bible, *I BELIEVE*, That, I’d rather put my trust, faith, and hope IN God The Father, Jesus Christ HIS Son, and The Guidance of THE Holy Ghost, THE POWER THAT IS, AND maybe be proven wrong at the day of dying, when my eyes close in death, to know nothing else ever, *IF* IT BE That modern man could be right, ---THAN,--- to put my trust in man’s theory of evolution and mans power to control and do all things by sheer will power and a strong belief in self, and then when my eyes of flesh are closed in death, my spiritual eyes are opened to see THE Master, upon His Great Throne of Judgment, and He says, “depart from Me, I Never Knew you,” and be cast into the eternal pit of fire where there WILL BE:
(Luke 13:28) AS Jesus Said, AS IT IS Written: There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and ~ALL~ the prophets, *IN* The Kingdom OF God, and ~~you, yourself~~ thrust out…
Now Jesus is not prophesying of anything of this fleshly life in this scripture, but He is warning of the life to come in the spirit bodies, that we will be resurrected in, just as He was resurrected in…AS IT IS Written…
(Matthew 12:36).. Jesus Said: “But I say unto you, that ~~EVERY Idle~~ word that men shall speak, they shall ~~GIVE~~ Account thereof in the day of judgment…
(Romans 14:10b) For we ~ALL~ shall stand before *The Judgment Seat OF Christ*… (v.12)..So ~~EVERYONE~~ of us shall give account of himself to God…
BUT OH, I forgot modern man does not believe in a “Higher Power” that can ~Resurrect~ us in a spiritual body, but they are teaching that ~~MAN~~ can freeze our heads until a time when what ever we died from, mankind can have perfected a cure for, be IT old age, cancer, death by gunshot… ???? AND our brains will still be in tact and some people are paying big time to have this done…
But like the man that had gotten so learned in the things of the world, that ~he~ decided to challenge God, telling God ~THAT~ he (the man) could NOW make man from clay too without any help from God.. SO God spoke and said, “go ahead and show me…” The man reached down to pick up the soil to make his creation, and God Said: “Hold on a minute, this IS MY Clay, go and make your own.”… What will man do when God stops the fuel from running in HIS earth, that powers the freezers, to preserve the heads and brains, of the poor people that have paid for their future with Caesars Coins? Where do you want to be found standing? On Caesars Coins, OR Resting IN THE Power OF God’s Loving Arms of Promise? BETTER TO Think and act now for God’s Time IS Moving Fast….