Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Studying TO Learn, OR Learning TO Study?

Do you send your children to school TO: “Learn To Study, OR Study To Learn”?.. Did you learn to study so that you learn the things beneficial to life?…. Well, this same rule applies in Sunday Schools, Bible Schools, and Bible Studies…..
There are many people, and religious organizations that try to set records for the number of times they have read the Bible from front to back… Sorta making it a ~competition~, turning it into a ~fun game~, their excuse; “If we can get people to read the Bible in this manner then they will enjoy reading IT, they’ll have read all the Written Word and they will learn.” You can read the Bible in a year by just reading a few verses a day and not wasting any of your time that you enjoy spending in the world….. We know you are rushed to make a living in this life and all the available things that IT Offers….. SSSOOOoo.. This makes IT easy to be a Christian and get everything else done….
You Know what this attitude really does?…. IT separates us from Christ, and being separated from Christ separates us from the Father, and makes us to be aimless readers of a Book that brings us no learning only the personal satisfaction and bragging rights that: “WE have read THE Bible from front to back”…..
Many folks will tell you they enjoy reading and spend ~thus~ number of hours reading, Romance or Danger novels, this is a favorite pass time just before dropping off to sleep… But they read those few Bible verses in the morning as they have their morning coffee, just before rushing out the door to their work or play… Maybe they got tooo rushed on a couple of mornings and skipped a couple of verses… here they are…
(Deuteronomy 4:10).. THE LORD said unto me, (Moses), “Gather ME the people together, & I Will Make them hear MY Words, That they may *Learn* to fear ME ~~ALL~~ the days that they shall live upon the earth, &&& That they may ~~teach~~ their children.”…
(II Timothy 2: 15).. *STUDY*, to shew thyself ~~Approved~~ unto God, ~A workman~ that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the ~~Word OF Truth~~..
(II Peter 1:10)…Brethren, give *Diligence* to make ~your~ calling and election *Sure*: FOR *IF* ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
(Hebrews 4:11) Let ~US~ labor (work) therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief….
In these verses the word +Study+ has the same meaning As TO:: to hasten, make haste to exert one's self, endeavour, give diligence, labor, work …
(Psalm 119:73)… Thy Hands have made & fashioned me: Give me understanding, that I may *Learn* thy Commandments…...
(Isaiah 1:17)… Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow…
(Jeremiah 10:2)… THUS Saith THE LORD: “Learn ~~NOT~~ the way of the heathen, & be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.”
Have you ever stopped and thought about what you are teaching your children? You take them to Church, teach them to stand up and say I love Jesus, or Jesus Loves me, BUT the rest of the time you are inundating them with harmful video games, movies, practices of: The heathen; the occult; sexual fantasies, the cultures and ways of the nations of a lost and dying world, calling *IT* Fun, a good time, and feeding to your precious children the ~~Poison~~ of destruction… When *IF* you had taken the time to: “Learn TO Study” & “Study TO Learn” then you would see the harm the danger that you are putting them in, instead of going right along with them in actuality against Bible principles… Even worse, the children aren’t taught, so they are set up as leaders in the Houses of Worship, and they go out even further into the world with their imaginative doctrines, and today what do we have?… LOOK Around, Wake Up, Pay Attention…… The LORD God Almighty Father Said
(Deuteronomy 18:9)… “When thou art come into the land, which THE LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt ~~NOT~~ learn to do after:: THE: *Abominations* of those nations….
A whole bunch of folks musta skipped over this verse, OR determined that it applied only to Moses, today we make our own rules…. Because Jesus died for us, so we don’t have to follow God’s Commandments or laws…. Because folks claim that this nation IS God’s Nation, BUT look at the mess that IS Going on in it… please…. Does this look like A Kingdom that God THE Father would Approve OF? That HE, WHO Sent HIS Only Begotten Son to pay the sin debt, so that men sin no more, or so that they are free to sin as they please….. Jesus Said:
(Matthew 11:29)… “Take ~My~ yoke upon you, & *Learn* OF Me, For I am meek and lowly in heart: & ye shall find rest unto your soul.”….. Notice He did not say, learn the ways of the world to follow after them, to do as you please, BUT He, The Son of God said: “Take My yoke upon you, *learn* of Me”!!!!! Paul said:
(Hebrews 13: 18- 21)… Pray for us:.. Now the God of ~~Peace~~ that brought again from ~~The dead~~ our *Lord Jesus*, that ~Great Shepherd~ of the sheep, through ~The Blood OF the Everlasting Covenant~, make you perfect in every good work to do **HIS Will**, working IN you that which IS Well Pleasing IN HIS Sight, ~~Through~~ Jesus Christ, TO Whom be glory for ever and ever. AMEN….
(Proverbs 22:6)… Train up a child in the ~~WAY~~ he should go: & when he is old, he will not depart from IT…..
Many people interpret this to mean that they will stray but that they will return to it when they are older…. I take IT AS IT IS Written……We should train our children to walk the right path from birth to the grave, not train them in the foolishness of the world, teach them that God will forgive them, turn them loose when they reach the age of accountability with nothing to stand on but the ways of the world, and all will be well….
Instead of teaching our children from the cradle to walk and talk with the LORD, recognize HIM AS their Creator, As the ONE That gives discipline when we disobey, teach them that the very gift of their lives come from God The Father, through Jesus Christ HIS Son, they are being taught that Santa Claus is watching them, so they gotta be good, or the Easter bunny is gonna bring them colored eggs to hid and hunt…. The ~miracles~ are because of a season in which tese two fabricated characters are present… OOOHHH, ~ALL~ this seems good, harmless, joyful fun, but IT IS very destructive to eternal life, and quite possibly to their peace of mind in this fleshly life…..
Because when they reach the age of understanding and realize that all this has really been a lie, then they begin to doubt what IS real, and we have a mass of confused teenagers desperately searching for something sound to ~~Believe IN~~…
BUT, NOW, since this has proved to be a false teaching, even though IT brought them fun and they will carry on the games of fun, their belief in what little they have been taught about Jesus IS Rattled and they turn away from the Bible because They can’t see truth there either…
IT becomes easier to believe IN What IS Seen…. Guns that kill, fighting, the occult, tattoo’s, bulking up, & looking bad, destructive music that filters into their brains and prevents them from thinking of anything other, than what the content of the music produces, which IS mostly destruction… the alcoholic beverages that present the party life and the drugs that take away all the confusion and leave them without any feelings….
Instead of teaching our little ones, FROM THE Written WORD, *LOVE* love our neighbors, LOVE God, Above ~~ALL~~… we teach them “thou shalt not kill”, BUT Then we buy them BB guns before they are even old enough to hold them and let them shoot God’s creatures, with wild abandon, just for the thrill of killing something…. BUT When they are older and shoot up the school with no concern for ~~LIFE~~, we wonder WHY?
Had we taught them the value of the life of God’s tiny creatures as a child, bought them a bag of bird food, or kitty or dog chow, and taught them to show love and to care for ALL God’s Creation as IT IS Written, this might have been a different finish to their lives, because their fleshly life is over now.
OOOHHHH, I forgot the ~~ALL~~ Important *Attitude*, we can’t raise a bunch of sissies, that can’t kill for the thrill of IT, we gotta make them tough, strong, so that they won’t let nobody run over them or their country…. IS THIS WHAT JESUS TAUGHT?
How many times have a watched a parent reach over and pop a child on the head or shoulder, just for play in the Church, just to make them tough… Then spank them for crying… LOVE?
(Ephesians 6:4).. “Ye, fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, BUT bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD” ….
Some denominations, don’t allow women to Speak in the Services because IT IS Written IN:
(I Timothy 2:11)… Let the woman learn in silence with ~~ALL~~ subjection… SOOOooo…
This frees the women to sit and look at magazines, not paying attention to the speaker, because IT Does not concern them anyway… they’ve cooked the meal and fed the children, BUT They Haven’t Read the Word, Because they can’t deliver IT IN Church….. Did we miss that in the reading through of the Bible?
“LET The woman *LEARN* IN silence with ~~ALL~~ subjection”… I sorta take that to mean that many women, and there are ample plenty, who rather gossip than to listen, NEED to take heed of the message given IN Silence, and in this way they should **learn**… This does not free them from learning… BUT Encourages & Exhorts Them TO LEARN… and then there IS This warning: Ever sit in on a ladies Church meeting?
(I Timothy 5:13)….(This is speaking of the younger widows, but holds true for any female that spends here time)… they, wandering from house to house, not only idle, but tattlers busy bodies, speaking things that they ought not… (This is a pattern formed from playing pitty pat in the Church with your children, rather than taking the time to teach your children to pay attention to the service… teaching them that THAT IS Why they are here, not to play games, read books, visit with friends, during the worship service….. DO we not realize that this in fact IS Preventing the children from coming to Christ, by filling their heads with all the garbage of the world, instead of helping them to:
(Matthew 11:29)… “Take ~My~ yoke upon you, & *Learn* OF Me, For I am meek and lowly in heart: & ye shall find rest unto your soul.”…..
(Mark 10:14)…When Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, “Suffer the little children to” COME UNTO Me, & Forbid them NOT, for such IS The Kingdom of God..
NOW, if Jesus was displeased because the disciples pushed the children away, don’t you think the He IS Also displeased that we the people who call ~~Ourselves~~ followers after His Name, Christians, place so much garbage of the flesh and teachings of the world before our children to learn, instead of teaching them, AS IT IS Written, to come unto Him, *Learn* OF Him, and He will give us rest…. IT IS Necessary TO Study TO Learn, MORE Than reading, writing, ritmetic, or how to be sexually active with nor regard to God’s Command…. Feeling good about ones self ain’t worth dying for IS IT?

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