Thursday, March 17, 2011

Selective Readers, Often MISS: *IF*

We must first ~~Learn~~ TO: read thoroughly; pay attention to; believe; and apply by becoming obedient to: God’s Commandments & Statutes: *AS IT IS WRITTEN*….. Before IT IS TOO LATE……. TOOOO many have fallen to the teaching’s that: Once saved Always, saved eliminating choice, OR that we can do no wrong Because we carry Christ within us… eliminating the work of faith, in following the way that God the Father said, and Jesus Christ, God’s Son Confirmed, that we must walk. Narrow path ~versus~ broad way… Choice… even today…. Even saved, even in Christ, because IF Christ IS IN US then our works will reflect HIM There…. And IT IS Those Same works THAT Will Keep us there: AS Jesus said:
(Matthew 7: 16- 29)… by their fruits ye shall know them… fruit is produced on a tree, and what we produce is what we are known by, do our hands and feet run to false teachings, or pagan traditions, or does our work reflect only our walk in the world…??
There is one tiny two letter word that IS Written, BUT IS SO Neglected…by those who call themselves followers of Christ, those that claim Christ lives within them….leading them, BUT Christ, Jesus, THE Son of God our Heavenly Father, never disobeyed His Father, nor turned His back on the Faithful Writings of the old prophets, nor the *Ten Commandments* Written by the very finger of His Father……(Deuteronomy 9:10)
(II Chronicles 7:12-22) … in part.. The *LORD* appeared to Solomon, saying, “I have heard thy prayer” … (So yes, the LORD heard this prayer)… & “I (The LORD) have chosen ~This~ place to Myself, as a House of sacrifice,” && “**IF** I (THE LORD) shut up heaven that there be no rain.. Or send pestilence among *MY* people::: **IF,** *MY* people, which are called ~~by~~ *MY* NAME*, shall humble themselves, and **pray**, & seek *MY* Face, and turn from their wicked ways, ~~THEN~~ I, (THE LORD) WILL Hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land……
``ODD``: that this is the very verse that many display on their lawns as a prayer for God to heal this nation….. BUT THE Thing IS: they won’t turn from their own evil ways.. The evil way, being disobedient to God’s Will & Way… They insist that “WE can and we are gonna put God where *WE* want HIM and then everything will be good because God so loved the world that HE Sent HIS Son Jesus to pay our sin debt…., BUT, the difference, *IS*! Jesus came in obedience to HIS Father’s WILL, He Never took ~~IT~~ upon Himself to do His *OWN* Will, but He DID, the WILL OF His Father, AND ours…
(Matthew 26:39) (Matthew 7:21) (John 5:30)
SO ~~IF~~ The Very Son of God, The First IN ALL Things, proved obedient only to His Father, what makes, us, the people who are called BY *HIS** NAME, think that we can change the rules because we are above the law, Because Christ Lives in us….? We love to preach oh, the lost folks are the ones that need to become obedient to God’s Will and Way, Because Christ Lives in us and won’t let us do anything wrong, so we are free to walk where we want, we are saved by the ~Righteousness~ of Christ…. And IN His Grace we are found in the Grace of His Father and ours… Well, this IS True but there again IS THAT: **IF**….. That sooooo many ignore… WE Do have a work to do, that proves our faith and that work IS and Will Be counted for or against us in the end , and that work applies to all those who call themselves saved, & to those who are agnostic….. IT IS Called choice, and **IF** we live by choice and make the wrong choice of ourselves, we are in trouble… SOOOO we gotta read the Bible carefully to learn the ~~Right~~ Choice to make WHEN The Father draws us to the Son and the Son leads us to the Father and to recognize and obey the Guidance of the Holy Spirit…..
FOR ***IF*** Christ lives in us then the laws and statutes that God the Father sent down by HIS Faithful Obedient prophets, and that God the Father Wrote WITH HIS Own Finger, certainly live in us tooooooo…. AND we walk IN Them… TRUE? SOOOOoooo…
Where IS IT Written that Jesus said: “Put the Name of God on Caesars’ money, render your allegiance to the flags of the nations, lifting them up in the ~~Place~~ set aside for Worshiping, Giving of Thanks, learning OF, and Remembering our Father, WHO Art IN Heaven, HIS Kingdom AND HIS Ensign, HIS Son AND our Intercessor, Lord & King, Jesus Christ, or to make the pagan celebration of *The Season of Spring* a part of the ~~Blessed Memorial of The Sacrifice that He made for us, and the Resurrection, & The ~~Ascension~~ that He proved ``FOR us`` OR TO make the celebration of ~~The Winter Solstice~~ a part of the remembrance of *Jesus fleshly birth*, when Jesus, IN Obedience to His Father came and was born on this earth and took on the fleshly sin of man….. FOR Jesus said:
(Matthew 7:20-24).. “By their fruits they shall be known”… (Their works?, what IS brought forth from them? As in:) (19) every tree that bringeth ~~NOT~~ forth ~~Good Fruit~~ IS hewn down, & cast into the fire… (IF we are teaching and leading God’s little chidren astray, even though it may seem good and fun, then the fire awaits us.. )… FOR “Many shall say to Me, (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and cast out devils, and in Thy Name done many wonderful ~~Works~~?” “Yet I, (Jesus) will profess unto them, depart from Me, ye that ~~Work Iniquity~~… Iniquity being injustice or sin, sin being disobedience, and disobedience being not following the Ways of our LORD……
(Revelation 14:12 -13)… Here is the patience of the ~saints~…their works *DO Follow* them.
(Revelation 20: 12).. And They were judged, ~~Every man~~ (Not those who were lost only) BUT *Every Man* was judged… ~According TO their *Works*….
(John 18:36) .. Jesus said: “My Kingdom IS Not of this world”… (So why in the world would we the people who call ourselves Christians as followers of Christ, try so hard to make the things of this world be a part of our worship, of our walk in God’s Kingdom, *IF* we truly walk IN God’s Kingdom?)
(Revelation 21: 24-27) .. AND the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the ~~Light~~ of *IT* & there shall in ~~NO Wise~ enter into IT, anything that defileth, working abomination, OR maketh a lie, BUT Those that are ~~Written In The Lamb’s Book of Life~~>…
(Sooo since THE LORD HAS HAD Written throughout the Bible, that the ways of the heathen are an abomination to HIM, and that HIS people should not take part in their ways, Why do we think that we are delivered in today’s modern time to bring their practices into the services set aside to Worship, Praise, and Give Thanks to God our Father in Jesus Name and *IT’S* gonna be a ~~Good Thing~~?
Have we grown content in our deceit and let Satan the serpent draw us to believe as he led Adam & Eve, that in this day you shall surely not die, but shall be like gods: so since Jesus gave His life for us we can make our OWN Way, put God’s Title on IT or IN IT, because we are like gods and tomorrow we are gonna get ourselves right, oil our lamps, bring ourselves into proper obedience? (Gen. 3:1-5)…
(I Peter 2:24) (Jesus)…Who in His Own Self bare our sins ~IN~ His Own Body ` upon the tree, (WHY?) ~That we being dead to sins, ~~Should LIVE~~ unto *Righteousness*: By Whose Stripes Ye Were Healed…. (Sad, because we will gladly claim those stripes that healed us, BUT Turn our heads and ~~Choose~~ to ignore the… *Live unto Righteousness* part…
I find so many have selective reading skills, blotting out the parts that they don’t want to adhere to, and seeing only that which will make them feel good about the things that they do… Taking away ~~The Need~ To feel repentant shame of their disobedience, while at the same time praying for God TO: Heal this nation, bring rain, sun, make the crops grow, bless the people, heal the sick, profit the poor…. Give, Give, Give unto us, BUT WE Choose ~~NOT~~ To give unto God our Loyalty, our Praise, or Thanks, or *Devotion* in ~~ALL~~ things… Choosing TO Ignore the ~~MANY~~ *IF’S* that are written IN God’s Holy Book of ALL Instruction.
(Luke 9:23) .. Jesus Said: “**IF** ~any~ man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up ~~his~~ cross and follow Me….
(Matthew 19:21)… Jesus Said: .. “*IF*, thou wilt be ~perfect~, .. Come ~~Follow~~ Me….
*IF*, always implies choice, a condition or qualification, of more than one way, and God THE Father set before us ~~TWO~~ Ways, giving us a choice, ~~From~~ Genesis TO Revelation we have that choice, Jesus did not take away the law, but came to fulfill *IT*, and ~~ALL~~ things Will Not Be fulfilled until ~~ALL~~ IS Done… Jesus said on the Cross, Father “IT IS Done”, the way of Salvation Was Accomplished, but we still have to make the ~~Choice TO: Accept *IT*, & TO Live *IT*… IN order to KEEP *IT*…
(Matthew 5:18) Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the ~~law~~ Till ~~ALL be fulfilled…
Well ~~ALL~~ is not fulfilled as long as we live in the flesh on this earth…. Only when God’s People live IN: New Jerusalem will ~~ALL~~ be fulfilled, when faith ends in sight, when “IT IS ALL DONE: (Revelation 21: 1-27) ..(6)… “IT IS Done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end… he that ~~Overcometh~~ shall inherit all things…. And since we have not yet seen this day, ALL has not been fulfilled…. &
(Philippians 2:12)… “Work out your own ~~Salvation~~ with *Fear & Trembling*….” AS IN The Respectful *Fear* That we are TO show before The Great Throne of God, AS IN our being ~~Obedient~~ To HIS Will and Way, not as working in our own ways to attain our own salvation…. Thus by our Works we are NOT Saved… BUT By our ~~Works~~ we do prove our Faith, loyalty, trust, and hope in the LORD….
(James 2: 18-28)… Show me, thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith ~by~ my works…. As the body without the spirit IS Dead SO ..Faith without works IS Dead…
(Psalm 91:1-16)… Read IT ALL IN The KJV Bible and take heed: “Sing aloud unto God, our Strength: thou calledst in trouble, & I delivered thee; I answered thee; there shall be *NO* strange god before thee,, but MY people would not hearken unto MY Voice,…the haters of God ~~Should~~ have submitted themselves unto HIM….
(Matthew 25: 1-13).. “The Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, five stay prepared with their eyes open and set on the prize, and five dilly dally around calling themselves the bride, but not keeping prepared their lamps, supplied with the oils of Holy Instruction, staying prayed up and stayed up in: *The Whole Amour of God, THE Shield of Faith, THE Helmet OF Salvation, and The Sword of THE Spirit, WHICH **IS** The Word of God…. (Ephesians 6: 11-18) …
Don’t let the ~~Day~~ catch you out playing cat and mouse in the world of Satan, trying to please the people with court jesters, games of destruction, pagan customs and cultures, celebrations of the seasons, the abominations of this world led by Satan the Devil and trying to make them righteous by adding them to the Blessed Memorials of our Lord Jesus Christ….
*IF* Someone associated the birth of your child, with a ritual of darkness, would that make you happy? *IF* someone took the death of your child and turned it into a ritual celebration of sacrifice to the gods who burn children alive in torture and torment, would you smile upon them with joy? Think about HOW, WHY, & WHAT you do in Remembering The Son Jesus and the Sacrifice that He made in obedience to HIS Fathers Will and THE Sacrifice that the Father MADE IN Sending HIS Son TO make this sacrifice, as you remember, learn, read, of these things… REMEMBER THE *IF’S* AS IT IS WRITTEN & THINK!

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