Thursday, May 24, 2012

Do Words Show Works

Words and works, how important are they in our life? What fruits spring forth from our tongues, or by the works of our hands that can be seen, heard, and recognized as briers or thistles, OR true fruit of the “Eternal Vine” of life?
I hear so many folks make the statement, “ *I* ~KNOW~ that I am saved,” but in the very next words even in the continuing of the same sentence say, “But I don’t feel that *I* have to go out and visit folks that have dropped out of Church, because they ~KNOW~ that they are supposed to be assembling themselves here, and it ain’t *MY* place to have to go out and try to get them to return.” Christian? Saved by ~Grace~? What exactly do the words, “Word & Works mean? And how are they related in The Bible?
Words: There are many meanings of word, but the first listed is: A ~meaningful~ unit of language sounds…
Works: deeds or actions…
Jesus Christ, The Beloved Son OF God, SAID OF Words…
(Matthew 12:37)… “For BY thy *words* thou shalt be ~justified,~ and BY thy *words* thou shalt ~BE Condemned~….
So do we need to be careful what we say, how we express ourselves? Our very words that spring forth from our lips Prove our attitude, our walk in or outside of Christ..
(Luke 9:26)… Again Jesus Said: “For whosoever shall be ashamed of *Me* and OF *My* ~WORDS~, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He shall come in His ~Own~ glory, and in His Father’s. and of the Holy angels.”
(Matthew 5:16) .. Jesus Said: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see ~your good works~, and *Glorify* your Father which IS IN Heaven…”
(Matthew 16:27)… Again Jesus SAID: “For The Son of man shall come in the ~Glory~ of His Father with His angels; and then He ~Shall~ reward every man according to his works.”
(Mark 12:31) .. And the ~second~ IS like, namely this, “Thou shalt *LOVE* thy neighbor as thyself,” there is none other commandment greater than these…. (THE First Being)
(Mark 12:30).. “Thou shalt *LOVE* The Lord thy God with ~ALL~ thy heart, soul, mind and strength, this IS The First Commandment.”
Well you know what? *IF* a man stands on these two ~Commandments~, Shows a True LOVE For The Father and for his neighbor also, then he ~~WILL~~ want to visit that old soul that has dropped out of Church, that has not been assembling with the group, there Will Be A Caring Love for ALL and IF that drop out is in a bad position then some exhortation as Paul gave us would be in order, BUT, there would be no thought of, or action show, of, “I don’t care about the person because ~~They *KNOW*~~ what they are supposed to do…”
(Hebrews 3:13) .. Paul Said: “But *Exhort* one another ~Daily~, while IT IS Called ~Today~, lest any of your be ~Hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
Did our Heavenly Father have (Ezekiel 3: 18-20) ~Written~ in vain? When a ~righteous~ man turn from his righteousness, and ye warn him not, his blood shall *I* require at thy hand.???
This IS part of our ~good works~ that we are to do that the LORD be seen by others in our works… IF we show care and Christ like love to our brethren then our works will reflect The LOVE of Christ, and not the ~Love of ourselves~ in us….and our words will reflect the same… When we stand before a congregation of people and declare that we could care less about our brethren that has failed to assemble with us, show no concern for the reasons, do not care enough to visit, we have in fact stood before the congregation and ~Denied~ The very Christ that we claim to follow….
(James 5: 20)… Let him know, that he which converted the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins.
(James 1:27) .. Pure ~Religion~ and undefiled Before God and the Father IS This, To visit the fatherless and widows in their ~~Affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world…
(Revelation 22:12) … Jesus said: “And Behold, *I* come quickly; and *My* reward IS with Me, to give every man according as his works shall be….
Our ~spoken words~ uttered from our mouths give continued verbal testimony of ~who~ we serve… Self, in the world of Satan, OR God THE Father… Our ~Works~ show, giving a physical image of who we serve, whether Self, in the world of Satan, OR God THE Father…
Reckon one might say our ~words & works~ sorta go hand in hand… *IF* we claim by the ~Words~ of our mouth that we Are Christians, but the ~Works~ of our hands don’t show or back up our speech, then something is amiss… Then again *IF* both our words and works prove to be of the world then we are in a heap of trouble, especially *IF* we are standing in a place of leadership before others, claiming to teach the ~LOVE of God to them…. AND there again, we can work well for the LORD, but go about bragging to mankind, “Look what *I* did, stand before the congregation and praise our ~Own~ actions and that IS just what our works become our own actions showing the Love of Self before men and not of The LOVE OF God…
(Matthew 7: 15-20) Again Jesus SAID: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” … (This after He had said judge not lest ye be judged, but He IS Warning of false prophets and how to recognize them, not judge them.) “Ye shall ~~Know~~ them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?”… (would a true follower of Christ stand and declare an indifferent attitude to a brother in need of help be it physical, mental, spiritual, emotion, or financial?) “Even so ~every~ good tree bringeth forth good fruit.. A ~good~ tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth ~good~ fruit… Every ~Tree~ that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire, wherefore *BY their ~Fruits~ ye shall ~Know~ them*.”
(James 3:17)… But the ~wisdom~ that IS from Above IS First *Pure*, then Peaceable, Gentle, and Easy to be intreated, Full of Mercy, and Good Fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy….
To make the statement *I Know* anything, gives the impression of independence, needing nothing, sight is seen because we *KNOW*… BUT Jesus SAID:
(John 17:3).. “This IS life eternal, that they might ~know~ The Only True God, and Jesus Christ, whom THOU hast sent.” & (17:23) .. “*I* (Jesus) In them, and THOU (THE Father God) in Me, that they may be made perfect in ~One~; and that the world may ~know~ that THOU (The Father God) hast sent Me (Jesus Christ), and hast ~loved them~ as THOU hast Loved Me..”
(Mark 11:22).. Jesus Said: “have ~faith~ in God.”
Yet when we make the statement that *I* KNOW that *I* am saved, does IT reflect our faith in God or our faith in ourselves? And where IS our ~Hope~ in this statement? Where is our humble obedience reflected to the world?
(Colossians 1:23) Paul warns: “*IF* ye ~continue~ in the *Faith* grounded and settled, and be not moved away from ~the Hope~ of the Gospel which ye have heard.”
Most times when you hear someone make the statement, “*I* Know that *I* AM Saved”, then that is as far as they go… there IS NO recognition of the Gospel or of God and HIS Kingdom, HIS Son, Jesus Christ, only THE Presence of *I*… putting away the Faith and hope of The Gospel, the Praise of THE LORD, and the focus only lies on the individual… Words, how we use them, go a long way in testifying of God’s Kingdom, HIS LOVE, HIS Salvation…
(I Thessalonians 1:3).. Paul Said: “Remembering without ~ceasing~ your ~Work of Faith~, and ~Labor of Love~, and ~Patience of Hope~, IN our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the *Sight* of God and our Father.”
We can ~know~ some things, But how we handle what God has given us To Know, how we speak, and what our actions show of our walk ~Prove~ our stand in this life… IS our walk in faith, positioned on hope IN The LORD, or in the world led by Satan, what do our ~fruits~ prove.. That we attempt to glean figs of a thistle tree? OR grapes from a vine of thorns?

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