Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How Far Removed From Christ Are We?

There IS an answer and ~Only *ONE* Answer~ to ~ALL~ the problems that this world of affairs has created… Brought about ~BY~ following the leadership of the rebel leader, Satan the devil, Lucifer, the serpent… The influence of a rebellious people, seems to have a domino effect every where one looks… IT started in “The Garden of Eden”, and has tumbled down through the ages, right smack into ~This Modern Society’s~ fab fads of today….. IT vibrates through the doors of the Houses of Worship, in one door and out the other, and on to the next.. No place IS immune to IT’S destructive effect… AND IT IS Going By “THE BOOK”! *IT* Will be brought down! Where will we be found standing? ON What testimony?
Folks stand on the once saved always saved teaching, that Jesus holds us and won’t let us tumble into the world of destruction.. By doing things that are displeasing to The Father.. IT IS taught by man that any and all sin that we commit after we have been saved IS automatically covered by The Blood of Jesus Christ, and will not count against us.. There IS ~nothing~ that we have to do but float along through this life on the wings of the customs and traditions of mankind, taking part in any and all the pagan practices that we please.. Parade them into the Churches, and present them to the congregations, and ALL IS Well, “IF, one IS Saved.” AND, when one does fall away it is excused as, “oh, they were never really saved…” They have never really received ~the gift of~ God’s Saving Grace… BECAUSE, once you receive *IT*, you can’t lose *IT*!… Do the Written Scriptures support and sustain this way of thinking? OR, is it mans way of thinking, and teaching in his own way?
Does Jesus keep us from sinning, hide our sins behind His Cross, under His Blood, from The Father, while we of our own choosing, prance about the world holding hands with and courting the serpent? Wouldn’t that sorta make Jesus to be friend of the world, and as dishonest as most folks, by attempting to hide an intended continuation of sinful ways from His Father and ours?
(James 4:4)… Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the ~friendship~ of “the world” IS ~enmity~ with God? Whosoever therefore ~Will~ Be a friend of the world *IS* the enemy of God. And Jesus DID say, “take up ~your~ cross, AND ~~Follow~~ Me daily..” (Luke 9:23) He did not say only on Sunday or when you feel like IT nor did He say, where ~you~ lead *I* Will follow you… But He did promise, again that, “*IF* any man serve Me, let him ~~Follow~~ Me that Where I am there shall my servant be also…” (John 12:26)..
Do we believe that Jesus would be in conflict with God The Father, so that we do not have to turn from our ways of associating with the world to a renewing of our minds, with Christ in The Fathers Way?
(Romans 12:2)… Be ~NOT~ conformed to this world: BUT be ye transformed BY ~The Renewing of your mind, that ye may ~PROVE~ what IS That Good, and Acceptable, and Perfect Will OF God…
Well, *IF* we walk hand and hand with the world, claiming to be ~Saved by Grace~, which means we are IN God’s Favor, and the world sees itself in us and not Christ, and yet we claim that Christ will not let us ~sin~ then what on earth are we doing? Where on earth IS our witness? Something to give lengthy consideration to!
A whole bunch of questions, BUT where does one find the answers? Do we ask our bestest friend, our peeps, the preacher, school teacher, a lawyer, a physician, OH, the government officials, OF Caesar for surely they know, they have the answers to everything….
Reckon WHY, so many folks will do just that instead, OF: Seeking the Guidance of The Holy Spirit, IN Prayer, TO Lead them IN The Reading of God’s Written Word, To Testify to their hearts of God’s Will and Way IN their life, thus putting their trust, IN THE ONE, WHO Can save them, WHO IS Almighty, Having THE POWER TO put evil away from them… *IF*, they humbly repent of their wayward ways and step into the Righteous Path Way OF Light, His Son Jesus Christ… Where This “Light” IS there can be ~No~ darkness… SO *IF* one IS playing with an in the darkness of this life, then one can judge just, “How Far Removed he IS from the Holy Spirit.” Sit up, take note, pay attention, to the warnings and get the necessary affairs in, “The Right Order”.
(Proverbs 1: 27-31).. (The LORD Said).. “When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when your distress and anguish cometh upon you. ~Then~ shall they call upon ME, ~BUT~ *I* (THE LORD) Will Not Answer; they shall seek *ME* (THE LORD) early, but they shall not ~find~ ME: (WHY?) For that they hated ~knowledge~, and did NOT ~Choose~ The Fear OF THE LORD; They would none of *MY* ~Counsel~: they ~despised~ ALL *MY* reproof: Therefore shall they eat of the “Fruit” of their ~OWN WAY~ , and be filled with their ~OWN Devices~….
Pretty strong warning I’d say, but many will say this was the days before Christ gave His life for ~~MY~~ sins, so *IT* doesn’t apply to me… OKEY! BUT , What Did Jesus Say?
(Matthew 7:13).. Enter ye ~IN~ at the strait gate: .. For wide IS the gate and broad IS the way, that leadeth to destruction, AND ~~Many~~ there be which go thereat.. (22).. Many will say to Me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? AND IN Thy Name cast out devils? And In Thy Name done ~~Many wonderful works~~? AND THEN, Will *I* (Jesus) profess unto them, “*I* never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity…”
Somehow this very statement tells me THAT Jesus does not hold us in a state of God’s Grace *IF*, we choose to sin, work iniquity… even though we claim to be followers, IN Good Standing with Christ… This Tells me that I have an effort to make, I Must maintain A Faithful walk IN Christ, *IF* I have received The Gift of God’s Saving Grace, and IT tells me that the choice IS still up to me to stay or fall to temptation… NOW, *IF* the adversary does tempt us to fall from grace, then we have a “WAY” of protection *IF* we call upon Jesus, *IF* we listen to the urgings of The Holy Ghost, *IF* we maintain a “Knowledge” OF What God expects from us in order to please HIM in a fearful Respect of HIS Mighty POWER…. Through the constant reading of The Written Word, continual Prayerful conversation, and humble obedience to the urging of the Spirit, by ~Paying unscathed attention~ to the leadership of Jesus, through The Holy Ghost…How many will shake this all of and run swiftly to the world led by Satan…
(I John 2: 1-) I write unto you that you sin ~NOT~.. AND *IF*, any man sin, we have an ~Advocate~ with THE Father, Jesus Christ The Righteous: and He is the ~Propitiation~ for our sins, and we ~know~ Him, *IF* ~we~ Keep His Commandments… He that saith I know Him and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar…
(John 14:26)… But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My (Jesus) Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you…
NOW, pick up your KJV Bible and count the number of, *IF’S* IN the teachings of Jesus, the Scriptures Written of Saving Grace… Folks tend to over look the *IF’S*, but they are very significant, they present an act of behavior, a condition in which something must be done or a state of qualification… that we the people ~MUST~ meet. Yes, Jesus gave His life’s blood for our sins, BUT *IF* we don’t “accept and maintain”, His requirements for continued coverage, then IT IS NOT Applied…

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