Friday, May 11, 2012

He Turned The Water Into Wine

Jesus, The Blessed Son of God, turned the water into wine.. (John 2: 1-9)… A miracle showing *The Power* of THE LORD God through HIS Son… BUT
There are preachers that try to turn this miracle into mans mockery…. By preaching that Jesus did not turn water into wine, but used a sort of jellied substance made from grapes added water and IT became grape juice, not wine…. This because of a Certain Religious Movement that clings to their way as The Righteous Way… Abstain from wine completely…
Now, I can certainly understand this teaching because most folks can’t ~Be Happy~ with The Truth, but will take the truth to an extreme in anything… Give them an inch and they will take a mile, this is the sinful human nature… Offer some folks a helping hand and they will milk IT dry, making it hard to tell who IS really IN Need….
For instance I’ve seen folks ask the Church for help with paying their bills because of lost income, sickness, ect… and the very next week they are out buying new cars, jewelry, spending lavishly, while those who gave are still skimping to get along on meager incomes….
The same ~Principle~ which IS NOT OF The LORD is applied to the use of *WINE*…. *IF* it is preached that the Bible says ~thou shalt not drink wine at all~, guess what folks are still gonna drink wine, but may not be so bold…. Maybe behind the barn…
But *IF* IT IS Preached that The Bible says, AS The LORD Had Written, drink a ~LITTLE~ wine, BUT be not drunken with wine, then the door has been opened for the boldness of becoming indulgent not only in the wine, alcoholic partying, but in all the ways of the world thrown in on the side of the plate..
So what IS Wrong with this? Lack of ~~Self-control~ which leads to ~~Weakness~~ and disobedience to God’s Will and Way…. Under the influence of the ~liberty~ that Satan dangles before our faces….. Just as he dangled the ~hook~ of independence before Adam and Eve…
WE MUST Learn IN Truth, Live IN Truth, and soberness of mind… not the frivolities and wild abandon of the world… IN ALL THINGS, IN ALL WAYS….
(John 2:6) .. Six pots containing two or three firkins … Note of interest…
(Metretes… Greek word for ~firkins~ meaning: a measurer of liquids a little less than 9 English gallons….) NOW read some Scriptures written throughout the Bible that proves, God’s Instruction ON Wine… OR ~proofs~ IT…
The time of Noah… (Genesis 9:20-21)… Noah, remember he was found in Gods favor through his obedience, (Gen. 6:8) .. began to be an husbandman, (tiller of the land), and he planted a vineyard: AND ~he~ drank of *The Wine*, and was drunken;
Well now, maybe I ain’t no educated preacher of a movement, but when IT IS Written that a drink made someone ~Drunk~ then I gotta believe that the drink WAS/IS fermented NOT fresh juice…. AND!
(Leviticus 10:8-9)… THE LORD, spake unto Aaron saying, “DO NOT ~~Drink~~ *WINE*, Nor Strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, ~~When~~ ye enter into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, lest ye die: *IT* Shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations:::
Did this change in the ~New Testament~?
(I Timothy 3: 1-5).. Very good instruction.. (v.3)… The office of Bishop must NOT Be Given to *Wine*… (v.8).. The office of Deacon must not be given to ~Much Wine~….
Best I can see this is pretty clearly written, IT IS NOT A; “Thou Shalt NOT Do IT AT ALL”,, BUT A, “Thou shalt have *IT* under control,” not being in a mind bending compromised state of drunkenness in serving these positions NOR in the tabernacles of the congregations, as you stand to deliver that message of the gospel to the people or do service before the people…
A Sound example of: We must be found standing in God’s Will and Way in ~ALL Things, stable in our faith, and obedience to God’s Commands and Statutes….
A good rule of thumb to roll over in our thoughts: (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22).. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…. A ~~Time~~~~…
(Deuteronomy 29:5-6)-- makes another good point of *Wine*.. “*I* (The LORD) have led you 40 years in the wilderness; your clothes and shoes are waxen old…ye have ~NOT~ eaten bread, neither have ye drunk *Wine*, NOR *Strong Drink*:” (WHY?) .. “That ~ye~ may ~Know~ that *I* am THE LORD your God.”
NOW, this shows how any drink, food, or action that we, ~the people that call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ,~ indulge in today can and will take our thoughts, hearts, minds, ~vision~ off of God and jumble us up in the ways of the world, AND WILL deter our Walk with Christ , through the wilderness of this world… SO we must be aware of the effect OF Wine, whether IT can be bad, and IT can to excess, OR Good, for may things used sparingly…..
(Timothy 5:23).. Drink no longer ~water~, BUT use ~~A Little *Wine*~~ for the stomachs sake and thine often infirmities…..
Look at your medicine labels, at the content of Alcohol in them… the fermented juice has healing properties… it helps build up your blood cells in small quantities… in excess amounts *IT* will destroy your liver and other organs… It has a sterilizing property to cleanse.. OR it has a destructive property used in excess…. This IS no accident, BUT God’s Creation of the ability of the grape, as HE created other fruits, herbs and vegetation to help man’s life here in the flesh… BUT! Man can take anything and turn IT Into a destructive offense….
(Genesis 1:29)… AND God Said, “I Have Given you ~every herb bearing seed~ which IS upon the face of ALL the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be ~meat~.” (food)…
And then again God gave a Command to be followed.. A Command of Obedience in that “~ thou shalt NOT eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad`.” (Gen. 2:17)…
Man just seems to get mixed up on his cans and cants, do’s and don’ts, wills and wont’s…
Tarro root (Elephant Ear plant) for instance can be deadly eaten raw… it is highly toxic… But cooked it can be eaten much like a potato, and processed safely it is used for medicinal purposes…
The preaching of total refrain from wine, claiming that the Israelites refrained from wine, but made a paste of grape juice and then added water to it, so that it became fresh juice was trying in his way to keep people safe from the ill effects of fermented juice… becoming habited to it which one can when we lean on a bottle rather than on The Lord Jesus as IT IS Written that we must…. But then we can lean on many other things that will put a wedge between us and a walk of faith in Christ… A Nation, A President, An Army, A pagan event, a holiday, a custom, a friend of the world, a world led by Satan, can and will be as bad as the effect of becoming drunk with wine…… Because, IT takes our hearts, thoughts, minds, and ~Trust~ in Faith, away from Christ, and puts them into a bottle of false teachings, fermented with the ways of the world..….
Oh, another thought we might consider, by searching the answer in the scriptures IS… Jesus, gave the drink OF “The fruit of the vine” to the Disciples at, “The Last Supper”… Was *IT* Wine or fresh grape juice?.. If It was wine, then the time of year that we remember the Resurrection may be correct… BUT IF, IT was fresh grape juice, well when do the grapes get ripe? Since there were no freezers then, no cans or jars and lids how would fresh juice have been preserved in the temperatures of that country for half of a year? AND we have fruits dried and turned into candy paste, but they also have preventives in them… The juice just boiled down to a thickened paste would also ferment and turn sour…. Where we weren’t present there in that day and time and anything that man can conclude to have been fact back then, is nothing more than mans conjured up thoughts…God DID HAVE A BOOK penned down by the prophets of old and preserved down through the ages for us to use as a guide in our lives here today… AND! I still believe in, THE “Miracle” of Jesus turning the water into Wine, and The “Miracle” of our Heavenly Father’s Power TO Preserve HIS Truth Written IN A Book for us to learn OF HIS Way for us…. Read, Consider, Learn for yourself, don’t take my word nor the word of mere man, but seek The Written Word of God under the Guidance of The Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, the Son of God…. AS Jesus Said:
(Matthew 23:24)… “Ye, blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.”
So many preach strongly against drinking any wine, keep clear of the fermented drink, but gobble up the fermented breads of this world…. The cultures, customs and abominations of pagan teachings, mixing them into the Truth’s of God’s Written Word thus contaminating the whole loaf of this life here and extracting the obedience of God from the hearts, thoughts, and minds of those who will take part with them….
As a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump so does a little untruth mixed into the True Gospel ferment and take us away in a sour sad state, from Truth… Read (Matthew 16:11-12) & (Mark 8:15)….

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