Monday, May 23, 2011

"Wings OF Love"

Many times I have heard IT spoken from the pulpit, “don’t speak of Satan, don’t waste time on him because IT draws attention to him and takes our focus off of God”.. BUT we don’t stop and think about the things that he subtly sets before us to draw our focus and attention off of God and puts us right into the ~Pocket~ of the ~roaring lion~ the adversary, that goes about devouring whom ever IT can… (I Peter 5:8)
SOOOOOOoooo… the wise thing to do would be to *READ* THE Book of ~ALL~ Instruction that God had penned down for us today to have as a reminder of *HOW* we should walk *Obediently* IN HIS Will & Way.. AND Thus ~Maintain~ protection against the wiles of Satan and certain destruction as one of his followers…. The one, WHO, tries to appear as: Jesus in many settings, thus misleading many ignorant…
(Isaiah 9:6).. Jesus IS referred to AS: “The Prince of Peace”…
(John 16: 7-13) .. Jesus said: When The Comforter has come he will, “Reprove” (Convict or refute).. the world of: Judgment (v.11).. ~Because the prince of the world~ IS judged… (That prince of the world IS Satan, AND (v.13)… The Spirit will Guide us into ~ALL~ truth, but we must follow in order to Be guided…)
(John 14:30) Jesus said: “hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the ~prince of this world~ cometh, AND hath nothing to do with me”…. (So why in the world would we try to put and keep, ~in God we trust~ on the money that belongs to this world, of Satan? Yes, we use *IT*, but the testimony of: ~Our Trust In God~ is badly tainted and utterly destroyed by the things that this coinage buys, of and in the world, IS IT NOT? Why do we waste so much ~TIME~ trying to sugar coat our sins by, attempting to put God, where even Jesus said, He did not go)…. when Jesus Said, “The prince of this world has nothing to do with Him“?… Why would we not be better witnesses of our LORD, to simply remain ~Loyal~ to HIS Kingdom and share the Gospel of *IT* and of HIS Son Jesus Christ, get off of our duffs and get about ~The Work~ that Jesus commissioned us to do, IN: (Matthew 28:18-20) .. The ~Prince~ & ~Savior~ Whom God the Father, hath exalted with HIS Right Hand TO Give ~~Repentance TO Israel AND forgiveness of ~our~ sins?) (Acts 5:31)… AS IT IS Written IN The Bible That God Had Penned Down for us TO follow?
Many Scriptures, give warning to: those who have chosen a walk with Christ, against falling into the clutches of that old devil, the serpent by being drawn away by temptations of the world… AND, YES! We cannot be taken out of or touched as long as we are under the wing of protection of Jesus Christ, BUT, we ~CAN BE~ enticed out from under that safety shield and exposed venerable to the jaws of death…. IN & BY our very own ignorance…. Many Times IT IS Because we want TO: Use our time reading Books of The world, sexual oriented, how to have magnificent bodies, fashions that lure, all instruction into how to have and illicit affair, draw men’s or women’s attention for what? A sexual encounter outside of marriage? OR a homosexual oriented building up of power….? AN Excuse to simple ~Read~ one’s daily *horoscope*… Rather than: *The Sound Instruction The God had printed in the Bible… When *IF* that one had ~~READ~~ the Bible INSTEAD OF a reading offered by the world of Satan, they would KNOW that this IS AN Action that IS Prohibited BY our Savior, and Jesus did not suffer on the cross so that we could be free to seek our fortune, our luck, by following a ~horoscope~~! *ALL* these things are simply designs by the adversary to draw silly folks away from and out of the: “Safety Net” of God’s Protection… AND WE Do have the responsibility of ~learning~ what we should and should not do, Because, God HAS Given US what we need to learn this from… AND Yes, HE guides our conscious, by The Holy Spirit, but do we pay attention? How do we understand what the Spirit is convicting us of, *IF*, we don’t have that ~Desire~ TO Learn & Follow?
When Jesus prayed TO His: Father TO: Keep His followers what did He ask?
(John 17:9)… “I ~pray~ *NOT* for ~the world~… BUT for them which THOU gavest Me; for they are THINE” … (11).. “Keep Through THINE OWN NAME those whom THOU Hast given Me, that they May BE One as We ARE” … (He prayed for those that had been saved, taught the truth, not the lost of the world…..)
So this indicates that we are IN Need of Guidance from the Father, and OF Safe Keeping from the Father, Through The Son, and BY The Holy Spirit… AND, IN ORDER TO Maintain the ~Safe Keeping~ What MUST we DO?
(Matthew 16:24)… Jesus SAID: *IF* any man ~Will~ come after Me, let him *deny* himself & take up his cross and follow Me…. (This IS pretty plain that we ~ARE NOT free to dredge out our own walks in our own paths, seeking our own way, & trying to put God and Christ into IT… BUT we ~MUST~ be followers & we must follow closely, not lagging far behind, dallying in the world, in the sight of the vulture that IS lurking to devour, the lion that is going about roaring, Satan the devil….)
(John 10:27).. Jesus said: “My sheep ~hear~ My voice and they ~Follow~ Me: (29)… & no man can pluck them out of My hand.. (29)… no man IS able to pluck them out of My Father’s Hand” … (BUT, We gotta stay within ear shot AND! When we got the music of the world going so loud that it is literally vibrating the earth under our feet, what do we hear? The warning cluck of the mother hen, calling us to get back under her wing? OR the sound of the ~Beast~ blasting us further away from the protected: Fold of Christ?) FOR… Jesus Said Again!
(John 12:25-26).. “He that loveth ~his~ life shall lose *IT*: & he that hateth ~his~ *life in ~this world~* shall keep *IT* unto life eternal….. “*IF* ~any man~ *Serve* Me, let him *Follow* Me: & Where I am. there shall ~ALSO~ My servant BE: *IF* any man serve Me, him Will My Father honour”… (Are we so ~In Love~ with the customs of pagans, the video games, the parties, and fun times that the world has to offer that our minds are busy, busy, busy, with the world, leaving *NO* Time to ~Think about or Study~ The LORD, until we want something… and many want something more monetary then spiritual?) IT IS our duty TO Stay under God’s Protective Wing, where we are covered… He does not hold us IF we want to go…What did Jesus SAY? “Where I am, there shall also My servant be”. Jesus will not hold us IF we want to wander into the lost and dying world, neither Will He follow us there… We must be willing to ~STAY~ under His Wing… or be as: Jerusalem, ~Who~: would not have IT…
(Luke 13:34) & (John 9:62)… No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back IS fit for the Kingdom of God… (So we can’t look back at the world, but we gotta plow forward focused on The Kingdom OF GOD, not the ways of the world…) & (Mark 10:20-21) … A young man had followed the true teaching since childhood, BUT: Jesus said: “one thing thou lackest: go thy way, sellest whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, & thou shalt have treasure in heaven, take up they cross AND Follow Me”… But the man was grieved and went away… from under the protection of Christ, Why? Because he loved the things of the world more than he loved the LORD!
A good warning **NOTE** I heard from a Preacher, the other day: He said, “Busy IS Simply: B-eing U-nder S-atan’s Y-olk”… SO… remember, when you are working so hard to be a good Christian, but you are plowing through the world instead of the Bible, following the way that Jesus established for us, just as busy as a beaver… Stop and think about what ~Message~ or Testimony you are presenting of yourself to a lost and dying world, what reflection are you making OF: God’s Only Begotten Son That He gave so that ~who-so-ever *Believeth* on Him should not perish, BUT have everlasting life~….
Here *IS* THE *IF’S* that give choice even after we a saved…. By choice we can and *Must* follow Christ to remain under His Protection, and under His Father’s Favor… AND *IF* we, cast our eyes out into the world, look to and desire the things that IT has to offer, & then in this lust, wander TOOOoooo… far from the fold, step out too far away from under God’s Wing of Protection through our own arrogance of self righteousness and high minded self image… we are sitting ducks to be plucked off by the adversary, of Christ, Satan the Devil…
First & Foremost, we MUST learn… Our *Faith* IS held strong by what? “A Closer Walk With Thee, LORD”. & ~HOW DO~ we *Establish*, that walk? BY: ~Learning~ where to walk IN order to Stay under the protection of Jesus Christ… AND YES! We must continually ~Prove~ our stance, being aware of where we put our feet, else we may step into a hole that we can’t get out of…. AND YES! *IF* we do and we call upon the LORD, with a truly repentant heart, HE will hear our plea and forgive…
BUT so many times folks want to ~Tell~ God what to do, instead *Listening* TO God and doing what God tells them to do.. … AND A GOOD Way to listen to God IS Through the Reading OF HIS Written Word, and in Prayer for Guidance of and BY THE Holy Spirit… Which ~Ain’t~ Cool to many folks, ~with~ *I* KNOW* IT ALL* egos…
ALL of God’s creation and HIS little creatures can teach us many lessons *IF* we will just ~LOOK~, humbly observe them… AND Not place our focus on: the god of this world… as Satan IS also referred to: IN: (II Corinthians 4:4)
Ever watch a mama hen and her chicks? IF not, do it sometime.. She keeps them close by, and they instinctively stay close by, with a soft clucking sound.. Her eyes are constantly watching all around her for danger, while on her chicks too…. IF danger appears, they scurry up under her and she sits on them spreading her wings over them to keep them safe,… BUT *IF* one has strayed ~TOO~ far off she clucks loudly for IT to hurry to her for protection, & *IF* IT pays no attention, IT ends up being: “food for the predator“….
So IT IS With Christians Today: we are God’s children, biddies, BUT we must listen to HIS voice and stay: ~Close~ to HIS Wing of Protection, so that when Satan comes calling we can scurry under God’s Feather Blanket warmly protected from: ~ALL~ evil & harm…. AND we must peep out our voices to HIM to let HIM know that we are *Listening* TO HIS Voice, HIS Clucking, IF we wander too far off into the world of Satan, so that we forget to peep, so that we can no longer hear God’s Clucking Sound Calling us back to safety, we get TOOOooo… brave in our *OWN* wanderings, we just may be lost and fall into that eternal pit of fire as a ~friend of that old dragon~….
What did David *Pray*, before THE LORD?
(Psalm 57:1).. “Be merciful unto me, O God, for my soul ~Trusteth~ IS THEE: Yea, *IN* the shadow of THY Wings, will I make my refuge… Read the whole chapter… (Psalm 63:7) too.
(Malachi4:1-2).. ‘The ~day~ cometh, that shall burn as an oven; & ALL the *Proud*, ..that do wickedly.. Shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up,” saith, THE LORD.. BUT unto you ~That Fear~ *MY NAME*, shall THE SUN OF Righteousness arise with healing in His Wings….
Where does this tell us that we need to be found standing and doing what?…. Fearing the LORD God Almighty Father, and humbly abiding under the healing wings of protection IN HIS Son, Jesus Christ…. NOT OUT chasing our tails like a dog in the ways of the world….
(Psalm 91:1 & 4)… HE that dwelleth in the secret place of: THE MOST HIGH, shall ~Abide~ *Under* The Shadow OF: THE ALMIGHTY…..HE shall ~Cover~ thee with HIS ~feathers~, AND Under HIS Wings, shalt thou trust: HIS Truth Shall BE thy shield and buckler….
Some of our mistakes, that Satan sets before us to subtly draw us away from that protection IS: found IN:
(Proverbs 23) the whole chapter read IT All… (1) when thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently ~~What IS Before~~ thee:…(Are you going to compromise your faith and loyalty to God, by what this ruler desires that you do? By what the world IS serving you TO: consume? By doing what seems nice and showing undue support for the ruler of the nation that you live in… BY lifting up a golden eagle statue, and claiming that the statue of THE ~lady~ of freedom IS your liberty, what have you done? BY lifting up the flag over the congregation of the gathering together of God’s people to Worship HIM and HIM ALONE, what have you done?…
Denied God’s Kingdom?
Fell to the lures of the world led BY: Satan the devil, made him happy, that he was able to draw your attention away from the Protecting Wings of THE LORD by declaring that your protection IS: found in a piece of cloth, a statue, and a golden image… ALL Idols of the world….
As Jesus said, lamenting Jerusalem’s turning their backs upon Him:
(Luke 13:34)…. “O Jerusalem which killest the ~prophets~, and stonest ~them~ that are sent unto thee; HOW Often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, AND ye would not”…. (This was God’s children, BUT they did not want to be under the Wings of Protection of Christ, how many Christians today, who claim to be God’s children, reject the protection of Christ, by walking in the world….?
Today, we spend so much time in the world, showing our loyalty to a country that IS denying Christ The Son, & God His Father, every day… chasing after the ways of the world in ~~ALL~~ things, the pagan cultural celebrations, placing more emphasis on them while calling IT after Christ, The Son of God… An Abomination.. of false teachings..
Getting so caught up in the things that money can buy that we get into debt way over our heads, thus succumbing to the lures of the evil one, by getting entrapped in endless work days so that we have no time to Properly instruct and care for our families… resulting IN: divorce, adultery, our children turned out into the streets, to dope, gangsters, tattooing their bodies, rebelling against everything, attitudes of: destruction…kill everything that moves... Wake UP Folks… Pay Attention! THINK! LOOK AT The Fig Tree! AND Stop ~everything~ that you are doing, gather in your children, Pick up the Bible, get down on your knees… chirp to the LORD, in humble repentant prayer & Listen for HIS Clucking to guide you back into the fold…. Under the protection OF HIS Wings of Love….

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