Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Habitual Attitude OR Conscious Humble Obedience

Do we humbly ~~Obey~~ our Heavenly Father, or do we tend to show forth a habitual ~Attitude~ of: “I WANT, what I want, and *I* WANT *IT* ~~MY~~ Way”?
King Hezekiah, tried his best to serve the LORD, do what IS ~Right~ but even he showed a little of today’s ~attitudes~… Our habitual ~behavior~… Our Inability TO Obey, Sometimes the tiniest of Rules… WE tend to want to bend them to the breaking point and then we are appalled that things are not going, ~OUR WAY~…..
(II Chronicles 28:1-2) .. King Ahaz.. Reigned 16 yrs, in Jerusalem but he did NOT that which was ~Right~ in the sight of the LORD..
(II Chronicles 29:1) King Hezekiah, (the son of Ahaz) ~DID~ that which was ~right~ in the sight of The LORD… (v.3)… In the first year of his reign, ~in the 1st month he opened the doors of the House of The LORD, and Repaired them… (For Ahaz had shut them, put out the lamps in The holy Place of God, and set up alters to false gods, and burnt his children in the fire after the abominations of the heathen … we are talking about God’s chosen people in the ~Old Testament Days~ now)…. SO Pay Attention:
(v‘s. 5-) Hezekiah said, “Hear me, ye Levites, ~Sanctify~ NOW yourselves, AND ~Sanctify~ the House of The LORD….. (HOW Do you Sanctify Yourself? …Clean up your act, separate yourself from the filth of the world, cleanse your ways, be set aside from that which IS unclean) AS Paul Wrote: ..`in`
(II Corinthians 6:17).. “Come out from ~among~ them, & AND & ~Be ye *Separate*, Saith, THE LORD, AND Touch ~NOT~ The unclean thing; & I Will Receive you….
(Notice, HE did not say, ~~ I sent MY Son to Give His Life’s blood, on the cross so that you could continue to live in and among the unclean things of this world and I Will Receive you~~… HE Did not say I called you to be or stay *IN* the unclean things, BUT, God SAID, “I Have Called you ~OUT~ of these things to be MY servants…as Peter Wrote IN:)
(I Peter 2:9)… “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, * A peculiar people*; (WHY) that you should ~~SHOW~~ forth The Praises OF *HIM* WHO Hath ~Called~ you out of darkness ~~INTO~~ HIS Marvellous Light:”
AS IN Which, we were once, we ~~ARE~~ to be no more, but we MUST be ~Born Again~ Changed, by a distinct effort on our part to: Obey, for without Obedience To God , we Will Remain in our filthy rags for God Will leave us there, just as HE DID… in Sodom & Gomorrah. And there we will die… Again AS Paul Wrote IN:
(Philippians 2:12) ,,, “work out your ~OWN~ Salvation ~WITH~ Fear and Trembling….
(Not that we can save ourselves, but very simply put *IF* we choose to remain in the filthy rags of this world, after we have claimed to be saved BY: The Grace of God, then we are in a pitiful position of adversity with God as we take our stand in the world, with the world that IS TO BE Destroyed….
(Romans 1:28).. Even as they ~DID NOT~ *LIKE* To retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to, A Reprobate, (immorally, damned) mind….
SO where our thoughts dwell, where our hearts tend to lean, where our eyes tend to lead us, IS Where God Will, let us stand… ARE you political minded to rally the soldiers around the flag of a nation for our safety, for our deliverance from the enemy? Remember King Hezekiah!
Do you follow your, “Daily Horoscope” To see what your day ~Will~ Bring or IS IT Just for amusement, pray tell the difference, in spilt milk, what IS Done IS Done IS IT NOT?
Did the LORD command us to obey HIS Will and Way, to Come out of these things, only IF IT IS For our ~~Amusement~~ IT IS Okay? The same with the worldly celebrations, they are for our Amusement, OUR Fun, so that makes IT Alright…. What kin IS: Alright to Right?
Did the LORD say, to come partially out of darkness and IT Will Be Satisfactory, OR DID HE Call us to come completely OUT of the Darkness TO Show ~~Praises OF HIM~~~ WHO Called us ~~OUT~~??? What ~~Price~~ will we pay for our amusement or pleasure? LIFE?
(II Chronicles 32: 24- 26)… In those days Hezekiah was sick to death, and prayed unto the LORD: and HE spake unto him and gave him a sign.. (II Kings 20: 8-11) …BUT.. Hezekiah ~~Rendered~~ NOT again according to the benefit done unto him:… FOR his heart was lifted…
& there was wrath upon him and Jerusalem….
(26).. Notwithstanding Hezekiah ~~Humbled~~ himself for the *Pride* of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the wrath came ~Not~ upon them in the days of Hezekiah…
When we get puffed up in pride, whether IT BE for our nation, the flag which we gather around and rally to: To relieve us our hunger, our oppression from job loss, the soldiers to ~Keep~ us free, by their sacrifices in doing battle for this nation, whether it is because we have lived with the same person for a certain length of time so we stand and have A Happy Anniversary Song sung to us or the number of years ~~WE~~ have lived this life here on this earth, we need to Remember the ~~Prayer~~ of Hezekiah:::IN God’s House.. (II Kings 19:14-15)… “O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, THOU Art God, even THOU Alone, of ~ALL~ the kingdoms of the earth: THOU ~HAST ~ Made Heaven & Earth”…. (Hezekiah realized that ~~ALL~~ Things belong to, and are of, brought forth, allowed, BY God…. And not we mere humans of flesh… We would do well to read and learn of the examples set forth in: The OLD Testament of what Loyalty, humble obedience, and respectful fear OF and TO God Means.
(II Kings 18:1-7)… Hezekiah (v.4) removed the ~high~ places, brake down the ~~images~~, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent for the children of Israel still did burn incense unto *it* and he called *it* Nehushtan, meaning only a piece of brass, an idol… (v.5)…He trusted IN THE LORD, (v. 6).. He ~Clave~ to THE LORD, and departed NOT from following HIM….(7).. & AND &…THE LORD WAS WITH him…. In other words, he retained God IN his heart, thoughts, and mind, always… not just on Sunday Mornings after all the praises of the people and the world IS over and done… not after he got through reading his daily horoscope. .. Not after he got through with celebrating the customs of the heathen nations… DO we have anyone that IS obedient enough to humble take the heathen ways out of the Services Held in Memory of the Son of God, the opportunity for life that He gave to all mankind? To ~simply~ say, “we will take our stand for THE LORD, we will come out from among them, and we will put away the ways of the world out of our services!”
It IS sad, that I hear so many say, “I can’t pray until I get to the alter at the Church” … When we ~~CAN~~ whether we, walk, ride, or sit, talk with the LORD in Jesus Name, ~NO~ one can stop us… because unless they end this fleshly life or kill the very brain in our heads, our thoughts ~ARE~ under our control…AND IF we are in the *Right* frame of mind, thoughts toward God, we are unable to ~Pray~ The spirit Will pray for us….(Romans 8:24-27) WE can however turn our thoughts over to Satan, by our own error of seeking the things of this world, things ~~NOT~~ beneficial to our eternal life….
God won’t stop us, HE WILL Warn us, just as HE DID Hezekiah, and Hezekiah humbled himself and repented…of his pride… BUT IF we don’t want to retain God in our thoughts, HE WILL turn us over to an evil way…
IF, we want to run down to the alter and pray for God to give to us what we want, on *OUR* terms, and then return to our seats to pick up our daily horoscope reading that we brought to service to save time in our secular life, or to thumb through a book of merchandise to see what we want to buy, from the one that is selling in the Service set aside for Worship of The LORD, then we should not whine and cry when we get into trouble… BUT we do, O Woe IS ME, Why ME LORD, did I not attend Church? Did I Not bow down at the alter in prayer?
ARE ~WE~~ serving in a habitually rebellious way, Preparing to Hear these words:
(Matthew 7:21-23)… “I Never Knew *YOU*”… “Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the *Kingdom OF Heaven*, BUT, he that doeth THE WILL of My Father, Which IS IN Heaven…..” OR ARE we serving in a constant mindset toward God, working toward this statement? (Matthew 25: 25)… “Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many…
IT IS A Tiny, Simple thing, that THE LORD ask us to do… “Come out from among them” why do so many people find it impossible to do?… These same people will stand and testify that they ~~KNOW~~ they are heaven bound, because they claim Jesus blood, and take their seats again and return their attention, their thoughts to the world…
We can claim to be the ~Worlds~ Greatest person, that doesn’t make it to be so, only that we can claim big…. Our claim to be or not to be isn’t what counts, IT IS what shows forth, in our walk, our ~Behavior~, our sincerity of stature in God’s Will and Way…. That ~~Proves~~ where we Stand in Humble Obedient Service….
Do we get up and rally for war, go get men, kill the enemy, even though that enemy has the same name as ours… The government IS Gonna save us, because IT IS The Best, Baddest Toughest Nation in the world… OR do we do as King Hezekiah, lay our problems out before the LORD, declare that ~we~ Know HIM To be the Greatest OF ALL THE Maker of ALL, and Put IT IN HIS Hands, to Lead us, INTO The Right Ways… Thank about IT! Were you Baptized into a worldly nation, or into God’s Kingdom?

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