Monday, May 9, 2011

Righteousness AND The Law

(Psalm 119: 137)… *Righteous* Art THOU, O LORD, and ~Upright~ Are THY ~Judgments~…
(Psalm 119:142).. THY *Righteousness* ~IS~ AN ~Everlasting~ *Righteousness*, & AND &… THY *LAW* *IS* ~TRUTH~….
(Proverbs 12:28).. “IN The ~~Way~~ of *Righteousness* ~IS~ life; &&& And *IN* the ~Pathway~ thereof , there IS No death…
(Proverbs 23: 17)… ~~LET NOT THINE HEART ENVY SINNERS:~~ BUT:: “BE thou *IN* ~fear~ of THE LORD ~~ALL~~ day long” ….
(Proverbs 22:15)…~Foolishness~ *IS* bound in the heart of a child: …BUT… The ~Rod~ OF *Correction* shall drive It far from him…
(Proverbs 24: 9)…. *The ~thought~ of Foolishness *IS* ~Sin:~ …
(Isaiah 51: 7)… “Hearken”, unto ME ye that ~know~ *Righteousness* … (not the lost & dying of the world, BUT)… ~~The people in whose heart *IS* MY Law;~~
(I John 3:4 & 7)… “Whosoever” committeth ~~SIN~~ Transgresseth~ *ALSO* ~~The Law: FOR ~~Sin~~ *IS* ~The transgression of The Law~….. “little children”, Let ~no man~ *Deceive* you: …~~he that DOETH~ *Righteousness* ~IS~ *Righteous*…
AND What IS ~~The Law~~? “The Ten Commandments”? “The NEW Law that Jesus Gave US”? .. “Thou shalt ~~Love~~ The Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, and Thou shalt ~Worship the LORD Thy God, HIM Only shalt thou serve… Love thy neighbor as thyself… ON These two ~~Commandments hang the ~~Whole LAW~~…(Matthew 22: 37-40) & (Matthew 4:8) Which IS merely the Old Law repeated….
And there are many, Many commandments more than ~~Ten~~ that teach, lead, us in The Pathway of Righteousness…AND put the duty of reform in our hands, to do as in obedience . To God’s Will, for HE does not make us do that which we do not want within out hearts to do…. Just as the old saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”… The LORD calls us, Jesus Leads us, but neither One Will make us drink, we must do that of our own ~~Free Will~~ as IT IS Written IN: (Deuteronomy 30: 10 - 20).. In part--- IF thou shalt harken unto ~~The Voice of The LORD~… To ~Keep~ HIS *Commandments* & *Statutes*…~~Which ARE Written in this BOOK OF The Law~~ *IT* IS NOT Hidden from thee, neither IS IT Far OFF… BUT The WORD IS very neigh unto thee, SEE I HAVE SET: Before thee This Day::: Life & Good; and death & evil: IN THAT I Command thee this day TO LOVE The LORD, TO Walk IN HIS WAYS…. & (Joshua 24:15)… & (Proverbs 1:29 & 3:31) … ALL gives choice of obedience… Another commandment for instance IS: Pay close attention to what IS Written: … (I Peter 1: 13-16)… Be ye Holy; FOR I AM HOLY… IT doesn’t read HE Will MAKE you to be Holy but HE Commands you TO Be Holy, TO Walk IN HIS Holy Way… Not your way….
BUT then why would we have ~~Commandments~~ *IF* God was not going to let us chose, but was going to ~~KEEP~~ us from sinning IF our desire IS TO, our thoughts lean toward the ways of the world….. Does God want a bride that HE has to make obey HIM or does HE Want a bride That Willfully Obeys? According to AS IT IS Written….
IS IT Necessary for us to have ~Written~ OR ~Verbal~ Instruction *IN & OF* The Law and Righteousness in order to follow Christ, and walk the path that IS Pleasing unto the Father? <Many teach that *IT* IS NOT…. To the downfall of many who are easily misled>.
This brings about the false sense of security that IF ~~*I*~~ declare ~~Myself~~ Saved, then what ever I do IS covered by & in the Righteousness of Christ… He works in me and I walk in the ways of the world and ~~ALL~ is well… This is sometimes the mistake that is made when we get so anxious to have a loved one saved and see them accept Christ… WE tell them that all that they have to do IS just: Say “I LOVE Jesus”, be Baptized, and that IS IT. ALL IS DONE!
BUT!!! There IS A *Circle* that MUST be complete: IT IS THE Circle of God’s Love and in IT we (:>) DO (:>).. follow Christ, and walk the path that The Father desires that we should walk, IN *IT* IS found the Complete ~~Trust~~ in God, through and by a ~~Walk~~ OF *Faith*… IN God’s Will and Way, AND IN that faithful walk *IS* found the spirit of humble Obedience to God’s Law, which IS OF HIS Righteousness…. NOT man kinds, made up traditions, not man kinds have a good time, feel good religions, BUT!!! An honest to goodness ~~Seeking of ~The Truth~ in God’s Will and Way…. AND IF The Righteousness of Christ IS NOT preached in this manner, *IT IS* preached and taught TO: Confusion, and who IS the father of the lie to the falling of confusion?
(Hebrews 1:8)… UNTO The Son, HE (THE LORD, THE Father) saith, “Thy Throne, O God, *IS* For Ever and Ever: ~A Sceptre OF *Righteousness* IS The Sceptre OF Righteousness~. What IS A Sceptre? The Hebrew Word: Rahabdos… the rod of iron, staff, or stick with which to beat, applying the: ~Strictest of rule~..
AND What IS That Ruling Sceptre?
(II Timothy 3:15-17)…. That from a child thou hast known ~~The Holy Scriptures,~ which ~ARE ABLE~ TO: Make thee wise unto *Salvation* ~Through~ *Faith* ~Which IS~ *IN* Christ Jesus…. ~~ALL~~ *Scripture* *IS* ~GIVEN~ **BY** ~~INSpritation~~ OF God ….. ~FOR~ *Reproof*, ~FOR~ *Correction*, & AND & ~FOR~ *Instruction* IN ***Righteousness:*** (WHY?) That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto ~~ALL~~ Good Works……. (AND What IS Contained IN THIS *INSTRUCTION*)???? The Laws THAT God proclaimed man must follow! THE LAWS That lead us to and down the Narrow Path of ~Righteousness~ THE One Way that IS The Narrow Gate, Jesus Christ… Did not Paul warn us to: ~~WORK~~ out our own *Salvation*… (Philippians 2:12).. Not that Salvation IS OF us, but Salvation IN Christ, depends upon our ~~Attitude~~, heart condition, the things That we seek…our behavior.. Our ~~work of obedience~~ in fear of God, unto a trustful walk of *Faith*, proving our heart condition, and thought of mind, before God and ~~the world~~…..
(Romans 10:10)… FOR ~with~ the heart… man *believeth* unto ~~Righteousness~~; and ~with~ the mouth … Confession .. IS made unto salvation….
Can we live righteously strictly by The Law in our own way? NO!…. But many who claim to be followers of Christ, claim their way and lead others in this way, because IT IS: “OUR” Tradition, IT IS What ~WE~ Like and there is nothing wrong with IT IF we are saved IN Christ… **IF** is key here… Don’t be misled by a man-made tradition, calmed into thinking that IT IS Good, because brother so-n-so, SAID! “It IS Good”. FOR WE HAVE THE Holy Scriptures to search *IT* out, TO Prove *IT*… & AND & IF *IT* IS denounced by The Written Word, then IT IS Displeasing TO God, AND IT IS NOT Found IN THE Righteousness of Christ…..
(Galatians 2: 19-21)… FOR I ~~Through~~ The Law, am dead ~~TO The Law~~, that I Might *Live* Unto God…..(through meaning that we know the law and IT sets us free from the bonds of ~~Sin~~ in the law, thus we are dead in the law by dying to sin, THAT we May ~~Live~~ unto God… IN HIS Will & Way, because IF we continue to live the same way of sinful fleshly ways of the world, after we have claimed to Accept Christ in our life and we are Baptized making a public profession of this ~~Faith~~…this step of a changing walk, but we fail to show IT, by our steps, then we are NOT dead through the law… but still walk in the ways of the heathen…. AND SO, we are not made alive in God….)
(v.20) I am crucified ~~WITH~~ Christ: nevertheless I ~live~; yet not I, BUT Christ liveth ~IN~ me: & and & The life which I now live ~~~in the flesh~~ I live by *Faith* of ~The Son of God~ Who loved me and gave Himself for me… (SOOOOO our, we gonna put Christ where we want Him, attitudes, does not indicate a faithful walk in Christ, for we have not put away the ~~old fleshly way~~ to walk in the ~~Newness of life…. As a *follower* of Christ).
(v.21).. I (this is Paul speaking) ~DO NOT~ frustrate the *Grace* of God: For *IF* ~righteousness~~ came by the Law, then Christ IS dead in vain…. (SOOOO *IF* we do not die through the law, to the law and ~Live~ unto God, then we ~~Crucify~~ Christ anew…
(Ephesians 4:22-24)…. That ~ye~ (as in you, IT IS your place to put away all these things) put OFF concerning the ~former~ conversation, the ~old man~, which *IS* corrupt to the deceitful lusts: & AND& Be renewed in the ~~Spirit~~ of your mind; and that ye (YOU) put on the ~~New Man~~ WHICH After God *IS* Created IN Righteousness and True Holiness…..
(Ephesians 5: 10-11)… ***Proving*** what *IS* Acceptable unto the LORD… & AND & Have ~~NO~~ Fellowship With the ~~unfruitful ~~Works ~ of darkness….
IS our *Faith* alone enough to prove our walk in Christ? OR Do we ~~prove~~ our Faith by our *Works*? AND Where do we find the Instruction for ~~A Good Work~~? Does Christ just automatically hold us to His Righteousness, OR DO WE have a responsibility to bow down to His Will and Way, and step out of our old way, in order to be secured IN The Righteousness of Truth? Think About IT, Better Still, READ About IT IN THE Holy Inspired Scriptures OF The Bible, God’s Written Book OF ~ALL~ Instruction…..

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