Thursday, January 27, 2011

Will The Circle Be Unbroken?

The *Circle of Love*, *Will the Circle be unbroken in marriage*, and in our relationship with God that IS the teachings in the Scriptures of the Bible… WE sing the song, “Will The Circle Be Unbroken In The Sky”, yet we ignorantly break it here on earth…. Why? To prove our loyalty to the country in which we live, to let our ~~Pride~~ show before men…. WHY? When God Said, and Had Written:
(Proverbs 16:18)…. Pride goeth before destruction… & An ~haughty~ spirit before a great fall… How many show that haughty spirit, at football games, in Church services one trying to be greater than the other in song or speech?
(Jeremiah 13:17)…. BUT, ~~IF~~ (Here IS that tiny Two Letter Word That carries A Great Meaning).. *IF*, ye will ~Not~ hear IT, MY Soul shall weep in secret places for ~your~ *Pride*; & Mine Eyes shall weep sore, and run down with tears, Because the LORD’S flock IS carried away captive……
Do you think that because Jesus came and gave His Earthly Life, Spilled His blood to pay the sin debt of man, THAT God the Father won’t put the people who call themselves followers of Christ, into exile again? There again IS That *IF*!
(Joshua 24:20)… *IF* ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then HE Will Turn and do you hurt, and consume you…. ~after HE hath done you good~….
Old Testament so this doesn’t apply? … Did HE God the Father not do us good when HE Sent HIS OWN Son, For God So Loved the World? (John 3:16)….. Where IS IT Written that HE Will NOT take this goodness away?… *IF* Because Paul has even warned and Peter preached from the OLD Testament Scriptures ON The Day of Pentecost…. SOOOOO Believe IT OR NOT, ~~IT~~ Applies… Maybe the *PRIDE* of modern man doesn’t recognize it because IT doesn’t fit his mould of: “All About ME” teachings…
(I Timothy 3:6)… Not a novice, lest being lifted up ~With~ *Pride* he fall into the >>Condemnation<< OF The Devil…
(I John 2:16)… FOR *ALL* that is in the world, THE *Lust* of the flesh, & of the eyes, & ~The~ *Pride* of ~~Life~~, IS Not of the Father, BUT IS OF THE WORLD..
Ever consider this verse of Scriptural Warning when you are encouraging children or adults to come and stand before the congregations IN God’s Houses of Worship, and have the people sing, “Happy Birthday” to them in honor of the number of earthly years they have been married or lived….???? Ever wonder HOW God Views this action or even care?… Just so the people are happy about themselves and their pride of accomplishments in THIS Earthly life…. IS That preparing for OR Looking forward TO, the Kingdom of God… ORRrrrr…
Ever consider What The LORD thinks of our having the small children parade the flag of the nation or country in which we live into HIS House, That we have set aside for HIS Worship, and stand and pledge their allegiance to ~~IT~~ before the Alter where we bow in prayer to God… BUT Then, do we really use that alter to give thanks to God or just ask HIM to supply our earthly greed’s?
AND Speaking OF: The Kingdom of God, are we supposed to wait for THE Kingdom to Appear on Earth before we declare our ~~Citizenship~` in IT… OR can we openly and publicly declare our citizenship in the eternal Kingdom today instead of showing pride in the earthly nation in which we live? ARE ~~WE~~ even supposed TO or do we just look for ~~IT~~ To Come as we are still looking for the antichrist to come that has been here on earth since Jesus walked among men?
(Romans 14:7)… For … *THE Kingdom* OF God, IS Not meat and drink; But Righteousness, & Peace, & Joy IN THE Holy Ghost….
(What of our eating, drinking, and being merry in seasonal parties at the Church?)
(Luke 13:18)…. Then said He, (Jesus)… “Unto ~What~ IS The Kingdom OF God like? & Whereunto shall I resemble *IT*… *IT* IS* Like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden, AND IT GREW, and waxed (or grew into) A Great Tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of IT….
SOOOOO IF we, the people, preach, teach, and share with others… “AS Jesus Said”, In: (Matthew 28: 19-20) The *Gospel OF THE Kingdom”, IT Will be Present, in the garden of our life within us and IT will grow in others by example and the leadership of Truthful teachings that we present from the Bible…. And many will come to know the LORD, God Almighty Father and HIS Son Jesus Christ, our Intercessor, High Priest, Lord and King….!
BUT! IF all we do IS promote the earthly kingdoms, nations of the world, OR if we try and straddle the fence and be loyal unto both in our religious life, then we teach to confusion and who is the father of this?
(I Thessalonians 2:12) That ye would walk worthy of God, WHO hath called you unto HIS Kingdom and Glory…. How do we walk ~~Worthy~~ of God? By chasing our tails in the world because we can‘t see a visible Kingdom in which to salute IT‘S flag and pledge our allegiance? WHO IS THE FLAG OF GOD’S KINGDOM?
(Isaiah 11:10)…. AND IN That day…there shall be a ~Root of Jesse~, which shall stand for an ~Ensign~ (A Flag; Standard; Banner) Of the people; to *IT* shall the Gentiles seek and His Rest shall be glorious….
(Luke 17:21)…Neither shall they say, “Lo here! OR, Lo there! FOR Behold, “The Kingdom OF God IS Within ….~~~you~~~….. Don’t abuse IT, don’t lose IT, Definantly Don’t Deny *IT*, by showing your pride in a worldly nation, and running about spouting about how great this earthly nation or that earthly nation is and how IT Will overcome, BECAUSE,
Nothing WILL BE, Except the LORD God Almighty Father Grant IT TO BE And IT IS Written IN HIS BOOK OF all Instruction, what shall be the end of ALL the worldly nations… SOOOooo…
Don’t teach to confusion, but let the Light of God’s Kingdom shine brightly through and in all that you do and say especially IF you are in a position of teaching and leading God’s little children IN HIS House of Worship.!!!! Jesus said: IN:
(Mark 7:20) “That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man… for from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness….foolishness… ALL these evil things come from within and defile the man….
(Matthew 22:..) Jesus said: “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s AND unto God the things that are God’s… & in this same chapter is written the example of the guest that came into the wedding and was not dressed in the proper garments… He was cast into outer darkness… The same is in store for us *IF* we appear in the garments of worldly pride and fleshly lust of worldly customs and traditions, before the Great Throne of God while out of one side of our mouths declaring our citizenship in God’s Kingdom draped in the flag of a worldly nation….
(Isaiah 62:5) … For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee…
(Jeremiah 2:32)… Can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire? YET… “MY” people have forgotten ME days without number… & (33:11)… The voice of the bride shall say, “Praise the LORD of hosts and shall bring the sacrifice of *Praise* into HIS House….”
What nation, country, kingdom are we or should we be loyal to? We stand and praise the nation, salute the flag, and the leader of what ever country we dwell in… not even considering that IT Was By God’s Power, and Will that we were born in and live in that country….. Not by our own doing or the leaders of this or any other country….
AND we are compared to a marriage of a couple, a man and a woman in the scriptures, presenting Christ, THE Son of God as the Groom and the Church, the ones who are supposed to be followers of Christ as the bride……. But there is something wrong in the Church gatherings with the picture of the wedding….. The “Circle” that is to be ~~Unbroken~~….. IS Broken at every meeting by the waving of the flag of a nation standing over the cross… kinda like waving the bed sheet of an illicit affair over the wedding ceremony of a betrothed couple…
Because IT IS declaring before the entire congregation the faulting loyalty of mankind…. Yes, we are to respect and support the country in which we live, we are to render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, BUT unto that which belongs to God… & AND& SINCE we have assembled IN God’s House of Worship, under the Roof that man has determined to set apart as a place for the followers of Christ to assemble and prepare for the Great Day of The Eternal Wedding to take place…. Then we should keep IT clean of ALL adulterous images….
(Isaiah 40:17)…. **ALL** nations before HIM (God The Father) are as ~nothing~, and they are counted to HIM less than nothing, and vanity…. TO WHOM then WILL ye Liken God? Or What Likeness will ye compare unto HIM?
(John 3:15) That whosoever believeth in HIM Should not perish, but have ~eternal~ life…
(II Peter 3:9) … The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish , but that all should come to repentance.
AND Not that with out us HE would rather die but that HE would rather we ~~Live~~ and live our life unto HIM and not the world of Satan or man’s traditions, because HE IS Eternal, and HIS LOVE IS Everlasting, but there was a time when IT Repented God that HE had made man….
(Genesis 6: 7) the LORD Said:, “I Will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth… for IT repenteth ME that I have made them …. Again Old Testament, but New Testament speaks of ones that are going off into eternal destruction…. Rather than life… Why?
AND Since God IS ALMIGHTY and THE LORD Giveth and THE LORD taketh Away, then we do not need to become arrogant in our faith that God would not or could not live without us… BUT IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND, Without God we are nothing……
(Romans 6:23).. The wages of sin IS death; BUT THE Gift of God IS: eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord…. SOOOOoooo…..
IF we are teaching, preaching, or claim to be sharing: THE Gospel of God’s, Son Jesus Christ, or THE: Gospel of God’s Kingdom, we’d better be found conveying *IT* from the pages of God’s Holy Written Scriptures as did Peter, Paul, and John, and not from mans, mixed up, pagan infiltrated stories, in men’s, traditions and ways…. Because IF we dare to mislead, or confuse even one child of God, and ALL of God’s created people, whether they are 1 year old or 100 years old plus, are considered ~children~, then we are found standing in the pathway of Satan’s false prophets and antichrist…Thus breaking THE “Circle of Life”…. NOT Where I want to stand do you?

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