Thursday, January 20, 2011

"IF" Obedience, Faith, Works

IT IS Preached, that man can’t be saved by his works, and that IS True. This leads many that claim to be Christian, into a state of disobedience, by convincing them, that no matter what they do, if they claim Christ, then they are saved…. SOOOooo… this gives many a false security in doing whatever they want to do and believing that IT IS Okay, because it is not the works that saves them, but their faith, and they have declared faith in Christ…
What of Noah, Abraham, Moses? Did they ~~PROVE~~ their faith by their ~~Obedient~ Work… or did they wonder on in their life skipping about in the world doing as they pleased, joining in with all the pagan cultures and beliefs, because it was fun and God still smiled on their confession of faith?
IT IS IN, this manner of confessed faith, but no works that the ball rolls on from generation to generation of disobedience to God’s Written Word, because IT IS Also taught that the Spirit leads and that IS All one needs to know… JUST Follow where THE Spirit Leads… This IS True also,… BUT this calms many into accepting what IS taught without checking it out and proving it in God’s Holy Written Word… FOR….AS IT IS WRITTEN: WE Must: AND IF we don’t read, study, and learn, then we fail and fall in ignorance….
(I John 4:1) …Believe, ~NOT~ every spirit, ~~BUT~~ try the spirits, whether they are of God: Because many false prophets are gone out into the world….
~You say, you believe in Christ, so you know you are saved, BUT how do you live?~ BY What Rule of thumb? By the customs set forth by the commercial world and freedom of following the ways of fortunes, tattooing of your bodies, attending wild parties… Folks don’t realize because of many teachings that wild parties can be carried on without alcoholic beverages, that are just as abominable to our Maker…. Even parties held for little children… ~IF~ we don’t read, study, and learn what God expects of HIS people, always….. AND
In the same way, it is a human nature to think that they are doing something good, something very touching to the fleshly heart, by having a tattoo of their dead loved one printed, painted, and cut into their skin…. BUT… read the Bible, please… IT IS NOT God’s Way, and we must overcome the fleshly ways, and seek that which IS Spiritual….. AS Jesus said:
(John 6:63)… “IT IS the spirit that quickened; the flesh profited nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, AND they ARE life….
(Leviticus 19:28)… “Ye shall not make ~~ANY~~ cuttings in your flesh for the dead, NOR print any marks upon you… I am the LORD….”
The heathen peoples cut themselves, painted their bodies, but God commanded HIS children TO NOT, do this… and HIS Command stands Today, and forever…… SO if we claim to be a Christian, a follower of God’s OWN Son… then we will not paint our bodies all over with tattoo’s for any reason, nor cut holes in our flesh with rings and sticks.
(Galatians 2:29)… I am crucified ~With~ Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, BUT Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the *faith* of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me….
So IF Christ LIVETH in you, why do you disobey, THE Father’s Written Word, and HIS Command to follow HIS Laws and Statutes…. ?
(Deuteronomy 6: 5-9)… Thou shalt ~~LOVE~~ THE LORD thy God, with ~~ALL~~ thine heart, soul, and might, & these words which I command thee this day, shall BE IN thine heart.. AND thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, talk of them, in thine house, walking by the way, lying down, rising up, ~~BIND~~ them for a *SIGN* upon thine hand, they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes, ~~WRITE~~ them upon the posts of thy house and thy gates.

(John 6:44) … ~~No man~ can come to Me, except the Father ~~Which~~ hath *Sent* Me draw him: and I Will raise him up at the last day… &
(John 14:6) … Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: ~no man~ cometh unto the Father, but by Me… AND
(John 14:26)… THE Comforter, ~Which IS THE Holy Ghost~, WHOM the Father will send ~~IN~~ My Name, He shall ~Teach~ you *ALL* things, and bring *ALL* things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you….. BUT you know what?
There IS A LITTLE TWO LETTER WORD, Written in God’s Holy Book, THAT Packs a Mighty Big Wallop of Power…BUT many that read the Scriptures and speak out on them, somehow overlook this tiny ~~WORD~~ and miss the ~Impact~ that it gives to the Scriptures of Guidance.. Read Just a few verses which ~IT~ Brings great meaning to.
**IF** therefore ~ye have ~~NOT~~ been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? (Luke 16:11)
**IF** I (Jesus Christ) have told you earthly things, and ye ~believe~ NOT, how shall ye believe, **IF** I tell you of heavenly things???? (John 3:12)
**IF** ye ~~Believe~~ NOT his writings, How shall ye ~~Believe My Words? (John 5:47) & (John 10:37)…..**IF** I (Jesus) do ~Not~ the works of My Father, believe Me Not….
SOOOOOooooo… It kinda stands to reason…. That **IF ** we are to look at the Works That Jesus did, and judge whether to believe Him or not ~~BY Example of His Works that they were of His Father, *THEN* … Are we not to be looked at also and judged by the ~~Example~~ of our works.. Whether they be of God’s Will and Way… OR… of our own led by a world in Satan’s grasp?
And when we stand with one hand on the Bible and walk with both feet in the world of pagan cultural traditions… What example are we setting forth… ???
(Luke 16:13)… No man can serve two masters… “Ye Cannot serve God and mammon”!
(Titus 1:16)… They profess that they know God, but in works they deny HIM, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate…
(Leviticus 18:30)… Therefore shall ye keep Mine Ordinance, That ye commit ~NOT~ any of these *Abominable* ~~Customs~~, which were committed before you, and that ye ~~Defile~~ NOT~~ yourselves therein::: I am the LORD your God….
How many customs do we knowingly follow and even mix in with the Bible Accounts of Christ the Son of The Living Eternal God, that does not change… HIS Expectations of mankind’s obedience to HIS Will and Way are set and firm….. Nowhere in HIS Written Book of ALL Instruction for man to follow IS IT Found that God changed HIS Mind and allowed man the freedom to ~~walk as they please in the world and still maintain their place in God’s Kingdom~~….
(II Chronicles 7: 19-20)…BUT *IF* ye turn away…. *AND* forsake MY Statutes & Commandments, which I have set before you, … I Will cast out of My Sight,…AND make a proverb and a by word among ALL nations…
(Hebrews 6: 6) **IF** they shall ~Fall~ away… That little word if used here tells us that yes we can fall out of God’s Grace ~~~IF~~~ we don’t walk in HIS Will and Way, according to HIS Commandments…….
Just like we ~~Love~~ our children, *IF* they do not obey, then we must punish them and *IF* they chose to turn their backs on the LORD, then we cannot make them do otherwise, neither will the LORD make them, or us do anything, but HE Will give us a choice to obey or disobey, until the end shall come…… Then wherever we stand that IS where we are sealed…..
(Romans 2: 5-9)… revelation of the ~~Righteous Judgment of God… WHO Will render TO: ~Every man; ~According~ to his deeds…. TO: “Them” who by patient..~~Continuance~~ in well doing, seek for glory, honor, and immortality, eternal… *Life**: BUT, unto them that are contentious, and ~~Obey NOT~~ the truth, ~~Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil…..
AND What IS Evil? Disagreeable; malicious, even …the state of disobedience because one refuses to do that which IS Right… and what is sin? A shameful transgression, which comes full circle into…an evil act of sinful disobedience….
, Faith IS proven by ~Obedience~ and Obedience IS ~Evidence~ of FaithObedient Faith leads TO Works that are Acceptable Thus by faithful works in Christ we prove ourselves.

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