Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Enemy Within

I’m not the enemy, but I could be…. Many who seem like good folk are in fact enemies of Christ… It is by choice that we serve God… or choice that we serve Mammon…. AND many who seem righteous are good at serving Mammon… because they seem such religious folk….
The good enemy will, tell you that it is okay to do as you please because the Holy Spirit won’t let you do anything that God does not approve of…. That you are held by God’s Love to do only that which IS pleasing to God…. BUT! What did The Heavenly Father have printed in the Holy Book of All Instruction for HIS people to have to follow?
(Jeremiah 32:33) “they have turned unto *ME* (THE LORD), the back, and not the face: though *I* (The LORD) taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive ~Instruction~……
(II Timothy 3:14)…. Paul writes to Timothy: “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, ~~Knowing~~ of *Whom* thou hast learned them… (In other words, *Prove* IT),
(I John 4:1) .. Beloved, ~~Believe~~ *NOT* every spirit, BUT try the spirits, whether they are of God, ~~Because~~ MANY false prophets are gone out into the world…
(I Peter 1:7)… That *THE Trial* of ~your~ faith… might be found unto ~~Praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ….
Do you think that the trial of our loved ones faith will stand true if they have learned and we have taught that the Gospel is a myth filled with the emptiness of pagan cultural belief’s…? That Jesus only exist in the colored lights under a tree which is visited by a man in a red suit. That same man, that we have taught them is watching over them all year to prove them worthy of receiving good or bad gifts…. ? Does it make it right that we are joking about it, we know better and so that makes it okay to *Play* with our children this way?
(Luke 23:11) .. And Herod with his men of war set Him (Jesus) at naught, and ~~mocked~~ Him, and arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe….
IS this any different than portraying Jesus under a lighted tree full of pagan images? Although the bright lights are pretty the décor is gorgeous, the meaning IS THE SAME…. We are looking at a false picture instead of a truth, AS IT IS Written…. Same with the colored eggs and Easter or Estre celebrations
(Galatians 6:7)… Be not deceived; God IS NOT Mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap…
(II Timothy 3: 15-17) AND that from a child thou hast known:: The Holy Scriptures, which are able TO make thee ~~Wise~~ unto *Salvation through faith**, which IS IN Christ Jesus… ALL Scripture IS given ~BY~ Inspiration of *God*, and IS profitable for ~~Doctrine~~, for reproof, for correction, ~~FOR Instruction in Righteousness…. That the ~~man~~ of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto *ALL* good *Works*….
This scripture contains much strong guiding information… Do you think?
No, I am not your enemy, because I write to you and stress the things that ARE Written IN The Holy Scriptures… BUT I am considered the enemy ~~Because~~ I don’t write of things like: how beautiful a tattoo is, encourage folks to read their daily ~horoscopes~, promote the seasonal celebrations of pagan origin, lift up the god ~Mammon~ in the things that I write, rather than THE Three that are ONE UNIT, THE Father, Jehovah God, The Son, Jesus Christ, AND The Holy Spirit, The Comforter… The ONE True God in which we can be One in Unity also *IF* we read the Bible, Study to be approved, Bow down in humble obedient repentance before the Great Throne of undeserved kindness and THEN walk that narrow path of righteousness, IN faith…. Turning away from the lures of the world…. ALL This IS our choice to be or not to be…. YES! Jesus calls us, He IS The Only Way to the Father. (John 14:6).. The Father draws us and no one comes to the Son Jesus Except the Father draw him…(John 6:44).. BUT Just saying I believe is only the beginning of what we must do…. FOR There must be a complete surrender unto the Spirit, we can’t continue to walk with the world and serve God under HIS Guidance….. We must choose who we will serve and obey….. I only try to make that choice visible to those who will take the time to read: God’s Holy Written Book of ALL Instruction, THE Bible.(I Thessalonians 2:4) … But as we were ~~Allowed~~ of God to be put in *Trust* with the Gospel, even so we speak; ~~~NOT as pleasing men~~~, but God, which trieth our hearts….Sooooo…. We must tell, teach, and preach, the truth of God’s Holy Written Word, IF we stand before the people in the name of serving God and teach and speak only the Truth as IT IS Written, not fancy it up with tales and myths of colored eggs and men in red suits and the jargon of clowns and jovial settings in order to get the attention of folk to make then become members of the Church…. NO! that IS NOT our ~Commission~ from Jesus Christ God’s Son, BUT we are Instructed to do what?….
(Matthew 28:19-20)… AS Jesus said: “Go ye therefore, and teach ALL Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy ghost, teaching them to ~~DO WHAT~~? *Observe ALL Things whatsoever I, (Jesus) have Commanded you, and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world….” Do we do That? OR do we teach more of the world than the Gospel, oh, we throw in a Bible verse here and there, the favorite one IS (John 3:16) to prove all things that we want to do right, but IF you read what exactly Jesus said, you realize that the word ~Believe~ means just what IS Written… IT Does not include MIX.
The Father draws us to the Son, not the fun filled settings of pagan cultural traditions, and the Son IS The Way to the Father, Not the celebrations of mankind’s affairs…. Think About *IT*!You, know all throughout the Old Testament IS Written The History of God’s Chosen People, who did not remain loyal to, or keep their faces turned to God the Father, but continually kept turning away from HIM to follow pagan ways and cultures… AND For this God placed them in exile in heathen nations as slaves to punish them for their departure from HIS Way.  AND  God warned them  uesing the little two letter word,  *IF*  you will abide in MY Will and Way....  Not the ways of the nations around you... Do you think that today God will not unleash that same punishment upon the people that claim to be followers of HIS Son Jesus because HE Sent HIS Son to be the sacrifice for all  time?  we still have a responsibility to obey.
Well, look at the nation that has called itself, God’s Country, bragging about the freedom that IT offers to serve the LORD, lifting itself up as the only country that is free from the evils of the world…. BUT what has IT done? What have the Churches that call themselves followers of Christ, done? Sold out to, turned their faces away from the ONE True God, to have fun in the lost and dying world led by the adversary of God, by mixing in the pagan cultures in their services that are supposed to be set aside to remember the very Truth of God’s Own Son, His Birth, His Crucifixion, His Resurrection, and His Ascension…. By holding egg hunts and parties of pleasure instead of teaching the truth’s of God’s Holy Written Word, many teach that the children are looking for Jesus when they are looking for a brightly colored egg that represents a fleshly birth… Think about the misguidance here… what are they being taught? To look for the flesh instead of the spiritual birth… lived in wild abandon, leaving off God’s Book of Guidance as outdated… SOOOO now the other nations are taking over lands, businesses, and bank accounts, this ~great nation~ is falling to It’s own debt of the evil thought’s of being greater than or equal to…. Who else IS going to fall for that reason? Think about it!
AND Yet the argument IS: The mind’s of young children is too tender to teach them the truth of the Bible, BUT they can be taught the truth about sex and having babies, and drinking parties, and dope that warps the mind…To dress and act like the wild abandonment of the worldly fads and trends...  Something Wrong With this World? IT IS Going By THE BOOK!

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