Monday, February 25, 2013

Raising Our Children HOW?

We have a ~beautiful baby~, now what do we do with him or her? Our first ambition is to give them ~The Very Best~ that this world has to offer… The most modern clothes, best of the ~New~ toys on the market, video games galore… BUT, are we starting them out on the *Right* foot with this? And we are absolutely not going to raise our child like everyone else, there will be no raising our voices in protest at them, no paddling’s, they are going to be allowed to make their ~OWN~ decisions about what they like, what they want to do, we are just gonna sit back and support their decision’s…. Sound like modern day new parents?
BUT Then the ~Kicker~ clicks in… Some folks dress their precious little ones in leather, ball suits, bikini’s, shirts with awful sling sayings on them, ect… and the older the child grows the worse it gets…. We teach our little precious girls that the only acceptable way for a female IS to dress provocatively, lather make-up on, bat false pasted on lashes at the world, and shake their hips and hinnies all over the place, and that IS ~Beauty~… I get sick to my stomach watching the way the mom’s coach little girls on “Tiny Tot’s & Tiara’s, “Honey Boo Boo’s” uncouth actions.
We teach our precious boys to be macho, hit everything that moves, break stuff, shoot every thing in their path, wear the leather of the world, maybe seek a career in acting… playing like, pretending in a make believe world which leads to hallucinating drugs to enhance their ability to play like… for both our boys and girls…
A result of either misguided teaching’s in the world, OR no teaching at all…
(Proverbs 22:6 KJV)… “Train up a child in the way he ~Should~ go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
This is clearly written in God’s Book of ~ALL~ Instruction for the people who call themselves after HIS Son, Jesus Christ, “Christians”, to follow… YET many who call themselves by this name are all up in the middle of these worldly ways and using the excuse of putting God in it, Jesus died for our sins so we are free to do the things we ~Want~ to do, and this allows us to live in the world as a part of the world, not live as hermits in a corner… BUT Read on. AS IT IS WRITTEN, AS God Instructed…
(Psalm 34:14 KJV)… Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it…
(Proverbs 13:19).. The ~desire~ accomplished is sweet to the soul: BUT it is abomination to fools to depart from evil….
We get so wrapped up in the ways of the world that they actually seem right, and certainly these things can’t be ~evil~, for they are good and they do fulfill a desire of sweet accomplishment to our souls, so that the ruler of this world has blinded our eyes to what IS Really Good, and made us to look upon and count God’s Way as foolishness, and the worldly ways as something to be desired… Remember that statement? (Genesis 3: 6).. And when the woman saw that the ~tree was GOOD~ for food, and that IT was ~Pleasant~ to the eyes, and a ~Tree to be *DESIRED*~ to make one ~wise~ she took the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto here husband whit her; and he did eat….
Something like the ways of the dying world of the serpent, Satan, today isn’t it… We look, desire, see it to be what we want it to be, and dive into it… rebelliously.. Not desiring to look back, take heed to: AS IT IS Written, as God hath said, that would dampen the desire of our disobedience… So *IF* we ignore the Written Word, we don’t read IT to search out God’s Instruction To us, we are ~eternally excused~ we *Think*… AND we drag our precious little ones, that our Heavenly Father ~allowed~ us to have and care for in this world, into the mire of the serpent’s lair with us…
This simple act of taking a bite of ~the forbidden fruit~ was in itself an *Evil Act* of rebellion towards our Maker, THE Master Potter, our LORD God… Just the same as taking part and following the ways of a lost and dying world is a rebellious act of ~evil~ today, as it was then… What did Paul warn of the early Christians of ? AND *IF* we are Christians today, this rule still applies, it has not been made null and void by, “Modern Times”.. Nothing can change God’s Word, OR Replace *IT*….
(II Corinthians 16b - 18).. “For ye are the ~temple ~ of “THE Living God”; As God hath said, I Will Dwell in them, and walk in them; and will be their God and they shall be MY people… Wherefore come ~OUT~ from among them, and be ye separate,” saith THE LORD, “and touch ~NOT~ the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and be a Father unto you, and ye shall be MY sons, and daughters,” Saith THE LORD Almighty…
Notice it is not written that God said I will be with you even though you are in fellowship with the worldly way, BUT , God has instructed us to ~Come Out~ from among them… AND!
Jesus never said, go take part in the world and its ways among the nations, but, rather, “Go forth and teach ~ALL~ the nations, teaching them to observe ~ALL Things~ whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world…” (Matthew 28: 19-20)
Many folks fall back on this scripture to testify that Jesus is with them and this frees them to take part in all these things, that the world enjoys, but ~Think Logically~ for one instant.. How on earth can we teach the nations to observe the things that Jesus Taught, IF we are running right along with the things that the world is doing? We are no different then them and we are spitting in the wind to tell someone that you can’t do these things and be a part of God’s Kingdom, while we are doing the same things that the world is doing… We are missing our mark seriously… failing to fulfill our purpose… Learn TO Seek The Proper Knowledge of God’s Written Word before taking part in anything… Submit yourself to humble obedient ~Prayer~ for direction from THE Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ HIS Son, BY The Holy Spirit, and then be alert, ~Listen~, ~Look~, carefully, earnestly for the directed instruction…

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