Monday, February 18, 2013

A Lie, The Constitution Of "IT".

Looking at just a few Scriptures, that THE LORD had penned down in the Bible which HE HAS Preserved for us unto this last day, can we ~~Justify~~ our life style as a follower of HIS Dear Son Jesus Christ? Call ourselves after His Name? Raise our children as ~IT IS Written~ that we should? Do we live our life BY THE BOOK OR after the ways of Satan? Read Carefully with an eye of judgment toward yourselves, consider the scriptures, and act appropriately… Let’s start this walk in the beginning steps.. AND OF Course, I ask that you read these scriptures for yourself, consider them as they are written in the King James Version of the Bible as the modern ~times~ of this world has led man to rewrite, omit, add to, just as God warned against, and Jesus said these days would come.. And researching ~~ALL~~ the newly printed Bibles will prove them to be changed by mans ~Vast Knowledge IN Vain Self~.. Not in obedience to Gods Command…
IF you have a new Bible, PLEASE, by all means compare IT TO the KJV, and the best place to START IS With: (I John 5:7)… BECAUSE, Satan knows that IF he can take either ONE OF THE THREE THAT ARE ONE out of your knowledge, your thinking, you consideration, then he has you… And The new Bibles have done that… placing doubt upon the minds of the readers so that folks will blindly read the other scriptures.. Subtly he is trying to remove the hinges that provide the stableness in, AS IT IS Written, of: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, as Jesus spoke of in: (Matthew 28: 19-20)…
Thus there is developed: Jesus only believers, (observe the MANY Scriptures that warn of this very thing throughout JUST THE Book of John ~1: 18; 5:30; 6:65; !0:38; 17:21) .. which eliminate the Father and The Holy Ghost. Then there are movements that believe in the Father and the Son, but remove the Holy Ghost.. BUT The Bible tells us that there INDEED ARE THREE, THAT Operate as A UNIT, (Which a unit IS more than ONE Being, that operates as one ‘ie‘ as in an army unit… does not consist of one person but several or many.. But all as ~one unit~ unified in ONE Cause)… SO With this necessary background let us proceed….
(Deuteronomy 4:8)… What ~~Nation~~ IS There SO Great that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as this ~~LAW~~, which *I* (THE LORD) ~SET~ before thee this day?
(Deuteronomy 30:19)… *I* (THE LORD) Call Heaven and earth TO Record this day ~Against~ you, that I have set before you: “Life” & “Death” .. “Blessing” & “Cursing”: Therefore ~~CHOOSE~~ “Life”, that thou and thy seed (your children for generations) may live…
(Matthew 7: 13-14).. “Broad *IS* The way, that leadeth to destruction, and ~~Many~~ there be which go in thereat: BECAUSE ..Strait *IS* THE Gate, AND Narrow *IS* The Way, which ~~Leadeth unto Life~~, and FEW there be that find *IT*…”
(I Corinthians 11: 28 -31)… Let a man ~~Examine~~ himself, .. FOR *IF* we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged…
(Revelation 3: 15-16) .. *I* (THE LORD) ~KNOW~ thy ~Works~, that thou art neither Cold nor Hot: … So then because thou art ~LUKEWARM~, and neither hot nor cold I Will Spue thee out of MY Mouth:::
This brings us to a ~Decision~… and to help us make IT, I would suggest that you make for yourself a hot and cold list…LIST, Honestly IF you can under each column the things that are in your life that fit the category…. OR as Jesus warned the way in which to walk:
*HOT* == Being the Life, the Blessing, THE Strait Gate & Narrow Path That God ~HAS SET~ and IT IS Recorded That IT IS Done before ~ALL~ men.. &
*COLD* == Being the Death, the Cursing, The ~Broad way~` That God ~HAS SET~ AND IT IS Recorded THAT IT IS Done before ~ALL~ men… TO Choose the path in which they will walk through this earthly life proving themselves to themselves, before God whether they desire eternal life or eternal death.. THEN!
*LUKE WARM* IS: sorta sitting astraddle of the fence, which IS Where the biggest population wants to sit… They want the ways of the world, but they claim to be saved followers of Christ, but they embrace the ways of a lost and dying world, to the point of lying to themselves about lying to their children and then lying atop that to prop up the first lie with the excuse that God understands and will look over these little ~~White Lies~~… They are neither hot nor cold… FOR IT IS WRITTEN!
(Deuteronomy 20:16).. Thou shalt ~NOT~ bear false witness And IT IS Reiterated BY Jesus in: (Matthew 19: 18) and by Paul in: (Romans 13:9) … AND SO! *IT* Must be important that we observe this: Commandment to the letter… for IT IS NOT Written, partially follow, or there are allowances *IF* this interferes with your pleasures, fun, or joy.. BUT IT Puts an ~~EXACT~~ obligation upon a ~~Parent~~ TO set an example and to raise their children in this fleshly life, according TO God’s Command.. NOT mankind’s excuse…
Oh, I Know and understand human weakness, because I’ve walked in those shoes and made then same lethal judgments ~for myself~ by myself and NOT BY God’s Book OF Guidance, for my precious children… Because I wanted to experience and have my children to experience the fun in this life just like everyone else was doing, wanted to keep up with the Jonesessss, so to speak, and have my children go with the flow rather than to ~Feel Left Out~~… NOT Recognizing that, what I was really leaving out of our life was SOOOoooo… Much MORE Important than keeping up with the ways of the world…. The mistakes I’ve made that tear at my heart now…. Can’t be recalled and undone… BUT I can warn young folks now, that *IF* you will only take heed, before God sees fit to give you a precious child to raise and care for, IF Jesus tarries His Return, then you can change this way of destructive teaching and step out on the right path yourself and set the right example for that precious bundle of sunshine that God IS sending into your life here on this earth to brighten it…
AND *IF* you already have children, IT IS SO Important to be totally honest with them, else you can’t expect them to be honest with you, right? Start the process of setting things strait today, no matter what stage in this life you are walking…. AND THE First step IS AT THE DOOR… Bowing down before THE Father in humble repentant prayer in Jesus Name, by The Holy Spirit.. Pick up the Written Word and with humble obedient mind and heart read, study, and learn, of the THREE THAT ARE ONE, and go from there….. IT may not come with one reading, IT may take a long time, BUT The Spirit Will guide you *IF* you are sincere in learning… God disciplines us to turn us around but will not ~~MAKE~~ us learn *IF* our hearts are far away…. (Isaiah 29:13) .. (Matthew 15:8) .. (Hebrews 12:6 -7)
ONE Very Good Basic Rule TO Understand IS: IF you don’t learn IT, Teach IT, or DO IT, then IT Doesn’t have to be unlearned, untaught, or undone… AND IT IS Easier to walk through this life in the latter state, even IF IT Means being different from the rest of the world, than to undo a training that is seated in our minds and ways… AND!
When we teach our children and allow leaders to teach our children ~~A Little White Lie~~ IT IS Dishonesty ALL The Same… AND tells our children that we nor the leaders cannot be trusted, when they get old enough to realize the ~~Truth for themselves~~ and we have set the stage for them to follow atheism rather than Christ… A reprobate life of crime rather than the path of righteousness, and then we can’t IN ALL Honesty sit back and wonder WHY? What made our children go Wrong? WE DID! When we led then in the ways of the world!
A line from an old song often rings in my thoughts, “*IF* I’d a know then, what I know now I wouldn’t be so blue”… well, IT was there before me, and the fault IS on my shoulders, because I did not ~~SEEK~~ the Written Word, for myself, BUT listened to a leader, another human of the fleshly world, and NOT The Guiding Spirit… I, like so many others, got ALL Caught up in the ways of the world, and my eyes became blind TO: Truth, & Honesty.
I have heard so many times preachers speak before the congregations to justify the fun times of the world of pagan customs and cultures that have been added into the Blessed TRUE Accounts of Jesus, AND His Gospel, That ~~A Little White Lie IS Sometimes Necessary~~ In order to bring that smile to the face of a child on Christmas morning, and let them believe that A jolly old mythical figure in a red suit floated down the chimney and brought them wonderful gifts..~~ That A big long eared funny bunny came in the night and hid brightly colored eggs all over the place for them to find… What can *IT* hurt to being your children this joyous fun time in a world so bleak, filled with war and rage, hard economic times? To lift the spirits of the little ones with a tale of fantasy even IF IT Ain’t total “truth and honesty” ?
(Matthew 7:15)… AS Jesus Said: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves…”
Well , we would never consider ourselves ravening wolves against out children would we? BUT *IF* we would ~Truthfully Examine~ ourselves as Paul said, what would we find?
What IS acceptable as ~good or righteous~ to mortal man, may not be acceptable to God, and that IS why we must seek HIS Guidance in ~ALL~ that we do… For instance: “Twas the Night Before Christmas” is a sweet little poem, interesting, desirable to teach our children… IS IT Approved By GOD? What does IT Point TO: Truth or myth? Think about *IT*!
IF you, as I did, have already set out on the ~Wrong~ path in your life style, it ~~WILL~~ be harder to change things… BUT *IF* you will change things before you have children and start them out on their true life’s path, *IT* Will be easier for them, less confusing, and will show them the TRUE LOVE That only comes for our Loving Heavenly Father, Through Jesus Christ HIS Son, AND By The Holy Ghost…

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