Thursday, October 25, 2012

What's Wrong With This Nation?

Seldom, almost never, do I write or even share “Political” views or messages, BUT, this urging thought came to me the other morning as I was washing dishes the ~Old Fashioned, Out Dated Way~, and *IT* seemed worth sharing…
I suppose the thought came about as I was cleaning the old black iron fry pan which I have used almost every day of my adult life, my mother before me, and my grandmother before her used the same pan… How much further back IT goes has faded with time…
I started to think of the waste, ~OF the people~ in this country.. Many folks wouldn’t even have a pan like this because it is heavy, black, and well worn… Most folks like bright shiny new, color schemed matched sets… Here I must raise my hand as one, but the LORD saw fit to keep me in a financial position, where I could not afford this, so I’ve had to use the “Make Do with what you got way of life”,  which my grandmother taught me… Thank YOU, Father God IN Jesus Name.
Also, my grandmother raised me, teaching me to make do, and to utilize what I had.. NOT toss it away and sit back and cry and holler, Uncle Sam, ain’t taking care of me, cause he ain‘t giving me what everybody else has… She, however taught us well, not to stand with our noses looking over the fence in the neighbors yard, and lust to have the greener, clean pastures that they had, BUT, rather to hike up our pants legs, roll up our sleeves and git to work cleaning up our own mess, our own little area that THE LORD saw fit to provide us with…
In fact, as a child there were pictures of “Uncle Sam”, all over the place, that amazed me to see this tall, bearded, man attired in red, white, and blue strips, top hat and all, pointing his finger at me, in the picture.. Saying, “Uncle Sam Needs You”! Well, naturally as a child, I always wondered why did he need me… BUT, mama said, he needs you to be an asset to this nation… to work, grow, and help others to do the same, and he needs soldiers to fight for freedom here…
HOW many folks today have that same attitude?  NOT TOO Many.
WHY? Because they didn’t wash their old iron pots, and reuse them , but tossed them out, into the streets with the rest of the trash, which folks think they are toooo gooood to pick up, ran out and bought new ones on credit, and now can’t pay for them….
Mostly *IT IS* ~ALL ABOUT *ME*, attitudes, *I* Deserve more than you Because, *I* am oppressed, I got *IT* worse than you… Have you ever heard two chronic `youngsters`, comparing their physical hurts and aliments? One tries to top the other with aches and pains, so as to be the one with more problems that needs to be fixed…. Well that is what I hear in the “Political Debates”… What I see is two candidates that promise to do better than the other, but which one do you trust? Which one *IS* for a fact, “Truthful and Honest”, like Abe? Listen closely and mostly what you hear is the scraping of sashaying feet, in an attempt to avoid actually telling a lie, while attempting to appease the other, and the nation,  with an acceptable although non- consequential answer…
Most folks are offended, *IF* they DO pick up a piece of trash of the street, and don’t receive a standing ovation and a medal of honor…. WAY TOO Many folks won’t take a job *IF* IT doesn’t pay well enough to afford them a steak on the table every night, a Fancy car in the drive way, so many factory jobs are sent into other countries… AT WHAT COST? Think about this one long and hard… How many settlers, can you imagine would have even thought about paying the cost of shipping goods, to another country, paying foreigners to make the merchandise, and buying it back.. To sell here… who is this fleecing?
Everywhere you look folks are standing around with their hands out asking “The Government”,  for a handout, bailout, help-out, or “Honor” ME Fund of some sort….
Where IT IS True, that much of the land has been allowed to be sold to foreign countries, and the true Americans have little left to farm for themselves, their neighbors, or this nation.. AND  much if the land IS farmed by the use of non citizens,  which folks protest about,  but then they don't and won't do the workd themselves...  We still gotta remember, TO Make ~THE BEST~ of what God Has Given us… IS That what we, the people are doing? OR are we floundering because we are so caught up in the ways of the world, still asking for Funds to honor this and that, Funds here and there, raising the debt higher and higher, wanting someone else to do the work for us, but give us the income,   instead of, telling the CEO’S vacations are cancelled until you actually earn them by bringing to the table a work that keeps the companies out of the hole… Doctors, stop fleecing America by overcharging, and unnecessary testing of patients, Because Medicare pays well… Drug Companies.. Either, stop asking for funds, don‘t make the drugs,  or come down on the prices…..Gas prices? Look carefully at the ~Profits~ of the gas companies, versus the prices of gas and ~The reasons for raising it.. People ALL OF You, STOP! Wasting, throwing away,  utilize what you have to the fullest.... Do NOT Use each other! Want, Want, WANT? “I WANT”, ain’t never hurt anyone, *IF* you really think about *IT*… Mama, used to say, “your wants won’t hurt you”, and *IT* made me soooo mad, but I went out into the woods where we lived, looked at the little animals, scurrying about, and realized how simple, yet profoundly ~True~ that statement really was…. AS I got older and read THE Bible, I really learned why, “my wants, won’t hurt me”…. Simply Put.. God, provides for our ~NEEDS~ NOT our ~Greed’s~, just as HE provides for the little animals, cares for the birds, and the flowers of the fields…. (Matthew 6:19-34)
Where we don’t need to be “Hoarders” of wealth, or goods”, we need to realize, ~What God has provided~ for us, “Spiritually, as well as physically, and do not toss *IT* out as old, of no more use, obsolete.. BUT rather, Make ~GOOD~ use of *IT*… Be content in what ever state THE LORD has seen fit to place us IN, AND, Always give prayerful, heartfelt Thanks and Praise TO our Maker, our Father IN Heaven, by The Holy Ghost, IN The Blessed Name of God’s OWN Son, Jesus Christ…. Stop, ~Greedily~ seeking wealth,  and seek  God's Will for us in HIS Way.  Only then can we be worry free…. Relax and watch the Biblical Prophesies unfolding right before the blinded eyes of the ones who chase their tails in a lost and dying world… BUT, we must continue TO stand firm on The Written Documents, and continue to sound the warning messages that Christ taught as He walked this earth, sharing “THE GOSPEL OF, God’s Kingdom, with all, so  that every soul has the opportunity to have their eyes opened through the Truth of God’s Word….
Our calling is not to plead for the Republican Party, or The Democratic Party, BUT To share God’s Kingdom Message to ~ALL~ Nations…. Can we actually BASE our ~Faith, Hope, and Trust~ IN The LORD God Almighty, through HIS Son Jesus Christ? OR are we a people that can speak pretty words, just as the candidates can, but by our actions make liars of ourselves?
IF more folks would step out as Daniel and The Hebrew children did, and then stand firm in The Teachings, BY Example and Word, of Jesus Life here in the flesh what do you suppose would happen here in this nation as well as others… What did King, Darius decree unto ~ALL~ the peoples, nations, and languages, as a result of Daniels Standing ON Strong Faith in THE LORD… “That IN ~Every ~ Dominion of my kingdom, men tremble and fear before THE God of Daniel: FOR HE IS THE LIVING GOD, and Steadfast ~Forever~, and HIS *KINGDOM* that which shall not be destroyed, and HIS DOMINION shall be even unto the end.” (Daniel 6:25-26)..
Most folks are quick to yell ~The Government~ Needs TO DO Something, BUT remember “Old Uncle Sam”, and ask ourselves, what do we the people ~NEED~ to do?

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