Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Responsible Accountability

Accountability. Many folks seek and follow the religion that lifts the burden of accountability off their shoulders… Making the `freedom` of faith to be portrayed as a lack of responsibility… Expressing NO explanations of their actions TO: ~No One~ FOR: ~Nothing~… Claiming a Jesus only belief, Because *IN* Christ IS Freedom….. This IS the message that many “Preachers” present the congregations.. WHY? Because *IT* IS an ~Easy Religion~ No worries, anything goes so we don’t have to Stop, Think, Examine, and “Prove” our faith, by our walk, but rather we can relax in the ways of the world and just let Jesus do IT ALL For us… Where IT IS True that we are free in Christ, a close reading OF the scriptures really prove, what that “Freedom” IS. Read of Daniel and The Hebrew children, for examples of living freely in Christ, while walking yet in bondage… They were not free to change their God, or HIS Teachings into their way, but they were free TO Stand on HIS Word, and walk in HIS Way, even though they were imprisoned in another nation… Much like the small handful of true Christians today…. Consider at this point, Jesus Words Written down for us, “many are called, BUT few are chosen” … (Matthew 22:14) .. And Paul explained In, (I Corinthians 1:17-31) ending with the Important Message, “he that glorieth, let him ~Glory In THE LORD~”….
The easiest opinion taught, for a vain person to swallow IS: A ‘Man’ Formed Freedom IN Christ Jesus.
First IT IS Taught That mankind cannot ~Please~ God THE Father… No man in History, IT IS Purported, has ever pleased God… What did Paul teach about ~Pleasing God~?
(Hebrews 11: 5-6).. “BY Faith”, Enoch, was translated, that he should not see death; and was not found, ~Because~ God had translated him: FOR ~Before~ his translation, he (Enoch) had ~This Testimony~, that he *Pleased God
*… BUT ~Without *Faith*~ , *IT IS* Impossible to Please HIM (God): For he that cometh TO: God ~MUST~ *Believe* That HE (GOD) *IS*. AND That HE (God) *IS* A Rewarder of them that ~Diligently Seek~ HIM… Strange how so many folks will teach their precious little children, to ~Please~ the mythical character, Santa Claus or they won’t get any presents… While choosing to, Never give a hint of The Real Need in this life of preparing for the hereafter, by ~Pleasing~ THE LORD God Almighty, THE ONE WHO Truly holds their little lives in HIS Hands…. Mainly because this is the way they have been taught, by clergy that mingles the world into the Biblical teachings that they present, making IT Okay to do as we please, and just let Jesus fix it… That’s His Job…
Pick up THE KJV Bible and read the whole Chapter 11 of Hebrews, for a better explanation of “Pleasing GOD
through our Faith IN HIM” as well as proving our faith by our actions….. ALSO how our actions can be and ARE “Displeasing God”. (Numbers 11:1).. When the ~people~ complained, *IT* ~Displeased~ THE LORD: AND THE LORD heard *IT*; and HIS anger was kindled….
Let us also ~Remember~ Jesus Christ IS the same yesterday, to day, and for ever…(Hebrews 13:8) AND SO IS WIRH THE Father… (John 14:9) (John 6:44) and many more show that we cannot have a belief in Jesus Christ, without THE Father, and visa versa… And to attempt this feat places us in the category of being “antichrist”. (I John 2:22)
The statement that we, the people, “Cannot Please God
”, leaves a big gap in our responsibility of surrender in faith to THE MAKER, and places us in a ~free to walk in the flesh state of mind~… Because we have gladly accepted that Jesus Will BE Responsible for our actions, no matter what we do… Namely leaving a whole wide path of sins that mankind can, and does, feel free to walk in because they are not accountable for their ~OWN~ actions. Making THE conscious thought OF *Repentance*, void in our lives… BUT, John The Baptist, Jesus Christ, and others came preaching and teaching, what? “Repentance”! An act of , feeling regret at the ways of ~our~ sins, nothing less than accounting our actions…. Right? Read (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; & Mark 6:12) Jesus sent the disciples out with the ~Instructions~ to preach repentance, but *IF* the people would not receive them or hear them, they should shake the dust off of their heels as a testimony against these people…. AND, *IF* we must repent of our sin and believe, then we must be accountably responsible for our actions. AND we must depend on our *Advocate* (Jesus Christ AS our Lawyer) with THE Father to argue our case of repentance with THE Father… AS Jesus does not just automatically place His Righteousness in us, BUT we are rather TO Seek His Righteousness TO follow His Path that He Set Before us….. (John 10: 27) Jesus Said, “My sheep hear My Voice, and I Know Them, AND ~they~ follow Me.” Also read (John 12:26; Mark 10:21) & (I Peter 2:21).. Tells us even after Jesus had Ascended that we are TO Follow Jesus Steps… not ours, not make a new way or a new path, neither set back and expect Jesus TO live our life here for us, but `we` have a work, commissioned by Jesus To Do…. Again Paul wrote to the Galatians,
(Galatians 1:10) .. For do I (Paul) now persuade men, OR God? OR Do I (Paul) seek to please men? FOR *IF* I (Paul) yet pleased men, I (Paul) should ~Not~ Be the servant of Christ…
Paul obviously realized that he must walk through and live this life here as ~PLEASING
~ The Father God, or else he would not be a servant (Follower) of Christ….. (Hebrews 13:16).. But to do ~Good~ and TO ~Communicate~ forget NOT: FOR WITH SUCH ‘sacrifices’ God IS Well Pleased
… (I Kings 3: 10) And the speech ~pleased
~ THE LORD that Solomon had asked this thing… (11) AND, God said unto him, (King Solomon), ~Because~ thou hast asked this thing and not asked for thyself…. Read the whole account in The KJV Bible… (Colossians 3:20).. Children, ~OBEY~ your parents in all things: for this is ~Well *Pleasing
* unto THE LORD~~…. (Mark 1:11) .. There came a ~Voice~ from heaven, saying, “Thou art MY Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased… Yes The Father was pleased
with HIS Son…. (I Corinthians 10:5)… But with many of them God was not well pleased: FOR they were overthrown in the wilderness….
Wonder why there are so many problems in this world today *IF* man cannot please or displease God, but strives to live through the ~righteousness of Jesus Christ~, doing as we please under the belief that The Righteousness OF Jesus, will hide our sins, or that what we do or do not do has no bearing, whatsoever on pleasing God? Sounds like American politics, morals, and lifestyles doesn’t it? Remember also that Jesus took on man’s sin, bore the cross, and accomplished all, enduring but ~despising~ the shame…(Hebrews 12:2) (Hebrews 6:6) do we want to crucify Christ anew each day that we choose to rebel against sound teaching and depend on Christ to wash us clean even in our arrogance?
I Corinthians 10:5 kinda sums up the whole of the subject of this belief of freedom in Christ… Especially if you go back and read Exodus and Leviticus and see the ~Commands~ which God gave HIS People then, and how many of them *Disobeyed* them… NOT Just the 10 Commandments, BUT ~ALL~ of God’s Commands… IT IS The same today as IT Was then… *IF* God Commands *IT* then mankind MUST OBEY *IT*… AND yes it is easier to obey *IF* we are willing minded, to ~Follow~ Jesus Christ… and accept the walk that He leads us through…in fact this IS The Only Way.. True Also. “The righteousness” of man IS nothing more than filthy rags… man without Jesus, without the walk that Jesus laid for us…
Read all that Isaiah wrote, the rest of the story so to speak…
(Isaiah 64:4-6) For since ~The Beginning of the world~, men have not heard, nor perceived by ear, neither hath eye seen, O God, Beside THEE, what HE hath prepared for him that ~Waiteth~ for HIM… Thou meetest him that ~Rejoiceth and worketh *Righteousness*~, those that ~Remember~ THEE in THY Ways: Behold, THOU, (The LORD God) art wroth; FOR we have ~~Sinned~~: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved… BUT we are as an unclean thing….
Every time God IS displeased with mankind IT IS Because man has moved out on his own to make his own ~religion~, “Disobeyed”, to believe his own way, make his own righteousness, and in this sense YES, the righteousness of man IS AS Filthy Rags… BUT God has given mankind a ~BOOK~ of Instruction, and a Spirit of Guidance in the path that God intends that man should walk…to work out our own salvation (Philippians 2:12).. To reject IT, change IT, ignore IT, is mankind’s, downfall…
(Romans 3:22).. Even the *Righteousness of God*, which *IS* By ~Faith~ OF Jesus Christ unto ~ALL~ and upon all them that ~Believe~: for there IS No Difference…
Another misnomer of freedom in Christ IS: “IN Christ ~ALL~ our sins are hidden,” and God The Father can’t see them, because Jesus Christ hides them from HIM.
This teaching tends to cast a dark shadow of doubt upon the Lord, Jesus Christ, because IT portrays Him as being like mankind still, deceitful and underhanded… as though He is going to attempt to ~Hide~ anything from His Father and ours? Read on….
Jesus, Himself spoke this warning to men as He walked this earth among them..
(Luke 12:2-3)… “For there IS ~nothing~ covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be ~Known~…. therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness, shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets, shall be proclaimed upon the housetops…”
(Colossians 3:1-2).. Paul wrote… *IF*, ye them be ~risen~ *With* Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the ~right hand~ of God… Set your affection on things above, ~NOT~ on things on the earth… For ye are dead, and your life IS hid ~~WITH
~~ Christ in God…. This is a ~Scripture~ that is misquoted many times in the ~ALL your sins are hidden in Christ~, teaching… For IT reads *With* Christ *IN* God.. So Jesus is not attempting to hid anything from His Father and ours… But HAS/DID/DOES overcome our sins for us to the Father as, He (Jesus) IS “The Propitiation; (to appease, to win a victory over) ~FOR~ our sins: AND ~NOT~ ours ~Only~, BUT also for the sins of the whole world…. (I John 2:2)
Also AS John (The Apostle which walked ~With~ Jesus) Wrote: (I John 2:1) To: my little children, these things I (John) write unto you, (the people) ~That ye sin NOT~… (In other words be in control of yourselves and sin not.) AND *IF* any man sin, (man being imperfect, and prone to failing, not as some folks teach that we ~CANNOT~ sin because Jesus Will NOT LET US. Because we do and we will as long as we live in these fleshly bodies!) BUT John tells us, “we have an “Advocate” ~WITH~ THE Father, (and that Advocate IS,) Jesus Christ The Righteous:;;; AND (v.3) .. “Hereby we do ~Know~ that we Know Him, *IF*… we keep His Commandments…” Notice carefully, John DID NOT Write, Jesus Will keep us righteous, but he warns us to “KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS”. John also warns us, that we sin not…. And on in Chapter 3 John warns tells us, he that doeth righteousness *IS* righteous, even ~AS~ He (Jesus Christ) *IS* Righteous……
Not that He makes us keep His Commandments, NOT that He Will Not let us break His Commandments, BUT THAT HE, expects HIS children to be consciously obedient to: HIS Commandments… Which reflects a responsibility of “Accountability” by each individual on this earth… AND That Accountability IS TO: God THE Father, Through Jesus Christ The Son, our Redeemer…..

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