Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Do We ~Learn~ To Measure Up?

Learning TO “Live” up to God’s Standards requires a conscious action on our part…. AND
God DOES Have A Set OF Standard Rules, Requirements, Statutes That HE DOES Expect us to follow… Denoting ~Action~ on our part.
That action IS TO Prove ourselves ~Obedient~ unto God’s Will and Way, not the standards that man of ```himself`` sets forth from within a lost and dying world instigated by the father of the lie Satan the devil…
We must willingly ~PUT` Away~ the things of the world that we are involved in…~Which~ God The Father Had Written IN Word for us to read, learn, to obey HIS Way, and follow… Jesus Will cleanse us Only *IF* we are willing to be cleansed of the filth of this world… *IF* we desire to hold onto *IT* then Christ does not hide our sins from His Heavenly Father, but rather He will judge us in those sins….
Have you ever read OF Jesus walk about this earth as He witnessed of His Fathers Kingdom, and exhorted people to come unto Him? Well Jesus did not speak to appease the people, make them feel good about themselves, *IF* they were wrong He flat told them… They could spit and sputter all they pleased at His teachings BUT, Jesus Christ, The Son of God Taught The Truth… He didn’t mix it all up in the games and pagan events of those days. He never contaminated The Gospel with the traditions of men, AND This IS The Way we must carry The Gospel to others today… Not pat them on the back and tell them that they are good, and *IF* what they do seems right to them then surely God accepts IT AS Good… NO! We must be about warning folks TO hold fast to the right which IS the Righteousness of Christ. And not mans fabricated goodness…..
Our efforts at “Christian” works of goodness are all in vain *IF* we are mixing them all up in the ways and traditions of pagan cultures, and the vanities of mans fables. AND Yes, we are judged by our works… We find favor with the LORD In works of Obedience TO HIS Will and Way, not works presented before HIM That are of Satan The Devil…
Why on earth do so many take offense because of Scripture being brought to their attention? Seems the humble Christian attitude would be to, search out the scriptures in The Bible, study IT and *Learn* from IT, not rebel and reject the message and hate the messenger for correction and exhortation IN God’s Book OF ALL Instruction… Jesus did not sugar coat the message did He? Read of the controversy between Jesus and the Jews in: (John 8: 40-59) when Jesus told them that they were of their father the devil… The protest and the hands going up in your face, heads spinning, tempers flaring, in defensive gestures and ramblings, when lessons of ~Truth~ are presented before eyes or ears of ones who want things, ~THEIR WAY~.… Folks have the same reaction today when you present them with ~Viable Scripture~, you have offended their intentions of the heart.. BUT What did Jesus Say? (v.47) “He that IS OF God, heareth God’s Words, but ye therefore ~hear~ them NOT Because ye are not of God.”
I’ve often hear IT said, that “the way to hell is paved with ~Good Intentions~…
TOO Many folks have made their own religion and when you give them scriptures that prove their religions false they take great offense, but so it was long ago..
(Proverbs 16:25) .there is a ~Way~ that seemeth ~Right~ unto a man, but the end there of IS death…
(Proverbs 29:27) … An ~unjust~ man IS an abomination to the Just: & he that is upright in the way IS an abomination to the wicked….
Strange but true… we back up and look at each other like two bulls snorting, and pawing the earth in readiness to butt heads to see which head is the hardest and which one can win, we make a ~Competition~ of The Gospel, rather than STOP pick up THE Bible and read to find THE Truths That God The Father would have us to know, learn, accept and both walk away ~Winners~ in the Gospel of Gods Kingdom..
(Numbers 15:39) .. IT shall be unto you for a ~Fringe~, that ye may look upon *IT*, and remember ~ALL~ The Commandments of The LORD, *AND* DO THEM, and that ye ~SEEK~ NOT After your Own Heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a -whoring..
The world IS Always offering new ~Tricks~, fads, customs, belief’s, things to involve ourselves in, even aids that supposedly help teach The Bible, that takes us away from even The Basic Teachings of God’s Written Word, and so many ignorantly seek these things in the belief that Jesus IS Holding and forgiving them IN ALL That they do, and won’t let them stray… *WRONG* Read: (Matthew 7:12-29) KJV
IF we don’t make a conscious effort to walk in that narrow (ONE WAY) path that Jesus laid out for us, and we desire to follow the world, then Jesus will let us go to do what our hearts desire to do, BUT we will pay the consequences, for our actions…
Jesus Willingly gave His life a Ransom Sacrifice for our sin, BUT IF:
(Hebrews 10:16) .. FOR *IF* we ~SIN~ willfully after that we have received The Knowledge of the Truth, there remained no more sacrifice for sins… What we gotta understand that a little straying into the things of the world, a little mixing in of the leaven of Satan’s way is as great a sin as killing, stealing, and “Lying” because IT IS ALL Three in one… We are stealing from God, and HIS little ones, we are killing HIS Written Words with ~LIES~….
AND God gives us that choice to be HIS or TO BE Satan’s ward… but how much the worse when we teach IT To others, preventing even the smallest child to come unto God’s Son Jesus.
(Deuteronomy 30:19) KJV - I call heaven and earth to record today .against you, that, I (THE LORD) have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore ~Choose~ life, that both thou and thy seed may live… Not that we can just get up an save ourselves but that we must behave ourselves in a manner of obedience to God, thus seeking God’s Will and Way for our lives, and not follow the world of mankind that lends his path to Satan’s way…. *IF*, God so find us willing to be HIS servant.
You know. Jesus was willing to Obey His Father, and give His life a ransom sacrifice for us, ~ALL~ mankind, but we are not willing to give up the cares of the world and follow Him.. Jesus made His Sacrifice… and in the end we too Will make a sacrifice, want to or not, depending upon the life that we choose to live here on this earth… Because, we ~WILL~ make a final sacrifice, giving up life eternal in the glory of God’s Kingdom, to gain life eternal in the pit of fire with our leader Satan *IF* we choose to follow in his way, and ~Prove~ ourselves disobedient and rebellious unto God The Father…Even thought IT may Be in the so called name of Religion… Read: Revelations warning to the seven Churches and the end of some! A Loving Father lets us choose, and like Jonah HE Will put us into situations to help us make the right choice, giving us the opportunity to see things HIS Way, and put self away… Sometimes it may be that old despised goat of a person, instead of a whale, that points out the things that we are doing which The Bible warns us not to do… BUT, how we react to the warning greatly effects the outcome of our lives and the lives of our children….. Jonah repented and the whale spit him out and he suffered, but he went on to do God’s Command… The old goat will soon walk on into another pasture, shaking the dust off of his feet as a witness against those who will not accept the word, and leave you alone to your own space, BUT God Will NOT Forget, and HE IS NOT Blind that HE cannot see those whose life works are based upon HIS Statutes and Teachings….. And those who play Church, but walk hand in hand with the world…
We ~ALL~ sin and fall short in our struggles to serve our LORD, but there should not be war between God’s children IF we are walking in HIS Peaceful Way together..

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