Monday, August 8, 2011

There IS A Book

A panel of extremely educated men sat and discussed the findings of one of the humanly proclaimed greatest minds ever in this world… His elaborate explanation of the beginning of ~ALL~ things and his testimony that there IS: ~NO Eternally Existing Powerful Entity that created ~ALL~ the things that be…. BUT
That all things came into existence and roll right along without purpose or direction, only chance and ~Luck~…That over eons of time, chance happened to elements, luck brought them together, and the universe was created out of the effects of a big bang… in the explosion of these elements a big ball of fire rolled around until ~IT~ became the earth…
There was ~NO~ Creator with Purpose, There WAS NO Pointed Direction, only random rolling around… AND SO, we continue to roll around in this life here until we subside and cease to exist… No Past & NO Future, only ~NOW~…
IN his theory there IS ~~NO~~ good or evil, ~ALL~ things just are. IT IS not a sin to kill, it is an element of ~~Luck~~ bad if you are the victim, good if you are the killer… Sounds like society has latched onto this theory whole-heartedly for this seems to be the norm of life as we know IT today… That IS ~Life~ in the wake of the BIG boom.. AND IN THAT Wake there IS: NO, faith, hope, charity… OH, there IS A belief, in death, in the darkness of eternal loss, live and let live, live for the moment and ~IF~ *IT* feels good just do IT cause you won’t get another chance… AN ~Aimless~ staggering around in a pretended life where the goal IS Only a looking forward to the ~Magic~ OF another event of a BIG Boom….
Well , after listening to as much as I could stand… I had to turn away… A well educated man of the cloth, sat on this panel to discuss this issue and instead of making a stand for THE GRAND CREATOR, OF ~ALL~ Things, ~Failing TO Present THE MOST Substantial PROOF That we have today,~ The Written Record OF God’s Account IN THE Scriptures, which by the way, has been proven TRUE, by the very ones who set out to disclaim *IT*, he seemed to be only interested IN trying to appease and compromise with this theory, by making the universe itself TO BE: THE Infinite Existing Power.. NOT that the universe was Created BY AN Existing Power, BUT that IT IS The Existing Power that IS Ever Changing, Rolling Along in Space, Randomly Evolving into what ever the elements chanced to form as they come together… With NO: Purpose, NO Intended Reason, leaving mankind With NO handle on anything…
IN ~ALL~ THIS Discussion, these brilliant minds, sat and talked themselves right into a corner of a sad state of confusion… and out of existence…
*IF* life is formed and carries forth *IN* this way, *THEN*, what on earth will the elements form in the next generations.. For these bones die, decay and are tossed by the wind, like the grain that falls to the ground.. as does the grains and seeds of the trees and plants. And when chance of elements happens they’d not return again as what they were before they fell, Because that exist ONLY IN Purpose, but a completely different element would be formed by the combining of the elements that fell to the ground…
Matter would change the embryo into something else still.. With NO Purpose, reproduction would chance to be of another element… two of a kind would probably try to form the circle of marriage, replacing the standard that: THE God WHO DID CREATE ALL THINGS With AN Intended Purpose, SET Forth AND Maintains Today IN HIS children and True followers of HIS Son Jesus Christ…
Which IS Also Denied by the Great Scientist that claim the Element of Luck And Chance contained in the ~Big Boom Theory~… Along with THE Bible, THE Written BOOK OF *ALL* Instruction that God HAD Penned Down by the Prophets and Apostles of OLD… They Deny God The Father, Jesus Christ HIS Son, AND THE Holy Ghost… BUT!
Sadly many who claim God IN NAME Only, deny THE Three THAT ARE ONE, by the way that they live ~The Life~ That HE Gave Them & BY the things of this world that they embrace… SOOOOoooo… we all ride along on a circle of: Chanced ~Matter~ of Luck spinning aimlessly through a Radom Universe according to the Intelligence OF man’s Scientific Findings…
The Best Proof OF God’s Existence That one can offer TO an unbelieving person, either an avowed atheist or a person that calls themselves after Christ Name but in actuality lives their life embracing the theories of : Magic, Chance, ~Luck~.. IS:
The Bible Records OF ~ALL~ Things That God Brought Forth… From Genesis TO Revelations IS Written Proof OF The Existence OF: AN ETERNAL NEVER CHANGING CREATOR!
How many prophesies were written, AND THEN Were fulfilled… with more fulfillment still to come? HOW Many do we see being fulfilled today? NO Element OF Chance, NO String OF LUCK, NO Turn of Magic, could Predict what IS Going TO Happen when IT comes forth from random elements joining to form an event…
Look at a rock rolling down the hill, can a man say that rock IS going to stop here, or roll there, and IT happen, as he said? Look at the clouds in the sky, as many enjoy seeing the different shapes in the clouds, which I am one that does, but who can tell what that cloud ~WILL Form~… Random Chance OR Purpose? HOW many times has man predicted the weather to be one way, and suddenly IT is another? The Difference! GOD ONLY KNOWS!
What man or group of men could have written 2000 years before and hundreds of years apart, of ~A Christ Child~ that would be born on this earth, and ~ALL~ OF The events that would happen IN His Life, and IT *Really* come to be true??? Even *IF* ~ALL~ those who had read OF *IT* had come together and decided, “Let us make these things to be true”… with the jealousy and envy that exist among men, and always has been, since Satan came into existence, IN the Garden, there would have been a huge world war over which baby born would be claimed as the Christ child, and what influential couple would be claimed as His parents…IN THE Element OF Chance, Luck, Magic… I MEAN REALLY, AND I Ain’t Just saying… LOOK Around at Society today… IT IS A dog eat dog world of gnawing each others backs off to get one up on the other, the rich wanting more and caring less about the poor. Even IN Most of The Houses Set Aside for folks to come together to Worship God Almighty, The Grand Creator OF ALL.
SO *IT* HAS Been AND *IT* Still *IS* Going: ~BY THE BOOK~ The Holy Written Book Divinely Inspired BY AN Existing Mighty Power, penned down by Faithful men of old AND ~Preserved~ BY This Same Divine Power through the years, for mankind to have as a record, as a written guide to teach others of our Maker… What other *BOOK* has survived the ages? BEEN preserved by mankind and circulated through so many years, and Still Exist in Circulation?
Yes, we HAVE, THE Holy Ghost, AND Thank THE LORD our Heavenly Father, IN THE Name OF HIS Son, Jesus Christ, He IS Sent, TO guide our thoughts, our hearts, and our minds, BUT since we are to teach a lost and dying world, OF The Gospel of God’s Kingdom and OF HIS Son, Jesus Christ, God HAD Penned Down and Preserved for us to use, HIS Written Word The Bible, sadly many who think themselves righteous, have even put this BOOK Aside for their OWN belief’s, but that IN Itself IS Going by the BOOK… Jesus Said, false teachers shall arise in the last days… Beware OF them! (Matthew 24)

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