Thursday, September 18, 2014

Evil = Sin = Disobedience

Sin = Disobedience……. Disobedience  =  Sin….  Neither  word is greater than the other because they are both equal… in that  sin throughout the Bible,  and in our lives  IS  nothing  more or less than…. Disobeying  one of God’s Commandments,  and that puts one in the class of being evil…. And when you disobey one you have broken them alllllllllllll…..   Think about this!
(James 2:10)…whosoever shall  keep the whole law,  and  yet offend in **ONE** point IS guilty of  ALL…. There is a lot to be considered here if you will……   Just as Satan played the game of disobedience with Eve… he still plays so many games with people today…  They look like fun,  they offer  *NO* harm… OR do they….  They are simple…. But what impact do they carry?…
Everyone knows or should, that the Ouija Board is an open invitation to the evil spirits…inviting them in to possess ones body, thoughts, mind… taking control of and yes eventually destroying that person…OR child if a parent IS  care-less  enough to allow a child to play with it….
BUTTTTTT,  Have you thought of,  considered  some of the more simple games,  that are just as dangerously deadly?   Some are even carried into the Sunday School rooms…some are sanctioned by preachers as just a way of relaxing and having fun…..  Music.. lyrics titles…words…meanings??
(Matthew 5:19)….Jesus said…. “Whosoever shall  *Break*…ONE of These Least  Commandments,  &&&&  Shall Teach  men  so,  shall be called  the  least in the kingdom of  heaven…..
Go back to the garden… who crawls on their belly… who is the despicable  adversary  of  Christ?
When we openly play games that even slightly hint of disobedience to God’s Will and Way,  we stand in opposition of  Christ,  by  holding hands with Satan, the Devil, the serpent….So one that professes to be a follower of Christ has to be very careful what they condone… because  that one is setting the example OF:::  teaching men… SOOOOO  if you imply even in fun games that:  one can *Steal* points, as is taught in some games, entertain the spirits of ~the dead~ or seek them through mediums,  drink wonderful alcoholic beverages…OR  in any way cheat, lie, steal,  joke, against God….then you have broken a statute of God… and  you are setting an example of teaching others that it is good to cheat, lie, and steal……
Think seriously about the very first act of: ~sin, disobedience, act of evil~  against God~.  Did Eve set out in her way to seek the darkness of destruction,  OR did she see something beautiful, desirable and pleasing to the eye,  *good for food*, and seek to partake of it?  How many of us see and seek things that appear to be ~good~ teaching tools for the Gospel of God’s Kingdom to improve out skills in a ~good~ way, but these ways are not God’s Ways…  Face painting our children is teaching them to seek tattoo’s, which God’s Written Word warns us not to do… (Leviticus 19:28) .. IS IT Pleasing to God. To break HIS Command, in order to witness of HIS Son Jesus, by tattooing (cutting and painting)  a cross on our flesh?  OR IS IT pleasing to God that we do as HE Instructed us to do through HIS Son Jesus Christ and preach and teach, “The Gospel of HIS Kingdom”,  to ~ALL~ nations, as Jesus exampled for us? Simply by using the mouth, and voice that God gave us and walking in the path that Jesus set that we should follow? God has given us ~ALL~ that we need.  The things of  men and Satan’s realm which we seek is neither necessary or helpful, but destructive to us and all that we teach by these methods.
(Matthew 6:19-24)…Jesus said again:  “Lay not up for yourselves **treasures**upon the earth…but lay for yourselves treasures up in heaven.. Where your treasure is…there your heart will be…. The light of the  *body*  IS  the eye:…NO man can serve  *two*  masters……
(Exodus 20:1-26)God  spake  ALL These words…  “Thou Shalt  NOT”… &  *ALL*  the people saw thundering &  lightnings…And Moses said,…  “Fear not for God  IS Come TO Prove  you,   that HIS  FEAR,  may be before your faces that ye  ~~SIN~~  NOT…….  SOOOO we are not hid from God,  but rather what we do  IS before God and HE Gave us Laws and  Statutes to abide by that we prove our walk through this life IN HIS Will and Way…..  Read all these verse’s  in the Bible please…  for I write nothing that is not already written and commanded  in HIS  Written Word…….WE  simply must use  good  sound  judgment in our  every action refusing to be involved in anything that hints of  the breaking of God’s Law through an act of sinful disobedience… as Eve thought she was doing good.. It was in fact evil…..
The Father judges  according to every mans work…(I Peter 1:17)… &   seeing that you have purified  your souls  IN  obeying  the  Truth through the Spirit… ~Love~  one another  with a pure heart.. (22)…  The  WORD  of the LORD  endureth  forever…(25)
We readily call ISIS ~evil~ as we see we so judge, yet we demand that we not be judged by no man,  quoting (Matt.7:1).  How can we sit in this position?  Do we read the rest of the scriptures? Did not Jesus say: “ye shall know them by their fruits”?  (Matthew 7:16) &  (Matt. 7:  21) … ~Not~  every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
SOOOOO  we really have to be careful what we speak… know the meaning and value of our words and actions… especially if we call ourselves Christians…because by example or by ignorance we can bring the shadow of darkness into our lives,  over our own heads,  and  to others around us that we love…  simply by proving ourselves ~evil~ in our own good way,  sinful through unnecessary ignorance in disobedience… our willingness to sin rather than to learn how,  and  what to humbly obey…… 

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