Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pride, The Thrill Kill

(Proverbs 16:18) “Pride”, goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
(Proverbs 29:23),,A man’s ~pride~ shall bring him low:  BUT honour shall uphold the ~humble in spirit.~
(Ezekiel 7:10).. Behold the day,  Behold,  IT IS Come:  The morning is gone forth;  the rod has blossomed,  ~pride~ hath budded.
I have bit my tongue almost off, trying to tolerate, but The LORD won’t let me remain quiet… The farmers, and ranchers, don’t post pictures and brag about how many cattle or pigs they have killed, bagged, butchered, slaughtered, for our food consumption,  so ~WHY~ is it such a ~Prideful~ thing to kill a deer?  IS IT A *Thrill Kill*, that is excused as food for the table… Folks even display their children covered with the blood of an animal which they shot, as if it were a great thing, a bragging point,  a thing of ~pride~…. Do we really stop and think about our Heavenly Father when we do this, or are we so caught up in the world and the pride in ourselves that we can’t see any farther?…  It hurts my heart to see pictures of a dead animal and a person with a gun posing spattered with blood all over, and bragging about how big it is, or the size of it’s rack…
Now I’m not against supplying food for the table, I am not a protestor of guns, or the right to hunt… But what does sadden my heart is the ~Thrill~ kill manner of showing worldly pride in the hunt… I realize folks call it a ~Sport~… But IS IT? Should IT BE? IF we are really hunting for food for the table, then there is no sport about it, but necessity….
This type of displaying of pride, seems to me to be the same attitude of one that has no respect for ~life~, and would be a staunch advocate of things like abortion, because  the pride of their heart grows and expands with each thrill kill…  Just saying,  should we rethink our attitudes of killing, why we do it,  how we do it,  search the inner feeling of our heart, as we reason according to as it is written, our manner should be?
(I Timothy 3:6).. Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil…
(I John 2:16).. For all that is in the ~World~,  the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the *Pride*  of life,  IS NOT OF THE Father,  but IS OF the world….

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