Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Day OF Remembrance

Think about *IT*, deeply, for a moment and just ~pretend~ that someone IS throwing a party, in ~your name~ so *IT* must be exclusively for “you,” right? IT IS proclaimed all over to be a “Day” to remember the special day, that God THE Father saw fit that you should be born on this earth… SOOOOoooo…, IS IT unreasonable for you to expect that, Since *IT* IS in your Name, well then *IT* should be only in “your” honor … shouldn‘t IT?
Even MORE proof that this day should be ~Exclusively~ dedicated to the memorial of “your” birth, IS The fact that the invitations are calling for all peoples to assemble themselves in, your “Fathers House” for this event….
The day arrives, and You enter into The House Set aside by mankind, on ~the day~ set aside by mankind, for Worship of Your Father and what do You HEAR & SEE? The music, of all things of the world, some of it is aimed at giving the message of your birth, ALL Sorts of decorations, lighted trees, candles, flowers of the season, gifts under the tree and a person in a red suit trimmed with white fur, passing out gifts to everyone in the building… so you look for the sincerity of thought, for ~all heads~ to be bowed in the “Thanksgiving” that you expect to be given unto your Father for this day, as you wait for ~~Your Name~~ to be called to receive, The “Gift”, that all these people should have come to present to You, Since IT Was Supposed TO BE A Party IN Memory OF The Day OF “Your Birth” …. Sadly, this gift never appears but the party goes on with eating, drinking, and being merry, while you watch over the frenzied affair. Imagine, thoughtfully now, How would you feel *IF* This really were Your Party carried out in honor of everyone and everything ~Except~ “you?”
NOW, Jesus Christ The Blessed Son of God With His Seeing Eyes of Truth sees all as well as Does The Father, The heart, the mind, and the thoughts of it…. HE Knows the “TRUE” reasons of the seasons, and He Knows the manmade, excuses, customs, traditions carried out, and the words that are spouted out of the mouths of many proclaiming that He IS The Reason for The Season, BUT, actions speak louder than words and the witness to the world that is portrayed IS, commercialism, pagan customs, fairy tale lies, mystic, sorceries, drunken bashes, the frenzy of a society that has in fact embraced the, antichrist and followed the broad and spacious path in the tongue of, A “Religious Belief” in a mock honor of Christ … AS God The Father Who foresaw and *Knows ALL*, gave instruction through HIS Blessed Son Jesus as He walked this earth among men, said:
(Matthew 15:8) .. “This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; BUT their heart IS far from Me..”
(Mark 7:6).. Jesus answered and said unto them, “Well, hath Esaias (Isaiah) prophesied of ~you hypocrites~, *AS IT IS Written*, this people honoreth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” AS Isaiah Wrote, Inspired BY THE LORD, God JEHOVAH
(Isaiah 29:13)… Wherefore THE LORD Said, “Forasmuch as this people draw near ME with their mouth, and with their lips do honour ME, BUT, have removed their heart far from ME, and their fear toward ME IS ~Taught~ by the precept of men… (The word Precept means; instructions that rule moral behavior, and the ways of the world and man kinds precepts have well been proven to lead down the path of destruction as Biblical History shows. In the past as well as today people begin to think that God ~WILL DO~ nothing to them for their disobedient ways because they are not struck down immediately, BUT God‘s Word WILL Stand and HIS Promise WILL BE Fulfilled, AND Those who prove disobedient WILL Reap their reward just as Adam and Eve with all that followed through the past recordings have.)
(II Chronicles 36:16).. But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused HIS prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was ~no remedy~.
(Galatians 6:7).. Be ~NOT Deceived~; God IS NOT Mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap…
(II Corinthians 6: 15-16)…What concord hath Christ with Belial? OR What part hath he that believeth with an infidel? AND What ~agreement~ hath the temple of God with the temple of God with idols?
There are many that will defend the celebrations of the world as okay with God because it is claimed verbally to be about HIS Son Jesus Christ, even though IT IS Filled with customs that distract ones attention away from the Gospel… BUT, anything that takes away from The Truth, draws ones eyes away from THE Kingdom of God IS OF Belial… NO Matter how colorful and joyful the occasion may seem, this brings another question to mind, “Does God approve of mixing The Memory of HIS Son’s Birth with pagan customs, any more than the HE Does of our being unevenly yoked with infidels? There again *IS SEEN* the honor with the mouth, but the heart is far removed….
Many folks will balk at this message and declare that IT WAS Meant for The Israelites, God’s children of old… Yes IT Was, Read the OLD Testament and see how many times God’s children of old were punished for *Disobedience*, and so IT IS meant for God’s children today… those who call themselves after HIS Son, Christians, as Jesus confirmed….
The whole of Isaiah 29 gives warning to those who, “turn things upside down” (16) and the ~scorner~ that makes a man an offender for a word, and turn aside the “just” for a thing of naught..(20-21)… this implies the separating the goats from the sheep… as the learned man will not read with understanding, because the “Book” is sealed to him and the unlearned man will not read IT because he is unlearned, and the fear of THE LORD will be taught by the precept of men… (11)… LOOK Around the world, this country, what precepts are most visible, that OF a Godly nation or a nation devoid of morals, self-centered, anything goes, lack of True Biblical Teaching in the Principals of God‘s Commands? Can we Truthfully say that the Churches are failing miserably in this mess, Because, they fail TO Stand Wholly ON THE TRUTH? Man can really mess up a scripture of verse by adding things of the world to IT and that IS just what has transpired down through the years, since The Ascension…. People have sought a new way, a new word.. How many “NEW” Bible Translations are in use today that have changed the Original Transcripts? Making IT Alright for mankind to do things that God has said Do Not Do, Leave IT Alone?
Men have written many books, lacing customs of the world into the pages with a little sprinkling of the Gospel to make IT more interesting to men, in the guise of carrying the Gospel to the world and bringing the lost to Christ… BUT This IS Just As Jesus Said, It IS lip service only and IT IS Devoid of A Visible Faithful Walk which confirms the honest, humble, and obedient attitudes that must be seen before mankind as a witness of God’s Infallibility, thus it brings the lost into an even more pitiful state of false hope, sending morals and precepts to the ways of the world….
While so many folks that call themselves after The Blessed Name OF Christ, are running about calling for society to ~PUT~ Christ, back into Christmas… there ARE several questions that we must stop and ask, seeking the answers *ONLY* through humble prayer and a sincere search into God’s Written Word OF Guidance, instead of seeking the opinions of others through the reflections of man kinds customs…
The First and Most Important ONE IS: Can mere man the clay, put Christ, The Potter, ~Anywhere~, when He specifically SAID: “Follow ME!”
Another IS: Was Christ the Messiah, The Blessed Son of God, ever *IN* the pagan rituals that were conjured up by people anxious to combine the True Accounts of Christ with pagan beliefs in order to bring many ~Numbers~ into their religion?… Appeasing, making concessions, compromising THE True Worship, with the customs of the world, for gain…. AND These customs are what “Christmas” IS All About today, and this IS What the ~Religions~ are fighting for, BECAUSE, *IF* True followers of Christ want to remember the day of His Birth on this earth, it is simply a matter of reflecting *IT*, as *IT* IS Written IN The Bible, from the podium of God’s Houses of Worship ALL Over the earth…. There IS NO ~Necessary Commercialism~! NO trees that need to be called after His Blessed Name! NOT even a season that need be called after Jesus, before a lost and dying world, BECAUSE, Jesus IS OVER ALL Seasons.. BUT as IT IS Written, ONLY The Gospel of His Father’s Kingdom, and the Accounts of His Actions, need be preached to those who are in need of hearing *TRUTH*. AS Jesus ~Commissioned~ in:
(Matthew 28: 19-20).. “Go ye therefore and ~teach~ *ALL* nations… Teaching them *TO Observe* ~ALL~ things what so ever I Have commanded you…
Now think about this! Did Jesus ever say go forth, cut down the trees and decorate them, place gifts under them and give them out to everyone to spread joy and cheer of the season, in which you inject a jolly fellow named Santa, in My Place and then, eat, drink, and be merry IN MY NAME?
Where IS IT Written that Jesus ever stumbled out of a drunken party to puke up the overstuffed drinks that He consumed… OR Snuck off into the corner to make out with the husband/wife of another… Gathered around a decorated tree and sang joyful songs of worldly celebrations?
Did Jesus encourage that trees be cut and decorated to memorialize His birth?
Reference to the trees was used in the bringing forth of fruit and IF IT Did not produce good fruit it was to be cut down, and burned, not lifted up and decorated as a memorial…. (Jeremiah 10:) .. “Learn ~NOT~ the way of the heathen…. Wasn’t IT Commanded By The Father, in The Old Testament that men were not to cut trees down to look upon them as gods…. Gaze upon them as wonderful? Read also (Isaiah 17-18)
And what about the gifts? The money market of gotta do it because everyone else is doing it, follow the world’s way of celebrating….
The “Gift” that we should be bringing to Him in ~ALL~ Seasons IS our loyal obedience, TO The Words That He taught while on this earth… As He walked among men…. And the Season when His Birth IS Remembered should be every season and Thoughtfully Remembered As A Special Time to Give Prayerful Thanks TO our Father in Heaven for The Blessings That HE Sent to all of us through this Blessed Birth, and offering these Prayers up in THE Blessed Name, Jesus….
A “TIME OF Teaching” Over Again The Gospel of His Birth, His Life, AND His Father’s Kingdom… After ALL we can never learn TOO much of The gospel, but we sure can fall short of our learning and remembering through a lack of continuing faithfully in the Written Word, thus opening the door for the adversary to slip through and lead us away into the world of false practices of fake religions…..
The “Christmas IN July” sales promotions are pretty much proof to anyone who looks that the season IS ~ALL About~ money, commercialism, paganism… and not as the excuse goes to celebrate Christ Birth…
God gave us days, time, and places to have joyful occasions and give each other gifts, join together in eating food, and fellowship, WHY must we choose a time to mix false teachings of worldly fables into the Biblically Accounted Message OF Jesus Birth…?

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