Friday, June 15, 2012

Heart OR Mind

(Jeremiah 6:16)…THUS Saith THE LORD, “Stand ye in the ways, and ~SEE~ and ~ask~ for the old paths, where IS the ~Good Way~, and walk therein, AND ye shalt find rest for your souls..” BUT, they said, we will not harken…. “They”, the children of God before Christ was born on this earth, but IT Still holds true of the children of God today….. God’s Word IS Forever….
Heart over Mind ~OR~ visa versa? Have you ever stopped and just listened to what your heart was telling you, where it was leading you? ~OR~ Are you the type person that just follows what ever pops into your head/mind? Inventive, instant to act on anything exciting, always blazing new trails, the type of person that is jolly in the ways of the world to the point of criticizing the seriousness minded ones for not being, ~happy go lucky~, coming up with new fads, IS This Really Good?
There is an old song that Johnny Cash sang, that really nails down the two traveled paths ~IF~ you listen to the word deeply… It’s called, “A Traveling Song”, and the lines go, “~you~ say that *Home* IS where you heart is at, I say that home is anywhere I hang my hat, the time has come to sing a traveling song.”
We are born on this earth to ~travel~ through it, proving our walk as we go before mankind and God THE Father… He made The Way, The Provision through which we could travel it in a manner pleasing unto HIM, BUT does mankind accept that Way? OR Do they continually seek new ways, new movements, peeping wizards to show them new things, that mutter of fine things that the world has to offer *IF* we will only ~Get Involved~… Folks just can’t seem to see that this “Influence” comes through the ways of the world… under Satan’s urges…TO the downfall of man… God has already warned of these things long ago, and of these influences and how to ~Avoid~ them, even before HE Sent The Way into the world to walk among men preaching and teaching…AND Today, just as then, *IF* we don’t ~~STAY~~ in Christ’s Way, but choose to venture out into the ways of the world, turning loose of the Guiding Hand of Protection from God, we are viable and liable to lose our eternal home in heaven trading it or eternal damnation with the ~one~ that we have chosen to follow….
(Deuteronomy 30:19-20a)… AS God THE Father set forth then, HE Has not changed the choice that HE gave mankind saying: “*I* (THE LORD), call heaven and earth to ~Record~ this day -against you,- that I have ~SET~ before you *Life & Death*, *Blessing & Cursing*: therefore ~Choose~ life that both you and your seed may live… That thou mayest ~~LOVE~~ THE LORD thy God, and thou mayest ~~OBEY~~ HIS Voice….
Now we have no physical power ourselves, to choose life or death, but we have a conscious choice to make and that life or death comes from the our choice to *OBEY* the LORD, because IT IS Only In HIS Power to give life and to take it back again, and to judge and sentence the spirit of man… BUT God made the WAY, for man to choose which path he will follow, righteousness through Christ unto life, or disobedience through Satan unto the eternal pit of fire…
(Isaiah 8:19-20)….AND when ~they~ shall say unto you, “SEEK unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards (a wizard is a person that has a familiar spirit, and a familiar spirit IS a demon of Satan, that tells fortunes, produces magic, a necromancer or soothsayer) that peep, (to peep means to tell, run about chattering, spouting fortunes) and that mutter: (To mutter means to go about imagining, mediate and devise new things) should not a people seek unto their God? For the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: *IF* they speak not according to ~This Word~, IT IS Because there IS NO *Light* in them….
(Matthew 7:21) Jesus SAID: “Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that *doeth* The Will of My Father which IS in heaven….”
Should the ones that claim the Name of God’s OWN Son Jesus Christ, “Christians” run about after the things of the world, seeking familiar spirits, new ways, inventing tricks of the trade, so to speak? Looking for the spirits of those dead and gone with which to speak to them…
Lately I have noticed a rash of pictures being displayed and testified of as Godly testimonies, of miraculous happenings, that are obviously doctored with mans camera tricks and photo shops… This even though someone may have meant it to lead others to Christ, IS A lie of Satan, a trick, of evil to lure man into making himself an inventor of testimony of God, instead of a truthfully testifying of God’s Greatness…. Satan is subtly turning men into liars in the name of Christianity… One particularly offensive picture to me that people have flocked to brings much sorrow to those that follow and attest to it, is the picture of a soldier, on his knees praying before the flag of a nation, giving the impression that he is praying to the flag.. the light shines from above, over the flag and onto the man, as though God IS blessing him for this, BUT, what message does IT really carry? IF you read God’s Written Word, you’ll find that this is in fact not pleasing to God, because IT has put a manmade object in the place of God… Just as the brazen serpent, Nehushtan, was lifted again to appease mankind, making it an abomination to God.. (II Kings 18:4) Man made designs by Satan to influence the emotions of man and lead them into the path of destruction, by focusing their attention on the world, and in the world, and turning IT Away from THE True Glory OF God…… Yes, we can pray for the safety of the soldiers, for the lost of this world, BUT we’d be better off TO SET Before IT and them a sound honest and Truthful witness, OF: The Truth of God’s Written Word, THE Father, THE Son, and The Holy Ghost as Jesus gave command in:
(Matthew 28:19-20)…. “GO ye, therefore, and *TEACH* ~ALL~ Nations, baptizing them in the Name OF: THE Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost: *Teaching* them ~~TO Observe ~ALL~ things whatsoever *I* (Jesus) have Commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world, A-men`.”
NOW, did Jesus say, go and take part in the world, invent new ways and things to teach, worship the flags of these nations and lift them up over our heads as out protectors? OR DID He teach?-----
(Matthew 6:33).. Jesus said: “BUT, ~SEEK~ ye *FIRST* The Kingdom of God, AND HIS Righteousness, and ~ALL~ these things will be added to you.”
But man today is busy as beavers flapping their tails and trying to invent new ways of righteousness, new paths, trails of interest to the people, but all under the approving eye of Satan the Devil, and NOT in the Way of THE Righteousness OF God The Father, through HIS Son Jesus Christ, by the guidance of The Holy Ghost… Wake up folks, open your eyes, look up, reach up toward the heavens, to THE Kingdom OF God, and embrace IT In your thoughts, hearts, and minds. Worship God IN Spirit and IN Truth as Jesus Said: NOT in man made falsely invented picture messages, BUT in message from, the Truly Written Word… Listen to what the Spirit speaks to the heart, and put away what the world shows the mind through your physical eye…. A Good Rule of thumb to follow for proof of what IS pleasing unto God, IS: IF you can’t find IT Written IN Truth, IN The Divinely Inspired Scriptures, then leave IT Alone!
The tattoo parlors, the hip hop music, the state of ~undress code~ and the ~Loose or absence of morals~ only take our thought of mind deeper into the world of Satan, and drag our hearts along with it down into the pit of destruction with the serpent that arose in the beginning to lead mankind down a path of disobedience, in rebellion to God The Father….
Return ~TO~ The Old Way… The ~WAY~ which The Son OF God, Jesus Christ taught as He walked this earth, preaching and teaching of: OF THE Kingdom OF God, and where our heart, thoughts, and mind should dwell….

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