Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sundday School IN Church

Sunday IS quickly rolling in, and *IF* you are a teacher of Sunday School what IS your plan for teaching the little ones of: God The Father, Jesus Christ HIS Son, And The Holy Ghost? OR as a nursery/tot teacher are you simply looking forward to meeting with your friends in the nursery to catch up on the weekly ~Gossip~ while the children play, or holler, or fight over the ball? DID you not realize that your job IS just as important as the man’s that stands behind the pulpit to deliver the message of God. *IF* not more?
Because *IT IS* your responsibility TO: teach the very basic rules OF: “Shush” “Be Quiet”, “Listen”, “Pay Attention”, “HEAR”!
(Proverbs 22:6) Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from *IT*.
From ~The Cradle UP~, Sunday School should be the ~Training~ time of: *Behavior* in the Sanctuary, teaching the Bible TO little ears in a way that makes them eager to learn more of The Bible, as they age, so that as adults they have grown into a strong desire to eat the meat instead of remaining on the bottle of milk that they were fed in the nursery ….AND ~Nothing~ of the world should be offered in ANY Age Sunday School Class.. Like fake ~tattoos~, pagan pictures of worldly celebrations, fairy tale junk, super hero’s ect…..
Sadly though, what you find in the nurseries, are a group of Church ladies gathered together in the name of baby sitting, while spending this time in a gossip session of: ALL about, she said, he said, and so now we spread…
Even ~Babies~ can be taught that this is a, “Shush” “Quiet” Time… *Listen* & “OBEY“!… Oh, sure Babies cry, and keepers should cuddle, rock and soothe, with quiet shushing utters, not yell out the gossip of the lip over the crying infant…..
(Proverbs 16:28) .. A forward man soweth strife, and a whisperer (bearer of tales, gossip) separateth chief friends.
(I Timothy 4:7) Refuse ~profane and old wives’ fables,~ and ~exercise~ thyself Rather unto godliness…
Some nurseries are equipped with sound systems so that the messages from the Sanctuary is piped in, so even toddlers should be encouraged to: “Listen”… as well as the teachers or keepers, because many Churches provide nurseries all through the services, taking the children out of the Sanctuaries, away from parents…
But then some Churches leave the children with the parents in the Sanctuary, to play. Parents tote in toys by the bag full to entertain the children with while distracting the ones who want to pay attention to the message…. So IT IS A rocky situation, that really falls back in the lap of the parents, and the ground work that they lay in basic teaching of the children.. The ~Authority~ that they show in bringing their children to serve the LORD… BUT IT Still does not ~excuse~ the Sunday School teacher, that the parent entrust their child to, TO learn.
Sunday School teachers should be carefully screened and chosen by their: attitude toward The Bible, and IT’S Content, and their ability to reveal IT free of the worldly concerns and garbage……
(Deuteronomy 6: 5- 8) .. Thou Shalt *Love* THE LORD thy God with ~~ALL~~ thine heart, soul, and might, and these ~~Words~~ which *I* (THE LORD) Command thee this say, shall be in thine heart, AND thou shalt teach them ~~Diligently~~ unto thy children, and shalt ~~Talk~~ OF Them, when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and risest up, and thou shalt ~~Bind~~ them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes, and they shall ~~Write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates…
Kinda sounds like IT IS Very Important that we teach our children to be dedicated to learning the Words, and following them, rather than giving them the world all mixed up in a failed attempt to teach God’s Written Word.. We are Quick to teach and tell them, “Jesus Loves *YOU*!” But we fail miserably in teaching them that: *THEY* Must ~~LOVE~~ the LORD with ~ALL Their heart~.. Not just a portion that is left over after all the things of the world have passed through IT.
*IF* The Commandments of God, the First being TO: Love The LORD Thy God, IS Important enough to be carried continually in our hearts, then isn’t IT Important enough to be taught and magnified in Sunday School?
Most Churches that you enter into this day and time seem to reflect the exact opposite.. OF: the Sanctuaries of old or the dedicated in Christ..
In fact many who ARE dedicated in Christ have vacated the Churches of the World. Because there is NO sanctity to be found there anymore.
IT IS ~ALL~ about the world.. Games… Mockeries… Children spend most of their time in Sunday School playing Games of The world, eating drinking, laughing talking, more than they do in actual learning of behavior in the learning of God’s Written Word….. BUT Then they are doing what they ARE Taught, and following the examples set by the adults…..
(II Timothy 4:4)… And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned into *fables*….

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