Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How TO Lose A Mate

ONE, of the biggest mistakes that a wife/husband especially young newly weds, can make in a casual conversation, watching people passing by, or viewing a movie, IS to say to your mate: “WHY, Can’t you be more like that person? .. Look, how shapely, muscular, slim, ect. That person IS, WHY, don’t you try to be more like him/her?” Firm up here and there, go on a diet, gain more weight, have plastic surgery.. dye your hair… ALL Changes that most times WILL cause many problems.. Personally, physically, mentally, as well as destroy a marriage…
A Comment like that may seem harmless for the present, AND your mate may give the impression of not caring about your comments, pretending that IT doesn’t bother them at all to avoid an argument OR hurt feelings any further… BUT, down the road, sooner or later, IT ~WILL~ turn around and bite you…. Because remarks like this: NO Matter how innocent do hurt! They may be suppressed for a while, but IN This State they sorta sit and fester, and eventually they will do one of two things…
They will either ~KILL~ the affection that your mate has for you making a marriage become a methodical process of ~Got To’s~ a drudgery of life, But their heart will be far away… because IT does affect the love that one holds for another… and saps the joy out of a marriage…
OR, IT WILL one day erupt into a huge argument that will end up in a split between the two, a breaking down of, and the eventual dissolving of a marriage. A big snow slide started, by a few simple words that were really unnecessary… Lives ruined, by the hurt caused BY a very avoidable act…
Intentions may be only good, words spoken may be to effect a better change, or intended to draw jealousy out of your mate to make them more affectionate toward you, OR, maybe just in jest, as joking around… BUT some things you say to your mate, will stick in the back of their mind and fester and grow over the years and after a while develop into a cancerous condition, eating away at the bonds of togetherness, that you have tried to create.. and develop together…
Comparing your mate to someone else in any situation, can have critical end results… OH, he/she may say, “that doesn’t bother me” … BUT IT IS Being stored up in a memory file… THAT: can and most likely WILL come out later AS:
“I was never good enough for you, no matter how hard I tried, you always wanted me to BE something or someone else, different!” AND “SO, IF you want someone else, then the road IS Open, go get them!”
TRUE TO Those Words, the person that you married, your mate, he or she, IS unique, there IS NO other person on earth exactly like them. Which in many cases IS what held your attention of them in the beginning.. HAVE you taken your eyes off your mate and began to: ~LOOK~ over the fence?… Consider IT & IF SOOOooo…
Remember, the very first sin started TO develop WITH, “A LOOK”. (Genesis 3:6).. Eve [saw].. SO Maybe you need to re-adjust your vision, and turn IT back TO, first the LORD
AND, keeping your face turned to God will erase, many faults that your may think you see in your mate. Then, keep your gaze turned to your mate, and let the rest of the world glide right on by…
The Way God Created you was HIS Choice… Why on earth would you want to change the special way that HE Made you or your mate…
God gives us ~~ALL~~ a beautiful hair color, why run out and buy man made dyes to make ourselves up like ~Jezebel~? A woman that God has condemned… with painted faces..
Why on earth would man or woman want to remake the person that they fell in love with to begin with?
Most times when this IS Accomplished, you are not happy with the results and the argument then becomes, “You’ve changed, your not the person that I married”….. AND there again most times IT Goes right back TO: WHY? Don’t you try to be more like so-n-so else?
(Matthew 19:6) … Wherefore they are ~NO More Twain~ (two) , BUT one flesh, what therefore God hat joined together, let not man put asunder…
Most marriages fail Because OF Two things, one arguments over money OR, and this IS THE Biggest Cause, ~drifting eyes~… casting glances at the way other folks are living, the things they have that you don’t and *IF* your mate worked harder then the two of you could have the same things…. BUT when you work harder you are apart more, you begin to focus your vision on the allure of others…their dress, their shape, their demeanor, and there again the bonds that held in the beginning, when you were first wed, begins to crumble..
JUST AS DOES A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH: our Maker, our Father in Heaven, HIS Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost, THE Unity OF ONE, God, when you cast you vision toward the things of the world, Satan IS Right there to help you along in the destruction of your BOND, the TIES That hold you in The Arms of Jesus, under His Care… Because, ~you~ must First be humbly willing to stay there, and secondly ~you~ Must, Obey God’s Will and Way.. Dabbling in the ways of the world is nothing more than simple disobedience TO God’s Way, Because IT IS Written:
(James 4:4) … ye adulterers & adulteresses, know ye not that the ~friendship of the world~ IS enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world IS ~the enemy of God~…
Same as casting our eyes outside of our marital state with our mate, husband/wife…
God IS Wonderful, HE Made a plan of Salvation for ALL mankind, ALL we have to do IS accept IT, Keep the gaze our eyes focused on God, and take our vision way from the ways of the world and the things it has to offer, and we can live a more joyful life here on this earth, as we prepare and ~prove ourselves fit for~ God’s Heavenly Kingdom… AS Jesus Said:
(Luke 9:26)… “No man (or woman) having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, IS FIT for the Kingdom OF God”…..
We have entered into a state of marriage with a mate, we must keep our eyes turned toward each other…. We have entered into a state of marriage with the Master, and made IT public by Baptism, we MSUT keep our eyes focused on the LORD, our faces strongly set, toward HIS Kingdom, and walk strait and sure, guided BY God’s Book of Instruction that HE Gave us TO Keep AS A Reminder of ALL HIS Ways… that we MUST Obey, Follow, Observe…Keep!

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