Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Question OF: Perfection

(Philippians 3: 12 & 15)… ~NOT~ AS though I had already attained, either were ~already~ *Perfect*: BUT I *Follow* ~AFTER~….IF that I may apprehend that for which Also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus…
(Colossians 1:27-28) … To whom God would make known ~What *IS* The Riches~ of the glory, of this mystery among the Gentiles; Which *IS* “Christ” *IN* ~you~, The hope of Glory..… Whom we ~Preach~ , ~Warning~ every man in ~ALL~ wisdom; that we may present every man *Perfect* IN Christ… (our works can all be in vain even though we have put all that we have into IT, IF we don’t search the scriptures and Prove what we are doing.. ~TO BE IN~ God’s Will and Way)…
If we can prove IT by the Written Word, then we have no need to fret or be angry IF someone rejects or challenges IT, we need only, present the Written Scripture proving our works, by The Bible….. AS James said:
(James 2:22).. Seest thou how ~Faith~ wrought (operates) *With* ~works~, & BY ~works~ was *Faith* MADE ~~Perfect~~… (24) ~works~ a man *IS* ~Justified~ & Not By ~Faith Only… (26) .. For as the body IS dead without the spirit, SO *Faith without works* IS Dead Also…
Our testimony of our walk as a Christian IS based as much or more on our appearance, our works in this life, than what we speak.. We can verbally claim Christ all day long til the cows come home, but *IF* our walk, our works, our actions, does not prove or back-up that claim, then ALL IS Vain… Like the song we sing: “Let Others ~SEE~ Jesus In You”…. WELL, our works MUST Show our faith or else our faith is dead… Dead because others cannot see IT in our walk…
You hear folks say he lost his testimony, because he was seen in a bar drinking and carousing… Well, our testimony can be & IS just as lost IF we follow the ways of and promote the false idols of this world, even though IT may seem innocent, IT may be only a picture, or a doll, or a song, and we think our thoughts, hearts, and minds to be in the right place, and according to our growth in the Written word that is all that we can see, BUT the thing that makes IT ~Wrong~ *IS*.. According to: The Biblical teachings that God had penned down and preserved for us to follow IT IS unacceptable, it either IS or IT represents something that IS an abomination to God… For instance, a statue that is prayed to by some as their god… we look at a picture of that statue as okay, nothing wrong with *IT* it is only a picture, and we don‘t pray to IT, or look at it as an idol… BUT, they did and do and they see us as compromising our Faith in The True God for their god, this IS not leading them TO God, but leading them further astray as well as ourselves….
We have failed to search out the scriptures and just decided that because someone said, or a store has it to sell, then IT must be good and we stake our lives on that rather than stake our lives on What God Gave US TO ~~Follow~~….
(Romans 10:3)…For they being ~ignorant~ OF God’s Righteousness, have ~Not~ *Submitted* themselves unto the righteousness of God….
(Isaiah 56:10)… HIS ~watchmen~ Are blind: they are ~ALL~ ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark: ~Sleeping~, ~lying down~, loving to slumber… (11)… & they are shepherds that ~Cannot understand: they look to ~their own~ WAY….
(Acts 17:30-31) … THE Times of this ~Ignorance~ God winked AT; BUT NOW *Commandeth* ALL men to repent:… Because HE hath appointed a ~DAY~ , in which HE Will judge the world IN righteousness…..
Folks rest in the fact that Jesus came, paid the sin debt. Believing now what they do IS alright, because they can do on their own, and Jesus will follow them… they couldn’t have *IT* more backward… God winked at their mistakes before Christ came, Before the Gospel was preached, BUT NOW, there IS NO Excuse for ignorance, Because HE HAS Given us a Book of ALL Instruction to read, learn, and follow… AND IN This day and age of ~education~ reading, writing, arithmetic, people have more access to the Reading of the Written Word… AND The Big thing, People no longer have need to bring a sacrifice to a human priest and study the ~laws~ of how and what to give for their sins, Because THAT IS what Jesus DID take away….BUT He did NOT take Away the Command of ~Obedience~ and Submission TO: God the Father, IN HIS Will and Way… NOW we only have to repent, & Follow, in humble obedience, believing, living, and praying to the Father, through and in Christ Name, AND That IS our ~Faithful work~… But we can’t walk around in ignorance of the Word and Serve God in HIS Will and Way, and there IS No More Excuse for us to do that….
Stop, Look, Listen: … Listen to what is going on around you, do you hear sheep blatting out praise to God, see, humble obedient people following the teachings of the Bible, OR goats, rebelling against the Biblical teachings because IT IS NOT convenient for their likes, their walk in the world, praising each other, for their own ~Good~ works, testifying to their own goodness, praising and lifting up the ways of the world of flesh… DO others see Jesus IN you, or the world of Satan…
(Romans 8:31)… “*IF* God be for us, then who can be against us”?
(II Timothy 3: 16-17)…*ALL Scripture* IS Given BY ~Inspiration~ OF God, AND IS Profitable FOR Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, For Instruction in Righteousness… ~~~That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto ALL good works… (So if we search out the scriptures before we accept a doctrine as righteous we would save ourselves a lot of problems.)
(Romans 12:2)…”Be ye not ~conformed~ TO this world: BUT be ye ~Transformed~ BY the renewing of your mind, that ye may ~Prove~ ~~What IS that Good, & Acceptable, & *Perfect* Will OF God….
(Luke 18:19)…JESUS SAID: “Why callest thou Me good, there IS none Good, save One, and That IS , God!
(I Corinthians 11:31)… “IF we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged, BUT when we are judged we are chastened of the LORD, that we should not be condemned *with* the world…”
ALL Judgment belongs to The LORD, but our actions reveal where our loyalty is placed… SO Stalking & gossip IS not my style, neither IS IT my position to Judge any one, that IS between THE LORD, & each Individual... What I write IS what IS written IN THE Bible, That The LORD leads me to Share with others... Just like what folks do IS their business, IT IS my position TO carry THE Gospel Message, IF IT Stings then, maybe IT should be checked out in THE WRITTEN WORD, NO ONE IS Perfect Except God.
IF we feel that we are being looked at through judgmental eyes, being critiqued by others whom we consider to be just plain being busy bodies, looking down their nose at the world, maybe we need to get in sync with our own actions… LOOK into the mirror of what we are all about… what are we showing to the world… The judgment of others that IS on us IS NOT to judge whether we are sentenced to heaven or hell, because that DOES Belong TO God and TO HIM Alone…IT IS Written in the Book of life… AND ~our~ *Works* DO stand before us on the day of Judgment AND what IS written *THE* works that we have performed in this fleshly life WILL determine where will spend eternity … (Revelation 20:11-15).. NOT my words, But The Divinely Inspired Words of God Written by the faithful servant of Jesus Christ, John…
HE IS THE Judge seated on the Great Throne, which awards life eternal according to the choice that we have made, in this fleshly life… AND HE IS THE ONE WHO carries out that sentence…
The world made up of people ~ALL~ around us can and ~DO~ judge ~From~ our actions. AND, ~our~ *Actions *Show Proof* as TO: our stand in faith, in our walk with and in Christ… Whether we are True, according TO AS IT IS Written in God’s Holy Word the Bible, servants of Christ, OR whether our actions prove us to be friends of the world of Satan… Else HOW would we be able to see, know, and OBEY the command TO: “Come out from among them”?
(II Corinthians 6:16-17) …what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? ..wherefore come out from among them, & Be ye a separate people, saith the LORD and touch not the unclean thing… & I WILL Receive you… SO IT IS A Matter of growth, can we look at ourselves through the Written Pages of God’s Holy Book of ~ALL~ Instruction TO: Judge ourselves, that we be NOT judged??? That we be NOT Condemned with the world? No one IS perfect, we ~ALL~ make mistakes, but the danger IS IN making a mistake and then failing to correct IT when IT has been brought to our attention that IT IS NOT According TO: AS IT IS Written…
Folks look at the scripture IN Which Jesus Said: Judge ~NOT~ lest you be ~Judged, as a freedom from looking at themselves, and that the world can’t judge us… BUT *IF* we read the Whole story or as: Paul Harvey always said, “The Rest OF The Story”… we would understand that YES, we have a duty to fulfill that our actions be not judged as proving us to be friends of the world instead of followers of Christ! IN Fact, our visible walk can and does: either draw others to serve the LORD in Truth, turns them away because they see the compromise of the Truth, or leads them to walk vainly in the flesh, deceiving themselves by the actions of one that proclaims Christianity, but walks in the world, that this IS righteousness, thus living in the lie of Satan. What does our walk through this life ~Testify~ of us?

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