Monday, April 11, 2011

Passover; Easter; OR Gospel OF Christ

*IF* … the chocolate bunny and colored eggs have nothing to do with the, “Crucifixion & Resurrection” OF Christ Jesus, THE Very Son of God, Why are they ~Associated~ with IT? By calling *IT* Easter?
AND very *TRUE* they have nothing to DO With the Memorial of THIS Most Holy and Blessed TO BE Remembered Event! SOOOOoooo…. WHY Mix IT ALL UP INTO ONE AFFAIR? Because IT IS ~Adultery~ to bring unclean things into God’s Worship, spiritual fornication, the same as IT IS Adultery for a woman or man to have an illicit affair with another person…or to mix the customs of a pagan ritual in with a sacred service to the ONE True God….
Read: THE Accounts in: (Matthew 27 & 28), (Mark 14- 16), (Luke 22-24), AND (John 18-21) of the Blessed Event… There IT IS Written AS a “Pure Account” and up to the present has not been rewritten to include the abominations of man‘s traditions…however, man IS trying to rewrite even the Bible to suit themselves, changing words, adding to, taking away from, even leaving out complete verses that do not read according to the way that man ~~wants~~ to Believe….
Read: The ~origin~ of Easter According TO The Secular accounts in the Encyclopedia’s & Dictionaries… History of: Easter…. What has one to do with the other?
Most ~~ALL~~ Accounts of the Origin and Celebration OF Easter: confirm that IT IS A pagan celebration, having been carried on centuries before the Birth of Christ on this earth… BUT, man adopted these customs to be included in with the Passover to Memorialize the Resurrection of Christ, The Passover Lamb, of God our Heavenly Father….
NOT, the Easter rabbit… Why would we, IF, we truly believe that Easter IS Passover, NOT be offended at anyone calling a rabbit, an Easter Rabbit, IF Easter truly IS About Remembering the Resurrection of The Lamb of God, as our Savior?
Or IS IT That we get so engrossed in the ways of the world that we really can’t see any further than the murky mire of false teachings, that has been the custom of the people for so many generations….
Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia 1972 (vol.8 pg.267) states: Easter, a Christian festival, embodies many ~~Pre-Christian~~ traditions….The origin of the ~~Name~~ IS unknown …but…scholars believe that IT comes from Eastre, the Anglo Saxon name of a Teutonic goddess *OF* ~Spring & fertility…..AND Included the Easter rabbit, and colored eggs, symbols of fleshly fertility…
Right or Wrong, Good Or Bad, True or False in regards to mans book, IT IS Fact according to God’s Holy Inspired Book, penned down by the prophets..
Most of the Secularly Written Books Include the pagan events that were added to the account of the Crucifixion & Resurrection of Christ, referring to: *IT* as a ~Christian~ celebration, ~~Observed~~ by both Christians and non-Christians alike, &&& This IS True: BUT WHY? Why would a TRUE Christian Memorial Appeal to a non-Christian person? Because IT IS Contaminated with the world? Because IF you bring out a Bible, even some Christians will get ready to go, not wanting to read and really learn, AS IT IS Written… But you give them a party with food, drink, and good times and they are ready to go…..
The very people that claim to STAND for Christ, have NOT Stood where they have vowed before HIM that they would stand, sorta like Peter vowed never to deny Christ, but he did, and so do we by mixing these things into the Memorial of what these books refer to as: “The Most Sacred Day of the Christian people”. ***IF***….. Think about *IT*.
IF Easter, IS indeed a pagan celebration to a false goddess, a seasonal event of the spring equinox, or what ever man may want to reference **IT** AS: then IT ain’t got no more to do with the Crucifixion & Resurrection, of Christ….. than the chocolate rabbits and colored eggs, and by mans own admission they don’t…
SOOOOooo… how can we truthfully say: “We are gonna make a ~Stand~ for Jesus” AND Still include these things in our services before the world, of The Blessed Memorial of our Savior? AND STILL Call *IT* Easter?
Why on earth would we NOT Call: The Memorial of Christ, AS IT IS Written for us to call IT: THE Gospel of Jesus Christ…. As in (Romans 1:16) “For I am not Ashamed OF: “The Gospel of Christ”: For *IT IS* THE Power of God unto Salvation to every one that ~believeth~…(17) FOR Therein IS THE Righteousness of God revealed from ~~faith to faith, AS IT IS Written, THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH… AND!!!
(Colossians 3:1-2)… *IF* ~then~ be ~risen~ With *Christ*, seek those things which ~ARE~ Above, where “Christ sitteth on The right Hand of God”… Set your affection on things above, not on things of the earth….
(I Corinthians 15: 12-14)… *IF* Christ be not risen: then our preaching IS IN Vain…. So *IF* we are celebrating a fleshly birth, then we are lost… Because Christ was not born of the flesh in the Resurrection, BUT was Resurrected a Spirit Body, which IS What He gives us to look forward to… (v.44) .. IT IS Sown a natural body; IT IS Raised a spiritual body….
How on earth can our faith be strengthened in Christ, *IF* we are busy defending a pagan cultural belief????? OR DO we ~Really~ Believe? Pray tell IT to me….
Even ***IF*** the one time that the ~~~word~~~ Easter is used in the Bible, in (Acts 12:1-5) does indeed refer to and IS Interrupted from the Word ~~Passover~~~… this still does not have to do with the way that we as ~Christians~ followers of God’s Only Begotten Son, should Remember THE Memorial of our LORD… Because IT Reads… (v.3)..Those were the days of unleavened bread… which begin after the Passover Day.. READ: (Exodus 12:14) The Passover being the 14th day of the first month and the beginning of the days of unleavened… &, Herod, saw that ~IT Pleased the Jews, to put the follower of Christ, James to death, and determined to do the same to Peter, ~who Stood for Christ~ not the worldly customs, SOOOOOooo… there again, the Christians were gathered in Mary’s house praying, (v.12)… not eating the Passover meal, nor hunting Easter eggs, as celebrating the ~~Spring Solstice~~……
Strange that the world gets it right sometimes by advertising their goods as: “A Spring Celebration-a-thon”, but placing the religious items associated with IT on sale to make a profit of the Memorial Of Christ, thus really making a ~Mockery~ of God… and the followers never protest this, but flock to the market to buy the wares of the merchants….. IF anything we should be offended at this, rather than being offended when someone tries to get us to see that: THE True Bible Account of: The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ has nothing to do ~With~ the celebration of spring…the renewing of a fleshly life that WILL wither and die…
A Season in which the pagans celebrated the fleshly birth… sometimes going so far as to sacrifice their own children so that the gods would be pleased with them and bless them with more children thus ~~Increasing their numbers~~ and the rabbits and eggs were symbols of fleshly fertility…
We, who are followers of Christ, should be looking forward to a ~~Spiritual~~ birth, not being reborn into the flesh, but a heavenly resurrection, as in THE Way that Christ being ~~FIRST IN ALL Things, made for us….(Acts 26:23)…(Revelation 1:17-18)… Christ did ~~ALL~~ this for us, to show us the WAY… Christ IS The Perfect Sacrificial LAMB of God… HE IS our “Passover”… not our Easter celebration… SOOOO LET us Keep THE Memorial AS Paul Wrote:
(I Corinthians 5: 7-8)… “Purge out therefore the old leaven, ~that~ ye may be a ~NEW~ lump, as ye are unleavened. FOR even Christ our *Passover* IS ~Sacrificed~ for us… Therein let us ~Keep the feast~.. *NOT* With old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness:…BUT… *WITH* The Bread OF ~Sincerity AND Truth~…”
When we mix in the customs or the names of pagan deities, then we are holding onto, and committing spiritual adultery with old leaven… SO *IF* we declare that these things have nothing to do with Christ, and yet we hold onto them in ~~Name~~, how can we take a stand for Christ in ~Sincerity & Truth~?
Let us give ~Thanks~ TO God the Father, in Jesus Name for HIS Love in Truth and Honesty, as The Bible Instructs us to… Taking our stand on: The True Gospel of Christ, and God’s Kingdom, AS IT IS Written. NOT as the manmade occasion that IT became as a result of: The Rulings of the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, that ruled the ~Easter~ festival should be celebrated throughout the Christian world on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox; but IF the full moon occurred on a Sunday then so as not to coincide with the Passover festival,…Easter would be commemorated on the Sunday following… So that Easter and Passover not coincide with each other.. (F&W vol. 8 Pg. 268-9) Strange… There ARE Two Occasions here….
Somewhere down the line man combined it into one Word and made IT To Be One occasion and attempted to accomplish the thing that man is best at trying to do, “Put God IN IT Where man Wants HIM”…. Rather than: “Follow Christ in humble obedience OF: The Will & Way of God the Father”.
(Romans 10:15).. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach The Gospel of Peace, and bring Good tidings of Good Things…

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