Saturday, May 7, 2011

"A Day" Set Aside For Prayer?

The National Day of Prayer was set by ~~Congress~~ IN 1952, & decided to be the 1st Thursday in May in 1988.…
Christians ~protest~ that the Current President has put a low key on the day because IT IS Offensive to some people….
THINK -- About IT: WAS IT A Day, that our LORD, our Father in Heaven set for us to ~Observe~? OR, WAS *IT* A DAY, established by the government for the people….WHY? … To control the people?… TO keep the people under the sovereign rule of the worldly government, which is the same reason that ~~Prayer~~ was taken out of the schools…. Because IT Offends Some, and IF IT Exists in Governmental funded places then it weakens the viability of the ruling power… takes away the *Pride* of Satan’s world, from the loyalty of and to the ~~Republic for which this government Stands~~
The same thing with the Bible in school or the ~Ten Commandments~ in the courthouse… These things point to a ~~HIGHER POWER~~ than the man made worldly established system….
Seems, we, the people, are always getting our heads turned in the ~~Wrong~~ direction, by something that IS put before us that ~~Looks~~ Righteous, & Whole….
Don’t get me wrong, I am not bashing the ruling government which we live under any more than I would IF I was a citizen of/in any other country… Because Jesus commanded that we ~~Render~~ unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, BUT TO God the things that belong to God…. AND where I support the U S Government in all the ways that IT IS Written for those living here should… My Kingdom IS Not of this World, neither IS my King, Savior, or High Priest….
BUT, just making a point of how people are led by the hooks in their noses of ~blind foolish pride~…..
You hear, folks rally about the soldiers, the armies, how great they are and how we would not be ~~Safe~~ without them… How the government leaders keep this nation on top of all the others… Opportunities to be ~~ALL~~ that you want to be….. Maybe for some… but that very claim and advertisement gives occasion for violence spurred on by jealousy, by competition, by ungodly actions…. BUT raved about by who? Christians…. Christians who maybe have not read: (Daniel 6: 1-28)
(Isaiah 31:1)… ~~WOE~~.. Unto them that go down into ~Egypt~ for *Help*: and stay on horses, and *Trust* in chariots, because they are many; & I ~horsemen~ because they are strong;;; BUT, they ~~LOOK~~ NOT unto *THE Holy One of Israel*…. Neither ~Seek~~ *THE LORD*…..
IS NOT the commanders of the armies, this world The same as Egypt? IS NOT the soldiers and armies of this world the same as the horses and chariots? The soldier does what ~his~ superior officer commands, the his officer carries out the ~~Orders~~ of the ~Commander in Chief~~ the president… Right? …. Yes, we have, children, husbands, relatives in the uniforms of these armies…. WE SEE today and have seen in these wars… Brother against brother & Father against son, have we not? ~SINCE~~
This is a nation, a country which IS made up of peoples from every country in the world, and when we war with these countries then we are in fact fulfilling Bible Scripture as IT IS Written in: (Matthew 10:5-23)… Jesus said, “Go, not unto the Gentiles or the Samaritans, BUT, go preach to: (WHO)…( God’s children ) ..the lost sheep of the house of Israel… (Not that there were some sheep gone astray out of the house of Israel, but that now, the whole house of Israel MUST recognize, accept, and submit, unto the Son, of God, Jesus Christ, and the disciples were to deliver an Important message unto them: ).. “THE Kingdom OF God IS AT Hand”….. (21) brother shall deliver up brother to ~death~…
People seem to get caught up in a chant, it has been so since the first chant was uttered… The vigilantes, hang him, hang him, he is guilty before trial, take justice into their own hands… Mob demonstrations, always turn violent, and yet mankind instigates this sort of gathering all the time…
Abortion clinic’s… look at the violence that has been carried on outside as well as in… Where IS: faith, hope, ~~Trust~~ in the Power of God in these things….
(Daniel 6) .. King Darius signed a decree that was prepared by his princes and presidents, governors, & consolers that no petition should be presented to any God by anyone for 30 days… except the king… under penalty of being cast into the lions den….
IT is the same today, is IT not? … The government takes prayer away from certain times and places, but decrees: A Day when everyone can come together to pray… AND folks flock together and obey this command of the king… INSTEAD of proclaiming that every day in their life here on this earth is a ~~Day OF Prayer~~, nothing new, nothing old, IT JUST IS, *IF* you ARE a child of God…. AND the government cannot take prayer away from any one, or declare anyone free to pray….
DID the Romans put a cap on Peter, Paul, Stephen, did the guards stop Jesus from praying to His Father? Yes, the government can put stocks on the fleshly body, lock us in prison, BUT, the government ~~CANNOT~~ Put a muzzle on our ~~Payers~~ offered up TO God the Father in Humble, Honest, *Faith*… &&& That IS what folks need to be taught… Loyalty TO God, Obedience Unto HIS Word… HOW TO PRAY< AS IT IS Written in God’s Holy BOOK OF ALL Instruction……
Maybe ~~Nation Prayer Day~~ IS A Good thing because IT Does serve to make many folks realize that: hey, we need to pray today, since we haven’t offered up even a prayer of *Thanks* to our Grand Creator for a whole year, not since the last Day that the secular government proclaimed that we could or should pray…. Oh, we have offered up our thanks to the government, the troops, doctors, lawyers, and all the big folks of the nation… BUT, it is hard to get a: “Thank YOU, LORD, in Jesus Name” out of anyone, even on The One Day set aside for prayer… Because that One day is given to prayers of: Give us more, give us strength to kill the enemy, Give us More Power, More Prosperity.
Like a statement made by a past ~President~ of This country, “Ask not what this country can do for you, but ask what ~you~ can do for this country”….. DO you ever hear a public prayer Offered up to God asking: “Father what would YOU have us do?” “What can ~~we~~ your children do to keep our eyes turned toward YOU, and not fall into the wiles of Satan.. In his world?” .. IT IS Always, Give us, Do for us, Keep us, help us, accomplish in our will and way, not: “LORD FATHER keep us in YOUR Will and Way IN Jesus Name we pray” …. Maybe at the end of the prayer, you’ll hear a, “And we’ll be careful to honor and glorify you Name”… This after the world and all that it has to offer has been thoroughly lifted up and celebrated before the eyes of our Maker….
Why get our feathers all ruffled up and run out and protest the government for doing ~~What IT IS Supposed to be doing~~, When we as Christians need to be continually about the business that HAS Been Assigned to us by The Son of God Jesus Christ…That IS the: Preaching of the Gospel OF God’s Kingdom and HIS Son, Jesus Christ, The Ensign of THIS Eternal Kingdom not made by the hands of mankind…. IF we busy ourselves with the work at hand, keep our eye on the prize that God has set for us, then we won’t have time to support the assigned days of celebrations that the government determines that we should celebrate to keep us busy with things other than what we need to be doing….
Think about IT: How much ~~Time~~ IS Spent IN Services at The House where God’s people are supposed to be gathered in ~~Honor~~ of our Father and HIS Son Jesus Christ, Actually IN Honor of the People, the Nation, National Days of Celebration of wars and victories of… WE have one of two choices IF we only attend assemblies for ~~ONE~~ Reason, and that IS to sing praises to: Give Thanks To: and read of and learn of our Great and Grand Maker, then we have to either miss every other Sunday, or drop out completely because, every Sunday is started with some kind of people celebration…. Whether it be a birthday, anniversary, an accomplishment in the world, or just a day to lift up the soldiers of war…. Because ~they~ have kept us free to enjoy a good nights sleep… Folks IF we as Christians, can’t and don’t give THAT Claim to God, then something is sadly amiss… Because IT IS Only By THE Grace of God, IN HIS Goodness and Mercy, that we even sleep to awake in morning…. And IT Should be TO God that we give thanks every day, morning, noon, and night……
AND, we should remember our ~parents~ in the honor that Jesus declared that we should every day, not an officially assigned day as the many, days that we are to support because they are officially designated…
THINK Again: Does IT help the economy for us to celebrate these days, OR Empty our pockets, and deplete the economy? Think how many pills are sold for depression during the ~Big~ holiday in December because folks can’t afford to buy for their families the gifts that the world of commerce has to offer… IS This What God’s Word Teaches? “No man put a stumbling block or Occasion to fall in his brothers way” .. (Romans 14:12-13)… “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God”…
Count on your fingers and toes, how many ~~Occasions~~ have we set before man to stumble them from the Path of Righteousness, IN & BY A Day TO: celebrate things of the world lifted up in, before, and sanctioned by ~~Church~~. The ~bride of Christ~… HOW many foolish virgins are present, but never made IT INTO The wedding? (Matthew 25: 1-13)… “Watch”…..

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