Monday, October 31, 2011

THE Garden Today

What went on IN: “The Garden of Eden” still goes on today, but IT IS More increased IN The Modern Way.. Elevated in subtlety, masking and underlying sense of ~Goodness~, of, for, and by the people, led by the fleshly spirit.. There IS A heart of flesh, and then there IS A heart of spirituality… There IS A heart that only sees life here in the present, what IS now… BUT there IS A heart, and an eye that sees, works toward, and prepares for eternal life… Which ~spirit of heart~ IS leading you?
(Psalm 73:26).. My flesh and my heart faileth, BUT God IS The strength of my ~heart~ , AND my potion ~Forever~…
(I Corinthians 15:14).. *IF*, Christ be ~NOT~ risen, then is our ~~Preaching~~ in vain, and our faith IS Vain also?… (15).. AND, we are found false witnesses OF God; because we have testified that HE, raised up Christ:.. (22) FOR as IN Adam all die, even so IN *Christ* shall ~ALL~ be made Alive…
Do we who testify of these very things in the Houses set aside for The Preaching of God’s Word, really believe this? IT doesn’t seem so by the conduct of these services! BECAUSE!
We take much time out of the spiritual worship of The LORD, TO: take names for a prayer list, to offer up to the Father, in Jesus Name for the healing of fleshly bodies, safety of fleshly bodies in travel, and such… We promote big fund- drives, faithfully seeking cures for the very sicknesses that, God has inflected upon mankind, for HIS Reasons, and Purposes… Ever thought about that?
Ever considered as IT IS Written that we are warned to be busy about preparing for our eternal life, rather than seeking the comforts of this one? Maybe this very attitude IS Why we cannot find peace and comfort in this life, because we don’t focus our vision toward the eternal…
(II Corinthians 5:1)… For *IF*, our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, ~Eternal~ IN The Heavens..
(I Corinthians 6:15).. Know ye not that ~your bodies~ are ~The members OF Christ~?
(Ecclesiastes 12:7).. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: AND the spirit shall ~return~ unto God Who *Gave IT*.
(Ezekiel 18:20).. The ~soul~ (person, creature with life blood) that sinneth shall die!
SO, that we are going to: ~die~ IS a fact OF: anything you may want to classify IT under… Science, man’s sight, or God’s Divine Purpose… IT’S Gonna happen! There is not a soul that has breathed breath, that has not lost that breath of life in to death…
(I Corinthians 15: 49-50).. As we have borne the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.. Flesh and blood ~CANNOT~ inherit the Kingdom OF God, & (53b) .. This mortal ~Must~ put on immortality… (54b).. SO Then when this mortal shall have put on immortality, ~~THEN~~ shall be brought to pass the saying that IS Written: “Death IS Swallowed up in ~Victory~… We preach IT but do we really believe IT? Does our life styles, our mannerisms, our desires, our walk of ~Love~ even, show that we truly believe IT?
BUT, just as IT Was with Adam and Eve in the Garden, SO IT IS Today… Satan the devil, Lucifer, the old serpent, now grown into a huge ~Dragon~, is leading folks to think that they can add years to the human life span by science, medicines, diets, lifestyles, by experimenting with animal life, cloning, ect. BUT the fact still remains we ~are~ going TO drop these fleshly bodies at some point, and in some way, IT IS ALL According TO: God’s Purposed Plan!
The ~Plan~ set forth IN The Garden when Eve gulped up the ~Same Lie~ of Satan that so many folks today swallow…
(Genesis 3:4) and the serpent said unto the woman, “ye shall surely not die.” .. (5).. “for God knoweth that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing ~good & evil~… Well, actually this IS truth… Mankind knows good and evil, but can’t seem to separate them… Because folks tend to make ~Excuses~ for the evil to try and make IT Good, and Turn away from what IS good, and abuse IT… Put IT Away because the simple fact IS AS according to the serpents challenge, good just ain’t no fun. Because, (Gen. 3:6)… Eve (under the influence of the serpent) .. saw that the ~tree~ was *good* for food, (to take in).. A pleasure to the ~eye~ (of the flesh), a tree to be ~Desired~ to make one *wise*…. See where this IS going?
Bring this one verse into the ~present~ world…. What does mankind seek? Obedience TO God’s Command? How many do you see or hear striving to ~Obey~? (Isaiah 5:20) OR IS Mankind, even those that claim devout Christianity, seeking the goodness of this life, the food that the world has to offer in ~ALL~ things and ways, the pleasures of the fleshly eye, a desire to BE: Wise, beautiful according to the outer appearance of the flesh, following fad diet after fad diet, work-out spas, liposuctions, implants everywhere, so that lips and lungs are sagging from too much collagen or synthetic tissue…hari coloring and face painting.. and then walking about naked in the world to show it all off.. We claim freedom in Christ, but waste IT in the vanity of the world…
(Colossians 2: 20-23)… Wherefore *IF* ye be dead ~With~ Christ ~From the rudiments of the world~ WHY, as though living IN the world are you subject to ordinances? Touch NOT; taste NOT; Handle NOT; which ~ALL~ are to Perish with the using: (Does not this resonate of The Garden, when God Said, leave IT Alone? HE Gave a Command of Obedience, then that stands even now, but most folks ignore IT and follow after men’s sayings of law, “OH, that IS Alright, God understands”, or as the serpent said, “God doth know that ~your eyes shall be opened~ and ye shall ~~KNOW~~.” we are intelligent modern people and we have the good sense to say what is right and wrong. Example, ain’t nothing wrong with drinking alcoholic beverages, but it is against the law to be drunk.. Ain’t nothing wrong with advertising your body, by displaying it in public, but it is wrong when someone touches what they can clearly see. ?? Ain‘t nothing wrong with displaying our wee little girls, parading them before the perverts of the world, dressed as little hookers, dancing to sultry motions, but IT IS really bad when this display is acted upon by a pervert. The sad thing IS what ~~WE~~ have done to our child, the child that God blessed us with, to care for and raise in HIS Will & Way.. We, ourselves, no one else, have set them up as bait to the dogs of the world for slaughter…just the same as a fisherman baits his hook to catch a fish we have used our wonderful precious child, as bait before the eyes of a predator… BUT we stand and blame everyone but ourselves… The law did not protect them from these beastly criminals… Was IT THE Duty of the law OR, did our duty as parents fail?? IS This The LOVE That God Gives US? Sex IS Sold through ~Beauty Pageants~..) After the commandments, and doctrines of men?… (3:2) Set your affection on things above, ~NOT~ on the things of the earth.. AND Jesus Said:
(Matthew 15:9).. “But in ~Vain~ they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” …
Man has grown SO arrogant that the old joke gets even more funny, yet more desperately sad, to those who understand the impact of It’s meaning..
{Man had grown so intelligent that he could do anything he wanted to, so he decided to create his own man out of clay.. He was so arrogantly puffed up in himself that he even told God this. SO God said: “Show ME!”, At which point the man gladly accepting the challenge in a desire to show off his ~OWN~ ability, reached down to take the soil of the earth with which to make his own man.. BUT! Again God Spoke, Saying; “Hold on, that IS MY soil, you go and get your own!”…} There are several good morals to this story, but the best one I know IS: Man must realize that without God we are nothing, and we can do nothing, God holds all things in the palm of HIS Hand.. Good & Bad, Life & Death, (OF Which HE Gives us a choice of accepting or rejecting, not that we have a personal choice of being born, neither of dying a fleshly death, BUT The choice that God Gives US IS, one of obeying HIS Commandments to eternal life, or disobeying to everlasting death..(Deut. 30:15) (Psalm 37:27)) using ALL Things, AS IS TO HIS Purpose..
(Romans 13:1b).. FOR There IS NO Power but of God: The powers that be ARE Ordained of God..
Just as God sent the sickness and pestilence upon the Pharaoh, as HE sent famine, and drought, rained fire down upon Sodom & Gomorrah, sent HIS children into foreign lands to be under kings, for their disobedience… GOD Still Reigns Today AS our LORD, and Jesus Christ HIS Proven Obedient Son, Sits AT HIS Right Hand To Make Intercession for we the people, who humbly seek to repent and serve IN God’s Will and Way…
Yes, we can live better lives here in the flesh, through, obedience to God. This IS A ~Two Plus~ gain…
First, IF we are humbly obedient unto God, then HIS punishment IS not inflicted upon us.. That we fall into bad times, get sick, IS a truthful fact. AS Jesus Said:
(Matthew 5:45).. The Father in heaven maketh HIS sun to rise on the evil and the good, and HE sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust… (v.48) tells us what we MUST DO to be children of THE Father…read IT!… But God carries us through these times…
Second, IF we are humbly obedient UNTO God, then we reside under HIS Protected Wing, *IF* we are willing to obediently stay put there, and we are not apt to fall to the trickery of Satan the devil… But *IF* we desire to wander out into the world then the protection of the wing is lifted….
Under that wing means that we stay out of the ways of the world…. We can’t straddle the fence, and tell the world that we are under God’s Protection, or expect to be sheltered there, while we are walking hand in hand with Satan’s world.… We must stand outside, as a witness of God’s Kingdom, NOT AS A Promoter of the world of mankind’s traditional views…
That we are walking through this world IS Also A Fact, AND God has commanded That We Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, BUT To God what IS God’s (Matthew 22:21) AND AS Paul Wrote:
(Romans 13:14).. Put ye on The Lord Jesus Christ, and ~Make NOT~ provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lust thereof….
There IS A whole heap more instruction Written on making this life ready for the eternal, than there IS For glorifying in the flesh of life…. Where are we standing? IN The field of flesh promoting ~life-saving causes~ of the flesh, OR walking IN The Narrow path of eternal life, preaching and teaching the WORD, of the Gospel and God’s Kingdom where life IS Eternal without mans handy work…..

Sunday, October 30, 2011

OF Truth And Excuses

How many times do you hear these three subjects preached from the pulpits? Rarely? Why? They are not popular subjects among the folk that excuse the ways of their life, the way they walk, talk, cheat, lie, and call IT, just a little white, all in fun. God wants us to be happy so HE Will over look these little white lies IF IT Makes the children happy and joyful.. For God ~Loves~ US and our laughter IS Music to HIS Ear… ? Huh? What does The Bible Reveal to those who earnestly read IT?
(Ecclesiastes 7:3 & 6).. Sorrow IS Better than laughter, for by sadness of the countenance (expression or self-control) the heart IS Made better… For AS The crackling of thorns under a pot, so IS The laughter of a fool: This IS Also ~Vanity~… & “Vanity” IS a work of error, unfruitful.!
(Jeremiah 51:17-18)..*Every man* IS brutish by ~his~ knowledge: every founder IS Confounded by the ~graven image~: for his molten image IS falsehood, there IS NO breath in them… They are ~Vanity~, the work of errors: in the ~Time~ of visitation they shall perish…
(Psalm 10:4 & 7) …The wicked, through the ~pride~ of his countenance, will not seek after God, for God IS NOT IN his thoughts… His mouth IS Full of cursing, deceit, and fraud: under his tongue IS mischief and ~vanity~…
(proudly displayed tattoos, spiked and painted hair, bodies scantly clad in the fads of dress which represent the modern times of Sodom, faces painted like clowns, portraying ourselves as whores while embracing the fraudulent fables of mans traditional holidays while trying TO Put God into them by inserting HIS Title or Name with the pagan cultures, doesn’t make them ~Right~ but IT Makes us *deceitful*?)
(James 4:8-9)…Submit yourselves, therefore, TO God, ~resist~ the devil, and he will flee from you.. Draw ~Nigh~ TO God, and HE Will Draw Neigh To you.. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. OR
(Do we really want the devil to flee from us or are we having tooo much fun with his parties, his traditions of pagan cultures to flee from Satan, but want to embrace him just a little while longer, thinking that when we hear the trumpet blow then we can stand on our claim of “Christianity” and ~ALL~ will be well?) we are what we ingest,
SOOOOooooo…..J L what IS on your plate?
OF Excuses: Jesus Spoke:
(Luke 14:16-18)… A ~certain man~ made a *Great supper*, and bade many: and sent HIS servant at ~Suppertime~ to say to them that were bidden, COME: for ~~ALL~~ things ARE Ready. AND They ~ALL~ began to make excuses
OF Truth:
(Psalm 145:18) .. The LORD IS Neigh unto ~~ALL them~~ that call upon HIM, to ~ALL~ that call upon HIM IN *Truth*…
(Proverbs 3:3).. Let not mercy and *Truth*, forsake thee, bind them about thy neck: write them upon the ~Table~ of thine heart..
(John 4:24).. “God IS A SPIRIT and they that ~worship~ HIM, ~ must worship~ HIM IN Spirit and IN *Truth*.” …..
(John 8:32)… ‘AND, ye shall ~know~ the *Truth*, and *THE Truth* shall make you free.”
(I Timothy 6:5).. Perverse disputing of men with corrupt minds, and destitute of *Truth*, supposing that ~Gain~ IS godliness: ~~From Such Withdraw thyself~..! (How many things, such as those elected as leaders in God’s Houses of Worship spout out of made up tales and fables of fun, are tolerated by the people for vanities sake, rather than stoutly being held to the ~Truth~.. )
(II Timothy 2:16).. But ~~Shun~~ profane and vain babblings: *FOR* they *WILL* ~Increase~ unto more ungodliness..
(II Timothy 3:7-8).. For OF this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive ~silly~ women laden with sins, led away with divers (many) lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of : *The Truth*…
(Titus 1:13-14).. This ~Witness~ IS TRUE, wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be found in faith; ~NOT~ Giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the *TRUTH*…
Ever been to a ladies meeting where the conversation was all about the world and how to have fun in it? Santa Claus, Easter Rabbits, Fortune telling, Horoscopes, Tattoos, Parties, Dancing, what can we do to entertain, have fun, any and everything can be heard, ~Except~ a Word From The Bible… Attend one, and you will not question the scripture that Paul wrote forbidding women to speak in Church… (I Corinthians 14:34-35)..
Not that ~ALL~ women are leaders of the ways of the world, for there IS maturity in some, but most of that maturity is IN the older ladies that have faithfully followed the Teachings of Biblical Truth, and learned to avoid the walk with the world…. BUT those ladies are not popular because they are considered TOO Serious, they don‘t bring fun to the plate…
Not being harsh to the women only, but being a woman, I have never attended a meeting of the minds of men, so I can‘t speculate of what is carried on there…
(I John 2:21)… I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, BUT because ye know IT and that ~No Lie~ IS of *THE TRUTH*… (This takes away Excuses For the fantasy tales of games, parties, and worldly holidays….and IS written unto those that claim “Christianity.” Because! )
(I John 2:4).. He that saith, “I Know HIM”, and keepeth ~Not~ HIS Commandments, IS A liar, and *THE TRUTH*, IS NOT IN him….
(Psalm 100:5).. For THE LORD IS Good, HS Mercy IS Everlasting; AND HIS *TRUTH* Endureth to ~ALL~ generations…
OF Christianity:
(Acts 11:26)…A ~whole Year~, they assembled themselves with the church and ~Taught~ much people, and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch…
(I Peter 4:16-17).. *Yet IF* any man suffer as a Christian, let him ~not~ be Ashamed; BUT let him *glorify God* on this behalf… FOR ~The Time~ IS come that judgment ~Must~ Begin AT The House OF God: and IF IT First begin at us, what shall the ~~End Be~ of them that *Obey NOT* The Gospel OF God?
SO beware OF: the macabre ~laughter~ of All Hallows Day “Halloween”… The *Excuses* that so many people use to lie, just a little white one for the sake of making the children happy, the drunken parties, the money grubbing marketers, riding high on the Blessed Name of The Son of God, in the celebration of: “The Manmade Christmas”. *IF*, we truly care about remembering THE Birth of Christ on this earth for our benefit, we would Obey HIS Commission TO Carry IT IN The Gospel unto ~ALL~ Nations 52 weeks a year, 7 days a week… AND IT Would reflect IN our actions, our speech, our dress, our manner, our ~Interest~….
AND Like wise with The “Easter” celebration that mixes the spring solstice the pagan celebration of the false goddess Eastre with the account of The: Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ in Whom we can now have hope of life eternal in “New Jerusalem” under the Loving care of HIS Father The ONE Seated on the Throne, and under the Priestly Kingship of Jesus Christ….
Why IS IT Such a sin in the eyes of man to: Put away the excuses, Tell The Gospel IN Whole Truth, and walk obediently in the seriousness of: God’s Will and Way, rather than the wild abandon of Satan’s World of Lies, seeking the fun and laughter that he cunningly disguises and places on the plates of those who are weak to the temptations of a little white lie, and call ourselves “Christians”? IT Isn’t that we can’t enjoy this life that God gave us, without the lies, the deceit, the fraud, under the guidance of the father of the lie… Because there are many, many ways to live happily, laugh, give gifts to each other, sing, play and have a joyfully good time in the Will and Way of The FORD God Almighty… not falling into the trap of: the dragon, the snares of the serpent, or the disguise of beauty that Satan the devil has prepared for all who are weak in body and *spirit*…. Which IS The Reason we must stay, built up IN The Sound Direction of Truth IN The Written Word….

Monday, October 24, 2011

I John 5:7 What Controversy

Abortion, is a controversial issue among folks, but those who are true followers of Christ walk in contrast, teaching against, taking the life of a child.. AS well as marking their bodies with tattoos, homosexuality, taking part in pagan celebrations, spirit seeking, and many other issues that “THE Bible” Clearly commands those which ~~ARE Truly~~ followers of Christ *MUST refrain from taking part in*…
While many who ~Call Themselves~ followers of Christ, but set out to make their *OWN* rules and regulations of ~religion~ walk according to the ways of the world, while bragging, *IF*, we put Jesus into what we do then IT IS Good and Righteous,,, Failing to see, understand, or even care THAT: “Jesus will not be put anywhere by mere man, but man ~MUST~ Follow Jesus *IN* The Fathers Will & Way….”
I reckon in my entire life I have never witnessed such a controversy over anything as I have found to be presented over, (I John 5:7-8)… You’d think that These two verses were condemning the Entire Bible, NOT calling to attention: The Heavenly Ruling ~Record~ of : The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost, and the earthly ~witnessing~ of: the blood, water, and spirit, as does many other verses contained in The Divinely Inspired Scriptures… And The excuses for denying IT are limitless… But backed by one single `hissing` entity…
(I Peter 5:8)… AS Peter warned.. “Be sober, Be watchful, your ~adversary~ the devil, as a ~roaring lion~, walketh about seeking whom he may ~~devour~~… IT IS just like IT was in the days of Ezekiel… Read (Ezekiel 22:1-31)… The preachers and teachers have profaned Gods Way and put ~NO~ difference between the unclean and the clean…
*IF* these two verses were, IN Blatant disagreement with the other text proclaiming God: The Three that are A Unit OF ONE: The Heavenly Father, and HIS Son, The Word, our Savior, our High Priest, and The Holy Ghost, The Comforter, then I could understand the undertaking of a major petition to remove IT from the Scriptures… Does IT Teach TO Confusion? NO! Not unless men in their vain desires to show their own fleshly wisdom decides to explain it away as of, or to be something that it is not, and determines by their own judgment to change *IT*… Written Just as, *IT IS* IN The King James Version, IT Ties in With The Other Scriptures of The earthly ~witnesses~ of Whom Jesus was One when He was born into the flesh and became as one of us, teaching and preaching of God, His Father and The Unity OF: THE Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, That ~bear record~ IN The Heavens, A ~Realm~ in Which flesh and blood cannot enter into…
(Romans 8:16)… The Spirit beareth witness with our spirit…that we are the children of God…
(I Corinthians 15:50).. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God..
(John 19:34) … one of the soldiers pierced His (Jesus) side and forthwith came there out blood and water… And he that saw bare record, and his record IS true….
(I John 5:5-6) … Who is he that ~overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus IS The Son of God? … This IS He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood… AND IT IS The Spirit that beareth witness, Because The Spirit IS Truth…..
The blood, water, and the spirit bears ~Witness~ on the earth… OF The Gospel of God’s Kingdom, as IT IS Told to them by the Holy Spirit, and witnessed by them of The Son…
(John 15:26-27)… But when the Comforter IS come, Whom I Will Send unto you from The Father, Even The Spirit of Truth which proceeded from the Father, He Shall Testify OF Me… And ye ~shall also~ bear witness, because ye have been with Me from the beginning….
(John 14:26).. The Comforter, Which IS The Holy Ghost… Whom My Father Will send in My Name, He Shall ~Teach~ you ~ALL~ things…(v‘s. 16-17) The Comforter, even ~The Spirit of Truth~ …
All these and many more all tie in and pull together… (I John 5: 7 & 8) It takes The whole account to make the thought of the scriptures complete, not one single verse…
(Acts 5:30-32).. *The God* of our fathers, raised up ~Jesus~, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree… Him *God* hath exalted with HIS Right Hand TO BE: “A Prince and A Savior”, for to give repentance to Israel and Forgiveness of sin,,, AND ~we~ are HIS ~~Witnesses~~ of: These Things; AND So IS Also The Holy Ghost, Whom God hath ~given~ to them that *Obey* HIM.. BUT! The Holy Ghost Will Not remain with those who Disobey The Father…
(I John 4:24)… Let that therefore ~ABIDE~ in you, which ye have heard from the beginning.. IF ~that~ which you have heard from the beginning shall.. *Remain*, in you, ye shall ~Continue~ IN the Son, and In The Father…
(Hebrews 2:14) .. Forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He (Jesus) also Himself likewise ~took part of the same~; that through death *He* might destroy him that had the power over death, that IS the devil….
SO this should let us see and know that the opposite of Abide in or Remain IN: *IS* To step out of and seek something ~NEW~ have wandering eyes, blaze new paths…
Just as Eve was beguiled by the wiles of Satan the Devil in the form of the serpent in the Garden, so we are led quickly astray today *IF*, we allow: first, that seed of doubt to enter into our minds by NOT keeping our mind refreshed in & BY the Written Word of God, through a constant line of prayer TO: God the Father, in the Name of AND through HIS Son, Jesus Christ…
Some ~NEW~ Bibles have completely taken out this verse, while some have changed it to read differently but omitting the words, “The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost”… only “leaving in there are three that bear record…” BUT The *Excuses* for doing this *IS* phenomenal… So much that one can only recognize The works of Satan the Devil.. Which Jesus warned of as well as did John…
Some claim that, (I John 5:7) never existed in the original scrolls… others claim that IT was entered in because of notes written by a scholar of the Bible in the margins and later printed in as a verse.. Then there are those that seek to find hidden meanings and get all out on a limb about the ~interpretation of the verse~…..
Some protesters are even writing that John was not even the writer of (I John 1;2;& 3) Recon WHY? Could IT BE To disclaim the validity of ~ALL~ these writings will, also make null and void the warning which John wrote of ~THE~ *antichrist*… Making folks to think that all is well in the earthly kingdoms, and we just need to put aside the: “Words Written IN THE Bible”, and follow our own beliefs subtly set forth in the minds of those that are ~false prophets and teachers~ which work diligently under Satan’s control?
AND you know IT IS Strange to me that some of The old Bible Scholars, were put to death because of a strong stand on Principles, and the ~right~ for people of all nations to be able to read IT In *ITS entirety…. William Tyndale was burned at the stake for this very stand, and It is from his writings that the King James Bible and The Geneva Bible originated..
The research of John Gill reflects the validity of (I John 5:7) As being referred to in writing By:
Tertullian, about the year of 200 AD.. Which was within a hundred years of the original writng of the ~epistle~… As he wrote: The connection of The Father, and the Son, and of the Paraclete (which IS the Holy Ghost) makes Three Cohering Entities, One Cohering with the other, which three are NOT one person… just as it is said, “I and The Father are One” refers to the ~unity~ of their substance, NOT to oneness of their number.”
(I John 1:2)… “The life was manifested and we have seen IT and bear witness OF IT… that which we have seen and heard, declare w unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and ~Truly~ our fellowship IS with The Father and HIS Son, Jesus Christ… &
(I John 2:18; 22; 4:3) ALL warn of ~the antichrist~ …and what IT IS that takes us away from the protection of God the Father in Jesus Christ, and by The Holy Ghost…..
(II John 1:7)… ~~Many deceivers~~ are entered into the world, who confess ~NOT~ that Jesus Christ IS come in the flesh, this IS A deceiver AND an ~antichrist~…..
(Titus 1:16) .. I professed God, that I knew HIM, but I did not Obey HIS Written Word… AND since I did not obey, Then, HE did not hold me in HIS Son Jesus Christ…
Sad, but True! Folks today Need to get their head out of the sands of traditions of worldly ways and pay attention TO: AS IT IS Written IN The ~Old~ Way of The King James Bible….
(Romans 15:4)..For ~whatsoever things~ WERE *Written* aforetime, *WERE* ~Written~ *FOR* our ~Learning~, *THAT* we through ~patience~ & ~Comfort~ of the *Scriptures* Might Have Hope…
Folks NEED to searching the scriptures for themselves under the Guidance of The Holy Ghost, through prayer TO The Father IN The Blessed Name of HIS Son Jesus Christ… THE Word… and not taking the word of a so called secular scholar, preacher, teacher, OR false prophet….
Build a personal relationship with The LORD through our Lord Jesus Christ, before IT IS TOO Late…
This IS NOT Written TO: ~defend “The Trinity” ~, As the word “Trinity” IS NOT Found Written in the Scriptures…Although, The Three That are ONE IS Written There from Genesis TO Revelation…Rather, IT IS TO Warn of the days in which we are living, the dangers of blazing our own paths, which ~Will~ lead us out of step with our Maker, and our Savior.. And down a path of certain destruction… JUST AS IT IS Written…
AS IT Was Written by Martin Luther, “The Bible IS Like a Lion; IT Does not need to be defended, Just Turn *IT* loose and *IT* Will Defend *Itself*!…
*IF* we are Truly Followers of Christ Today we will be doing just that, not pushing IT Aside for the ways of the world… IN Humble Obedience, Proclaiming IT Before a Lost and Dying world that all may come to know The LORD God Almighty…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The High-Priest

‎(I Corinthians 15:33-34) KJV.. "Be ~NOT~ Deceived: *evil communications* corrupt good manners... Awake to Righteousness, AND sin not; for ~some~ have NOT the “knowledge of God:” I speak this to your shame..." when we listen to *I* believe or *I* think this is right, spoken by man we are in danger.. IF one cannot testify and acclaim That, ~IT IS Written~ in the Bible, AND Give Scripture Location…. beware of accepting IT….
Where IT IS True, Bible Colleges, taught by Professors who claim to be ~Experts in Bible~ principles and learning, ARE NOT the authority on God’s Written Word only HE IS… The student which possesses a ~sincere desire~ to ~Obey~ God’s Will and Way… And humbly seeks The Guidance of The Holy Spirit, can be led into all ~Truth~ thus ~Rightly Dividing the Truth of The Written Word from mans fabled tales~… Whether in a college of man or on their on, Because the Sincere Student ~WILL~ always seek the Guidance of The Holy Ghost IN ALL Things, under the Direction of God The Father, through HIS Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ…..
God Warns ALL Throughout The Written Word, of folks like, J.Q Public who call themselves followers of Christ and spout of everywhere their ~Opinion~ of right or wrong, this and that, but have NO True understanding of The Scriptures, NOR are they able to provide True Scripture to back up their spouting words, Because they are led by the spirit of their ~OWN~ vanity, in vain thinking….
Where Jesus Written Words of Speech does not read that HE Said: “I am The New Way”, Paul realized this and DID Write to this effect IN:
(Hebrews 10: 17-22) … “AND Their sins and iniquities, Will *I* Remember NO More.. NOW Where there IS Remission of sin, there IS ~NO MORE~ offering for sin. Having therefore the boldness to enter into the holiest BY THE Blood OF Jesus, ~BY A, “ *NEW* AND *LIVING WAY*”, which HE, (Jesus Christ) hath consecrated for us through the ~Veil~, that IS TO Say ~His Flesh~: &AND& having an *High Priest* ~Over~ *The House OF God*: Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith……. Powerful But True Statement!
Where Jesus said: IN:
(John 14:6)… “*I* am the Way,”… HE Also Said, “ *I* am The Truth, and The Life: NO man cometh unto The Father, BUT BY Me.” .. AND God did not Inspire the Writing of The Scriptures to be twisted, by man, whether they be professors of higher secular education, or self made vain men.. BUT man is constantly changing and trying to make New Bibles that are supposedly easier understood by folks, but in fact are changed to mislead the ignorant under the influence of Satan the Devil… Man IS Also continually ~Preaching~ out of his own mouth…
This is why John Was Inspired TO Write the ~Spiritually Defensive Message~ to fellow Christians, in:
(I John 4:1) .. “Beloved, ~Believe NOT~ every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: Because *many* ~false prophets~ ARE gone out into the world….
IT IS IN this Same Book that John Also Wrote of: “The Three That ARE ONE… The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost,” … (I John 5:7)… which many “NEW” Bibles have taken out to support a Jesus only belief, which eliminates God the Father and interjects Jesus AS God the Father Alone, ONE Being, with Three different titles, BUT The Entire Bible Proves otherwise,,, “AS IT IS Written” Throughout the Bible, THERE ARE Three Entities, Each Having Different Positions, BUT ALL Three IN ONE Accord, AS ONE God IN A UNIT OF Three Persons… The *NEW* Changers did not change ALL the scriptures and thus have come up with Bibles of Confusion…
(I Timothy 2:5) … States… “There IS *ONE* God, AND *ONE* Mediator Between God and man, The Man Jesus Christ…..” AND (Verse 6 reads)… “Who gave Himself for ~ALL, to be testified IN ~Due Time~…
Before that ~Due Time~, God The Father, *Appointed earthly men to be ~priest~, of which, the ~first~ written of, was: “Melchisedec”, OF, which IT IS Written, “Was the *priest* OF The Most High God, as well as a king. . (Genesis 14: 18)… ~After which ~ our High Priest, Jesus Christ, Who now reigns as High Priest, and IS Testified AS Such, BUT IN The Old Testament was known unto mankind, AS: The ~Right Hand of God~, among many other titles, BUT AS Jesus He was not know unto them…. AND They obeyed the Laws of God of bringing their animal sacrifices unto the ~earthly priest~ to make atonement before The Most High God, for their sins… This they did *IF* they proved themselves ~Obedient~ unto The LORD God’s Command….as is explained BY Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews:.
(Hebrews 7: 22) “By so much Was Jesus ~Made~ a surety of ~A Better Testament~… (23) AND There were many ~priests~ , because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: (24) BUT ~THIS MAN~ , because He continueth ~Forever~, hath an ~Unchangable Priesthood. Whereby He IS Able Also TO ~~Save~~ them to the uttermost, who that come unto God BY Him, seeing that He ~ever liveth~, TO, Make Intercession for them… (27) .. Who needeth NOT daily, as those high priest, to make sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the people… (NO, the priest of old could not and did not save any man, but was appointed By God to an obedient observation of HIS Law that HE Set Forth… AS many fail today to do in even the slightest manner…) & (Yes, their setting forth and order served as a forerunning picture of the coming ~Order~ OF The True High Priest, Jesus Christ… IT WAS None The Less a Sincere and Necessary humble obedient action of the people under the Directed Instruction OF God The Father, and Not to be taken lightly or abused by slight of words…
By David AS: (Psalm 110:1).. THE *LORD* (NOTE Lettering of Both IN KJV Bible, some new ones have changed IT).. Said unto my *Lord*, “Sit Thou AT MY Right Hand until I Make Thine enemies a thy footstool… The Plan of ALL Things that BE belongs TO God The Father, Jesus Christ HIS Son Proved ~Obedient~ in Bringing them to Fulfillment…
King David a man after God’s Heart, recognized A Most High God and A Lord With/ HIM, Over Mankind…& (v. 4) .. “THE LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, “Thou art a *Priest* Forever after The Order of ~Mecheisedek~… This was repeated by Paul: Also: Read (Mark 16:19) (Luke 22:69) (Acts 7:55 -56)
Even in (Revelations 3: 5 & 12)… Jesus does NOT Claim TO BE God the Father but IN His Words Written, gives Testimony OF: His Father, to the people… (5) .. He that ~overcometh~ the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and *I* (Jesus) Will Not blot his name out of the ~Book of Life~, BUT Will ~Confess~ his name before ~My~ *Father*, and before HIS Angels… (v.12).. Jesus refers to His Father AS: “My God”, saying, :”*I* Will make him a pillar IN THE Temple OF My God:” .. “I Will Write upon him The Name OF *My* God, and The Name of The City OF My God… AND I will write upon him ~My New Name~…”
Jesus does not refer to God The Father’s Name as New, BUT He does refer To Himself as having a New Name….
We must not belittle the ~history~ of the people that Are called God’s children in the Writings that HE, Himself Inspired to be Penned Down by faithful men old…. As some folks get so out there on a self praised, path that they tend to forget THE Very thing that they are proclaiming, “God IS IN Control OF ~~ALL~~ Things,” HIS Son Jesus Christ sits at the Right Hand of His Father and ours, still to make intercession for us as High Priest…. AND ~~we~~ the people who claim His Name as Christians, still have a duty, a position to walk within the circumstance OF: Obedience to God’s Commandments, HIS Statutes, and God still gives us the choice TO: obey and live or rebel and die.. (Deuteronomy 30:15 & 19)….

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dancing IN The Sanctuary

Behavior in the Church Part II:
There is a new age movement going around aimed at: drawing the children further into the world, led by Satan and the demons… They have been -SO- thoroughly furnished with the world of: ~~Make Believe - Pretend~~ that their minds are greatly compromised… Sit and Watch a child, if there is no toy for them to do battle with they will take their little hands and make a conflict between them, pretending that one IS killing the other… Vampires, spooks, witches, things of the occult, cunningly presented in movies, games, and books are fed to them daily in the home, at school, and sadly even at Sunday & Bible Schools in The Church… Shame to and on the teachers, and parents that offer this evil mess of the world to the little ones of which, Jesus SAID: “Forbid them ~not~ to come unto Me!” (Mark 10:14)
Do these self indulging folk not realize that in feeding children the filth of the world that IS Exactly what they are doing? Preventing a child from ~Learning OF, And Following The Son of God Jesus Christ…. For when the mind is full of trash there is no room left open for *Truth*…. Small or Tall, Child or Adult…
How is a criminal mind profiled? BY, what ~IT~ dwells on… A pedophile doesn’t seek or see the ~Truth~ of a life of obedience, but instead preys upon children, this is constantly in the thought of their mind… So *IT* IS With a thief, robber, murderer… Goodness, mercy, giving, caring IS Not a part of their mind frame, or in their nature. The spirit of ~Truth~ IS void (absent, missing) in the spirit of these people… as their spirit IS Led BY An evil spirit… AND, IT IS Usually determined THAT early childhood *Training*, what was learned in *IT* played a great big part IN: “Warping their minds into the life of crime that is constantly in their thoughts!” … SOOOoooo….
WHY, On earth would parents, and teachers not equip their children, to be defensive against keeping company with such evil forces? GIVE them the ~~Sound *TRUTHS*~ OF God’s Written Word!!! WHY, freely offer the *Trash* of the devil to them to infiltrate their little minds and lead them into the path of disobedient destruction???… Fun & Games???
WHY? WHY? Why, teach the little children or even allow them to have the subject matter that leads to pretending, making believe that, witches are cool, war IS great, murder is good, as long as the one holding the game is victorious… hitting, slapping, flying on brooms, giving a child ~~The Illusion~ that mere humans can have super powers… transforming into werewolves, vampires, even walking about after the earth after death…..
A large setting, but this can be and does all belong under the heading OF: dancing in the Sanctuary! WHAT does the Bible State, AS Guidance on This Subject?
(Romans 8:14) …AS ~Many~ as *ARE Led* by the: Spirit of God, they are the sons of God…
What spirit are we offering to the children to lead their little minds? AS A Matter OF Fact, “What spirit IS Leading us to teach such trash to the little children?” Maybe we need to re-examine our ~own~ direction, thought of mind, guiding conscious.. John, an Apostle who walked this earth with Jesus, Warned:
(I John 4:1)… “Beloved, believe (trust) *NOT* ~Every spirit~, BUT Try the spirits whether they ARE of God: BECAUSE, many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
SO we cannot take *IT* for granted that because someone tells us there IS NO Harm IN playing games of pretend…OR ~~dancing~~ before the congregation in the Sanctuary. That IT IS Trustworthy! What ~Guideline~ do we have to *Try* the spirits BY?…
The Truths Divinely Inspired and penned down by the Godly men of old, the prophets AND the faithful followers of Jesus Christ God’s Only Begotten Son, The Apostles…. **IF** folks would only stay ~Sure~ - footed, and well- grounded in God’s Written Word, HIS ~~Voice of Instruction~~ THE BIBLE, that HE Supplied for us to use as a guide and leave the worldly words and actions of fake junk along… IT would be better for the children and the adults…
Does The Bible ~Prove~ that God The Father *Approves* OF Dancing in The Sanctuary? Has IT Been *Consulted* BY The leaders that allow IT TO BE Carried out by the children?
(Ezekiel 23:38-39) read IT IN The KJV Bible Please… We can’t serve God IN His Sanctuary by bringing the world of filth into IT, nor can we live in the filth of the world daily, mixing with the pagan idols and false traditions of men and then run into the Sanctuary and serve God one day a week either…
As for *Dancing* anywhere, What did Matthew record of the ~Fate~ of John the Baptist… Read (Matthew 14: 1-13),, A dancer requested his death… sound like an act of ~Worship~ before the LORD?
(Exodus 32:19-20)… When Moses came down from the ~Mount~ after receiving the tables of the writing of God… “he saw the ~Calf~ (graven image of a false idol) and ~The *dancing*: and Moses waxed hot…” “he took the calf, burnt it in the fire ground it to powder and made them drink IT…. Also (Deuteronomy 9:12-16) .. States that Moses did not do this on his own BUT God told him,: “Arise, get the quickly from hence: ~For~ thy people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt ~Have Corrupted themselves~; they are quickly turned aside out of the way which *I* (THE LORD) Have Commanded them: they have made a molten image” .. Read the whole account in the KJV of the Bible…
Also read (I Corinthians 10:1-9)… God The Father NOR HIS Son, Jesus Christ The Rock was pleased with this type of carrying on….
(Psalm 149 & 150)… States… Praise ye THE LORD, Praise HIS Name in the dance, (not in the gyrating insinuative dances of the world, but in the joy of singing HIS Praise…) AND “Let everything that hath breath ~Praise~ THE LORD”, young old and all in between, not a put on show of a dance contest….
(Ezekiel 44:7-8) Have leaders uncircumcised in heart, been brought in to pollute the Sanctuaries today, just as they were in the days of Ezekiel? Read OF IT In The KJV Bible, please, consider and take IT TO Heart…. Also there ~ARE ~ Many Scriptures that apply to one subject, so we must read them all, not base a judgment of pleasing or displeasing upon one single verse… There IS More to be learned of: Dancing for THE LORD OR Before THE LORD, BUT THE Main thing To Learn IS *Obedience* unto THE LORD! BE A Follower OF Christ, NOT a puppet of the world led by Satan the devil! & Teach The precious children the TRUTH AS IT IS WRITTEN!….

Friday, October 14, 2011

Behavior In The Sanctuary

Part I:
Behavior in the Church. Who should take ~Responsibility FOR Leading~ the congregation in learning and enforcing the *Behavior* of ~ALL~ that enter into God’s House of Prayer for The Purpose of Worship unto the LORD?
There are a group of ladies, and a group of men that gather over in the corner and whisper about so`n`so for coming to Church wearing short shorts, backless strapless or string tops, BUT no one addresses this verbally…
No one wants to hurt feelings by exhorting a fellow member in the way they should dress, act, talk, walk, *Conduct* themselves as leaders in The Church and before the children and the entire congregation… SOOOOoooo….
The poor ignorant soul that hasn’t the decency to cover their own body before entering into God’s House of Prayer, thinks that they are showing the folks, as they do the people of the world how hot they are… The sad thing IS this is people who have been Baptized before the congregation as “Followers” of Christ…laid claim to a firm belief in Christ, leaders in the Church, and yet they have not the soundness of mind to realize that they are not setting a good example as a claimed child of God…. IN Fact, they are demeaning the attitude toward God by taking on the look of a harlot of the world…. What position do we put the whole congregation in that sits in the same building to worship with us IF we look like and act like a harlot?)
(Revelation 2:20).. “Because thou sufferest (Allow) that woman ~Jezebel~ , which calleth herself a prophetess, to ~Teach~ and to seduce MY servants” Read verses 21-22 also &
(I Corinthians 6:15)… “Know ye ~not~ that your bodies ~ARE~ members of Christ? Shall I then take the ~Members of Christ~, and make the members of Christ as harlots? … God forbid!
(I Corinthians 3:16-17) … Know ye ~NOT~ that ye ~ARE~ the *Temple of God*, and that THE Spirit of God dwelleth in you? *IF* any man defile The Temple of God, him God ~~WILL~~ Destroy; for the Temple of God IS Holy, which temple ye are……
… (IF we are not looking to be as a harlot, why on earth would we dress and act like one?)
Did Jesus run around uncovered? One of the examples Jesus set, as separating the sheep from the goats, for His followers was: (Matthew 25:31-46).. As you have done unto the least of them ye have done also unto me… So the ones that are whispering about the naked, rather than clothing them with good exhortation in God’s Written Word, might think about consequences as in the reading of these verses….
Did not God make Adam and Eve coats of skins to *Cover* their bodies before sending them out of the Garden?… (Genesis 3:21)… HE did not send them out of the Garden TO Run naked through the world… BUT TO BE CLOTHED!
What was one of the signs that the man in Gadarenes was possessed of the ~legion of demons~? (Luke 8:27).. He wore no clothes….
IT IS Easy to dismiss an exhortation in Christ, as just an old jealous person who is envious of a sexy body.. Especially *IF* that IS the reason that one is uncovering their flesh to be viewed by others… That sorta fits into the same category of the folks who walk around with their pants pulled down to their knees so that folks can view their dirty disgusting underwear…
Where HAS Decency Gone?
The first word of defense heard IS, “Well, *IF* ~you~ don’t like IT, then you ain’t gotta look at IT!” Point missed? God gave us ~~ALL~~ eyes to see, and HE gave us, well some of us, The good sense to realize that: our bodies represent HIS Temple, and IT Should BE ~Dressed and Cared FOR~ In A Manner pleasing unto God, not the foul ways of the world led by Satan and the demons!
(I Corinthians 6:19)… “WHAT? Know ye NOT that ~~Your~~ body IS THE *Temple* OF: THE Holy Ghost which IS IN you, WHICH *IS* OF God, &AND& ye ~ARE NOT~ your own?”… (There IS NOT Room for the arrogant attitude of: “I’ll do what I Please with ~MY~ Body”, anymore *IF* you have declared before the world to follow Jesus Christ The Son of The Living God… IT Doesn’t matter how old or how young you are, you are obligated to Conduct yourselves accordingly, AS IT IS Written!) WHY?
(I Corinthians 6:20) .. “You ~ARE Bought~ with a price: therefore glorify God IN Your Body, AND IN your spirit, which ARE Gods.”
That Price with which you are bought IS The Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of The Living God, poured out at Calvary for our sin that we can be free to approach the Great Throne of God in the Name of And Through HIS Son Jesus Christ, led BY THE Holy Ghost… AND we haven’t the decency to cover our bodies and conduct ourselves in a manner of holiness before the world even IN The House of Prayer where people are gathered to ~Learn of God, Have HIS Written Word Read and Taught unto them and to Offer songs of Praise and Prayers of Thanksgiving unto our Eternal Maker IN Jesus Name…
What DID Paul state?… TO Glorify God IN our body and spirit…? IS IT really to glorify God when we parade our half naked bodies into the Church and sing songs of happy fleshly births and anniversaries to each other, in praise of our accomplishments… ? Dancing, gyrating our bodies, to be seen of others as great? OR IS IT TO be praised of each other? Think about IT! Look IN The Mirror of holiness… What IS Holy… and judge yourself, so that others won’t have to warn you of the mire that is being cast before and displayed in THE Church….
(I Corinthians 11:31).. “For *IF* we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.”

Monday, October 10, 2011

How Important IS The Written Word?

The messages that I write are not to criticize anyone, in any petty manner of man, so the ones that feel that I am singling them out in criticism might want to think about: “How the Holy Spirit convicts our conscious.” Because I hold *NO* animosity toward anyone, neither do I judge anyone, I only write what the Holy Spirit gives me to write… My time ~IS NOT Spent~ in seeking out folks to condemn, BUT Rather my thoughts are on serving THE Father, as HIS Son, Jesus set the example for us to follow in HIS Will and Way…. BUT & SO, *IF* you want to hate, be angry, despise me for the subject matter of the messages that I write, then, that *IS* your privilege… Just remember that we ~~ALL~~ each one of us ~Individually~ DO stand accounted before THE Maker in Judgment, I don’t stand for you, neither can you stand for me, BUT we can stand together in God’s Will and Way, united With our Maker, (John 17:21-23) *IF*, we humbly bow down in repentant prayer *IN* Jesus Name, before the Great Throne of God THE Father, and render ourselves obedient unto HIS Will and Way…
As a matter of fact that IS The only ~~Choice~~ that THE LORD God, has given to each of us to make, individually… TO BE OR NOT TO BE! Taking this into the context of: THE Written Word… AS God Declared IN:
(Deuteronomy 30:10 & 11 & 15) .. “IF”, (& take note that the word *IF* denotes choice) *IF* thou shalt harken unto *THE Voice* of THE LORD thy God, TO Keep *HIS* Commandments and HIS Statutes which ~ARE Written~ IN This *BOOK* OF The Law, AND *IF* thou turn unto THE LORD thy God ~With ALL~ thine heart, and with ~ALL~ thine soul, FOR This Commandment IS NOT ~Hidden~ from thee, neither IS IT far Off… SEE, I have set before thee this day: ~Life & Good,~ AND ~death & evil~… (IT Would be good for the reader to turn to this chapter in the King James Version of THE Holy Scriptures, and read IT ALL for yourself, over several times, with your mindset in prayerful thought unto THE LORD God, for Guidance By THE Holy Spirit, to be lead into understanding God’s Instruction unto mankind, us all, we the people….)
AND Jesus said IN:
(Matthew 19: 17b).. “*IF* thou ~Wilt~ enter into life, *Keep the Commandments*” … & (v.21) “IF thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: & Come Follow ME”…
So many people try to take the ~~Scriptures~~ and make a big fantasy of them, seek hidden meanings… BUT, God had Written as HE Said To Moses, “IT IS NOT HIDDEN”…. *A BOOK*, and THIS Same Book Jesus Spoke of Often and Used in His Ministry as He walked among men teaching and preaching of The Kingdom of God, and OF God’s Commandments…, AND His coming to earth, did not change, one iota, *The Law of Obedience*… The law of sacrifice of animals He took away, yes! Because He IS The Blessed Lamb of God Who taketh away the daily sacrifice… (John 1:29) & (Hebrews 7:11-28 & 9: 11-15) BUT, Jesus, Himself, SAID: : “Think ~NOT~ that I am come to destroy ~~The Law~~, or the prophets.. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill… verily I SAY Unto you, *Til heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till ~ALL~ be fulfilled”….(Matthew 5:17-18)
(Luke 16:17)… “IT IS Easier for heaven and earth to pass, than ~one tittle~ of the *Law* to fail…. When Paul was teaching about ~the Law~ … he wasn’t putting IT Away… only warning of using IT and IT Alone as our salvation… For we cannot through Good works or the following of the law be saved… Only through Jesus Christ The Way, The Truth, The light of Life, can we be saved… But we are saved by ~~Faith unto good works~~ and that by the guidance of The Holy Ghost, under the Power of God The Father as HE Draws us unto The Son, and The Son leads us unto THE Father…
Jesus Never put away the Written Book of The Law, That His Father had penned down, for us to follow, IN Fact He used IT AS He set example for us to faithfully follow… When He was tempted In the wilderness, what did He say? “AS IT IS Written”… (Luke 4:4 & 8) and even Satan the Devil recognizes and testifies to and uses: The Written Word as he said: “IT IS Written, HE (The LORD God THE Father of Jesus Christ) shall give HIS angels charge over Thee to keep Thee…” Why don’t we use The Written Word?
Because we have been taught that Jesus leads us from within and we don’t need a `Book` to guide us… Where IS This Written? What I find IS: (John 15: 16-17)… AS Jesus Said: .. “*IF* you ~LOVE~ Me, keep My Commandments and I will pray The Father, and He will give you ~~Another Comforter~~ the He may abide with you for ever… Even The Spirit of Truth….”… & (v.24) ..if a man love Me, he will keep My sayings: and the word which ye hear IS Not Mine but the Father’s which sent Me…
If we reject the Written Word, then we are rejecting the guidance of The Holy Spirit in leading us into remembrance of Jesus Words… which we are also rejecting because IT IS Written… and this puts us in direct disobedience of God’s Will and Way as IT IS Written IN: (Deuteronomy 30:10-15)
So those that are teaching: put away the writings of the law and follow the spirit of your thoughts are putting the ones that hear and obey this teaching in jeopardy of losing their heavenly hope… Because there are many spirits that are present on this earth today, and they are of their father the devil… Who will lead many astray… The path will seem righteous, but the end thereof IS Death…. (Proverbs 14:12)
AND Yes, we must ~~Prove~~ The Scriptures… The Writings… Which IS What The Holy Ghost helps us to do… in bringing ~ALL~ things into remembrance…IN Leading us INTO ~ALL~ Truth, AS we, in humble obedience unto God, read the scriptures for the examples that God had Written for us to remember and follow in HIS Will .. (John 14:26), and as Paul wrote IN: (Romans 12:2) & (II Corinthians 13:6) & (Thessalonians 5:21) …
(I Corinthians 10:11) NOW ~~ALL~~ these things happened unto them ~FOR~ ensamples: and they *ARE Written* for: ~Our~ Admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are to come… Think about IT!… What IS Written, IS Written for: The benefit of the ones that the LORD guides by The Holy Spirit TO Read, and humbly obey, take to heart, and use in their daily life… not to throw aside and get huffed up as though the Writer of The Words is attacking in anger or to hurt… IT Ain’t about the writer, BUT IT IS About THE LORD God Almighty Father, HIS Will for us and The Son Jesus Christ, His Way for us, WHO IS THE Eternal Judge of each of us, individually…The writer is a mere instrument of service unto THE LORD… Thank God For HIS Mercy and Goodness in giving these messages to be written for us to have to ~LEARN~ of HIS Will and Way that we may walk through and live this earthly life ~Pleasing~ unto God, or we may ~Chose~ to reject these writings and reject the humble obedient walk, but that rejection IS To our own downfall into the eternal death in the pit reserved for Satan and his followers…

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Where The Thoughts Dwell, There The Heart Will Be Found

“What `cha` thanking bout”, “A penny for your thoughts”… What do you ~Really~ think, where does your mind *Dwell*?
In this modern age of electronics, gadgets, and man’s inventions… IT IS Hard not to have your mind muddled up and crowded with communications, loud boisterous music filled with pornographic innuendos & demeaning slang words, fictitious mumbo jumbo, games of the world of Satan purposed to: keep your ~~Mind~~ occupied, Especially when IT IS In your face constantly, so that your mind will not dwell on THE Heavenly Father, OR HIS Son Jesus Christ, NOR Will IT pay serious attentions to the urgings of THE Holy Spirit….. IN other words so that you don’t have to bother with even trying to ~~THINK~~ because that might lead to, a more humble spiritual walk of obedience to The Father, a better ~~Respect~~ of HIS Will & Way, a better respect of all the things AND the people around you… OH, DEAR, you may just become a sincere and caring person, *IF* you weren’t carried aimlessly along on the winds of disaster, all caught up in the things of detrimental destruction that the world has to offer in the guise of: making life easier, keeping folks ~~Better Informed~~, fun times, in the fast forward lanes of the ways of the world that the cunning old serpent has supplied for the weak minded, the children, disinterested parents… folks that keep themselves distant from the Bible, because in their opinion IT IS ~TOO~ complicated to read, or *IT* May be just another book of fiction… OR they just don’t have the time to spend reading *IT*….
While, these same people will keep their nose stuck in a “Harry Potter Book”, A Passionate Sex Novel, War and Destruction Books, `Vampire novels`, Day of the dead, anything but GOOD Instruction and Guidance from THE Truthful Scriptures Divinely Inspired and Penned Down by the prophets of old and the men that learned their walk under the tutorship of God’s Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ….
(Ecclesiastes 11:3) .. “*IF* the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: AND *IF* a tree fall toward the south, OR toward the north, *IN The Place where the tree falleth, ~~There shall *IT* BE~~ “…..
Sadly where we allow our thoughts to dwell, that IS Where our heart will rest, and our fate may be sealed in the location of the desires of our heart….. God’s Instruction IS AS IT WAS to the Israelites of old:
(Jeremiah 31:21)… “Set thee up way marks, make thee high heaps: (guideposts) set thine ~heart~ toward the ~highway~.. AS David Wrote of his desire, so should the desire of our heart be ~Especially *IF* we claim to be~ A Christian!
(Psalm 27:4)… “One ~~Thing~~ have I desired of the LORD, That I Will Seek After; That I may ~Dwell~ IN The House of THE LORD ~ALL~ the days of my life, TO behold The Beauty of THE LORD, and TO Enquire IN HIS Temple…
This should be the utmost desire of anyone who steps out to claim the Blessed Name OF God’s Own Son, Jesus Christ, and verbally tells the world that they are A Christian… ONE Should not have to verbally make this statement to the world, BUT IT Should BE SEEN, in their Attire, their walk, their talk, The way that they care for their bodies which IS the temple of God on earth… AND God does NOT want HIS Temple marked with tattoos of the world, with emblems of Satan… What on earth do folks think, OR DO They Even?
Christians or so called, run out and paint all kinds of pictures on their flesh and parade IT IN God’s House of Worship? What does the LORD think of such blatant disobedience? ALL that is accomplished in their witness is to nullify their testimony OF Christ and prove to the world that you only walk and embrace the ways of Satan, of disobedience just as the world walks contrary to God and HIS Commandments….
(Leviticus 19:28).. “Ye shalt ~~NOT~~ make any cuttings in your ~flesh~ for the dead, NOR *Print* any ~Marks~ upon you: I am THE LORD.” .. (20:8) .. AND ye shall ~Keep~ MY Statutes, and do them: I Am THE LORD which sanctify you…
IS The LORD Going to sanctify a disobedient person? HIS Statutes, HIS Commandments ~~STILL~~ Stand today, HE Has not said, do what you want cause I sent MY Son To Die for you so you could disobey MY Commandments, DID HE? NO!!! *IF* ~The Bible~ That God, gave us to Remind us of HIS Statues, IS Read, then we may better understand what we must do and what we are not free to do…. ALSO: Although HIS Commandments, were written to the Israelites then, they still stand today, because God The Father IS Unchanging, neither IS Jesus Christ HIS Son……
(Leviticus 20: 22-23)… “Ye shall therefore ~~Keep ALL~~ *MY* Statutes and Judgments, and do them:… & Ye shall ~~NOT~~ walk after the manner of the nation…. Which I cast out before you: FOR they committed ~ALL~ these things, and therefore I abhor them..”
(We stand and agree that the things of the world that the nation allows and promotes, is ~Wrong~ and yet we go right along with IT…)
(Leviticus 26: 23-24)… AND *IF* ye will not be reformed BY ME, by these things, but will walk contrary UNTO *ME* ~~THEN~~*I* Also Walk Contrary unto you, AND Will punish you yet seven times for your sins… (And we stand amazed and wonder why we have so many bad things happen to us and why we stay in trouble all the time??)
What DID Jesus Do when He walked this earth teaching men, setting example OF HOW we are TO **FOLLOW** Him in God‘s Will & Way?
Did He walk around with an ipod in His hand or a phone in His ear, with His head bobbing to the loud beat of the rhythm of the world? Did He play games of kick ball or take part in the atrocities of animal slaughter, or worse, fights of the people to the death, in the coliseums?
What spirit leads us when we get all caught up in the things of the world? Scary to think but true!
(Ephesians 2: 2)… Wherein time past ye walked according to the ~~Course of the *World~~, According TO: “The prince of the power of the air,” the ~spirit~ that *NOW* worketh in the children OF: Disobedience….
(Colossians 3:16)…Let the ~~Word~~ OF Christ *DWELL* in you richly in ~~ALL~~ Wisdom, Teaching and Admonishing one another, *IN* Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Singing with ~~Grace~~ *IN your Hearts*, TO: The Lord…
Where our thoughts dwell, where our heart *IS*, that IS where we stand… AND That IS Where we will be standing when: the Trumpet Sounds and the clouds part, and Jesus Returns to gather His own…. (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)…
(Proverbs 3: 1).. MY son forget not MY law; but let thine ~heart~ keep MY Commandments.. (5) Trust in the LORD with ~~ALL~ thine ~Heart~ and lean not unto thine own understanding……

Friday, October 7, 2011

Man Made Man

Man has since the beginning of his first step tried to be his own person… Make his own way.. Rise above his “Creator”, and be better than thou or at least equal to…
Many years ago I heard a pun about a man of great intelligence who challenged God… Telling our Maker that he had found a scientific way to create a human being all on his own so people did not need God anymore… So, God told him to go ahead and prove it…. BUT, God told him that he must make a man just as God Himself had made man, out of clay, the dust of the ground… SO, the brilliant man set out to prove his greatness, and reached down to collect the clay with which to create his own `man`.. BUT, THE LORD God, stopped his hand, and amongst the ~Thunder and Lightning~ Said: “Hold on, this IS MY Clay, you must get your ~~OWN~~ ….”
Generation after generation there has risen people who rebel, prove disobedient, git way too big for their britches, BUT IT Seems that the last few generations have grown so arrogantly disrespectful to God and to all around them that IT IS critically clear, this world IS IN Trouble and time IS Pressing forward at breakneck speed…
Children are out of control, because they have ~~NO~~ discipline! The parents are too busy playing their own games to call the children down, exact any sort of training upon them..
Most folks, even those who fill the Churches every Sunday meeting, have turned their backs on The Creator, they no longer have a proper fear of disobedience, they have grown right out of their britches, because they enter into God’s House of Prayer half naked… AND joke, laugh, play, praise each other, anything that makes mankind laugh with irresponsible abandon, they do within the walls of the Sanctuary, set aside for: The Pure Worship OF THE LORD…
ONE Verse IN THE Bible that God had penned down and preserved throughout the ages for us to read, learn, respect AS HIS Written WORD, AND Follow… Always comes to mind, and should be refreshed daily in our thoughts, especially when we step over the threshold and into the Sanctuary of God‘s House OF Prayer…
(Psalm 100)… Make a joyful noise unto ~~THE LORD~~ (NOT the nation, not each other, not our special days or holidays), ~~ALL~~ ye lands. “SERVE” THE LORD with gladness: come before HIS Presence with singing.. *KNOW* ye That THE LORD HE IS GOD: *IT IS HE* that hath made us, and not we ourselves:… (So we can’t put God where we want HIM, but we must humbly follow HIS Will & Way BECAUSE).. We are *HIS* people and the sheep of *HIS* Pasture… Enter into *HIS* Gates with ~Thanksgiving~ and into *HIS* Courts with ~Praise~:.. (Not of ourselves, no “look at me I have a special day, so lift me up in praise and song” )… BE ~~Thankful~~ UNTO *HIM*, (NOT to the president or the troops or the power of the nations BUT!).. *UNTO HIM*, and BLESS HIS NAME… For THE LORD *IS GOOD*; HIS Mercy *IS Everlasting*; AND HIS Truth *Endureth* unto ~~ALL~~ generations…
You know, IT just don’t get any more clearer, no plainer, than this one chapter that explains what we should do, & how we should do it, when we enter into the Sanctuaries of God’s Houses of Worship on Sunday or any other day.. AND When we enter and do anything else no matter how seemingly innocent, just a little here and there to make folks feel good about themselves, we are in fact making a mockery of God’s Worship service, slapping Christ in the face, for HIS Sacrifice for us, denying THE: ~Power of God~ and putting ourselves in jeopardy…
(Isaiah 66:17).. “The ~Heaven *IS* MY Throne, and the earth *IS* MY Footstool: where IS THE House that ye build ~~UNTO ME~~ & UNTO MY REST?” (v.3b.) “Yea, they ~have chosen~ their *OWN WAYS*; and their soul delighted in ~Their Abominations~…” (4.) .. “I also ~WILL~ choose their delisions, and ~WILL~ Bring their fears upon them: Because when *I Called*, none did answer; when I spake they did not hear: BUT, did ~~EVIL~~ before MINE EYES, and did that in which *I* Delighted NOT!”…
Reckon the laughter in the games of the traditions of men and the hip-hop music was too great, and too loud for them to hear then, as IT IS Today?
Someone asked, “Why do we have to be so serious, why can’t we just have fun in worshiping the LORD”?
The answer is very simple and plain as the nose on your face… *IF* the Bible *IS* Read as *IT* should BE, God *IS* Serious… HE Does not joke or play pranks for fun… BUT Rather when HIS Wrath IS Inflicted upon us for disobedience IT IS TO ~~TEACH~~ us to humbly Obey HIS Will and Way… NOT To play games, as the video games that man wants to keep jumbled in their thoughts and minds all the time… leading the children into a world of fantasy of violence and destruction… calling it fun and enjoyment…..
The Joy we can have and share IS The joy we truly feel in drawing close to the LORD in Worship of HIM AT HIS FEET, and NOT at the feet of Caesar…
(Ezekiel 34:2).. “Woe, be unto the shepherds of Israel that do fed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?
Much like we today, who Jesus commissioned to: “Carry the Gospel unto ~~ALL~~ The Nations”, (Matthew 28:19-20)… so many are busy feeding themselves with the trash of the world and not the guiding ~Scriptures~ that God had penned for us to follow… that when we enter into the Sanctuary to hear the ~Written Word of God~~ What we get IS SO Watered down with the ways of pagan cultures and men’s traditions, that it is delivered as ~~Luke Warm Mush~~…
(Ezekiel 44: 8) .. “Ye have NOT Kept THE Charge OF MINE Holy things: But ye have set keepers of MY Charge *IN* MY Sanctuary ~~FOR Yourselves~~…
The whole of Ezekiel’s writings, gives lesson upon lesson, warning upon warning of the punishment that befalls man when he gets so big on himself that he thinks he can second guess God the Father and blasé his own trails…. IT Applied to the Israelites of old, BUT IT ALSO Applies to God’s children today… Jesus did not come to earth teaching rebellion, BUT Obedience…. AND He was obedient even unto death…(Philippians 2:8). He came teaching of The Fathers Kingdom…(Matthew 6:33, John 3:5)… AND Warning of the fall of manmade kingdoms…(Matthew 24)…
IT IS my prayer that folks will wake up, get down off’s their ~High Horses~ and humbly bow in obedience, on their knees, asking THE LORD God Almighty Father in Heaven for Guidance, BY The Holy Ghost, through this life, IN The NAME OF God’s Own Son Jesus Christ…..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chains OF ~Luck~

One of the surest ways to ~~Lose~~ a fleshly friend IS TO warn them that the chain letters that they are circulating IS IN Direct Conflict with the Teachings of God’s Written Word… They may have sent a wonderful ~testimony~ TO The LORD & OF HIS Ways… But the addition of promises of *Luck* either ~Good OR Bad~ *IF* you do or don’t send IT to so many other folks in such `n` such amount of time, nullifies all the good intentions and turns them into a testimony of The adversary, Satan the Devil… Who wants everyone one to walk contrary to God’s Statutes and Commandments…
A Piece of paper with words of ~~Luck~~ written on it is no more Truthful than the fortune in a cookie… IT IS ~Mere~ words of ignorant men following the designed path of disobedience to God‘s Will, cunningly set into motion by Satan the Devil… *IT* IN reality IS nothing more than words of destruction *IF* you fall into a belief that IT can bring good things or bad things to you… Because ~~IN That Falling~~ into this belief, you are in fact turning ~Away~ from *THE ONE* that can and does bring you through this life here in a lost and dying world… Remember Jesus Said:
(Matthew 18:14)… “Even SO: IT IS NOT THE Will of you Father which IS IN Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish…” AND (Verse 6) Jesus warned: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me… (7.) Woe unto the world because of offences!… AN offence IS: an official crime against moral, social, or other ~Acceptable Standards~~… So IF we have misled someone into an offence against God, what do you think our plight will be? IS IT better to go along with the flow offending in ignorance or to take a stand and offend to & IN an understanding of truth?… Because as IT IS Written:
(II Peter 3:9).. God ~IS NOT~ slack concerning HIS ~Promise~, as some men count slackness, BUT IS Long suffering to us-ward, ~NOT Willing that any should perish, BUT THAT ~~ALL~~ should come to repentance…. JUST AS IT IS Written IN:
(Revelations 2: 20-21) God gave that woman Jezebel space to repent, but she did not… So HE gives us all space to repent… SOOOOOooooo…. ARE we willing to Look:… see the wrongs that we are doing that look right because of the blindness that Satan has lured us into… Stop: Drop: & Roll: out of the ways of the world and the traditions of men… and friends there are SO very many little things that may not seem wrong but IF you really reflect on them through the Writings That our LORD had furnished for us as a guide to walk in HIS Will and Way, you will learn that ALL that Looks like diamonds, sparkles and glows, is not really diamonds, but fakes… fake stones, fake religions, fake loyalties, fake paths of righteousness…. There IS ONLY ONE TRUE ROCK…. And THAT Spiritual ROCK IS Christ! (I Corinthians 10:4) (Isaiah 8:14) & (Romans 9:33) …”I lay a stumbling ~~Stone & A Rock of Offence~~ : And whosoever believeth ON HIM shall not be ashamed….
(Romans 1:28)… Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do the things which ~Were NOT Convenient~~ a number of things listed… BUT verse (31)… they are without WHAT? ~~Understanding~~!!!! AND Where do we go to seek understanding?
To mans way… Compassion of fleshly mind or God’s Compassion in LOVE? Mans rendered belief in ~~LUCK~~ or God’s Direction and Guidance By the Holy Ghost? Leadership by the words and writings of mans fabled tales and fictional stories OR: A Truthful learning OF The Examples set by God’s OWN Son Jesus Christ, from the Accounts Written By the men that walked and studied under Him?
OH, as long as you give praise to the sender of chain letters and testimony that you did what they asked and you got ~~Good Luck~~ or that you ignored IT and you got ~~Bad Luck~~, you are an alright, upstanding dude and fellow worshiper….
BUT, when you step out and stand on The Written Word entirely, & have the audacity to warn anyone that these things are indeed ~~WRONG~~ and not a glorious self satisfying way of witnessing for Christ and The Kingdom of God THE Father, then you are looked upon as a leper with the plague…
But then Christ warned that this is the way IT Would BE, *IF* we truly follow Him…
The fact IS that a “Chain Letter” that adds the ~Gook Luck or Bad Luck~ message IS OF The Devil….& IS Led by the spirit of the evil sin of disobedience, serving only to appease the pitiful sender and the one in agreement with IT as a self serving praise to ones vain religion… Making the father of the lie ~proud~…. Of his victory in their life…
Because he has led them to seek vain glory for themselves in the testimony that should be of THE ONE that breathed the breath of life into their fleshly bodies…
A True Christian would only give praise unselfishly OF & TO: God THE Father and HIS Kingdom and THE Gospel OF HIS Son, Jesus Christ, as they are led by THE Holy Spirit…
(Ecclesiastes 9:11)… “the race IS NOT to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet the bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet ~favor~ to men of skill; BUT! Time and chance happeneth TO them ~ALL~ …”
IT IS ~~ALL~~ in God’s Hands, and IT IS UNTO God that we must look, testify to and of, depend upon, seek HIS Will and Way, and NOT mans, NOT the ~Luck~ of Satan… who can paint a pretty picture, but the paints swiftly begin to run into.. forever into the pit of eternal destruction…
The Chain of ~Luck~ is a false rattling in  the world,  shaking the faith of the weak minded into a  spiral that leads to a downfall into the jaws of the serpent...